Tax Jurisdiction Report

How to print: Use Printing the Tax Jurisdiction Report (PTXJ).

CWDirect Rel 1.2 Tax Jurisdiction Report LEE_H ACR0307 6/21/95 16:06:17 Page1




Period 5 / 95


Tax Amount Amount

Juris Description Charged Credited

BOSTON Boston, Massachusetts

CUMBERLAND Cumberland, Rhode Island 5.50 1.75

LINCOLN Lincoln, Rhode Island 2.75

8.25 1.75

Contents: :

• Period: the accounting period during which the tax was collected or credited to this jurisdiction. An accounting period is a period of time for which you define start and stop dates for accounting purposes. Accounting periods are defined in and validated against the Accounting Periods file.

• Year: the year associated with the accounting period of the report

• Tax jurisdiction: The area for which a special tax structure exists. Tax jurisdictions are defined in the Tax Jurisdiction file. See Chapter 40: Working with Tax Jurisdiction (WTXJ) in the Fulfillment manual.

• Description: the description associated with the tax jurisdiction.

• Amount charged: the amount of tax collected for this jurisdiction during the accounting period

• Amount credited: the amount of tax credited for this jurisdiction during the accounting period.

SO02_05r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN