Retail Price Change Upload Error List

Purpose: Use this report to review the errors that occurred during retail price change edit/update processing.

This report sorts in effective date, item, SKU, UPC, long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style sequence.

How to print: Press F9 at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen to submit the Retail Price Change Upload Process.

CWDirect Rel 5.0 Retail Price Change Upload Error List KBOTTGER INR2008 11/13/00 9:15:50 Page 1


Effective Item SKU UPC L/S L/S L/S Style Retail Error Description

Date Dept Class Price

10/00/11 30.00 Req Flds not filled

11/10/00 PRICESKU4 BLUEBOYSLRGE Retail Price is Zero

11/13/00 6690 6690 6690LSSTYLE 66.00 Multiple Item Match

11/13/00 123456789012 78.00 Req Flds not filled

11/13/00 PRICEITEM3 Retail Price is Zero

11/13/00 PRICEITMM4 55.00 Item not found


Effective date: The date the retail price change becomes valid.

Item: The code for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

SKU: The SKU for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

UPC code: The UPC code defined for the item or SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

L/S department: A code for the long SKU department defined for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

L/S class: A code for the long SKU class defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

L/S style: A code for the long SKU style defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Retail price: The new retail price change to take effect on the date defined in the Effective date field.

Error description: A description of the first error associated with the retail price change upload record. Errors include:

The required fields for the key type defined are not entered:

Required Fields not filled


The calculated retail price is zero, based on the percent you defined in the Percentage off field or the dollar amount you defined in the Dollars off field:

$ off *GE Retail


More than one CWDirect item matches the retail price change upload record, based on the key type defined for the record:

Multiple Item Match


The system cannot find a CWDirect item/SKU that matches the retail price change upload record, based on the key type defined for the record and the item identifier fields that are entered:

Item not found


The effective date is blank:


Invalid Effective Date

ME13_06r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN