Chapter 125: Generating the Subscription Extract File (WGSE)

Purpose: The Generate Subscription Extract file function creates a file of customers who should be sent an issue of a subscription.

A record is created in the Customer Subscription file when you generate pick slips for a customer order containing a subscription item. See Chapter 144: Displaying More Options for more information on working with customer subscriptions.

Before you can sell subscriptions, you must first define a subscription item in the Item file and in the Item Subscription file. See Merchandising Chapter 12: Working with Item Subscriptions (WISB) for more information on working with subscription items.

When you generate the Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX), you have the option of selecting all open subscriptions, or you can select specific subscription items by issue number.

In this chapter:

First Generate Subscription Extract File Screen

Generate All Open Subscriptions

Second Generate Subscription Extract File Screen (Selecting Issue Numbers)

Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX)

Clearing the Subscription Extract File

First Generate Subscription Extract File Screen

Purpose: At this screen you have the option of writing all open Customer Subscription records to the Subscription Extract file, or selecting subscription items by issue number.

How to display this screen: Enter WGSE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Generate Subscription Extract File from a menu.

FLR0500 ENTER Generate Subscription Extract File 3/25/96 16:54:12

Mail Order Inc.


1=By item 2=All open

Selected Subscription items or all open?

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel

Screen Option


Select issue numbers for subscription generation

Enter 1 in the Selected subscription items or all open? field to advance to the Second Generate Subscription Extract File Screen (Selecting Issue Numbers)

Generate all open subscriptions

Enter 2 in the Selected subscription items or all open? field. See Generate All Open Subscriptions.

Accept your entries and generate all open subscriptions

Press F9. See Generate All Open Subscriptions.

Generate All Open Subscriptions

Follow these steps to select all open Customer Subscription records. To select specific issues of subscription items, see Second Generate Subscription Extract File Screen (Selecting Issue Numbers).

1. Enter 2 in the Selected subscription items or all open? field at the First Generate Subscription Extract File Screen.

2. Press F9 to submit. If records currently exist in the Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX), this window appears:

Confirm Reset

Records currently exist in the

Subscription Extract file. To

add records to the existing file

respond with a Y below. Otherwise,

the existing file will be CLEARED.

Add to existing file N (Y/N)

F3=Exit (no update)

3. Enter N if you would like to clear all previous records from the Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX). Enter Y if you would like to append new records to the end of the Subscription Extract file without clearing the file.

4. Press Enter to continue with the extract. The system submits the job SUBSCR_EXT by selecting all open records from the Customer Subscription file (status = O). It then writes these records to the Subscription Extract file.

Note: If you use option 2 to select all open subscriptions, the system will change the status of the record in the Customer Subscription file to X (Closed) and will not record the first or last issue numbers or dates as they display at the Work with Subscriptions Screen. You might choose this option if you are turning over the Subscription Extract file to another service provider rather maintaining the subscription using CWDirect. If would like the record status to remain open and want to track first and last issue numbers and dates, you must use option 1 to select subscriptions by issue number; see Second Generate Subscription Extract File Screen (Selecting Issue Numbers).

Second Generate Subscription Extract File Screen (Selecting Issue Numbers)

Purpose: Use this screen to select issue numbers of subscription items to include in the Subscription Extract file.

How to display this screen: Enter 1 in the Select subscription items or all open? field at the First Generate Subscription Extract File Screen.

FLR0410 DISPLAY Generate Subscription Extract File 3/26/96 9:39:55

Mail Order Inc.


Select items by entering the issue# to be extracted.




F3=Exit F9=Submit F11=Reset selections F12=Cancel

F21=Print current extract summary

Once you have selected a Customer Subscription record using option 2 for all open items, the system changes the status of the record to X (Closed). This means that the record will no longer be selected when you generate the Subscription Extract file.



Iss (Issue)

The issue of the subscription you want to include in the Subscription Extract file.

Numeric, 3 positions.


The item code of the subscription item.

Items are defined in and validated against the Item file. Subscription items have a Y in both the Subscription and Non/inv (non-inventory) fields in the Item and Item/SKU files. See Merchandising Chapter 24: Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The unique characteristics associated with the item, such as its color, size, width, etc. SKUs are defined in and validated against the Item/SKU file.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The description of the subscription item, as defined in the Item records.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Sel (Selected?)

This field identifies whether you requested an issue of the subscription item. An asterisk (*) appears in the Sel column to the right of the selected subscription items.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter the issue number next to a subscription item you want to select for the Subscription Extract file. An asterisk (*) appears in the Sel column to the right of the subscription item, and the subscription item moves to the top of the screen.

2. Repeat the above step for each subscription item you want to select by issue number. Selected subscription items appear in alphanumeric order at the top of the screen.

3. To reset your selections, press F11. A pop-up window appears:

Confirm Reset

Press ENTER to confirm Reset.


Press Enter to remove the issue number from each subscription item.

4. When you have entered all the issue numbers you would like to select, press F9. If records currently exist in the Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX), a pop-up window appears:

Confirm Reset

Records currently exist in the

Subscription Extract file. To

add records to the existing file

respond with a Y below. Otherwise,

the existing file will be CLEARED.

Add to existing file N (Y/N)

F3=Exit (no update)

5. Enter N if you would like to clear all previous records from the Subscription Extract file. Enter Y if you would like to append new records to the end of the Subscription Extract file without clearing the file.

6. Press Enter to continue with the extract. The system submits the job SUBSCR_EXT by selecting all records in the Customer Subscription file that match your selections. It then writes these records to the Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX).

Subscription Extract File (CSSBEX)

For more information on individual fields, see Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST) and Chapter 12: Working with Item Subscriptions (WISB).




Company code

3 positions, numeric


Order date

7 positions, numeric


Sequence number

7 positions, numeric


Customer sold to number

9 positions, numeric


Sold to prefix

3 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to first name

15 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to initial

1 position, alphanumeric


Sold to last name

25 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to company name

30 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to street address

32 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to apartment number

10 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to address line 2

32 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to address line 3

32 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to address line 4

32 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to city

25 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to state

2 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to zip code

10 positions, alphanumeric


Sold to PO Box

1 position, alphanumeric

Y or N

Sold to delivery code

1 position, alphanumeric

B (business), R (residential), or N (neither)

Sold to suffix

3 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient customer number

9 positions, numeric

The recipient on an order can be a sold to address, customer ship to address, or order ship to address.

Recipient prefix

3 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient first name

15 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient initial

1 position, alphanumeric


Recipient last name

25 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient company name

30 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient street address

32 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient apartment number

10 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient address line 2

32 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient address line 3

32 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient city

25 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient state

2 positions, alphanumeric


Recipient zip code

10 positions, alphanumeric


Subscription start date

7 positions, numeric

Default start date is the order date

Date sent to service

7 positions, numeric

Set to zero

Source code

6 positions, alphanumeric



5 positions, numeric

The quantity is always 1


7 positions with a 2-place decimal; numeric


Item code

12 positions, alphanumeric


Item description

40 positions, alphanumeric



14 positions, alphanumeric


Subscription status

1 position, alphanumeric


Number of intervals

3 positions, numeric


Rent name?

1 position, alphanumeric

Y or N

Mail name?

1 position, alphanumeric

Y or N

Issue number

3 positions, numeric


Expiring issue number

3 position, numeric


Option taken at Subscription Extract screen

5 positions, numeric

Valid values:

1 or 2

Clearing the Subscription Extract File

Purpose: As part of your regular procedures, you can delete the Extract file from disk immediately after creating a tape for your mail center so that no pop-up window appears when you next submit the Extract program.

1. Enter CLRPFM (Clear Physical File Member) on a command line.

2. Press F4.

3. Enter CSSBEX (Customer Service Subscription Extract file) in the Physical file field.

4. Press Enter. The system issues a message:


Member CSSBEX file CSSBEX in CWM13QDTA cleared.


The next time you press F9 after making selections on the First Generate Subscription Extract File Screen:

• no pop-up window appears, and

• your job is submitted immediately

You can also use Purging Subscriptions (MPCS) to clear old records out of the file.

CS15_01 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN