Part L: Performing Inventory Analyses

Chapters in this part:

Chapter 80: Using Inventory Inquiry (DINI) describes how to use the Inventory Quantity Inquiry menu option to review inventory information for items and SKUs.

Chapter 81: Printing Item Sales Analysis Reports (MISA) includes how to access this function, how to setup the report, and a sample report.

Chapter 82: Printing Item Stock Status Reports (MISS) includes how to access this function, how to setup the report, and a sample report.

Chapter 83: Inventory Inquiry by Item (IIQI) describes how to review order activity onscreen for a group of SKUs sharing the same first SKU element.

Chapter 84: Printing the Stock Aging Report (STAG) describes how to print a report listing items and indicating their placement dates.

Chapter 85: Printing the Incomplete Item/SKU List Report (PISK) describes how to print a listing of items and SKUs that are missing important setup information.

Chapter 86: Printing the Merchandising Cost Report (PMCR) describes how to print a report listing items' vendor/item prices and PO additional charges.

Chapter 87: Inventory Inquiry by SKU (DSQI) describes how to review inventory status for all SKUs of an item.

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