Chapter 5: Working with Item Classes (WICL)

Purpose: Use item class codes to group items for inventory and demand reporting. For example, you can use item class to:

• select which items or SKUs to copy from one offer to another: see Chapter 55: Copying SKU Offer Information (MCSO)

• override item offer or SKU offer information: see Chapter 57: Working with Offer Overrides by Item Class (WSOI)

• identify items for upsell promotion or promotional inserts in order entry: see Marketing Chapter 18: Working with Upsell Promotions (WUPE)

• identify a tax exemption for a group of items: see Chapter 31: Working with Item Tax Exemptions (WITX)

• post sales or returns to the General Ledger Interface file: see Accounts Payable Chapter 41: Displaying the General Ledger Interface (DGLI)

• grouping items for inventory reporting: see Part L: Performing Inventory Analyses)

• select customers for a house list drop segment: see Marketing Chapter 36: Working with Drops (WHLS)

• design the templates used to present information in specific settings, such as order entry or on a web storefront: see Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information)

• track demand by customer: see Customer Service Chapter 34: Reviewing Customer History)

• identify when to automatically download availability information to the web storefront: see System Operations Part I: E-Commerce Interface.

• apply a dollar or percentage discount to selected items on an order: see Working with Promotion Values (WPRO).

In this chapter:

Work with Item Class Screen

Create Item Class Screen

Change Item Class Screen

Display Item Class Screen

Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions)

Restrict Item Class by Customer Class (Creating a Restriction)

Work with Item Restrictions by City Screen (Defining City/State Restrictions)

Create Item Restriction by City Screen

Reviewing Item Class Templates

Work with Item Class Templates Screen

Create Item Class Template Screen

Change Item Class Templates Screen

Display Item Class Template Screen

Copy Item Class Templates Pop-Up Window

Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen

Restrict Special Handling by Item Class Screen

Work with Item Class Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WICL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Item Class from a menu.

INR0057 DISPLAY Work with Item Class 12/04/97 9:40:34

Company #1

Opt Class Description

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Cust. Class Restrict 8=City/State Restrict.

10=Templates 11=Copy Template 13=Special Handling Restrict.










F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list

F24=Select company




A code that identifies the item class.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the item class.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create an item class code

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Class Screen.

Change an item class code

Enter 2 next to an item class code to advance to the Change Item Class Screen.

Delete an item class code

Enter 4 next to an item class code to delete it.

Note: You can delete an item class code even if it is assigned to an item. The next time you maintain the item you will receive a message indicating that the code assigned to the item is not found.

Display an item class code

Enter 5 next to an item class code to advance to the Display Item Class Screen.

Define a customer class restriction

Enter 7 next to an item class code to advance to the Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions).

Define a city restriction

Enter 8 next to an item class code to advance to the Work with Item Restrictions by City Screen (Defining City/State Restrictions).

Work with an item class template

Enter 10 next to an item class code to advance to the Work with Item Class Templates Screen.

Copy an item class template

Enter 11 next to an item class code to advance to the Copy Item Class Templates Pop-Up Window.

Work with special handling restrictions

Enter 13 next to an item class code to advance to the Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen.

Create Item Class Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item class.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Item Class Screen.

INR0060 ENTER Create Item Class 10/09/12 12:31:17

EZK Mail Order

Item class . . . . . . . .

Description . . . . . . .

Commission % . . . . . . .

Curve code . . . . . . . .

Estimated Freight . . . . BML Product type

Estimated Freight % . . . BML Item category . . . . . .

Desired Gross Margin % . . Commodity code

Sales G/L Account # . . .

Discount G/L Account # . .

Return G/L Account # . . .

Return Discount G/L # . .

Cost Good Sold G/L # . . .

Cost Good Rtn G/L # . . .

Availability Threshold . .

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel




A code to identify a group of items, such as computer hardware or computer software. Item Class codes are used as a high-level method to sort and classify inventory. You assign an item Class to an item in the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


A description of the item class, such as furniture or computer hardware. The item class description prints on several inventory reports.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Commission %

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2 place decimal; optional.

Curve code

A code used in forecasting for inventory projection and analysis reporting. The curve determines weekly projections of sales for items within this item class. Curve codes are defined in and validated against the Projection Curve file; see Marketing Chapter 26: Working with Projection Curves (WCRV).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Estimate freight

Your “best guess” on the vendor's freight charges for items defined in this item class. This unit amount is added to an item's cost to represent the estimated freight charges. Including estimated freight charges is helpful if you sell merchandise before the actual freight charges are known.

The system includes estimated freight in the cost of an item when determining gross profit in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability. Gross profit margin is the amount of the item's price that exceeds your cost of the item. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an item on an order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order. See Order Entry Chapter 6: Working with Items on the Order for more information on how the system calculates gross profit.

Numeric, 7 with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Estimated freight %

Your “best guess” on the vendor's freight charges for items defined in this item class. This percentage amount is added to an item's cost to represent the estimated freight charges. Including estimated freight charges is helpful if you sell merchandise before the actual freight charges are known.

The system includes estimated freight in the cost of an item when determining gross profit in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability. Gross profit margin is the amount of the item's price that exceeds your cost of the item. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an item on an order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order. See Order Entry Chapter 6: Working with Items on the Order for more information on how the system calculates gross profit.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Desired gross (Desired gross margin percent)

The percentage margin of the item's price that should exceed the cost of the item. You can use Desired gross margin percent when you decide how to price an item in an offer so that the price results in a profitable outcome. See Chapter 58: Working with Catalog Planning (WCAP).

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

BML Product type

The Bill Me Later product type associated with the item class.

Used during Bill Me Later Processing when sending transactions for a Bill Me Later pay type to the service bureau.

Note: The Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration requires a numeric BML product type no more than 3 positions.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

BML item category

The Bill Me Later item category associated with the item class.

Used during Bill Me Later Processing when sending transactions for a Bill Me Later pay type to the service bureau.

Note: The Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration requires a BML item category no more than 4 positions.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Commodity code

The commodity code associated with the item class.

Used during Level II and III Discounting when sending a deposit request to the service bureau.

Note: The Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration requires a numeric commodity code no more than 12 positions. .

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Sales G/L account # (Sales general ledger account number)

The general ledger number for posting sales for items in this class. If an item is not assigned to a class with a sales G/L account number, the system uses the Merchandise Sales G/L number defined in the Division file. G/L numbers are validated against the G/L Account file.

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Discount G/L # (Discount general ledger account number)

The G/L account number for posting discounts on sales for items in this class. If an item is not assigned to a class with a discount G/L account number, the system uses the Merchandise Sales G/L number defined in the Division file. G/L numbers are validated against the G/L Account file. See Accounts Payable Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV) and Chapter 2: Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA).

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Return G/L Account #

The G/L account number for posting returns on items in this class. If an item is not assigned to a class with a return G/L account number, the system uses the Return G/L number defined in the Division file. G/L numbers are validated against the G/L Account file. See Accounts Payable Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV) and Chapter 2: Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA).

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Return discount G/L #

The G/L number for posting discounts on returns for items in this class. If an item is not assigned to a class with a return discount G/L account number, the system uses the Return Discount G/L number defined in the Division file. G/L numbers are validated against the G/L Account file. See Accounts Payable Chapter 3: Working with Divisions (WDIV) and Chapter 2: Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA).

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Cost good sold G/L # (Cost of goods sold general ledger account number)

The G/L number for posting item cost for sales.

If not assigned: If an item is not assigned to a class with a Cost of goods sold G/L account number, the system uses:

• drop ship item: the Drop ship C.O.G. account number for the division

• non inventory item: the Non-inventory COGS account number for the division

• all other items: the Cost of goods sold account number for the division

• If the above general ledger numbers are not defined at the division level:

• for a non inventory or drop ship item, the system does not post the cost of goods to the General Ledger Interface file

• for all other items, the system uses the account number from the Issue (I) inventory transaction code.


Which division? The system uses the division associated with the source code on the order header if the Post Inventory G/L Transactions Using Source Code Associated with Order (F81) system control value is set to Y. Also, the system uses the override source code at the order detail line level if the Post Sales G/L Using Division at Order Line Source Code (F17) system control value is set to Y. Otherwise, the system uses the division specified in the Default Division for Inventory Transactions (C17) system control value.

Drop ship and non inventory: The system posts the cost of goods sold for drop ship and non inventory items only if the Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39) system control value is set to Y.

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Cost of good rtn G/L # (Cost of goods sold return general ledger account number)

The G/L number for posting item cost for returns.

If not assigned: For regular, inventoried items and drop ship items, the system uses Cost of goods return G/L number for the division if there is no Cost of good return G/L number for the item class, or if the item is not assigned to an item class; if there is no G/L number for the division, the system uses the G/L number for the C (customer return) inventory transaction code. For a non inventory item, however, the system does not post the cost of goods at all for a return unless there is a Cost of good return G/L number.

Note: The system posts the cost of goods sold for drop ship and non inventory items only if the Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39) system control value is set to Y.

Which division? See the description of the Cost of goods sold G/L number, above, for information.

If you do not have authority to the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Availability threshold (item class-level)

Use this field to indicate when to trigger an automatic download of item availability information:

E-commerce: the system saves availability information in the E-Commerce Staging Library (G56); from there, the information is available to the web storefront if you use the E-Commerce Interface. This download allows you to display an item’s availability status to web customers if your web storefront supports it.

Generic inventory API: the system creates a trigger record for an item when its available quantity breeches the threshold, and an integration layer process generates the Inventory Download XML Message (CWInventoryDownload) message to send inventory information to an external system. See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview of message generation rules and processing.

Availability threshold hierarchy: The system checks this setting if there is no Avail threshold (item-level availability threshold) specified for the individual item. If both the item-level or item class-level thresholds are blank, the system checks the Quantity Available Threshold for Inventory Downloads (G36) system control value. See this system control value for a complete description of how the availability threshold hierarchy works, and for a description of the e-commerce download.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Change Item Class Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an item class code at the Work with Item Class Screen to advance to the Change Item Class screen. On this screen, you can change any information except the item class. See Create Item Class Screen.

Display Item Class Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an item class code at the Work with Item Class Screen to advance to the Display Item Class screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Item Class Screen for field descriptions.

Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions)

Purpose: Item class restriction by customer class is used to prevent the sale of an item to certain customers. For example, if you sell lethal weapons you will need to restrict customers who are under 21 years of age from purchasing them. By creating and using customer class restrictions, you can prevent a class of customers from ordering a class of items. When you define a customer class restriction for an item class, the system:

• displays a message in Order Entry informing you that a particular item is restricted for a certain class of customer

• does not allow you to enter the item on an order for that class of customer

Use this screen to create and delete customer class restrictions.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Class Screen, enter 7 next to an item class.

MSR0331 DISPLAY Item Class Restr's by Customer Class 12/04/97 14:23:29

The Mail Order Company


Opt Cust Class Description

Type options, press Enter.


1 UNDER 21

2 UNDER 18


F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class for which you are creating a customer class restriction.

Item class code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Cust class (Customer class)

A code that identifies a class of customers such as for an item restriction, list selection, or reporting purposes.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


Screen Option


Create a new restriction by customer class

Press F6 to advance to the Restrict Item Class by Customer Class (Creating a Restriction).

Delete a restriction by customer class

Enter 4 next to a customer class restriction to delete it.

Restrict Item Class by Customer Class (Creating a Restriction)

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict a customer class from ordering a specific item class.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions).

CSR0320 ENTER Restrict Item Class by Cust Class 12/04/97 14:35:50

The Mail Order Company

Item class . . . : LTH LETHAL WEAPONS

Customer class . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description for which you wish to create a customer class restriction.

Item class code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item class description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Customer class

The customer class code you wish to restrict from a specific item class. Customer Class codes are defined in and validated against the Customer Class file. See Customer Service Chapter 17: Setting Up the Customer Class File (WCCL).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Work with Item Restrictions by City Screen (Defining City/State Restrictions)

Purpose: Item class restrictions by city/state prevent the sale of certain items where it is illegal for them to be sold. For example, it is illegal to sell lethal sprays in Massachusetts. By creating and using City/State restrictions, you can prevent customers in a certain location from ordering a class of items. When you define a city/state restriction for an item class, the system:

• displays a message in Order Entry indicating that the item is restricted for the location

• does not allow you to enter the item on an order for that city/state

Note: Downloading item restrictions by city to the web storefront is not supported; however, you can download item restrictions by country and state. See Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) for more information.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Class Screen, enter 8 next to an item class.

OER0087 DISPLAY Work with Item Restrictions By City 12/04/97 12:21:11

The Mail Order Company


Opt City Country State

Type options, press Enter.




F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description for which you are creating a city restriction.

Item class: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The city where an item class restriction applies.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The two-letter code for the state or province where the city is located.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new restriction by city

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Restriction by City Screen.

Delete a restriction by city

Enter 4 next to a city/state restriction to delete it.

Create Item Restriction by City Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict a city from a specific item class.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Restrictions by City Screen (Defining City/State Restrictions), press F6.

OER0088 ENTER Create Item Restriction By City 12/04/97 12:34:21

The Mail Order Company


City . . . .

State . . .

Country . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description for which you are creating a city restriction.

Item code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The city where an item class restriction applies.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The two-letter code for the state or province. State codes are defined in and validated against the State file, which is accessible through the Work with Countries menu option; see Customer Service Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Reviewing Item Class Templates

Purpose: Templates allow you to customize the format of the Work with Item Information screen and to maintain 5 different types of information related to an item or SKU based on functional area. For example:

• item information directed towards Customer Service can include care instructions for an item or SKU; this information is available in order entry and order maintenance

• item information for download through the e-commerce interface can include an item description to display on the web storefront

Information templates: Information templates allow you to design the sequence and content of the item information screen presented in various applications, such as order entry and order maintenance.

Template usage: For each item class, you can define 5 types of templates:

CS (Customer Service): item information for these templates is available in order entry and order maintenance by entering 11 next to an item

PC (Product Comments): with the proper authority, the operator can enter product comments in order entry or order maintenance by pressing F8 after selecting item information

PO (Purchase Orders): there is not currently a means to display information in this template in additional menu options

QC (Quality Control): there is not currently a means to display information in this template in additional menu options

RP (Reporting): these templates are used for e-commerce information only. If you are using the e-commerce interface, you can download item information stored in these templates to the web storefront for display on a web page

Template = item information heading: The templates are standard headings, on the Work with Item Information screen, for each type of information. For example, a “clothing” item class may require headings such as “laundry instructions” and “fabric content” in the customer service template; in this case, you would create a “laundry instructions” template and a “fabric content” template for the “clothing” item class.

Each template also controls the number of lines available for the heading. For example, you can specify 2 lines of 50 characters each to define the fabric content and 3 lines of 50 characters each to explain the laundry instructions.

Entering item information: Once you have defined templates, you enter the specific information about the item or SKU at the Work with Item Information Screen. (Note: The RP template, which is used for e-commerce information only, is available through a separate option; enter 25 next to an item to enter information in the e-commerce template, and enter 11 next to an item to advance to the Change E-Commerce Item Image Screen (Working with Images), where you can enter information in any of the other item class templates.) See Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information.

Work with Item Class Templates Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete and display item class templates.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Class Screen, enter 10 next to an item class.

INR0376 DISPLAY Work With Item Class Templates 12/04/97 11:24:15

The KL Mail Order Company


Opt Template Heading Lines


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display







F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The item class code and description for which a template has been defined.

Code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code representing the type of template defined for item information. Valid values are:

CS = Customer Service

PC = Product Comments

PO = Purchase Orders

QC = Quality Control

RP = Reporting (E-Commerce)

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sequence number

A sequence number assigned to each template. The sequence number controls the order in which the headings appear on the Work with Item Information screen; see Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A description of the item class template. The description appears as a heading on the left side of the Work with Item Information screen.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Lines Avail (Lines available)

The number of lines available in this template for the entry of item information.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new item class template

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Class Template Screen.

Change an item class template

Enter 2 next to an item class template to advance to the Change Item Class Templates Screen.

Delete an item class template

Enter 4 next to an item class template to delete it.

Display an item class template

Enter 5 next to an item class template to advance to the Display Item Class Template Screen.

Create Item Class Template Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a template for a specific item class.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Class Templates Screen, press F6.

INR0391 ENTER Create Item Class Template 12/04/97 11:26:47

The KL Mail Order Company


Template . . . (CS/PO/QC/RP/PC)

Heading . . .

Lines available

F3=Exit F5=Reset F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description for which you are creating a template.

Item class code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item class description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The type of template for item information. Different templates for item information allow you to tailor the information by department type and requirements.

Valid template types:

CS = Customer Service

PC = Product Comments

PO = Purchase Orders

QC = Quality Control

RP = Reporting (E-Commerce)


Multiple templates for the same template type: The system assigns each template a sequence number when you create it. This sequence number controls the order in which templates of the same type appear on the Work with Item Information Screen. For example, you create two Customer Service templates for the “toy” item class: the first one you create is for age range recommendations, while the second one is for miscellaneous comments. When you advance to the Work with Item Information screen for Customer Service, the age range recommendation appears first, followed by the miscellaneous comments template.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


A description of the item class template. This heading appears on the left of the Work with Item Information Screen, beside the lines available for item information entry.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Lines Avail

The number of lines available in this template for the entry of information.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Change Item Class Templates Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an item template to advance to the Change Item Template screen. At this screen you can change the Heading text and the number of lines available. See Create Item Class Template Screen for field descriptions.

You cannot change the sequence number of a template. To change the order in which the templates appear on the Work with Item Information Screen, you must delete one or more templates and recreate them so that their sequence numbers are in the correct order. However, you should not delete templates once you have entered information for individual items, or the information may not appear next to the correct heading on the Work with Item Information screen.

Display Item Class Template Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an item template at the Work with Item Class Templates Screen to advance to the Display Item Template screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Item Class Template Screen for field descriptions.

Copy Item Class Templates Pop-Up Window

Purpose: Use this window to copy item class templates that have already been created and create new templates with the same properties for a different item class.

How to display this window: At the Work with Item Class Templates Screen, enter 11 next to an item class.

Copy Item Class Template

Copy template from OFC OFFICE SUPPLIES

To item class

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Copy template from

The code for the item class whose item class templates you wish to copy.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

To item class

The code for the item class to receive a copy of the item class templates.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict the type of special handling that a customer can order based on item class. For example, you might want to restrict personalizing a t-shirt with an emblem if the process used to attach the emblem damages the t-shirt.

A message similar to the following displays in order entry when you define a special handling code for an item assigned to a restricted item class:

Additional charge code (EM) cannot be used with this item class (RST).

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Class Screen, enter 13 next to an item class.

MSR0921 DISPLAY Special Handling Restr's by Item Class 12/04/97 12:52:58

The Mail Order Company

Item class RST TSHIRTS

Opt S/H Code Description

Type options, press Enter.





F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description that is restricted from special handling.

Item class code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item class description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

S/H code (Special handling code)

The code for the type of special handling that is restricted. Special handling codes are defined in and validated against Work with Additional Charges (fast path = WADC); see Customer Service Chapter 3: Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Description (Special handling code description)

The description of the type of special handling that is restricted.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a special handling restriction

Enter 4 next to the special handling restriction to delete it.

Create a special handling restriction

Press F6 to advance to the Restrict Special Handling by Item Class Screen.

Restrict Special Handling by Item Class Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict special handling codes from being used by an item class.

How to display this screen: On the Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen, press F6.

CSR0831 ENTER Restrict Special Handling by Item Class 12/04/97 13:30:23

The Mail Order Company

Item class . . . : RST TSHIRTS

S/H Code . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code and description for which you are creating a special handling restriction.

Item class code: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Item class code description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

S/H code (Special handling code)

The special handling code you wish to restrict for this item class.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

ME01_06 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN