Chapter 104: Working with Contributions (WCON)

Purpose: You can use the Work with Order Contributions function to review overpayments that have been applied as contributions, to convert a contribution to a refund, or to advance to Order Inquiry.

Overview: An overpayment on an order is eligible to be applied as a contribution if the customer is prepaying for an order (using cash or check), and the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) system control value is set to permit contribution processing.

If you are processing overpayments as contributions and would like them to post automatically to the general ledger (G/L), you must define a G/L number in the Pay Type file for any prepaid payment types you use. You should also set the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) system control value to ORDER.

The system writes a record in the Order Contributions file. You can review this information through the Work with Order Contributions function, or through Order Inquiry. Contribution totals are also included in the Daily Cash Receipts Journal.

You can change a contribution to a refund (if you have authority) through Work with Order Contributions or through Order Inquiry.

Once you have applied an overpayment as a contribution, the system does not consider the contribution amount as applied to the order when, for example, it computes a refund amount if the order is canceled or additional payment required for an exchange.

For more information:

• defining a Contributions general ledger number for a pay type: Accounts Payable Chapter 2: Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA)

• working with payment types in Order Entry: Order Entry Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format

• reviewing contribution information in Order Inquiry: Chapter 57: Reviewing Financial Information

• printing the Daily Cash Receipts Journal: Accounts Receivable Chapter 9: A/R Printing Functions

Work with Order Contribution Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review overpayments that have been applied as contributions in your company, to convert a contribution to a refund, or to advance to Order Inquiry.

How to display this screen: Enter WCON in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Order Contributions from a menu.

OER0813 DISPLAY Work With Order Contribution 4/08/96 12:08:04

Mail Order

Customer # Order # Contribution Date Date

amount posted converted

Type options, press Enter.

6=Convert To Refund 10=Order Inquiry

291 2350 14.40

294 2351 6.00

294 2353 .75 4/02/96

294 2364 2.96 4/05/96 4/05/96

302 2366 5.00 4/05/96 4/05/96

291 2368 10.00 4/08/96 4/08/96

293 2369 35.00 4/08/96

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Customer #

A unique number to identify the customer who places an order.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Order #

A unique number to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Contribution amount

The amount of the overpayment that has been applied as a contribution.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Date posted

The date the contribution was posted to the general ledger.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Date converted

The date a contribution was converted to a refund.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Screen Option


Convert a contribution to a refund

Enter 6 next to a contribution to convert it to a refund. If you do not have authority to Convert Contribution Authority (A41), a message displays:


User Not Authorized to Convert Contributions to Refunds.

Advance to Order Inquiry

Enter 10 next to a contribution to advance to Order Inquiry. See Chapter 57: Reviewing Financial Information.

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