Chapter 30: Working with Fast Track Items (WFTI)

Purpose: The fast track item number is a "dummy" item number that represents up to three actual, valid item numbers. If you are using the fast track inventory feature, the system checks the Fast Track file for the item number entered during Order Entry. Based on serial number or a cutoff date, the system replaces the fast track item with one of three actual items.

To use the Fast Track feature:

• You must have the Fast Track Inventory (A70) system control value set to Y.

• You must create the "dummy" fast track item in the Work with Items/SKUs (MITM) menu option; see Working with Existing Items (MITM).

• You must define the actual, valid item numbers for the fast track item in the Work with Fast Track Items (WFTI) menu option.

In this chapter:

Work with Fast Track Items Screen

Create Fast Track Item Screen

How Does the System Perform a Fast Track Item Number Conversion?

Change Fast Track Item Screen

Display Fast Track Item Screen

Work with Fast Track Items Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WFTI in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select this option from a menu.

OER0090 DISPLAY Work with Fast Track Items 12/08/93 12:48:50


Opt Fast Track Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff

Item Code Date Serial #

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

A123 D 11/01/93 0

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print List

F24=Select Company



Fast track item

A code for a fast track item number that will be replaced by one of three inventory item numbers during fast track item number conversion processing in Order Entry.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Cutoff code

This value determines how the system should select one of three actual item numbers.

Valid values:

B - Both date and serial number

D - Date

N - No cutoff evaluation.

S - Serial number

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Cutoff date

The date that is used in fast track item conversion processing to determine which of three actual item numbers will be substituted for a fast track item number.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Cutoff serial #

A serial number that is used to determine which of 3 actual item numbers will be substituted for a fast track item number when fast track item number conversion processing occurs in Order Entry.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create fast track item

Press F6 to advance to the Create Fast Track Item Screen.

Change fast track item

Enter 2 next to a fast track item to advance to the Change Fast Track Item Screen.

Delete fast track item

Enter 4 next to a fast track item to delete it.

Display fast track item

Enter 5 next to a fast track item to advance to the Display Fast Track Item Screen.

Create Fast Track Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define a fast track item which represents up to three reference item numbers. In addition, you can enter the cutoff code, cutoff date, and cutoff serial number to further define the fast track item.

The fast track item number is entered in Order Entry. The system performs a conversion and replaces the fast track item number with an actual item number, based on the purchase date and/or serial number.

For additional Fast Track information, see Order Entry Chapter 18: Alternate Methods of Entering Items in Order Entry.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Fast Track Items Screen.

OER0093 ENTER Create Fast Track Item 7/19/94 10:46:41


Fast track item


Size Colr Styl Inv N/C

Reference item #1/

Reference item #2/

Reference item #3/

Cutoff code . . . (D=Date, S=Serial #, B=Both, N=None)

Cutoff date . . .

Cutoff serial # .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Fast track item

A code for a fast track item number that represents one of three valid items in the Item file.

The Fast Track Item will be replaced by one of three item numbers during Order Entry. Fast track items are not kept in inventory. Based on a serial number or cutoff date, the system replaces the fast track item with one of three replacement items.

This code is not validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Reference item # (1-3)

A valid item number (and SKU) that will be replaced by the fast track item number during Order Entry. At least one item must be entered and up to three items may be entered. If only two possibilities for selection exist, enter the same item number in fields 2 and 3.

The reference items must be valid items in the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Aff inv (Affect inventory?)

The value in this field controls whether inventory counts will be reduced when the system converts the fast track item and adds this item to the order.

Valid values are:

Y = (default): Affect inventory; reduce the on-hand inventory count by the number of units of the item added to the order.

N = Do not affect inventory; do not reduce the on-hand inventory count when adding this item to the order.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

N/C (No charge?)

This value determines whether the customer will be charged for this item.

Valid values include:

blank = (default): Charge the regular item price

Y = Do not charge the customer for this item

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Cutoff code

This value determines how the system should select one of three reference items. Cutoff codes are:

B = both (date and serial number)

D = order date

N = none.

S = serial number

See How Does the System Perform a Fast Track Item Number Conversion?

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Cutoff date

The date that determines which of the three reference items will be replaced for a fast track item during Order Entry. The cutoff date must be entered when the Cutoff code is by date (D) or by date and serial number (B).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Cutoff serial #

A serial number that determines which of the three reference items will be replaced for a fast track item during Order Entry. A serial number must be entered when the Cutoff code for the fast track item is S (Serial number) or B (Serial number and Date).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

How Does the System Perform a Fast Track Item Number Conversion?

The system uses the value in the Cutoff field in the Fast Track Item record to determine which item will be added to the order in place of the fast track item.

If Cutoff Code

Meets this condition

The system uses

D = Purchase Date

Is before the cutoff date

Ref. Item #1

Is equal to or after the cutoff date

Ref. Item #2

S = Serial #

Is less than the cutoff serial #

Ref. Item #1

Is equal to or greater than the cutoff serial #

Ref. Item #2

B = Both

(Purchase Date and Serial # )

Purchase date is before the cutoff date, and the Serial # is less than the cutoff serial #

Ref. Item #1

Purchase date is greater than or equal to the cutoff date, and

the Serial # is less than, equal to or greater than the cutoff serial #

Ref. Item #2

Purchase date is before the cutoff date, and the Serial # is greater than or equal to the cutoff serial #

Ref. Item #3

N = None


Ref. Item #1

Change Fast Track Item Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a fast track item at the Work with Fast Track Items Screen to advance to the Change Fast Track Item screen. At this screen you can change any field except the Fast Track Item. See Create Fast Track Item Screen for field descriptions.

Display Fast Track Item Screen

To display : Enter 5 next to a fast track item at the Work with Fast Track Items Screen to advance to the Display Fast Track Item screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Fast Track Item Screen for field descriptions.

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