Mark Up/Down Report

How to print this report: This report prints when you run the STSGEN periodic function. See Generating the STS Interface File. This report lists transactions that had a mark-up or mark-down and indicates transactions in which the list price was less than the selling price.

This report selects records based on:

• the company code you entered when you processed the periodic function

• the invoice date (system only selects invoices whose date matches the date when you ran the periodic function)

• whether the list price (from the SKU record) does not equal the selling price (from the invoice detail).

CWDirect Rel 2.5 STS Mark Up/Down Report KLETENDRE IFR0023 4/23/98 16:16:59 Page 1

The KL Mail Order Company

Invoice Date : 4/23/98

Inv List Actual Mark Emp Selling Employee

Dept. Item SKU Quantity Order # Invoice # Type Price Price Up/Down Price Discount

9 STSCU7564 1 2585 304 I 22.00 40.00 18.00- * 36.00 4.00

9 STSS86 BLUE 1 2585 304 I 30.00 11.00 19.00 9.90 1.10

9 STSSPE8677 1 2585 304 I 13.00 5.00 8.00 4.50 .50

Total for Department : 9 9.00 50.40 5.60

Inv List Actual Mark Emp Selling Employee

Dept. Item SKU Quantity Order # Invoice # Type Price Price Up/Down Price Discount

1111 STS1111 1 2585 304 I 10.00 25.00 15.00- * 22.50 2.50

Total for Department : 1111 15.00- 22.50 2.50

Inv List Actual Mark Emp Selling Employee

Dept. Item SKU Quantity Order # Invoice # Type Price Price Up/Down Price Discount

2222 STS2222 1 2585 304 I 10.00 3.00 7.00 2.70 .30

Total for Department : 2222 7.00 2.70 .30

Inv List Actual Mark Emp Selling Employee

Dept. Item SKU Quantity Order # Invoice # Type Price Price Up/Down Price Discount

5555 ITE6 2 2572 295 I 100.00 72.22 55.56 130.00 14.44

5555 IT58 2 2581 300 I 100.00 33.33 133.34 60.00 6.66

5555 IT36 1 2582 301 I 100.00 90.00 10.00 81.00 9.00

5555 IT08 1 2583 302 I 100.00 95.55 4.45 86.00 9.55

5555 IT12 1 2584 303 I 100.00 133.33 33.33- * 120.00 13.33

Total for Department : 5555 926.72 516.00 57.28


• invoice date

• department (taken from the value defined in the Long SKU department field in Work with Item/SKUs)

• item

• SKU (the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value determines whether three separate SKU fields display or one SKU field displays)

• quantity shipped (the quantity is a negative amount if this is a credit invoice)

• order number

• invoice number

• inventory type (I = invoice; C = credit)

• list price (the selling price displays if it is greater than the list price)

• actual price (unit selling price)

• mark up/down (an asterisk displays next to this amount if the selling price is greater than the list price)

• employee selling price (the price the employee paid, defined on the invoice)

• employee discount (the system performs the following calculation to determine the employee discount:

quantity x {selling price before employee discount - selling price} = employee discount)

• total for department

SO02_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN