Chapter 13: Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE)

Purpose: Use A/P Invoice Entry to set up controls for an invoice, select the purchase order against which merchandise has been invoiced or create an invoice, and review the contents of a purchase order receipt.

Entering an invoice initiates aging on the system, and allows you to generate a check for the vendor.

Invoice upload: You can also use the A/P invoice upload to create invoices if, for example, you receive invoices from vendors through CWCollaborate. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

In this chapter:

Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Using Batching)

Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Not Using Batching)

A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor)

Vendor Selection Window

A/P Select PO by Date Screen

A/P Select PO by Vendor Screen

A/P Select Drop Ship Invoice Screen

A/P Display PO Receipts Screen

Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Using Batching)

Purpose: This screen allows you to enter batch controls and represents the fields that display when the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) system control value is set to Y. See Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Not Using Batching) for more information on using this screen when the system control value is set to N or left blank.

How to display this screen: Enter MAPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select A/P Invoice Entry from a menu.

ACR0118 ENTER Enter A/P Invoices 12/11/97 13:45:05

EZK Mail Order

Date . . . . . . . 12/11/97

Division . . . . .

Bank . . . . . . .

Total # invoices .

Total $ . . . . .

Total units . . .

Total vnd# hash .

Total G/L# hash .

F3=Exit F7=Maintain F8=View Batches F12=Cancel F21=Purchase Journal

F24=Select Company




The date the invoices are posted in the system. The current date defaults, but you can override it.

This date appears on the screens you use to work with a batch. Once you process the batch, this date is used to post to the General Ledger Interface file, and appears in A/P Inquiry as the Posted date and the Activity date for each invoice in the batch.

Numeric, 6 positions; MMDDYY format, required.


The code for the division against which the batch of invoices will post to the General Ledger Interface file. The G/L number for A/P purchases is defined in the Division record.

If you are matching an A/P invoice to a purchase order and there is a Division specified for the warehouse where you received the purchase order, the system uses this division to post to the General Ledger Interface file instead.

Division codes are defined in and validated against the Division file; see Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The code for the bank against which the account transaction for these invoices will be performed. The bank code is important because the bank record contains the A/P Cash G/L number against which this purchase will be posted.

Bank codes are defined in and validated against the Bank file; see Chapter 6: Working with Banks (WBNK).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Note: At least one of the following fields is required.

Total # invoices (Total number of invoices)

The total number of invoices being entered in this batch. The system will not allow you to accept the batch if the Total # invoices value here does not match the number of invoices you actually enter.

You can change A/P batch totals through the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen if you have proper authority.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Total $

The total dollar value of the invoices being entered in this batch. The system will not allow you to accept the batch if the Total $ value here does not match the dollar total you actually enter.

This dollar total includes both merchandise and “other” entries on an invoice. Also, if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y, this total includes the gross merchandise totals from all invoices, not reduced by any discounts.

You can change A/P batch totals through the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen if you have proper authority.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Total units

The total number of units (of merchandise or other, such as an additional charge) associated with all invoices in this batch. The system will not allow you to accept the batch if the Total units value here does not match the number of units on all invoices in the batch.

You can change A/P batch totals through the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen if you have proper authority.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Total vnd# hash (Total vendor number hash)

The sum of the vendor numbers associated with the A/P invoices in the batch.

For example, if you are posting invoices for vendor numbers 100, 650, 35, and 62, you would enter 847 in this field. If the batch contains more than one invoice for the same vendor, you would multiply the vendor number by the number of invoices. You will not be allowed to accept the postings if these values do not match.

You can change A/P batch totals through the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen if you have proper authority.

If you are using the A/P invoice upload, the system populates this hash total when it creates a suspended batch. Each unique vendor number is included in the hash total just once, even if there are multiple invoices for the vendor. If there are any invoices in the batch in an open or closed status, those vendor numbers are not included in the hash total. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Total G/L# hash (Total General Ledger number hash)

The sum of the General Ledger numbers to which you are posting A/P invoices.

For example, if you are posting invoices to General Ledger account numbers 10010100, 10020200, 10030300, and 10040400, you would enter 40101000 in this field. If you use the same G/L number on more than one invoice detail line, you would multiply the G/L number by the total number of detail lines.

You can change A/P batch totals through the Work with A/P Invoice Batches Screen if you have proper authority.

If you are using the A/P invoice upload, the system populates this hash total when it creates a suspended batch. The hash total does not include the general ledger number at the invoice header; detail lines only are included. If there are any invoices in the batch in an open or closed status, those general ledger numbers are not included in the hash total. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.

Completing this screen for invoice entry:

1. Verify the batch date, or enter a different date if necessary.

2. Complete the Division and Bank fields.

3. Complete at least one of the control fields.

4. Press Enter to advance to the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor).

Completing this screen for invoice maintenance of open or held invoices:

1. Verify the batch date, or enter a different date if necessary.

2. Complete the Division and Bank fields.

3. Press F7 to advance to the Select A/P Invoice Screen (for Maintenance).

Screen Option


Maintain open or held (non-batched) invoices

Complete the first three fields and press F7. See Chapter 20: Maintaining A/P Invoices.

Work with existing A/P invoice batches

Press F8. See Chapter 17: Working with and Processing A/P Batches.

Generate the A/P Purchase Journal to review the invoices posted or updated on the specified posted date.

Press F21. See Chapter 18: Printing the Purchase Journals.

Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Not Using Batching)

Purpose: This screen allows you to enter batch controls and represents the fields that display when the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) system control value is set to N. See Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Using Batching) for more information on using this screen when the system control value is set to Y.

How to display this screen: Enter MAPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select A/P Invoice Entry from a menu.

ACR0118 ENTER Enter A/P Invoices 12/24/97 14:34:29

Mail Order Company

Date . . . . . . . 12/24/97

Division . . . . .

Bank . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F7=Maintain F8=View Batches F12=Cancel F21=Purchase Journal

F24=Select Company




The date the invoices are posted in the system. The current date defaults, but you can override it. This date is used to post to the General Ledger Interface file, and appears in A/P Inquiry as the Posted date and the Activity date for the invoice.

Numeric, 6 positions; MMDDYY format, required.


The code for the division against which the batch of invoices will post to the General Ledger Interface file. The G/L number for A/P purchases is defined in the Division record.

If you are matching an A/P invoice to a purchase order and there is a Division specified for the warehouse where you received the purchase order, the system uses this division to post to the General Ledger Interface file instead.

Division codes are defined in and validated against the Division file; see Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The code for the bank against which the account transaction for the invoices will be performed. The bank code is important because the bank record contains the A/P Cash G/L number against which this purchase will be posted.

Bank codes are defined in and validated against the Bank file; see Chapter 6: Working with Banks (WBNK).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Completing this screen for invoice entry:

1. Verify the batch date, or enter a different date if necessary.

2. Complete the Division and Bank fields.

3. Press Enter to advance to the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor).

Completing this screen for invoice maintenance of open or held invoices:

1. Verify the batch date, or enter a different date if necessary.

2. Complete the Division and Bank fields.

3. Press F7 to advance to the Select A/P Invoice Screen (for Maintenance).

A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the purchase order you are paying with the A/P invoice you are about to create, or to enter other identifying information for the invoice if you do not use A/P-PO matching.

Selection options: The information you enter on this screen controls the screen formats and options available for invoice entry:

matching to a purchase order (including drop ship purchase orders): You can review and adjust the item details from the purchase order, work with discounts, and use different methods to select the items you are paying. To use this entry format, you must specify the purchase order you are matching.

matching to a drop ship invoice (if the vendor uses drop ship pick slips): You can review and adjust item details, but cannot work with discounts or use all the different methods to select items for payment. To use this entry format, you must specify the drop ship invoice number you are matching.

entering an unmatched invoice: You must enter all detail information to be paid with the invoice. To use this entry format, you need only to specify the vendor.

How to display this screen:

• complete the required fields at the Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Using Batching)

• press F6 at the Work with A/P Invoices within a Batch Screen

ACR0408 ENTER A/P Invoice Entry 12/26/97 9:01:43

EZK Mail Order

Batch # . . . . . . : 532

Vendor # . . . . . .

Vendor Name . . . . .

P/O # . . . . . . . .

P/O Receipt Date . .

Drop Ship Invoice # .

F3=Exit F7=A/P Inquiry F8=Dsp Batch Totals F9=Accept Batch F12=Cancel

F14=W/W Batch



Batch #

The number that identifies the batch of invoices you are entering. This field appears only if the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Vendor #

A code to identify the supplier of an item or service.

Enter a valid vendor number to advance directly to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information), where you can enter an unmatched invoice for this vendor.

If the vendor number you enter is not valid, you advance to the Vendor Selection Window.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Merchandising Chapter 19: Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Vendor name

The name of the vendor who provided the merchandise or service.

Enter a full or partial vendor name to advance to the Vendor Selection Window.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

P/O #

The number of the purchase order on which you received the merchandise.

Enter a purchase order number to enter a matched A/P invoice. If you enter a:

• valid purchase order number (including a valid drop ship purchase order number): you advance to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information), where you can enter a matched invoice.

• invalid purchase order number: you advance to the A/P Select PO by Date Screen, where you can select a valid purchase order for matching.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

P/O receipt date

The date when you received the merchandise ordered on a purchase order. The system captures this information at PO Receiving.

Enter a purchase order receipt date in this field to advance to the A/P Select PO by Date Screen, where you can select a valid purchase order for matching.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Drop ship invoice #

The invoice number assigned by the system for a shipment directly to your customer from a vendor.

Enter a drop ship invoice number to enter an invoice matched to a drop ship invoice. See Chapter 15: Entering Drop Ship Invoices.

You can use a drop ship invoice number to match an A/P invoice only for vendors who use drop ship pick slips (the Drop Ship Pick field for the vendor is set to Y). If the vendor uses drop ship purchase orders, you enter the purchase order number to match the invoice.

Select Invoice window: When you search by invoice number, if the system finds more than one order associated with the same invoice number, the system displays the Select Invoice window, where you can review and select the order associated with the invoice that you wish to review or update. An invoice number may be associated with more than one order number if the number wheel for the Invoice Number number assignment value rolled back to the first number.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Review an existing A/P invoice

Press F7; see Chapter 31: A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Display batch totals

Press F8. This option is available only if you use batch entry (the Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02) field in the System Control file is set to Y). See Chapter 17: Working with and Processing A/P Batches.

Accept the batch of A/P invoices, if batching

Press F9. See Chapter 17: Working with and Processing A/P Batches.

Work with invoices in the current batch

Press F14. See Chapter 17: Working with and Processing A/P Batches.

Vendor Selection Window

Purpose: Use this window to locate the vendor for whom you are entering an A/P invoice.

Vendor Selection by Number

Purpose: This window lists the vendors for your company in numeric order by vendor number, beginning with your entry. The vendor name also displays

How to display this screen: Press F4 at the Vendor # field or enter an invalid vendor number:

Vendor Selection

Opt Vendor Name

Type options, press Enter.








F3=Exit F6=Create

Vendor Selection by Vendor Name

Purpose: This window lists vendors by name, beginning with your entry. Additionally, the associated vendor number and the number of open purchase orders for each vendor display on the right of the window. The Open POs field contains the number of purchase orders that have been received, but not invoiced.

How to display this screen: Press F4 at the Vendor name field or enter a full or partial vendor name.

Vendor Selection

Opt Name Vendor Open POs


Type options, press Enter.







HOME DEPOT 10 25 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

A/P Select PO by Date Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to locate and select a purchase order (including a drop ship purchase order) for matching.

This screen lists purchase orders by receipt date. Additionally, the vendor number, vendor name and dollar value of the purchase order display.

If you received more than one shipment against a purchase order, a separate entry appears on this screen for each receipt date. Also, if you created a new A/P transaction while you were entering an A/P invoice that matched the purchase order, an entry for this transaction appears on this screen. The total receipt amount displays next to each entry for a purchase order.

How to display this screen: Press F4 or enter information in the P/O # or P/O receipt date fields at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor).

ACR0102 DISPLAY A/P Select PO by Date 12/26/97 13:02:34

EZK Mail Order

Opt P/O # Rcpt date Vendor Vendor name Amount

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 5=Display receipt details

798 7/05/95 14 PERRY ELLIS CLOTHING 37500.00

802 7/17/95 201 TOY WORKS 4975.00

805 10/23/95 10 HOME DEPOT 12500.00

775 11/22/95 100 JMN VENDOR .00

806 11/22/95 1 THE PRICE IS RIGHT 10.00

807 11/22/95 1 THE PRICE IS RIGHT 250.00

808 11/29/95 22 GREAT BALLS OF FIRE 400.00

810 11/30/95 201 TOY WORKS 975.00

811 11/30/95 201 TOY WORKS 1770.00

812 12/01/95 201 TOY WORKS 2700.00

626 1/05/96 40 CAMBRIDGE TIRE 102.5 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F22=User defined option

Screen Option


Select the purchase order for matching

Enter 1 next to a purchase order to advance to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information).

Review the contents of a purchase order receipt

Enter 5 next to a purchase order to advance to the A/P Display PO Receipts Screen.

A/P Select PO by Vendor Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to locate and select a purchase order (including a drop ship purchase order) for matching.

This screen lists purchase orders by vendor number. Additionally, the purchase order number, vendor name, receipt date and dollar value of the purchase order display.

How to display this screen: Press F4 or enter information in the Vendor name field at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor), then select a vendor at the Vendor Selection Window.

ACR0101 DISPLAY A/P Select PO by Vendor 1/19/98 15:52:25

EZK Mail Order

Opt P/O # Vendor Vendor name Receipt date Amount


Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 5=Display receipt details

848 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 3/28/96 1800.00

849 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 5/16/96 1473.75

851 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 5/01/96 100.00

852 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 5/16/96 98.25

855 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 10/01/96 107.46

864 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 10/01/96 69.50

865 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 10/01/96 75.00

875 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 10/28/96 250.00

876 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 10/09/96 140.00

880 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 5/06/97 798.00

881 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP 5/07/97 500.0 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F22=User defined option

Screen Option


Select the purchase order for matching

Enter 1 next to a purchase order to advance to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information).

Review the contents of a purchase order receipt

Enter 5 next to a purchase order to advance to the A/P Display PO Receipts Screen.

A/P Select Drop Ship Invoice Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to locate and select a drop ship invoice for matching. You can match by drop ship invoice number only if the vendor uses drop ship pick slips (the Drop ship pick field for the vendor is set to Y). If the vendor uses drop ship purchase orders (the Drop ship pick field is set to N), you match by drop ship purchase order number, using the P/O # field at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor).

This screen lists the drop ship invoices for shipments made directly from your vendors. The invoice number, vendor number, vendor name, invoice date, and dollar value of the drop ship items display on the right of the screen.

How to display this screen: Press F4 or enter an invalid drop ship invoice number in the Drop ship invoice # field at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor). If you enter a valid drop ship invoice number, you advance directly to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information).

ACR0103 DISPLAY A/P Select Drop Ship Invoice 5/02/97 14:39:52


Opt Invoice Vendor Vendor name Invoice date Amount

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 5=Display invoice details

1003 200 ROJACKS 4/06/97 10.00

1036 14 COLE HANN 4/13/97 40.00

1043 14 COLE HANN 4/14/97 10.00

1045 14 COLE HANN 4/15/97 10.00

1047 14 COLE HANN 4/15/97 10.00

1049 14 COLE HANN 4/18/97 10.00

1050 14 COLE HANN 4/18/97 10.00

1051 14 COLE HANN 4/18/97 10.00

1052 14 COLE HANN 4/18/97 10.00 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F22=User defined option

Screen Option


Select a drop ship invoice for matching

Enter 1 next to an invoice See Chapter 15: Entering Drop Ship Invoices.

Review additional information about the drop ship invoice

Enter 5 next to an invoice to advance to the A/P Display PO Receipts Screen.

A/P Display PO Receipts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the contents of a purchase order receipt before you enter the associated invoice to pay the vendor for the merchandise or service received.

This screen lists the item, SKU, quantity received, receipt cost, cost extension (cost * quantity), receipt date, and the date the invoice was posted against the PO.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a purchase order listed on the A/P Select PO by Vendor Screen or the A/P Select PO by Date Screen to verify that the purchase order is the one against which you will enter an A/P invoice. See A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor).

ACR0095 DISPLAY A/P Display PO Receipts 6/17/97 14:38:56

Company #1


P/O # : 739

Receipt A/P Post

Item SKU Quantity Cost Extension Date Date

AA100 1000 .4560 456.00 4/19/97

AA100 1000 .5670 567.00 4/19/97

AB10000 500 30.0000 15000.00 4/19/97

AA101 250 24.9500 6237.50 4/19/97

AB30000 140 14.0000 1960.00 4/19/97

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

AP02_01 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN