A/P Purchase Journal with Discounts

How to print: Press Enter at the Print Purchase Journal with Discounts Screen (PPJD). The system also generates this report when you accept an A/P invoice batch at the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen.

CWDirect A/P Purchase Journal w/Discounts EKAPLAN ACR0363 1/12/98 11:18:02 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Activity Date 1/12/98

Batch # 591 G/L # 20011 A/P

------ Date ------ Invoice Amount PO/DS

Invoice # Invoice Due Gross Cost Discnt 1 Discnt 2 Discnt 3 Amount G/L Recp Cost Variance

GL Number


000000015CI 1/01/98 1/31/98 71.16CR 935

1 10080100 INVENTORY 2.12CR .21CR .00 .00 2.50CR .00 2.5000CR

2 10080100 INVENTORY .00 .00 .00 .00 5.92CR .00 5.9200CR

3 10080100 INVENTORY 6.02CR .60CR .00 .00 7.50CR .00 7.5000CR

4 10080100 INVENTORY .00 .00 .00 .00 20.86CR .00 20.8600CR

5 10080100 INVENTORY 6.06CR .61CR .00 .00 7.50CR .00 7.5000CR

6 10080100 INVENTORY .00 .00 .00 .00 20.42CR .00 20.4200CR

7 10080100 INVENTORY 2.34CR .23CR .00 .00 2.50CR .00 2.5000CR

8 10080100 INVENTORY .00 .00 .00 .00 3.96CR .00 3.9600

935INV 1/01/98 3/02/98 200.00 935

1 10080100 INVENTORY 21.19 2.11 .00 .00 25.00 17.17 7.8300

2 10080100 INVENTORY 60.15 6.01 .00 .00 75.00 48.73 26.2700

3 10080100 INVENTORY 60.64 6.06 .00 .00 75.00 49.12 25.8800

4 10080100 INVENTORY 23.37 2.33 .00 .00 25.00 18.94 6.0600

941B 1/01/98 3/02/98 24.97 941

1 10080100 INVENTORY 27.74 2.77 .00 .00 24.97 24.97 .0000

Vendor 12 Total 153.81

Vendor 201 TOY WORKS

899INV 1/01/98 1/31/98 450.00 899

1 10080100 INVENTORY 500.00 50.00 .00 .00 450.00 500.00 50.0000CR

Vendor 201 Total 450.00

Batch # 591 G/L # 20011 Total 603.81

Grand Total 603.81


• activity date. This can represent:

• the date the invoices were posted to A/P, when you generate this report by entering a date through the Print Purchase Journal with Discounts menu option or by accepting a suspended batch. If you overrode the batch date when you created the batch, the override date appears here; also, this is the date the system uses to post the batch to A/P and the General Ledger Interface file.

• the date you created the batch, when you generate this report for a suspended batch in A/P entry. In this case, the invoices have not yet been posted to A/P.

• batch number. This number appears only if you use batch entry of A/P invoices.

• the general ledger account number credited by posting the invoices, and its description

• general ledger number. This field is not currently implemented.

• vendor number and description

• A/P invoice number. Vendor charge back credits end with CR, and invoice charge backs end with CI. See Chapter 34: Vendor Charge Back Overview for more information on vendor charge backs, and see Chapter 14: Entering A/P-PO Invoices, for more information on invoice charge backs.

• invoice date and due date

• total invoice amount. Credit balances end with CR

• matching purchase order number, if any

• matching drop ship invoice number, if any (below the A/P invoice number)

• for each item or charge on the invoice:

• line number on the invoice

• general ledger number to be debited for the item or charge, and its description

• original extended gross cost, if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y. This is normally the extended receipt cost, unless you overrode the gross cost while entering the A/P invoice. The extended cost is calculated by multiplying the unit cost by the quantity.

• extended discount applied for each of the three discounts available at the A/P invoice detail level

• the extended cost posted to A/P. This cost may differ from the receipt cost if you changed the unit cost or quantity while entering the A/P invoice.

• general ledger receipt cost, which is the extended cost posted to the Inventory Transaction History file and the General Ledger Interface file at receiving. This value is determined by the costing method defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value.

• variance between the A/P cost and the general ledger receipt cost.

• invoice charge back. An asterisk (*) appears next to lines on suspended invoices that will produce an invoice charge back when you accept the batch; in any other situation, this column does not appear on the report.

• dollar total for the vendor

• dollar total for the batch. This total appears only if you use batch entry.

• grand total for the report (posting date or batch)

AP02_06r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN