Chapter 5: Working with the ORDR_ASYNC Job

Purpose: The Order Processing ASYNC job updates system files with order and demand information as orders are entered and maintained.

As you enter or maintain orders, the system sends the records to the Order Processing data queue for processing. If the Order Processing ASYNC (ORDR_ASYNC) job is active, the records will be processed immediately. If the job is not active when the records arrive, they will be processed as soon as the ORDR_ASYNC job becomes active again. All records are processed in the sequence in which they arrive in the data queue.

If there are any errors, processing for that order stops at the error point. The system begins processing the next order record in sequence. The records in error appear on the O/P Background Job Error Listing, which prints when you end the ASYNC jobs. ORDR_ASYNC will continue processing the record when the error has been corrected. You should correct any errors as soon as possible so that your system files update properly. See Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages.

You can review the status of each record in the data queue at any point by displaying the Display Order Ship To Data Queue Screen.

Related system control value: The Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) controls how this job processes updates.

In this chapter:

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Order Processing ASYNC Job)

Display Order Ship To Data Queue Screen

Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages

Updates During Background Processing

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Order Processing ASYNC Job)

Purpose: Use this screen to display the job attributes for each background ASYNC job, including the Order Processing ASYNC job.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to an ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

MSR0240 DISPLAY Display Asynchronous Job 4/14/98 21:31:05



Data queue name . . . : ORDERDATAQ

Job name . . . . . . : ORDR_ASYNC


Description . . . . . : Order Processing Data Queue


Data queue length . . : 24

Library . . . . . . . : CWM10QDTA

Wait time . . . . . . : -1 0=No wait, -1=Wait forever


Start . . . . . . . . : 4/14/98 9:20:48 BRIAN_M

End . . . . . . . . . : 4/13/98 9:17:35 BRIAN_M


Controlling job ? . . : N (N=No, Y=Yes)

System Option ? . . . : Y (N=No, Y=Yes)


Status . . . . . . . : A *ACTIVE


F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Data queue name

The name of the data queue where transactions records are sent for processing by this ASYNC job. The name of the order data queue is ORDERDATAQ.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Job name

The name of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The description of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Data queue length

The length of the data queue where transactions records for this ASYNC job are processed. length of the order data queue is 24 positions.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The library list where the ASYNC job is defined.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Wait time

The length of time the job will wait for records to be sent for processing before it times out. Valid values are:

0 - No wait. The job ends when there are no records to process.

1 - Wait forever. The job will not time out when there are no records to process.

Numeric, 1 position; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last started and the User ID of the person who started it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(User ID): Alphanumeric; 10 positions; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last ended and the User ID of the person who ended it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(User ID): Alphanumeric; 10 positions; display-only.

Controlling job ?

A flag indicating whether this job controls other ASYNC functions. The controlling ASYNC job starts and ends other ASYNC functions. Valid values are:

Y - This is a controlling ASYNC job.

N - This is not a controlling ASYNC job.

The CNTL_ASYNC job is the only controlling ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

System Option ?

A flag indicating whether this job is a system job that cannot be deleted by the user. Valid values are:

Y - This job cannot be deleted by the user.

N - This job can be deleted by the user.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The current status of the job. Valid status codes are:






Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Display Order Ship To Data Queue Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the records that have arrived in the data queue for processing since the last time you ended the ASYNC jobs. Records arrive in the data queue for new orders that are entered and for existing orders that are maintained. The status of each record, indicating if the record has been processed or if any errors exist, displays.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to the ORDR_ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

MSR0512 DISPLAY Display Order Ship To Data Queue 4/06/98 11:07:24

Cmp Date Time User B/A Processed Ordr ship to Trn

___ ______ ______ _________ _ ________ __ __

8 3/30/98 12:45:01 BRIAN_M 2 Process has begun 3054 1 OM

8 4/06/98 9:39:09 BRIAN_M 2 All updates complete 3109 1 OE

8 4/06/98 10:07:27 BRIAN_M 2 All updates complete 3110 1 OE

26 4/05/98 15:16:05 1 Detail updates complete 5956 1 OM

Error : OA21947 Error creating Customer Sold To Ord Hist (/).

26 4/06/98 8:47:03 DENNIS_M 2 All updates complete 5961 1 OE

26 4/06/98 9:04:55 DENNIS_M 2 All updates complete 5963 1 OE

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Cmp (Company)

The number of the company for which the transaction was processed. If you are running operations for more than one company, transactions for all companies are submitted to the same data queue. .

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The date when the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The time when the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Job #

The job number assigned to the transaction when it was submitted to the data queue.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


A code indicating whether the record represents a before image or an after image for the transaction. After records are written for all transactions; before records are written for orders that have been maintained. Valid codes are:

1 - The record represents the order information before the transaction was processed.

2 - The record represents the order information after the transaction was processed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The status of the record. The record is either not processed, in process, in error, or processed. A status message displays for each step.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Ordr ship to

The order ship-to number of the record.

(Order #): Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

(Ship to): Numeric, 3 positions, display-only.


A code identifying the job from which the transaction originated. Valid status codes are:

CF Confirmation

DS Drop Ship

EB Evaluate Backorders

OE Order Entry

OM Order Maintenance

PE Purchase Order Entry

PM Purchase Order Maintenance

PR Receiving

RA Return Authorization

US Unspecified

Alphanumeric, 2 positions, display-only.

Changing the Status of ORDR_ASYNC

Purpose: Enter 11 next to the ORDR_ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen to change its status if it has ended, but the status indicates that it is still active. This situation may occur if the ASYNC subsystem is brought down while the background ASYNC jobs are still active; the background ASYNC jobs have really ended, but the status indicates that they are still *ACTIVE.

If the status is *ACTIVE, you cannot start the ASYNC jobs because the system considers them to be active. The only way that you can restart the background ASYNC jobs is to change the status of each job to *INACTIVE manually.

Note: You cannot use the Change Status option to start or stop an individual ASYNC job. You must use the CNTL_ASYNC job to start or stop all the asynchronous jobs simultaneously

How to change the ASYNC jobs status: Enter 11 next to an ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen. The Select Status pop-up window displays:

Select Status







Enter 1 next to the correct status, or press F12 to cancel.

Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages

Purpose: You can review the status of each data queue record by displaying the data queue. If there is an error, the message prints on the O/P Background Job Error Listing generated when you end the ASYNC jobs. You must correct the error before the order entry or order maintenance transaction can be processed.

Message ID


Error Reason/Action Required



The record has not been processed.


Processing has begun



All updates complete

None. The record was fully processed.


Error creating Cancel Reason/Offer

The Cancel Reason/Offer record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Cancel Reason/Offer

The Cancel Reason/Offer record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Exchange Reason/Offer

The Exchange Reason/Offer record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Exchange Reason/Offer

The Exchange Reason/Offer record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Return Reason/Offer

The Return Reason/Offer record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Return Reason/Offer

The Return Reason/Offer record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Price Override Reason

The Price Override Reason record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing SKU

The SKU record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating SKU Price History

The SKU Price History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing SKU Price History

The SKU Price History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating SKU Offer Page

The SKU Offer Page record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing SKU Offer Page

The SKU Offer Page record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Ord/Bill Hist create error

The Order/Billing History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Ord Bill Hist change error

The Order Billing History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Soldout Notification

The system cannot create a soldout notification for the order. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Source History Array

The Source History Array associated with the source code on the order does not exist and the system cannot create the array at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Source History Array

The Source History Array associated with the source code on the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Customer Sold To Ord Hist

The Customer Sold To Order History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Customer Sold To Ord Hist

The Customer Sold To Order History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Cust Ship To Ord Hist

The Customer Ship To Order History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Cust Ship To Ord Hist

The Customer Ship To Order History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Customer Bill-To

The Customer Bill To Order History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Order Type/User

The Order Type/User record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Order Type/User

The Order Type/User record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Ord Typ/Usr Hist

The Order Type/User History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Ord Typ/Usr Hist

The Order Type/User History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Source

The Source code associated with the Order Detail line does not exist in the Source Code file. You must add this code to the file to process the record. See Marketing Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC). This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Salesman

The Salesrep associated with the order does not exist in the Salesrep file. You must add this code to the file to process the record. See Accounts Payable Chapter 11: Working with Sales Representatives (WSLS). This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Division

The division associated with the order does not exist in the Division file. You must add this code to the file to process the record. See Accounts Payable Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV). This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error creating Division History

The Division History record associated with the order does not exist and the system cannot create the record at this time. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.


Error changing Division History

The Division History record associated with the order cannot be updated. This error results from an Order Maintenance transaction. Users cannot correct this error.

O/P Background Job Error Listing

Purpose: This report prints when the background ASYNC jobs end and lists the records that could not be processed and the reason for the error.

See Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages for a complete description of the error messages you may encounter and the steps necessary to correct the error..

CWDirect O/P Background Job Error Listing KAREN_M 4/23/98 15:09:33 Page 1

Order # Ship to Order date User Update area Error ID
5956 0 Detail updates complete OA21947

• Order #: The order number for which the error occurred.

• Ship to: The ship-to suffix of the order for which the error occurred.

• Order date: The date when the order was entered.

• User: The User ID of the operator who entered the order.

• Update area: The message describing the reason for the error. See Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages for a complete description of each message.

• Error ID: The ID number assigned to the error. See Working with ORDR_ASYNC Status Messages for a complete listing of the error messages.

Updates During Background Processing

Purpose: The system performs the following field and file updates during the ORDR_ASYNC job:

Related system control value: The Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value controls whether totals update as a result of order maintenance as well as order entry.



A/R Open Items (AROITM)

Create deferred liability open item records

Cancel Reason/Offer (CNCNRO)


# canceled

qty canceled

units canceled

Cash Receipt Header (ARCRHD)

Create cash receipt transaction for cash orders and contributions

CC Authorization Backorder (CCATBO)

Create a record for authorization if fully backordered order

Correspondence History (MSCOHS)

Creates a record for each order confirmation email Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) generated if the Write Outbound Email to Email Repository (H99) system control value is set to Y and if the email is generated through the ORDER_ASYNC job (ordinarily, the email is generated and the Correspondence History record created at order acceptance)

Customer Affinity (CSAFFY)

Last order date

Last affinity update

Lifetime frequency rate

Lifetime change rate

Lifetime affinity


If the order includes an affinity item (an item which has been assigned an attribute value), ORDER_ASYNC also updates the following fields:

Previous order date

Past previous order date

Lifetime net quantity

Previous frequency rate

Past previous frequency rate

Customer Bill To (CSCBIL)

On order $

Customer Individual (CSCIFP)

List source

Original mail type

Current mail type

Customer Membership (OECSMP)

Create or deactivate customer loyalty memberships based on total order dollars or customer class. See Loyalty Memberships for an overview.

Customer Ship To Order History (CSHORH)

On order $

# orders LTD, $ orders LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldouts LTD

# cancels LTD, $ cancels LTD

Active since date

Last order date

Order type

Pay type

Source code

Last CC #

Last expiration date

Customer Sold to Item Class (OECSIC)

Creates records and updates:

# orders LTD, $ ordered LTD

# units ordered LTD

# units soldout LTD, $ soldout LTD

Last order date

Customer Sold To (OECSSL)

Original and current mail type

Original and current source

Customer Sold To Order History (CSTOOH)

Creates records and updates:

On order $

# orders LTD, $ orders LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldouts LTD

# canceled LTD, $ canceled LTD

Last CC#

Last expiration date

Active since date

Last order date

Order type

Pay type

Source code

Last order amount

Last affinity date

Customer Sold To Entity (OECSEP)

Creates records and updates:

Last order date

On order $

# orders LTD, $ orders LTD

# cancels LTD, $ cancels LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldouts LTD

Last source

Current mail type if not already a buyer for entity

Customer Ship To Entity (OECHEP)

Creates records and updates:

Last order date

On order $

# orders LTD, $ orders LTD

# cancels LTD, $ cancels LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldouts LTD

Customer Sold To Item Class Entity (OEICEP)

Creates records and updates:

# orders (not units)

# orders LTD, $ orders LTD

# cancels LTD, $ cancels LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldouts LTD

Last order date

Flexible Payment Option (FLFPOP)

# of orders, $ ordered

Note: Totals decrease only through cancellation of an order or item, not through removing a payment plan from the order.

Fulfillment Order Control Summary (OEFOCS)

Transaction date, # orders entered, $ orders entered, quantity ordered

# orders cancelled, $ orders cancelled, quantity cancelled

# orders soldout/closed, $ orders soldout, quantity soldout

The Billing Async updates the orders shipped fields. The batch order control job updates the operation and merchandising fields in the Fulfillment Order Control Summary file; see Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

Note: Updated only if the order type matches the Fulfillment Order Type (J36) system control value.

General Ledger Interface (GLINTR)

Contribution transactions, cash order, coupon redemption

Item/Sku/Offer (FCISOF)

Creates records and updates:

Start and end dates

Quantity ordered, $ ordered

NP Customer Item History (ECCITH)

Customer #

Item #

Transaction date

Offer (MSOFFR)

Date of first order

Offer/Drop (FCOFDR)

Creates records and updates:

# orders LTD, $ ordered LTD

# units ordered LTD

# cancels LTD, $ cancelled LTD

# soldouts LTD, $ soldout LTD

Last order date

Offer/Drop/Period (FCODRP)

Creates records and updates:

# Orders, $ Orders

Offer/Drop/Period/Day (FCODPD)

Creates records and updates:

Dollars ordered

Units ordered

Order Control Summary (MSORSU)

Trans date, # orders entered, $ orders entered, quantity ordered

# orders reopened, $ orders increased, quantity increased

# orders cancelled, $ orders cancelled, quantity cancelled

# orders soldout/closed, $ orders soldout, quantity soldout

Note: The Billing Async updates the orders shipped, orders exchanged, and invoices credited fields. The batch order control job updates the operation and merchandising fields in the Order Control Summary file; see Reviewing Operations Control Summary (FLSH).

Order Type/ User History (ORDUHS)

Creates records and updates:

# Orders

$ Value

# Recips

# Lines

Order Type/ User (OEOTYU)

Creates records and updates:

# Orders TD, LTD

$ Value - TD, LTD

# Receipts TD, LTD

# Lines TD, LTD

Order/Billing History (OEBHST)

Creates records, including:

# orders, $ order total, qty ordered

# soldout, $ soldout total, qty soldout

# canceled, $ canceled, qty canceled

Price override reason (OEPROR)

# of overrides

Total discount


Date of first order

Date of last order

SKU Price History (SKUPHT)

Creates records and updates:

# orders

$ orders

SKU/Offer Page (INSKOP)

Creates records and updates:

Dollars ordered WTD, CTD

Units ordered WTD, CTD

Dollars soldout WTD, CTD

Units soldout WTD, CTD

Dollars upsell WTD, CTD

Units upsell WTD, CTD

Soldout Notifications (SONTFY)

Creates records

Source Period (FCSCPR)

Creates records and updates:

Dollars ordered

Units ordered

Source Code (MSSRC)

$ ordered, soldout, canceled

# of orders, soldouts, cancels

Date of first order

Date of last order

Note: Entity-level updates take place only if the Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89) system control value is set to Y.

SO01_05 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN