Zero Count Report

How to print: Enter 6 at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen. You will also need to specify a control and batch number. The system submits the job PI_ZERO, which produces the report.

CWDirect Rel 2.1 Zero Count Report ELISE_K INR1037 6/11/97 17:01:54 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Control/Batch# 2 - 1


1st 1st 2nd 2nd Final

Item Sku Location/Class Type LPN Count Status Count Status Count Status O/H Qty

GR123 BULK B 0 11 Y 10 Y 0 Y 100

JK678 BULK B 0 2 Y 0 Y 0 Y 50

JMN006 BULK B 0 3 Y 0 Y 0 Y 0

KY555 BULK B 0 0 Y 100 Y 0 Y 100

MM0256 BULK B 0 0 Y 9 Y 0 Y 50

MY9702 BULK B 0 100 Y 0 N 0 Y 18


• control number and batch number

• warehouse code and description

• item and SKU codes

• location code

• location class

• location type. Valid types are:

P = primary

S = secondary

B = bulk

T = temporary

• LPN. If the item location is not associated with an LPN, the LPN is 0

• first count quantity

• first count ticket number if you use tickets

• first count status, where:

Y = counted

N = not counted

• second count quantity, ticket number and status, as above

• final count quantity, ticket number and status, as above

• on-hand quantity for the item location before generating the physical inventory. If an item location contains a quantity assigned to one or more LPNs and a "loose" quantity, the item location quantity not assigned to LPNs will appear under LPN 0

WH01_07r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN