Chapter 4: Working with the EBO_ASYNC Job

Purpose: The Evaluate Backorders ASYNC function updates the system files with reservation and backorder information whenever the inventory level for an item increases. Inventory levels for an item are increased when inventory transactions are processed, when purchase orders are received into inventory, and when merchandise is transferred from suspense.

When the inventory transactions program runs, records are sent to the Evaluate Backorders data queue for processing if the inventory level for an item is increased.

• If the Evaluate Backorders ASYNC (EBO_ASYNC) function is active, the records will be processed immediately.

• If the function is not active when the records are sent, they will be processed as soon as the EBO_ASYNC function becomes active again.

All records are processed in the sequence in which they were sent to the data queue.

If any errors exist, processing for that record stops at the error point. The system begins processing the next record in sequence. The records in error are listed on the Evaluate Backorders ASYNC Error Report, which is printed when the ASYNC jobs are ended. EBO_ASYNC will continue processing the record when the error has been corrected. You should correct any errors that exist as soon as possible so that your system files are updated properly.

The status of each record in the data queue can be viewed at any point on the Display Evaluate B/O Data Queue Screen.

In this chapter:

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Evaluate Backorders ASYNC Job)

Display Evaluate B/O Data Queue Screen

Changing the Status of EBO_ASYNC

Evaluate B/O Background Job Error Listing

Updates During Background Processing.

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Evaluate Backorders ASYNC Job)

Purpose: Use this screen to display the job attributes for each background ASYNC job. This screen displays descriptive information about the ASYNC job.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to the EBO_ ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

MSR0240 DISPLAY Display Asynchronous Job 4/15/94 22:11



Data queue name . . . : EVLBODATAQ

Job name . . . . . . : EBO_ASYNC


Description . . . . . : Evaluate B/O Data Queue


Data queue length . . : 24

Library . . . . . . . : CWM10QDTA

Wait time . . . . . . : -1 0=No wait, -1=Wait forever


Start . . . . . . . . : 4/15/94 8:01:45 JEANNE_N

End . . . . . . . . . : 4/14/94 22:29:14 BRIAN_M


Controlling job ? . . : N (N=No, Y=Yes)

System Option ? . . . : Y (N=No, Y=Yes)


Status . . . . . . . : A *ACTIVE


F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Data queue name

The name of the data queue where transactions records are sent for processing by this ASYNC job. The name of the evaluate backorders data queue is EVLBODATAQ.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Job name

The name of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The description of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Data queue length

The length of the data queue where transactions records for this ASYNC job are processed. The length of the evaluate backorders data queue is 24 positions.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The library list where the ASYNC job is defined.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Wait time

The length of time the function will wait for records to be sent for processing before it times out.

Valid values are:

0 - No wait. The function ends when there are no records to process.

1 - Wait forever. The function will not time out when there are no records to process.

Numeric, 1 position; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last started and the User ID of the person who started it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

User ID): Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last ended and the User ID of the person who ended it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(User ID): Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Controlling job ?

A flag indicating whether this function controls other ASYNC functions. The controlling ASYNC function starts and ends other ASYNC functions. Valid values are:

Y - This is a controlling ASYNC function.

N - This is not a controlling ASYNC function.

The CNTL_ASYNC job is the only controlling ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

System Option ?

A flag indicating whether this function is a system function that cannot be deleted by the user. Valid values are:

Y - This function cannot be deleted by the user.

N - This function can be deleted by the user.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The current status of the job. Valid status codes are:






Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Display Evaluate B/O Data Queue Screen

Purpose: This screen displays the records that have been sent to the data queue for processing since the last time the ASYNC function was ended. Records are sent to the data queue when the inventory level for an item is increased.

The status of each record indicates if the record has been processed or if any errors exist.

Note: If the Use Inventory Sharing Backorder Evaluation (I80) system control value is set to Y, there is a data queue record only for the shared company (the company where you actually track the inventory). See Inventory Sharing (A69) for an overview.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to the EBO_ASYNC job on the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

MSR0514 DISPLAY Display Evaluate B/O Data Queue 4/21/94 14:43:04

Cmp Date Time Job # Processed Item Whs

___ ______ ______ ______ ____________ ___

7 4/12/94 16:20:34 659409 Not Processed HJITEM1 1

Error : OA21838 Error Unreserving Order Detail (///).

7 4/12/94 16:26:27 659409 Not Processed HJITEM1 1

Error : OA21838 Error Unreserving Order Detail (///).

8 4/21/94 10:47:27 670633 Fully Processed BEM1 1

8 4/21/94 12:14:16 670633 Fully Processed BEM1 1

8 4/21/94 13:11:14 670633 Fully Processed BEM1 1

777 4/21/94 9:53:42 670722 Fully Processed SYSITEM1 1

777 4/21/94 9:53:51 670722 Fully Processed SYSITEM2 1



F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Cmp (Company)

The number of the company for which the transaction was processed. If you are running operations for more than one company, transactions for all companies are submitted to the same data queue.

Note: If the Use Inventory Sharing Backorder Evaluation (I80) system control value is set to Y, there is a data queue record only for the shared company (the company where you actually track the inventory). See Inventory Sharing (A69) for an overview.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The date when the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The time at which the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Job #

The job number assigned to the transaction when it was submitted to the data queue.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The status of the record. The record is either not processed, in process, in error, or processed. A status message displays for each step.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The item number/SKU of the backordered item that can now be reserved.

(Item#): Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

(SKU): Alphanumeric, three 4 position fields if using the split SKU feature; one 12 position field if using the non-split SKU feature; display-only.


The code of the warehouse where the backordered item can be reserved.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Changing the Status of EBO_ASYNC

Purpose: Enter 11 next to the EBO_ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen to change its status if it has ended, but the status indicates that it is still active. This situation occurs if the ASYNC subsystem is brought down while the background ASYNC jobs are still active; the background ASYNC jobs have really ended, but the status indicates that they are still *ACTIVE.

If the status is *ACTIVE, the ASYNC jobs cannot be started because the system considers them to be active. The only way that you can restart the background ASYNC jobs is to change the status of each job to *INACTIVE manually.

Note: You cannot use the Change Status option to start or stop an individual ASYNC job. You must use the CNTL_ASYNC job to start or stop all the asynchronous jobs simultaneously

How to change the EBO_ASYNC jobs status:

1. Enter 11 next to the EBO_ASYNC job at the Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Evaluate Backorders ASYNC Job).

2. A pop-up window displays from which you can select the status you want to assign to the background job. Enter 1 .

• Select *INACTIVE if the background job is ended and the status is currently *ACTIVE.

• Select *ACTIVE if the background job is running and the status is currently *INACTIVE.


Note: The status of each background job must be changed separately. Changing the status of the CNTL_ASYNC job will not change the status of the individual background ASYNC jobs.

Evaluate B/O Background Job Error Listing

Purpose: This listing prints when the background ASYNC jobs are ended. The report lists the records that could not be processed and the reason for the error. The record will be processed when the error is corrected.

CWDirect Evaluate B/O Background Job Error Listing KAREN_M 4/23/94 15:09:33 Page 1

Order # Ship to Order date User Update area Error ID
5956 0 Detail updates complete OA21947

• Order #: The order number for which the error occurred.

• Ship to: The ship-to suffix of the order for which the error occurred.

• Order date: The date when the order was entered.

• User: The User ID of the operator who entered the order.

• Update area: The message describing the reason for the error.

• Error ID: The ID number assigned to the error.

Updates During Background Processing

Updates: Evaluate Backorders:

• Updates backorder quantity, reserved quantity, and available quantity in item warehouse

• Creates reserved order lines

Evaluate Backorder Reasons without Backorder Warehouse (BO_REAS) Periodic Function

The BO_Reas periodic function tries to reserve order detail lines that have a backorder reason, but no backorder warehouse. If inventory is not available, this function assigns a backorder warehouse so that the order detail line will process through Evaluate Backorders.

The setting of the following system control values determines which backorder warehouse the system assigns to the order detail line:

Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse (B16)

Evaluate Warehouses in Warehouse List Only (J47)

In addition, the system tries not to backorder the item on the order line in a warehouse that is an HDL warehouse.



Warehouse Backorder Hierarchy



• Backorder against the first warehouse in the selected warehouse list that is not an HDL (Home Delivery) warehouse.

• If no item warehouse records exist for the non-HDL warehouses in the selected warehouse list, then backorder against the item’s primary warehouse, even if the item’s primary warehouse is an HDL warehouse.







• Backorder against the item’s primary warehouse if the item’s primary warehouse is not an HDL (Home Delivery) warehouse.

• Backorder against the first non-HDL warehouse in the selected warehouse list that has an item warehouse record for the item.

• If no item warehouse records exists for the non-HDL warehouses in the selected warehouse list, then backorder against the item’s primary warehouse, even though the item’s primary warehouse is an HDL warehouse.

SO01_04 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN