Chapter 74: Order Status and Activity Reports

Purpose: By using the reports available through Order Inquiry, you can research cancellation, backorder, shipment and sales activity.

In this chapter:

Submit Order Cancellation List Screen (POCL)

Order Cancellation List

Printing Backorder Reports (PBOR)

Print Backorder Report Selection Prompt Screen

Backorder Report by Item

Backorder Report by Item with SKU Details

Backorder Report by Warehouse

Backorder Report by Warehouse with SKU Details

Backorder Report by Vendor

Backorder Report by Vendor with SKU Details

Backorder Report by Vendor w/PO

Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO

Printing Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars (PBOD)

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars Screen

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse

Printing the Sales Journal (PDSJ)

Out-of-Balance Invoices

Reporting by Division

Standard Sales Journal

Sales Journal by Division

Printing the Sales Journal by Pay Type (PSJP)

Sales Journal by Pay Type

Printing the Sales Journal by Order Type (PSJO)

Sales Journal by Order Type

Printing the Sales Journal Summary (PSJM)

Sales Journal Summary by Period

Sales Journal Summary by Offer

Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars

Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date

Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer

Printing Sales Journal Errors (PSJE)

Sales Journal Errors Report

Printing the Order Shipment Analysis (POSA)

Order Shipment Analysis Report

Printing the Open Prepaid Order List (POPP)

Open Prepaid Order List

Print the Order Addition Audit Report (PAAR)

Order Addition Audit Report

Printing the Sales Tax Report by State (PSTX)

State Tax Report

Printing the State Tax Detail Report (PSTD)

State Tax Detail Report

Shipping and Handling Analysis Report (PSHI)

Shipping and Handling Analysis Report

Printing the Order Demand/Sales Reports (PSSR)

Salesman Demand Report

Source Shipped Report

Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report (LIPS)

Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report

Warranty Freight Report (PWFR)

Warranty Freight Report

Print Order Control Report (POCT)

Order Control Report Screen

Operations Control Report

Printing the Held Order Report (PHOR)

Held Orders by Reason Code Report

Printing the Daily Business Status Report (DBST)

Daily Business Status Report

Printing the Order Reconciliation Report (PORS)

Order Reconciliation Report

For information on how to research order activity through on-line inquiries, see Chapter 75: Reviewing Order Activity.

Submit Order Cancellation List Screen (POCL)

Purpose: Use this screen to print the Order Cancellation List, a list of orders that have impending cancellation dates due to soldout items, automatic backorder cancellation, and other cancel conditions. This information gives you the option to contact customers before canceling their orders.

How to display this screen: Enter POCL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or by selecting this option from a menu.

CSR0443 ENTER Submit Order Cancellation List 3/18/94 11:10:08




Press F9 to submit Order Cancellation List.



PÍû F9=Accept F12=Cancel F24=Select company

Printing Backorder Reports (PBOR)

Purpose: Use this function to obtain various types of backorder reports, which give you visibility into your backorder situation, based on an item, warehouse or vendor. You may run these report for the base items only (at the model level) or for each backordered SKU.

Print Backorder Report Selection Prompt Screen

The system submits a series of backorder reports if you make multiple selections on this screen.

How to display this screen: Enter PBOR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select this option from a menu.

INFR0844 ENTER Backorder Report Selection Prompt 5/31/94 11:46:30


By item . . . . . . (Y/N) N

By whse/item . . . . (Y/N) N

By vendor . . . . . (Y/N) N

By vendor w/PO . . . (Y/N) N

Print SKU detail . . (Y/N) N

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F24=Select Company



By item

This value determines whether the system will generate a backorder report that is sorted by item number.Valid values are:

Y = Generate the Backorder Report by Item

N = (default): Do not generate the Backorder Report by Item

If both this field and the Print SKU detail field are set to Y, the system also generates the Backorder Report by Item with SKU Details.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

By whse/item (By warehouse/item)

This value determines whether the system will generate a backorder report that is sorted by warehouse.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate the Backorder Report by Warehouse

N = (default): Do not generate the Backorder Report by Warehouse

Optionally, you may enter a valid warehouse code in the next field to run the report for a particular warehouse; if you leave this field blank, the system runs the report for all warehouses.

If both this field and the Print SKU detail field are set to Y, the system also generates the Backorder Report by Warehouse with SKU Details.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required

Warehouse (Unlabeled field to the right of the By whse/item field)

The warehouse for which you want to run this report. Leave this field blank if you want to run the report for all warehouses; otherwise, enter a valid warehouse code to run the report for the specified warehouse.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Chapter 41: Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional

By vendor

This value determines whether the system will generate a backorder report that is sorted by vendor number.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate the Backorder Report by Vendor

N = (default): Do not generate the Backorder Report by Vendor.

Optionally, you may type a vendor code in the next field to run the report for a particular vendor; otherwise, the system runs the report for all vendors.

If both this field and the Print SKU detail field are set to Y, the system also generates the Backorder Report by Vendor with SKU Details.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Vendor number (Unlabeled field to the right of the By vendor field)

A code that represents the supplier of an item you sell. Leave this field blank if you want to run the report for all vendors; otherwise, enter a valid vendor code to run the report for the specified vendor.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file. See Merchandising Chapter 19: Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

By vendor w/PO

This value determines whether the system will generate a backorder report that is sorted by vendors with open (unreceived or partially received) purchase orders.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate the Backorder Report by Vendor w/PO

N = (default): Do not generate the Backorder Report by Vendor w/PO

Optionally, you may type a vendor code in the next field to run the report for a particular vendor; otherwise, the system runs the report for all vendors. No backordered items will be listed on this report if there are no open POs for these items.

If both this field and the Print SKU detail field are set to Y, the system also generates the Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Vendor number (Unlabeled field to the right of the By vendor w/PO field)

A code that represents the supplier of an item you sell. Leave this field blank if you want to run the report for all vendors; otherwise, enter a valid vendor code to run the report for the specified vendor.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file. See Merchandising Chapter 19: Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Print SKU detail

This value determines whether the backorder report(s) will list the backordered items at the base item (model) level or at the SKU level.

Valid values are:

Y = List the backordered level for each SKU

N = (default): List the backorders at the base item level only

An example of a base item is SILK DRESS. SKUs may exist for this item to identify the various styles in which the item is sold, such as PETITE/RED; PETITE/BLUE; PETITE/WHITE, etc. If you do not print the SKU detail, the system will identify the backorder level at the top level (SILK DRESS); otherwise, if you print the SKU detail, the system will list the backorder level only for each backordered SKU of the item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required

Printing Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars (PBOD)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the selection criteria you wish to use to print one of the Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars. These reports print the total number of orders with at least one order detail line on backorder, based on the selection criteria you defined. You can use these reports to determine the total value of backorders in each entity, division, offer, or warehouse.

Note: To review the most up-to-date information, you should run Batch PO Layering before generating these reports. See Chapter 116: Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars:

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse (sorts in entity/warehouse/item/descending dollar sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each entity).

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse (sorts in division/warehouse/item/descending dollar sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each division).

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse (sorts in offer/warehouse/item/descending dollar sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each offer).

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse (sorts in warehouse/item/descending dollar sequence and displays backordered order detail lines for each warehouse).

Backorder Report by Descending Dollars Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PBOD in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print B/O Reports by Descending Dollars from a menu.

CSR1158 ENTER Backorder Report by Descending Dollars 3/09/00 9:40:06


Select Offer for pricing .

By Entity/Whse............(Y/N) N

By Division/Whse..........(Y/N) N

By Offer/Whse.............(Y/N) N

By Warehouse.............(Y/N) N

Download File Name .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F24=Select Company



Select offer for pricing

The code for the offer you wish to use to determine the selling price of an item on this report.

The last offer entered defaults.

Offer codes are validated against the Offer file. See Marketing Chapter 2: Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

By entity/whse

Indicates if you wish to print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars By Entity/Warehouse.

Valid values are:

Y = Print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse.

N = Do not print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Entity/Warehouse.

The last value entered defaults.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Entity (unlabeled field to the right of the By entity/whse field)

A code for the entity for which you wish to generate the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars By Entity/Warehouse.

Enter an entity code in this field if you wish to only include backorder information associated with this entity.

Leave this field blank if you wish to include backorder information for all entities.

The last entity entered, if any, defaults.

Entity codes are validated against the Entity file.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

By division/whse

Indicates if you wish to print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

Valid values are:

Y = Print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

N = Do not print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

The last value entered defaults.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Division (unlabeled field to the right of the By division/whse field)

A code for the division for which you wish to generate the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse.

Enter a division code in this field if you wish to only include backorder information associated with this division.

Leave this field blank if you wish to include backorder information for all divisions.

The last division entered, if any, defaults.

Division codes are validated against the Division file.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

By offer/whse

Indicates if you wish to print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

Valid values are:

Y = Print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

N = Do not print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

The last value entered defaults.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Offer (unlabeled field to the right of the By offer/whse field)

A code for the offer for which you wish to generate the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Offer/Warehouse.

Enter an offer code in this field if you wish to only include backorder information associated with this offer.

Leave this field blank if you wish to include backorder information for all offers.

The last offer entered, if any, defaults.

Offer codes are validated against the Offer file. See Marketing Chapter 2: Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

By warehouse

Indicates if you wish to print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse.

Valid values are:

Y = Print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse.

N = Do not print the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse.

The last value entered defaults.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Warehouse (unlabeled field to the right of the By warehouse field)

A code for the warehouse for which you wish to generate the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Warehouse.

Enter a warehouse code in this field if you wish to only include backorder information associated with this warehouse.

Leave this field blank if you wish to include backorder information for all warehouses.

The last warehouse entered, if any, defaults.

Warehouse codes are validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Chapter 41: Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Download file name

A user-defined name of the file to which you wish to download the information included on the Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars. When you generate a Backorder Report by Descending Dollars, the system stores the information to include on the report in the Backorders by Descending Dollars file. Once all of the information is populated, the system then downloads the information from the Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars file to the file you defined in this field.

Note: If you choose a name that you have already used, the system overlays any information that already exists in the file with the new information from the Backorder Reports by Descending Dollars file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Generate the Backorder Report by Descending Dollars, based on the selection criteria you defined.

Press F9. A message displays indicating the report has been submitted.


Job 527292/BO_REPORT submitted to job queue


An error message displays if you do not enter Y in one of the report selection fields:


Make at least one selection.

Printing the Sales Journal (PDSJ)

Purpose: Use this option to specify the date range, and optionally, the division for which you want to print a Sales Journal. This report provides a detailed audit trail of all sales transactions for the specified date range (and division, if specified), including all shipments, returns, credits and no charge sales transactions. The system registers a sales transaction when a shipment occurs.

This report provides:

• a detailed listing of sales activity for the specified invoice date range

• a detailed audit trail for accounting purposes of transactions posted to the General Ledger during the A/R Month End periodic process

Understanding this report: This report is divided into two halves; the left half provides sales information relating to each invoice and the right half provides information about how each sale was posted. The totals on this report are from the Invoice Ship To file.

You can cross-foot each sales transaction by adding the individual order charges in the Merchandise, Freight, Add'l frt, Tax, Handling, and Add'l charge columns on the left side of the report and compare them against the corresponding postings to the General Ledger in the Total cash, Total C/C, Total coupon, Total A/R, and Total COD columns on the right side of the report. This lets you see how the sales transactions affected the General Ledger.

Out-of-Balance Invoices

If an invoice is out-of-balance: An invoice is flagged as out-of-balance on the Sales Journal and Sales Journal by Division if the total Merchandise, Freight, Additional freight, Tax, Handling, and Additional charge for all Invoice Pay Method records do not equal the corresponding totals for the Invoice Ship To record. If the Invoice Pay Method total is higher than the Invoice Ship To total, the out-of-balance amount is negative; otherwise, if the Invoice Pay Method total is lower than the Invoice Ship To total, the out-of-balance amount is negative.

How can an invoice be of balance? Invoices should ordinarily never be out of balance, but sometimes it is possible for this situation to occur if, for example, there is a rounding difference in the tax calculation on an order with multiple payment types.

Error report: Use the menu option to print a report listing just the out-of-balance invoices for a time period.

Fixing an out-of-balance invoice: Contact your MICROS representative for assistance in fixing an out-of-balance invoice.

Reporting by Division

At report run time, you can choose to run the report by division. If so, the report lists all sales transactions for the division and page breaks between divisions. The division code is determined by the source code used on the order.

If you do not print the report by division, the report lists sales transactions in invoice number/date sequence.

How to display this screen: Enter PDSJ in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Daily Sales Journal from a menu.

ACR0219 ENTER Print Sales Journal 6/22/98 9:11:56

The KL Mail Order Company

Enter the date range of the invoices to include on the Sales Journal.

Invoice Date Range: From 6/22/98 To 6/22/98

Print by Division (Y/N) N

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Invoice date from

The beginning date for which you want to run this report. The invoice date represents the date when the shipment occurred. This field defaults to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Invoice date to

The ending date for which you want to run this report. The invoice date represents the date when the shipment occurred. This field defaults to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Print by division

This value indicates whether you want to sort, subtotal, and page break the report by sales division. If not, the report lists all sales transactions sorted by invoice date/number.

Valid values are:

Y = Sort the Sales Journal by sales division; see Sales Journal by Division.

N = (default): Sort the Sales Journal by invoice date and invoice number; see Standard Sales Journal.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter or verify the date range for which you want to print the Sales Journal. The system defaults the current date in the Invoice date from and Invoice date to fields.

2. Enter Y in the Division field if you want to print sales transactions grouped by sales division (the Sales Journal by Division); otherwise, the report will list sales transactions by invoice number/date (the Standard Sales Journal).

3. Press Enter to accept your entries.

4. Press F9 to print or reprint the Sales Journal for the specified invoice date. A message displays informing you the job has been submitted:


Job 764673/KLETENDRE/SLS-JRNL submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.


Printing the Sales Journal by Pay Type (PSJP)

Purpose: Use this option to print the Sales Journal by Pay Type, a detailed audit trail of all sales transactions for the specified date range, including all shipments, returns, credits and no charge sales transactions, grouped by payment method and payment plan type. The system registers a sales transaction when a shipment occurs.

This report provides:

• a detailed listing of sales activity for the specified invoice date range

• totals for each pay type

• a grand total for all paytypes

Understanding this report: This report provides information about the individual charges on each invoice, grouped by pay type. The totals on this report are from the Invoice Pay Method file.

The individual order charges in the Merchandise, Freight, Add'l frt, Tax, Handling, and Add'l charge columns on the left side of the report are totaled in the Total invoice field on the right side of the report.

This report provides totals for the number of credits (refunds) and invoices (shipments) for each payment plan type, each pay type and page breaks between each pay type. A grand total is provided at the end of this report.

How to display this screen: Enter PSJP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Sales Journal by Pay Type from a menu.

ACR0311 ENTER Print Sales Journal by Pay Type 6/22/98 11:02:33

The KL Mail Order Company

Enter the date range of the invoices to include on the Sales Journal.

Invoice Date Range: From 6/22/98 To 6/22/98

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Invoice date range

The date range for which you want to run this report. The invoice date range represents the dates on which shipments occurred. Both fields default to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

To print the report:

Enter or verify the date range for which you want to print the Sales Journal by Pay Type. The current date defaults to the Invoice from and Invoice to fields.

A message displays informing you the job has been submitted:

Job 764887/KLETENDRE/SLSJRN submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Printing the Sales Journal by Order Type (PSJO)

Purpose: Use the Print Sales Journal by Order Type function to print a detailed audit trail of all sales transactions for the specified date range. The report and includes information on:

• shipments

• returns

• credits

• no charge sales transactions

You can print a report grouped by order type, or for one specified order type, for the specified date range. The system registers a sales transaction when a shipment or return occurs.

The Sales Journal by Order Type report provides this information:

• a detailed listing of sales activity for the specified invoice date range

• totals for each pay type within division and order type

• totals for each division within order types

• totals for each order type

• a grand total for all order types

Understanding this report: The Sales Journal by Order Type provides information about the individual charges on each invoice, grouped by pay type within each division, and division within each order type. The totals on this report are from the Invoice Pay Method file.

The individual order charges in the Merchandise, Freight, Add'l frt, Tax, Handling, and Add'l charge columns on the left side of the report are totaled in the Total invoice field on the right side of the report.

How to display this screen: Enter PSJO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Sales Journal by Order Type from a menu.

ACR0489 ENTER Print Sales Journal by Order Type 4/29/99 16:08:38


Enter the date range of the invoices to include on the Sales Journal.

Invoice Date Range: From 4/29/99 To 4/29/99

Order type

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Invoice date range

The date range for this report. The invoice date range represents the dates when shipments occurred. Both fields default to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Order type

A code which identifies how you received the order, such as by phone, mail, or internet. Enter an order type code if you want to print sales transactions for only one order type. If you do not enter a code in this field, the report will list sales transactions for all order types.

You can create, change, or work with order types in the Establishing Order Types (WOTY) menu option.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter or verify the date range for which you want to print the Sales Journal by Order Type. The current date defaults to the Invoice from and Invoice to fields.

2. Enter an order type code in the Order type field if you want to print sales transactions for only one order type; otherwise, the report will list sales transactions, by invoice date and pay plan type, for each order type, with page breaks between order types.

3. Press F9 to print or reprint the Sales Journal by Order Type for the specified invoice date. A message displays informing you the job has been submitted:


Job 764673/LWARREN/SLS-JRNL submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Printing the Sales Journal Summary (PSJM)

Purpose: Use this report as an audit trail of consolidated sales information for an entity, offer, period, or invoice date. This report summarizes all invoice records by offer or invoice date for a month and shows how these invoices were posted.

This report shows your cost for the items sold, the price at which you sold these items, and the corresponding gross profit dollars and gross profit percentage you realized from these sales. The totals on this report are from the Invoice Ship To file.

This report is typically used by the Accounting department to reconcile the month's sales figures.

How to display this screen: Enter PSJM in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Sales Journal Summary from a menu.

ACR0299 ENTER Print Sales Journal Summary 4/28/99 14:50:28


Start date 42899 End date 42899

By period . . . . . . . . . N (Y,N)

By offer . . . . . . . . . . N (Y,N)

By merch$ descending . . . . N (Y,N)

By invoice date . . . . . . N (Y,N)

By entity/offer . . . . . . N (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Start date

The earliest date for which you want to print sales figures on this report.

Only invoices printed on this date, and up to the date in the End date field will be included.

This field defaults to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

End date

The last date for which you want to print sales figures on this report.

Only invoices printed up to this date, starting from the date in the Start date field will be included.

This field defaults to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

By period

This value controls whether to print the Sales Journal Summary by Period. This report sorts in offer code sequence within period, and provides consolidated sales information for each offer, in relation to accounting period. Totals are provided for each period, and a grand total of sales for all periods is provided at the bottom of the report.

Valid values are:

Y = Run the Sales Journal Summary by Period, which summarizes sales information by period.

N = (Default): Do not run this report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional

By offer

This value controls whether to print the Sales Journal Summary by Offer. This report provides consolidated sales information for each offer. A grand total of sales for all offers is provided at the bottom of the report.

This report is sorted in alphanumeric offer code sequence.

Valid values are:

Y = Run the Sales Journal Summary by Offer, which summarizes sales information by offer.

N = (Default): Do not run this report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

By merch$ (By merchandise dollars, descending)

This value controls whether to print the Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars. This report sorts in descending (highest-to-lowest) dollar order for each offer within each period, and provides consolidated sales information for each offer, within each accounting period. A grand total of sales for all periods is provided at the bottom of the report.

Valid values are:

Y = Run the Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars, which summarizes sales information by descending dollar value.

N = (Default): Do not run this report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

By invoice date

This value controls whether to print the Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date. This report sorts by invoice date and division, and provides consolidated sales information for each offer. A grand total of sales for all periods is provided at the bottom of the report.

Valid values are:

Y = Run the Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date, which summarizes sales information by invoice date and division

N = (Default): Do not run this report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

By entity/offer

This value controls whether to print the Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer. This report sorts in offer code sequence within entity, and provides consolidated sales information for each offer, in relation to entity. Totals are provided for each entity, and a grand total of sales for all entities is provided at the bottom of the report.

Valid values include:

Y = Run the Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer, which summarizes sales information by entity.

N = (Default): Do not run this report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Note: You must enter Y in at least one of the sort selection fields described above (By period; By offer; By merch$ descending; By invoice date; By entity/offer). A report prints for each sort selected.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Verify or enter the range of dates for which you want to report sales information.

2. Select the desired report by entering Y in the By period, By offer, By merch$ descending, By invoice date and/or By entity/offer field(s).

3. Press Enter to submit the report(s) for printing.

You produce the:

Sales Journal Summary by Period

Sales Journal Summary by Offer

Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars

Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date

Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer

Printing Sales Journal Errors (PSJE)

Purpose: Use the Sales Journal Errors Report to identify invoice records that are out of balance. Invoices that are out of balance are also flagged on the Standard Sales Journal and Sales Journal by Division.

How can an invoice be of balance? Invoices should ordinarily never be out of balance, but sometimes it is possible for this situation to occur if, for example, there is a rounding difference in the tax calculation on an order with multiple payment types.

If an invoice is out-of-balance: An invoice is flagged as out-of-balance if the total Merchandise, Freight, Additional freight, Tax, Handling, and Additional charge for all Invoice Pay Method records do not equal the corresponding totals for the Invoice Ship To record. If the Invoice Pay Method total is higher than the Invoice Ship To total, the out-of-balance amount is negative; otherwise, if the Invoice Pay Method total is lower than the Invoice Ship To total, the out-of-balance amount is negative.

Fixing out of balance invoices: Contact your MICROS representative for assistance if any invoices are out of balance.

Print Sales Journal Errors Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PSJE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Sales Journal Errors from a menu.

ACR0447 ENTER Print Sales Journal Errors 10/05/06 11:27:06

EZK Mail Order

Start date . . . . . . . . . 100506

End date . . . . . . . . . . 100506

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Confirm that the Start date and the End date are correct, or override the dates if needed, then press F9. Both fields default to the current date.

Printing the Order Shipment Analysis (POSA)

Purpose: Use this screen to obtain the Order Shipment Analysis Report, a list of the shipments for the specified date.

How to display this screen: Enter POSA in the Fast path field or select this option from a menu.

XXR0074 ENTER Print Order Shipment Analysis 8/12/94 8:51:32

Date .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Note: You must use the program CSR0604 to print this report. You can verify the program by checking the Program name field through Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT).




The date for which you want to review shipment activity.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Printing the Open Prepaid Order List (POPP)

Purpose: Use the Open Prepaid Order List to see relevant balance and payment information on all open prepaid orders. This report also shows refund or balance due figures where applicable. The report sorts in ascending customer number order.

To print the report, enter POPP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select this option from a menu. There is no prompt screen to complete.

Print the Order Addition Audit Report (PAAR)

Purpose: Use the Order Addition Audit Report to review the add reason codes used to add items to orders in order entry or order maintenance.

If the Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance (D75) system control value is set to Y, the system requires an add reason code each time you add an item to an order in order maintenance.

If the Require reason code field for an item offer or SKU offer is set to Y, the system requires an add reason code each time an operator adds an item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

You can use add reason codes to track the reasons for adding items to orders; for example, mis-shipments, exchanges, or to replace an item or SKU that is backordered.

You specify the period you want to include in the report; also, you can include a specific add reason code or all codes.

Note: You can also define this report as a periodic function to include in your periodic processing. To do so, you should first use Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) to create the function, using the program name CSR0646. You then use Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) to add the function to your daily process.

When the report runs as part of your daily process, it includes all add reason codes for that day.

How to display this screen: Select Print Order Addition Audit Report from a menu or enter PAAR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

CSR0644 ENTER Order Addition Audit Report 2/10/99 9:40:07


Add Reason :

Enter date range for report From :

To :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Add reason

The reason for adding an item to an order in order entry or order maintenance. Add reasons are defined in and validated against the Add Reason file; see Chapter 10: Establishing Add Reason Codes (WADR).

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The last date of the period you want to include in the report

Numeric, 6 positions; required


The first date of the period you want to include in the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); required.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter an add reason code if you want to print a report for this reason alone.

2. Enter beginning and ending dates for the report in the From and To fields.

3. Press Enter. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. Correct the entries again.

4. The system submits the job PRT_OAAR, which produces the Order Addition Audit Report, and returns you to the previous screen.

Printing the Sales Tax Report by State (PSTX)

Purpose: Use the State Tax Report to review tax, GST, and PST totals by state for all debit invoices and credit invoices within a given date range.

Determining the shipping address:

• If there is a shipping address recorded in the Invoice Address file, the system uses this address to calculate the tax for the invoice. The system saves the shipping address in this file if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is set to Y.

• If there is no shipping address in the Invoice Address file, the system determines the shipping address as follows:

• If there is an order-level (temporary) shipping address, use this address.

• If the order shipped to a Customer Sold To or to a permanent Customer Ship To, use the address that was in effect at the time of the shipment, based on any address changes recorded in the Customer Address Change file. See Reviewing Customer Address Changes for more information on address change history. If there is no record of an address change since the date of the shipment, the current address provides the information for tax calculation.

How to display this screen: Enter PSTX in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Print Sales Tax Report by State from a menu.

MSR0719 ENTER Print Sales Tax Report by State 12/15/04 8:24:20


Enter the starting and ending invoice dates.

Starting Date . . Ending Date . .

F3=Exit F12=Exit



Starting date

The first date to include on the report. Invoices and credits processed on this date or later will be included.

The starting date cannot be later than the ending date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Ending date

The last date to include on the report. Invoices and credits processed on this date or earlier will be included.

The ending date cannot be later than the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Printing the State Tax Detail Report (PSTD)

Purpose: Use the State Tax Detail Report to review invoices and credits by state for a given period, including details such as shipping and handling as well as state taxes and customer tax status.

Determining the shipping address:

• If there is a shipping address recorded in the Invoice Address file, the system uses this address to calculate the tax for the invoice. The system saves the shipping address in this file if the Capture Addresses for Invoice (J24) system control value is set to Y.

• If there is no shipping address in the Invoice Address file, the system determines the shipping address as follows:

• If there is an order-level (temporary) shipping address, use this address.

• If the order shipped to a Customer Sold To or to a permanent Customer Ship To, use the address that was in effect at the time of the shipment, based on any address changes recorded in the Customer Address Change file. See Reviewing Customer Address Changes for more information on address change history. If there is no record of an address change since the date of the shipment, the current address provides the information for tax calculation.

How to display this screen: Enter PSTD in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print State Tax Detail Report from a menu.

MSR0952 ENTER Detail State Tax Report Selection 4/11/97 11:52:47

EZK Mail Order

Enter the following selection criteria:

Country . . .

State . . . .

Currency . . USA USA DOLLARS

Starting Date Ending Date . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel




The country for which you want to run the report. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file; see Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


The state or province for which you want to run the report. The report will include invoices for customers whose shipping address matches the state you enter.

The state you enter must be valid for the country you selected, above.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The currency associated with the source code specified on the order header. Currency codes are defined in and validated against the Currency file; see Accounts Payable Chapter 10: Working with Currency (WCUR).

The default local currency specified in the System Control file appears here. The description of the currency appears to the right.

This field appears only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required

Starting date

The first date to include on the report. Invoices and credits processed on this date or later will be included. The starting date cannot be later than the ending date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); required.

Ending date

The last date to include on the report. Invoices and credits processed on this date or earlier will be included. The ending date cannot be later than the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); required.

Shipping and Handling Analysis Report (PSHI)

Purpose: Use the Shipping and Handling Analysis Report to review your standard and actual freight, handling, and additional charges on orders for a given period and determine your profitability in this area.

How to display this screen: Enter PSHI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Shipping/Handling Income Report at a menu.

OER0960 ENTER Print Shipping/Handling Analysis Report 4/09/97 16:08:34

EZK Mail Order

Start Date . . . .

End Date . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Start date

The first invoice date you want to include. Orders billed on or after this date will appear on the report. You must enter a valid date that is not later than the end date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

End date

The last invoice date you want to include. Orders billed on or before this date will appear on the report. You must enter a valid date that is not earlier than the start date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Printing the Order Demand/Sales Reports (PSSR)

Purpose: Use these reports to review order and demand information such as order number, merchandise total and gross margin for orders within a given date range. Available reports are:

Salesman Demand Report by Date: open, held and shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by salesman number.

• Salesman Shipped Report by Date: shipped and partially shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by salesman number.

• Source Demand Report by Date: open, held and shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by source code.

Source Shipped Report by Date: shipped and partially shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by source code.

How to display this screen: Enter PSSR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Demand/Shipped Report from a menu.

OER0992 ENTER Print Order Demand/Sales Reports 9/04/97 14:32:28

The KL Mail Order Company

Date From: Date To:

Report Option: 1 - Salesman Demand Report by Date

2 - Salesman Shipped Report by Date

3 - Source Demand Report by Date

4 - Source Shipped Report by Date

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




Date from

The starting date from which you want to run this report. Orders entered on or after this date display on the report. You must enter a valid date that is not later than the ending date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Date to

The ending date from which you want to run this report. Orders entered on or before this date display on the report. You must enter a valid date that is not earlier than the start date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required

Report option

The type of Order Demand/Sales report you wish to generate.

Valid values are:

1 - Salesman Demand Report by Date. This report displays order and demand information for open, held and shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by salesman number.

2 - Salesman Shipped Report by Date. This report displays order and demand information for shipped and partially shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by salesman number.

3 - Source Demand Report by Date. This report displays order and demand information for open, held and shipped orders within the given date range and is sorted by source code.

4 - Source Shipped Report by Date. This report displays order and demand information for shipped and partially shipped orders within a given date range and is sorted by source code.

Numeric, 1 position; required

Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report (LIPS)

Purpose: Use the Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report to review purchase and sales history, such as open purchase order quantity and on hand quantity for items in a selected warehouse. This report places sales and receipt quantities into weekly aging buckets.

How to display this screen: Enter LIPS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report from a menu.

INR1107 ENTER Item Purchase and Sales Aging 9/04/97 11:38:35

The KL Mail Order Company

Selected warehouse . 1

Select Vendor . . . . (leave blank for all)

On Hand Only . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Selected warehouse

The warehouse containing the items whose purchase and sales history you wish to review. Warehouse 1 defaults in this field. If you leave this field blank, the system displays purchase and sales information for items located in warehouse 0.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Select vendor

The vendor whose purchase and sales history you wish to review. Leave this field blank if you wish to review purchase and sales information for all vendors.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

On hand only

This value identifies whether you want to review purchase and sales information for items containing an on hand quantity only.

Valid values are:

N = Display purchase and sales history for all items.

Y = Display purchase and sales history for items containing an on hand quantity only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Warranty Freight Report (PWFR)

Purpose: Use the Warranty Freight Report to review a list of orders for a specific shipment date range. The report displays the entity, invoice number, shipment weight amount, shipment freight amount, warranty weight amount, and warranty freight amount associated with each order.

You can use this report to determine how much of the order's weight and freight is due to warranty items on the order. This is helpful if your supplier pays the freight amount for warranty items.

When you generate this report, the system uses the freight and weight amounts defined in the Manifest Upload Audit file to determine the shipment weight and freight amounts.

Related system control values:

• the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value defines whether you consolidate invoices.

• If this system control value is set to Y, any open items that are billed or returned on the same day will print on the same invoice.

• If this system control value is set to N, all open items will print on separate invoices, regardless of the date the open item is billed/returned.

You should set this system control value to Y in order to get accurate results on the report.

• the Use Pick Label Tracking in Manifest Interface? (D48) system control value indicates if you are downloading multiple pick slip label records to a PC manifesting station. You might use this if you often split pick slips into multiple cartons for shipping.

• If this system control value is set to Y, the PC manifest download file will accept more than one label per pick slip.

• If this system control value is set to N, the PC manifest download file does not accept multiple labels for pick slips.

You should set this system control value to Y in order to get accurate results on the report.

How to display this screen: Enter PWFR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Warranty Freight Report from a menu.

FLR0776 ENTER Print Warranty Freight Report 6/22/99 14:14:14


Shipment Date Range to

Selected Entities:

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Exit




Shipment date range

The shipment date range you wish to use to print the Warranty Freight Report. Enter the starting shipment date in the first field and enter the ending shipment date in the second field.

An error message displays if you do not define a shipment date range:


Both from & To Date - Rqd.


Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Selected entities

A code representing the entities you wish to use to print the Warranty Freight Report.

If you enter one or more entity codes, the system only prints orders associated with the entities you defined.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Print Order Control Report (POCT)

Purpose: Use the Operations Control Report to review the flow of order activity and merchandising activity for a period of time. This report provides a high-level overview of the fulfillment process, identifies potential bottlenecks or problem areas, and delivers an audit trail of order activity.

The system uses the Order Control Summary file to track the total figures used to build this report; see Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

Periodic function to update backorder totals: You must include the PFR0062 periodic function as part of your periodic processing to have correct and up-to-date ending order balance totals on the report. This periodic function must be run at the end of the day, when the background jobs have ended. In addition to performing this update to the file, the periodic function also submits the ORDSUM job, which generates the Order Control Report (and the Fulfillment Operations Control Report, if the Fulfillment Order Type (J36) system control value specifies an order type), using the current date.

Note: When you use this menu option to generate the Operations Control Report, the submitted job does not also generate the Fulfillment Operations Control Report. To generate that report, use the Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH) menu option or the PFR0062 periodic function.

Order Control Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter POCT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Order Control Report from a menu.

MSR1176 ENTER Order Control Report 4/12/00 12:16:06

EZK Mail Order

Start date . . . . . . . . .

End date . . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Start date

The first date to include on the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

End date

The last date to include on the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Note: Both dates must be earlier than the current date. The information on the report would be incomplete if you did not run the periodic process to update backorder totals. See above.

Completing this screen: Complete the start and end date fields and press F9. The system submits the job ORD_CONTRL, which generates the Operations Control Report.

Printing the Held Order Report (PHOR)

Purpose: Use this option to print the Held Orders by Reason Code Report, which lists held orders in your company. You can restrict the report to a particular hold reason code, pay type, or ship via priority.

Print Held Orders Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PHOR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Held Orders Report from a menu.

CSR1114 ENTER Print Held Orders Report 4/26/00 10:15:58

EZK Mail Order

Reason code . . . . . .

Pay type . . . . . . . .

Ship via priority . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Reason code

Optionally, enter the code identifying the reason why an order is on hold, or leave this field blank to include held orders regardless of reason.

Hold reason codes are defined in and validated against the Order Hold Reason Code file; see Chapter 4: Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Pay type

Optionally, enter the code identifying the payment type used on the order, or leave this field blank to include held orders regardless of payment type.

Pay types codes are defined in and validated against the Pay Type file; see Accounts Payable Chapter 5: Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Ship via priority

Optionally, enter the code identifying the Priority (Ship via priority) assigned to the ship via on the order, or leave this field blank to include held orders regardless of ship via priority.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Completing this screen: Press F9 after completing any of the optional fields to submit the HLDORD_RPT job, which generates the Held Orders by Reason Code Report.

Printing the Daily Business Status Report (DBST)

Purpose: Use this report to review a high-level summary of sales, cash, inventory, A/R and A/P aging, order activity, and shipments.

Daily Business Status Screen

To print: Enter a processing date in the Enter processing date field and press F9 to generate the Daily Business Status Report. The current date defaults in the Enter processing date field, but you can override it to a prior date.

Periodic function: You can also run the Daily Business Status Report periodic function (program name ACR0178) to generate this report; in this case, the report date is the current date.

How to display this screen: Enter DBST in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Daily Business Status Report from a menu to advance to the Daily Business Status screen.

CSR1334 ENTER Daily Business Status 12/17/02 15:41:09


Enter processing date . . 121702

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel

Printing the Order Reconciliation Report (PORS)

Purpose: Use this menu option to print the Order Reconciliation Report, which lists total orders and dollars broken out by status for your company. You can restrict the report to a particular hold reason code, pay type, or ship via priority.

Order Reconciliation Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PORS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Order Reconciliation Report from a menu.

MSR1062 ENTER Order Reconciliation Report 7/17/01 15:48:01


Start date . . . . . . . . .

End date . . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Start date

The first date to include on the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

End date

The last date to include on the report.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Completing this screen: Press F9 after completing the date fields to submit the ORD_SUMMRY job, which generates the Order Reconciliation Report.

Printing the Sales Journal by Currency Report (PSJC)

Purpose: Use this menu option to print the Sales Journal by Currency Report based on a selected invoice date range and optionally currency code. This report provides a detailed audit trail of all sales transactions for a specified invoice date range, including all shipments, returns, credits, and no charge sales transactions, grouped by currency, invoice date, pay plan type, and pay type. The system registers a sales transaction when a shipment occurs.

This report is used to review sales by currency if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y). See Chapter 12: Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

This report provides:

• a detailed listing of sales activity for a specified invoice date range and currency.

• totals for each currency, pay type, pay plan type, and invoice date in the local currency and the alternate (foreign) currency.

• a grand total across all paytypes and currencies in the local currency.

Understanding this report: This report provides information about the individual charges on each invoice, grouped by currency, invoice date, payment plan, and pay type.

The individual order charges in the Merchandise, Freight, Additional freight, Tax, Handling, and Additional charge columns on the left side of the report are totaled in the Total invoice field on the right side of the report.

This report provides totals for the number of credits (refunds) and invoices (shipments) for each currency, invoice date, payment plan type, pay type combination. A page break occurs between each currency, invoice date, payment plan type, pay type combination. A grand total displays at the end of the report.

Print Sales Journal by Currency Screen

Use this screen to select the invoice date range and currency code(s) to print on the Sales Journal by Currency report. If you do not select a currency code, the system prints the report for all currencies based on the invoice date range you define.

How to display this screen: Enter PSJC in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Print Sales Journal by Currency from a menu.

ACR0511 ENTER Print Sales Journal by Currency 4/17/02 11:34:54


Enter the date range of the invoices to include on the Sales Journal.

Invoice date range: From 4/17/02 To 4/17/02

Enter the currency codes of the invoices to include on the Sales Journal.

Currency code . . . (blank = All Currencies)

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Invoice date range

The date range for which you wish to run this report. The invoice date range represents the dates on which shipments occurred. Both fields default to the current date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Currency code

The currency associated with the invoices you wish to print on the report. Only invoices and invoice credits associated with the currency you select, print on the report.

Leave this field blank if you wish to print the report for all currencies, based on the invoice date range you define.

The currency associated with the invoice is defined in the Order Header Extended file. The conversion rate is also stored in this file. If the currency code and conversion rate in the Order Header Extended file are blank, the invoice is for the local currency.

Currency codes are defined in and validated against the Currency file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

How to print: Enter or verify the date range for which you wish to print the Sales Journal by Currency Report. The current date defaults. Press F9 to generate the report. A message displays informing you the job has been submitted: Job 035312/KBOTTGER/SLSJRN submitted to job queue.

CS06_01 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN