Chapter 37: Printing Vendor Charge Back Notifications (PVCN)

Purpose: Use the Print Vendor Charge Back Notifications function to print a Vendor Charge Back Notification for all eligible charge backs, or to reprint notifications for selected charge backs. A charge back is eligible for printing if its status is open, processed, shipped or reversed.

You can also print a notification by pressing F14 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) if the charge back is eligible for printing.

Note: If you print a notification from the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back), the system does not submit a job. You will not be able to work with the notification by pressing F14 at a menu to review submitted jobs; instead, you must work with your spooled files (for example, enter WRKSPLF at a command line).

Print Vendor Charge Back Notifications Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PVCN in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Vendor Charge Back Notifications from a menu.

APR0058 ENTER Print Vendor Charge Back Notifications 10/15/97 11:16:49

EZK Mail Order

Print Notifications . . . . . . N (Y/N)

Re-print Notifications . . . . . N (Y/N)

* * * Press Enter to Process * * *

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company



Print notifications

This value indicates whether you want to print a notification for each charge back whose status is processed (P), shipped (S), or reversed (R) if you have not already printed a notification for this charge back. Only open (O) charge backs will not be included.

Valid values are:

Y = Print notifications. Notifications that you have already printed will be excluded.

N (default) = Do not print notifications.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Re-print notifications

This value indicates whether you want to select previously printed notifications for reprinting.

Valid values are:

Y = Select printed notifications for reprinting.

N (default) = Do not select printed notifications for reprinting.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Completing this screen: If you are printing notifications for the first time, the system submits the job VCB_NOTFYS, which creates a spool file containing each new Vendor Charge Back Notification. If you are reprinting selected notifications, you advance to the Reprint Notifications Screen.

Reprint Notifications Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select vendor charge backs for reprinting.

How to display this screen: Enter Y in the Re-print notifications field at the Print Vendor Charge Back Notifications Screen.

APR0067 DISPLAY Re-Print Notifications 10/10/97 9:01:14

EZK Mail Order

Vendor Charge

Back No.


F9=Accept F11=Reject

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter the number of each vendor charge back you want to reprint. The vendor charge back number is a 9-position numeric field.

2. Press Enter. The system validates that each of your entries is a valid, unprinted vendor charge back with a status of processed (P), shipped (S), or reversed (R). An error message displays if there are any exceptions.

3. Press F9 to accept the reprinting; otherwise, press F11 to cancel and exit the screen. If you press F9, the Confirm Accept pop-up window displays.

4. Press Enter to accept. If you accept, the system submits the job VCB_NOTFYS, which produces each Vendor Charge Back Notification you selected.

AP09_04 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN