Chapter 8: Working with Dollar Chart by Source Code (WDCS)

Purpose: Use the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Code function to establish and exclude freight or service charges by source code.

Service charges are additional charges that are added to an order if the merchandise amount on the order is equal to or greater than an amount specified in this file.

You can also define freight and service charges for a source using the Work with Source Code menu option; see Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Note: If you plan to establish service charges, you should complete the Addl charge code (Additional charge code for Dollar chart charges) in the Offer file.

In this chapter:

First Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Select Source and Type)

Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Display Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charge)

Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

Display Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

First Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Select Source and Type)

How to display this screen: Select the Work with Dollar Chart by Source option from a menu or enter WDCS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

OER0395 ENTER Work with Dollar Chart by Source 10/18/95 10:49:59

Mail Order Inc.

Source . . . . . .

Freight or service . . . (F,S)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company




A code to identify a segment of your customer base.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.

Freight or service

This value indicates the type of dollar chart for the source code. Valid values include:

F = Set up freight charges for the source code

S = Set up service charges for the source code

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Completing this screen: Complete the Source field and enter F or S in the Freight or service field:

• If you enter F for freight charges, the system validates that the source code you entered uses a dollar chart freight method by source (either dollar chart by source or pre-discount dollar chart by source); if so, you advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

• If you enter S for service charges, you advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges).

Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to define freight charges for this source code. The system uses this table if the Freight method defined for the source code is $S (Dollar Chart by Source) or DS (Pre-Discount Dollar Chart by Source).

How to display this screen: Complete the First Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Select Source and Type) or enter 10 next to a source code on the Work with Source Codes Screen. A message indicates if the source code does not use one of the above freight methods:

Freight method is not Dollar Chart.

MSR0644 DISPLAY Work with Dollar Chart by Source 4/24/98 13:11:10

Mail Order Company


Source . . . . : BUY001 6 MOS BUYERS $50-100

Dollar Freight Maximum

Opt Amount Charge Pct Charge

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

25.00 5.00 .00 .00

50.00 6.00 .00 .00

100.00 8.00 .00 .00

150.00 9.00 .00 .00

200.00 14.00 .00 .00

500.00 16.00 .00 .00

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company



Dollar amount

The dollar amount for the dollar chart. If the merchandise total for on order is less than or equal to this dollar amount, the system applies the Freight charge or the Percentage associated with this dollar amount. The freight method for the source code defines whether the system uses the merchandise total based on selling price to calculate freight, or based on the pre-discount price.

Note: If the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the system also includes handling along with merchandise in the freight charge calculation.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Freight charge

The shipping charge associated with the Dollar amount.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Pct (Percentage)

A percentage of the order's merchandise total used to calculate the freight or service charge.

Note: If the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the system also includes handling along with merchandise in the freight charge calculation.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Maximum charge

The maximum amount to charge for shipping.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Update the freight charge or maximum freight amount for a tier on the dollar chart for this source code

Enter 2 next to a tier on the dollar chart by source to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

Delete a tier in the dollar chart for this source code

Enter 4 next to a tier on the dollar chart by source to delete it.

Review information for a tier on the dollar chart for this source code

Enter 5 next to a tier on the dollar chart by source to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

Create a new tier on the dollar chart by source

Press F6 to advance to the Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a freight chart for a source code.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

MSR0646 ENTER Create Dollar Chart by Source 4/24/98 14:26:15

Mail Order Company

Source code . . . . . . . : BUY001 6 MOS BUYERS $50-100

Dollars . . . . . . . . . .

Freight Amount . . . . . . .

Freight Percent . . . . . . .

Maximum Freight Amount . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

You must define a freight charge by entering a dollar amount in the Freight charge field or a percentage of the dollar amount in the Pct field. Optionally, you can enter a maximum charge to use.




The code and description for a group of customers to whom you mail an offer. See Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

(Source) Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

(Description) Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The merchandise dollar amount on the customer's order. When the merchandise total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount you enter, the Freight charge, Pct, or the Maximum charge applies to the customer's order. The freight method for the source code defines whether the system uses the merchandise total based on selling price to calculate freight, or based on the pre-discount price.

Note: If the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the system also includes handling along with merchandise in the freight charge calculation.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Freight amount

The flat dollar amount of freight to apply to a customer's order when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the Dollar amount specified.

For example, If you enter 100.00 in the Dollar amount field, and 4.95 in the Freight charge field, the system adds $4.95 to the order as freight when the total order amount subject to freight is $100.00 or less.

Note: If the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the system also includes handling along with merchandise in the freight charge calculation.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you do not define a percentage in the Pct field.

Freight percent

The percentage of the merchandise total to apply to a customer's order as freight when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the Dollar amount specified.

For example, If you enter 50.00 in the Dollar amount field, and 5.00 in the Pct field, the system applies $2.50 to the order as freight when the total amount subject to freight is $50.00 or less.

Note: If the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the system also includes handling along with merchandise in the freight charge calculation.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you do not define a dollar amount in the Freight charge field.

Maximum freight amount

The maximum dollar amount of freight to charge, regardless of the result of the freight calculation. You need to complete this field only if you are calculating freight on the merchandise dollar amount by percentage (if you have entered a percentage in the Pct field.)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

To change: Enter 2 next to a dollar chart by source record at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges) to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges). You can change all fields except the Source code and Dollars fields.

Display Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges)

To display: Enter 5 next to a dollar chart by source charge record at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges) to advance to the Display Dollar Chart by Source screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Freight Charges).

Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to define service charges for a source code. Service charges are additional charges that are added to an order if the merchandise amount on the order is equal to or greater than an amount specified in this file.

Note: If you are setting up service charges, you should complete the Additional charge code field for Dollar chart charges in the Offer file.

About service charges:

Charge bucket: Source code or offer service charges are added to the Charge bucket on the order, using the additional charge code specified for the offer.

Source or offer service charge? If the order’s merchandise total qualifies for a service charge specified for the source code on the order header, the system applies this service charge to the order; otherwise, if the order’s merchandise total qualifies for a service charge specified for the offer related to the source code, the offer-level service charge applies.

Ship via service charge: You can also set up service charges for ship vias. Unlike source code or offer service charges, ship via service charges are added to the Freight bucket on the order. An order can qualify for a ship via service charge, in addition to a source code or offer service charge:

• if the Exclude serv chg flag for the source code on the order header is set to N

• if the Add’l freight only flag for the ship via on the order ship to is set to Y, then the ship via’s Incl wgt/svc chrgs if add’l frt only flag must also be set to Y

Guaranteed service charge: You can also set up a guaranteed service charge through the Working with Offers (WOFR) option. This service charge is added to the Charge bucket on the order if the Exclude serv chg flag for the source code on the order header is set to N.

How to display this screen: Complete the First Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Select Source and Type). You can also display this screen by entering 11 next to a source code at the Work with Source Codes Screen.

MSR0644 DISPLAY Work with Dollar Chart by Source 4/24/98 16:09:43

Mail Order Company

Source . . : A100 BETTER BUYERS $50-$100

Dollar Service Maximum

Opt Amount Charge Pct Charge

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

25.00 3.00 .00 .00

50.00 5.00 .00 .00

100.00 .00 6.00 7.00

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company



Dollar amount

Indicates the dollar amount for the service charge chart.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Freight charge

Indicates dollar amount for the service charge chart.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Pct (Percentage)

Indicates the percentage of the order's total merchandise dollar amount that is used to calculate the service charge.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Maximum charge

Indicates the maximum amount to charge for service charges.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Update a service charge amount or percent for a tier on the service charge chart

Enter 2 next to a tier on the service chart by source to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges).

Delete a tier in the service charge chart for this source code

Enter 4 next to a tier on the dollar chart by source to delete it.

Review information for a tier on the service charge chart for this source code

Enter 5 next to a tier on the dollar chart by source to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges).

Create a new tier on the service charge chart by source

Press F6 to advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges).

Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charge)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a service charge for a source code.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges).

MSR0646 ENTER Create Dollar Chart by Source 4/24/98 14:26:15

Mail Order Company

Source code . . . . . . . : BUY001 6 MOS BUYERS $50-100

Dollars . . . . . . . . . .

Service Amount . . . . . . .

Service Percent . . . . . . .

Maximum Service Amount . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

You must define a service charge by entering a dollar amount in the Service amount field or a percentage of the dollar amount in the Service pct field. Optionally, you can enter a maximum charge to use.




The unique user-defined code and description for a segment of your customer base to whom you mail an offer. See Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

(Source) Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

(Description) Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The merchandise dollar amount on the customer's order. When the merchandise total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount you enter, the Service charge, Service percent, or the Maximum service amount is applied to the customer's order.

For example, if the merchandise total is from .01 to 25.00, the service charge is 3.00. If the merchandise total is from 26.00 to 50.00, the service charge is 5.00. If the merchandise total is 50.01 or over, the service charge is 6% of the merchandise dollar amount, up to $7.00.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Service amount

The flat dollar amount of a service charge that is applied to a customer's order when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the Dollars specified.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you do not define a percentage in the Service percent field.

Service percent

The percentage of the merchandise total that is applied to a customer's order as a service charge when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the Dollars specified.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you do not define a dollar amount in the Service amount field.

Maximum service amount

The maximum dollar amount of a service charge, regardless of the result of the service charge calculation. You only need to complete this field if you are calculating the service charge on the merchandise dollar amount by percentage (if you have entered a percentage in the Service percent field.)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Change Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

To change: Enter 2 next to a service charge at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges) to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Source screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charge). You can change all fields except the Source code and Dollars fields.

Display Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges)

To display: Enter 5 next to a service charge at the Work with Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charges) to advance to the Display Dollar Chart by Source screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Source Screen (Service Charge).

MK01_08 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN