Chapter 20: Maintaining A/P Invoices

Purpose: Use A/P invoice maintenance to work with invoices you have entered onto the system.

Which invoices are available to maintain? You can maintain any invoice whose status is open (O) or held (H). You cannot maintain an invoice whose status is suspended (S) using the screens described in this chapter; however, you can work with the suspended invoice through the batch entry and maintenance screens as described in Chapter 17: Working with and Processing A/P Batches.

Uploading A/P invoices: In addition to using interactive invoice entry, you can upload A/P invoices. In this case, the A/P Invoice Upload Auto Accept Batch (H73) system control value controls whether the system puts the uploaded invoices into open or suspended status when it creates them. To go into open status, the uploaded invoices must pass all relevant edits and contain essential information. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

Once you print the A/P Due List: When you print the Accounts Payable Due List (fast path = MCHK), you create check records on the system that are available through Work with A/P Checks (WCHK). The invoice remains open at this time, and you can still maintain it, although a change to the invoice total will not be reflected in the existing check record; instead, the new balance or credit will appear on the A/P Due List the next time you generate it, and a check or credit record will be created at that time.

For example, you:

1. enter A/P Invoice #123 for $100.00.

2. generate the A/P Due List and create a check record of $100 for the invoice.

3. maintain the invoice and add an additional merchandise charge of $50 (new invoice total is $150).

4. print checks and produce a check for $100.

5. generate the A/P Due List and create a check record of $50.

6. print checks and produce a check for $50.

Once you print checks: Once you have printing a check (or checks) that represent full payment of the invoice, you can no longer maintain the invoice.

Secured feature: The A/P Invoice Maintenance (A73) secured feature controls access to invoice maintenance.

For more information:

Chapter 13: Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE)

Chapter 26: Reprinting A/P Checks (RCHK)

In this chapter:

Enter A/P Invoices Screen

Select A/P Invoice Screen (for Maintenance)

Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen

Enter A/P Invoices Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to specify the division and bank to use for posting your entries in A/P invoice maintenance. This is the same screen you use to advance to A/P invoice entry.

How to display this screen: Enter MAPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select A/P Invoice Entry from a menu.

ACR0118 ENTER Enter A/P Invoices 1/14/98 9:45:09

EZK Mail Order

Date . . . . . . . 1/14/98

Division . . . . .

Bank . . . . . . .

Total # invoices .

Total $ . . . . .

Total units . . .

Total vnd# hash .

Total G/L# hash .

F3=Exit F7=Maintain F8=View Batches F12=Cancel F21=Purchase Journal

F24=Select Company




The date the invoices changes are posted in the system. The current date defaults, but you can override it.

Numeric, 6 positions; MMDDYY format, required.


The code for the division against which the batch of invoices will post to the General Ledger Interface file. The G/L number for A/P purchases is defined in the Division record.

If you are matching an A/P invoice to a purchase order and there is a Division specified for the warehouse where you received the purchase order, the system uses this division to post to the General Ledger Interface file instead.

Division codes are defined in and validated against the Division file; see Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The code for the bank to use for the account transaction for the invoices changes. The bank code is important because the bank record contains the A/P Cash G/L number against which the purchases will be posted.

Bank codes are defined in and validated against the Bank file.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Completing this screen/maintenance:

1. Verify the batch date, or enter a different date if necessary.

2. Complete the Division and Bank fields.

3. Press F7 to advance to the Select A/P Invoice Screen (for Maintenance). Do not press Enter.

The A/P Invoice Maintenance (A73) secured feature controls access to invoice maintenance.

Note: See Chapter 13: Working with A/P Invoice Entry (MAPE), for more information on using this screen to advance to A/P invoice entry.

Select A/P Invoice Screen (for Maintenance)

Purpose: Use this screen to select an open or held invoice for maintenance.

How to display this screen: Complete the division and bank information on the Enter A/P Invoices Screen and press F7.

MSR0928 SELECT Select A/P Invoice 1/14/98 10:07:14

Sarah`s Joke Shop

Opt Vendor Invoice Date Amount

1=Select request

10001 A190 1/01/98 100.00

10001 192 1/01/98 620.00

10001 194 12/29/97 100.00

10001 195 1/01/98 100.00

10001 5777 11/18/95 1,500.00

10001 68 12/09/97 10.00

10001 81 12/09/97 20.00

10002 170 1/01/98 300.00

10002 2356 11/17/95 768.00

10002 3456 11/01/95 55.00

10003 1256 11/17/95 120.00

10004 180 1/01/98 100.00 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The vendor who is due payment on the A/P invoice.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The number that identifies the A/P invoice.

Note: Because this is an alphanumeric field, invoice number 10 sorts before invoice number 9.

Upper and lower case invoice numbers: Although you can pass an upper and lower case invoice number from CWCollaborate, the Invoice # field here supports only upper case letters; as a result, you cannot scan on lower case letters in CWDirect. For example, if the invoice number is in2345, you cannot enter the lower case in in this field to position on the particular invoice; your entry of IN will not match. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for more information on the A/P invoice upload from CWCollaborate.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; optional.


The Invoice date you specified when entering the invoice.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.


The total invoice amount. This amount does not reflect any payments you may already have made against the invoice. Also, if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y, this amount represents the gross amount, not reduced by any discounts.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Selecting an invoice: Enter 1 next to an invoice to maintain it. You advance to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information).

For more information:

Chapter 14: Entering A/P-PO Invoices, for invoices that are matched to purchase order receipts or drop ship purchase order receipts

Chapter 15: Entering Drop Ship Invoices, for invoices that are matched to invoices for drop ship pick slips

Chapter 16: Entering A/P Invoices, for invoices that are not matched

Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to display, add, or change free-form notes about the invoice. You may enter A/P Invoice Notes during Invoice Entry (after you press F9 to accept the invoice), A/P Invoice Maintenance or A/P Invoice Inquiry.

How to display this screen:

From A/P Invoice Entry/Maintenance: Press F23 on the Work with Invoice Details or Enter Invoice Details screen. See Chapter 14: Entering A/P-PO Invoices, Chapter 15: Entering Drop Ship Invoices, or Chapter 16: Entering A/P Invoices.

From A/P Inquiry: Enter 23 next to an A/P invoice on the Display A/P Invoices Screen.

ACR0117 CHANGE Work with A/P Invoice Notes 7/27/95 13:11:48

Mail Order Company


Invoice # : 567001

Notes Date Print






F3=Exit F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel




A code for the supplier from whom you purchased the merchandise.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description (Unlabeled field to the right of the vendor number)

The name of the vendor who sold you the merchandise.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for merchandise you have received and must remit payment. The vendor's invoice number is entered during A/P Invoice Entry.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; display-only.


Lines for you to enter free-form text about the invoice.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions (each line).


The date on which the message was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); updated by the system.


This field controls whether the invoice notes print when you generate checks.

Valid values are:

Y = Print the notes

N = Do not print the notes; they are for informational purposes only.

Note: The invoice notes print each time you generate checks. Make sure you reset this value to N if you do not want to reprint the notes for an invoice.

See Chapter 24: Defining A/P Check Controls (MCHK) and Chapter 26: Reprinting A/P Checks (RCHK) for more information about printing the A/P invoice notes.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Adding/changing notes:

1. Enter the note in the Notes field.

2. Press Enter. The system displays the current date to the right of the note.

3. Complete the Print field.

4. Press F8 to update existing notes.

AP02_08 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN