Chapter 11: Purging ECLG Files (PECF)

Purpose: Use this menu option to purge outdated XML log (ECLG) files.

About the daily ECLG file: Every day, the system creates a new log file to track all XML messages generated or received by CWDirect, including all of those related to the integration layer processes and the e-commerce jobs. You can use this file to confirm that you are receiving or generating messages correctly, to isolate communication problems, or to recover information. The file name is composed of the prefix ECLG and the current date in YYMMDD format; for example, the log file for April 9, 2008 is ECLG080409.

All companies included: The daily ECLG file is not segregated by company. When you purge outdated log files, records for all companies are deleted.

Note: Prior to version 12.0 of CWDirect, the system wrote entries to a single log file named ECLOGF. Once you apply the 12.0 release, the system stops writing entries in the ECLOGF file, but does not automatically delete the file. You need to delete the outdated ECLOGF file manually.

Periodic function: You can also use the PECLOGF periodic function to delete outdated log files. This function uses the ECLOGF Purge Days (I79) system control value to determine which ECLG files to purge. The periodic function uses the ECR0417 program. See Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) and Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) for more information on working with periodic processing.

Purge ECLOGF Screen

How to display this screen: Select Purge ECLOGF Records from a menu, or enter PECF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

ECR0414 ENTER Purge ECLOGF 3/12/04 16:55:36

Purge records with date on or before

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Enter a date in MMDDYY format to purge ECLG files created on or earlier than your entry. Your entry must be earlier than the current date.

Default date: The system defaults the current date minus the value specified in the ECLOGF Purge Days (I79) system control value. For example, if the current date is July 28, and the system control value is set to 30, the default is June 28. You can override this default.

Press F9 to submit the PURGE_ELOG job, which purges the outdated log files.

SO01_11 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN