Chapter 83: Inventory Inquiry by Item (IIQI)

Purpose: Use the Inventory Inquiry by Item function to review item information organized by the base item and the first SKU element. The information presented through this function summarizes order and fulfillment activity; backorder and purchase order dates and totals; and returns and cancellations. You can also advance from the Inventory Inquiry by Item function to additional inventory inquiries.

The information presented through this function requires at least three screens to display (more if there are many SKU combinations). You advance left to right or right to left among these screens by pressing function keys.

Note: Because you must select a base item and first SKU element to review information on any item with SKUs, you cannot use this function to review information if you are using full (non-split) SKUs.

Other options: You can use the following additional menu options for inventory inquiry:

Using Inventory Inquiry (DINI): to review inventory information for items within warehouses and locations in warehouses

Inventory Inquiry by SKU (DSQI): to review inventory information for all SKUs of an item

Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ): to review order activity for any item or SKU broken out by offer

In this chapter:

Inventory Inquiry by Item Prompt Screen (Selecting an Item)

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3)

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3)

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (3 of 3)

Enter New SKU Pop-Up Window

Inventory Inquiry by Item Prompt Screen (Selecting an Item)

Purpose: Use this screen to select the item and first SKU element for inventory review.

How to display this screen: Enter IIQI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Inventory Inquiry by Item from a menu.

OER0802 ENTER Inventory Inquiry by Item 2/12/98 18:01:50

Mail Order



F3=Exit F12=Cancel




A code representing a unit of inventory that you sell to your customers. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Clr (First SKU element)

A SKU defines an item's unique characteristics, such as its color, size, width, etc. If you are working with split SKUs, you can define up to three SKUs for each item.

You enter the value defined in the Split SKU Element Column 1 Heading (A34) field in the System Control file here.

Note: You must enter a split SKU value here; you cannot use this inquiry if you are using full (non-split) SKUs.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required if the item has SKUs.

Completing this screen: You advance to the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3).

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3)

Purpose: Use this screen to review information about Item/SKU order activity and availability.

Note: Each field is display-only.

How to display this screen: Enter a valid item code and first SKU element value at the Inventory Inquiry by Item Prompt Screen (Selecting an Item).

OER0936 DISPLAY Inventory Inquiry by Item 6/20/97 15:52:18

Item: PIN ZODIAC PIN Retail: 15.00 Dept: 0

COLRR: GOLD Vendor: 10003 Cost: 5.40 Class: 0

COLRR 64 116 57 19 180 7 N

Item 64 116 57 19 180 7 N


SIZE OTHR Ord Avail Rsv Printed O/H B/O Control

LARGE AQUARIUS 5 0 5 2 5 0 N

LARGE ARIES 5 0 5 0 5 0 N


LARGE CANCER 6 -1 5 0 5 1 N

LARGE GEMINI 5 0 5 0 5 0 N

LARGE LIBRA 11 -6 5 0 5 6 N

LARGE LEO 0 5 0 0 5 0 N

LARGE PISCES 0 5 0 0 5 0 N +

F3=Exit F7=Inv Qty F8=Inv Status F12=Cancel F15=Change COLRR





A code representing a unit of inventory you sell to your customers. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Item description (unlabeled field to the right of the item code)

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.

Retail (Retail price)

The retail price for the item defined for the most current offer. If you define the price for items with SKUs at the SKU level rather than the item level, .00 displays.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Dept (Long SKU department)

A code representing the department defined for the item. See Chapter 9: Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

Numeric, 4 positions.

CLR (First SKU element)

A SKU defines an item's unique characteristics, such as its color, size, width, etc. If you are working with split SKUs, you can define up to three SKUs for each item.

The value defined in the Split SKU Element Column 1 Heading (A34) field in the System Control file displays here.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the first SKU element)

The description associated with the first SKU element.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.


The vendor defined in the Item file, if any. See Chapter 19: Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions.


The unit cost of the item. Depending on which costing method you use, the system displays:

Average costing: average cost

Standard costing: standard cost

FIFO costing: weighted average FIFO cost

Each of these costs is stored in the SKU file.

See the Costing Method (A25) system control value or Warehousing Chapter 96: FIFO Costing Overview.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal.


A code to identify a group of items. You might use item classes to assign city/state or customer class selling restrictions, define item information templates, or sort inventory. Item class codes are defined in and validated against the Item Class file. See Chapter 5: Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Clr (First SKU element)

The value defined in the Split SKU Element Column 1 Heading (A34) field in the System Control file displays here.

The figures on this row of information represent total inventory calculations for all SKUs for the item that match the SKU element 1 you selected. See field descriptions below, beginning with the Cust ord (Customer orders) field, for more information.


The figures on this row of information represent item-wide total inventory calculations. See field descriptions below, beginning with the Cust ord (Customer orders) field, for more information.

Size (Second SKU element)

The second special characteristic of an item. The value defined in the Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading field in the System Control file displays here. See Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

Wdth (Third SKU element)

The third special characteristic of an item. The value defined in the Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading field in the System Control file displays here. See Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions.

The following fields represent column headings for inventory information calculated for:

Clr: All SKUs containing the first SKU element you entered on the selection screen.

Item: All SKUs for the item, regardless of first SKU element.

• Each unique SKU that contains the first SKU element you entered on the selection screen (these are the rows that display below the column headings)

TTL ord (Total ordered)

The total quantity of units ordered for this item or SKU across all offers. This field includes both open and closed orders.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Avail (Available)

The total quantity on-hand, minus the quantity on order. Negative figures represent backorders.

For the SKU element 1 and Item totals, this figure represents the net of available minus backorders for all SKUs included in the calculation.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Rsv (Reserved)

The total quantity reserved.

Numeric, 7 positions.


The total quantity on printed pick slips.

Numeric, 7 positions.

O/H (On hand)

The total quantity present in your warehouses.

Numeric, 7 positions.

B/O (Backordered)

The total quantity that is backordered.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Soldout control

This field indicates whether there is a soldout control code for the item or SKU. You define soldout controls with one of three values:

• sellout immediately

• sellout when on-hand inventory is exhausted

• sellout when on-hand inventory plus all purchase order receipts are exhausted.

Valid values for this field are:

Y = There is a soldout control specified for this item or SKU.

N = There is no soldout control specified for this item or SKU.

Soldout controls are defined in and validated against the Soldout Control file. See Customer Service Chapter 113: Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Screen Option


Advance to Inventory Quantity Inquiry

Press F7 to advance to the Inventory Quantity Inquiry Prompt Screen.

Advance to Inventory Status Inquiry

Press F8 to advance to Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ).

Change the first SKU element

Press F15 to advance to the Enter New SKU Pop-Up Window.

Advance to the second screen

Press F20 to advance to the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3).

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3)

Purpose: Use this screen to review additional information about the item, including backorder and purchase order dates and order fulfillment figures.

How to display this screen: Press F20 at the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3).

Note: If you have advanced downward on the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3) by pressing SHIFT + ROLL or PAGE DOWN to review additional SKUs, you will retain this relative position when you advance to this screen or the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (3 of 3).

OER0936 DISPLAY Inventory Inquiry by Item 6/20/97 15:54:56

Item: PIN ZODIAC PIN Retail: 15.00 Dept: 0

COLRR: GOLD Vendor: 10003 Cost: 5.40 Class: 0

COLRR 180 0 0 0 0

Item 180 0 0 0 0

Oldest On Next

SIZE OTHR B/O Recpt PO Recpt Ship Rtn Cancel

LARGE AQUARIUS 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE ARIES 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE CAPRICORN 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE CANCER 10/24/96 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE GEMINI 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE LIBRA 10/24/96 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE LEO 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 0

LARGE PISCES 00/00/00 5 0 10/25/96 0 0 +

F3=Exit F7=Inv Qty F8=Inv Status F12=Cancel F15=Change COLRR

F19=Left F20=Right

Field descriptions: The information at the top of this screen, and the item/SKU information on the left, is repeated from the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3). The additional fields on this screen are described below.

The fields on this screen and the next are historical, representing life-to-date figures for all offers associated with the item or SKU.



Oldest B/O (Oldest backorder)

The date of the oldest backorder for the item or SKU.

Numeric 6 positions (MMDDYY format).

Recpt (Received)

The total received quantity for the item or SKU in all allocatable warehouses.

Numeric, 7 positions.


The total quantity of the item or SKU on purchase order and not yet


Numeric, 7 positions.

Oldest B/O (Oldest backorder)

The date of the oldest backorder for the item or SKU.

Numeric 6 positions (MMDDYY format).

Next recpt (Next receipt)

The next date that you expect to receive the item or SKU at your warehouse.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format).


The total quantity of the item or SKU that you have shipped to customers.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Rtn (Returned)

The total quantity of the item or SKU that has been returned by customers.

Numeric, 7 positions.


The total quantity of the item or SKU that has been canceled.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Screen Option


Advance to Inventory Quantity Inquiry

Press F7 to advance to the Inventory Quantity Inquiry Prompt Screen.

Advance to Inventory Status Inquiry

Press F8 to advance to Chapter 28: Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ).

Change the first SKU element

Press F15 to advance to the Enter New SKU Pop-Up Window.

Return to the first screen

Press F19 to return to the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3).

Advance to the third screen

Press F20 to advance to the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (3 of 3).

Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (3 of 3)

Purpose: Use this screen to review exchange, net sales, lost sales and total order figures for the item or SKUs.

How to display this screen: Press F20 at the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3).

Note: If you have advanced downward on the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3) or the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3) by pressing SHIFT + ROLL or PAGE DOWN to review additional SKUs, you will retain this relative position when you advance to this screen.

OER0936 DISPLAY Inventory Inquiry by Item 6/20/97 15:59:52

Item: PIN ZODIAC PIN Retail: 15.00 Dept: 5

COLRR: GOLD Vendor: 10003 Cost: 5.40 Class: 7

COLRR 1 0 7 55

Item 3 0 9 55

Net Lost Cust

SIZE OTHR Exchg Sales Sales Ord


LARGE ARIES 1 12 2 6




LARGE LIBRA 0 30 0 46

LARGE LEO 0 1 4 8

LARGE PISCES 0 4 0 6 +

F3=Exit F7=Inv Qty F8=Inv Status F12=Cancel F15=Change COLRR


Field descriptions: The information at the top of this screen and the item/SKU information on the left, is repeated from the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3). The additional fields on this screen are described below.

The fields on this screen are historical, representing life-to-date figures for all offers associated with the item or SKU.



Exchg (Exchanges)

The total quantity of the item or SKU that has been exchanged.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Net sales

Net sales for the item or SKU, calculated as:


Total quantity shipped - (returns + exchanges)


Numeric, 7 positions.

Lost sales

The total quantity of the item or SKU that customers would have ordered if the item or SKU were available. You enter lost sales through Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) in Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions.

Cust ord (Customer orders)

The total quantity ordered but not yet shipped.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Screen Option


Advance to Inventory Status Inquiry

Press F8 to advance to Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ).

Change the first SKU element

Press F15 to advance to the Enter New SKU Pop-Up Window.

Return to the first screen

Press F19 to return to the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3).

Enter New SKU Pop-Up Window

Purpose: Press F15 at the Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (1 of 3), Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (2 of 3), or Inventory Inquiry by Item Screen (3 of 3) to select another first SKU element to review. The Enter New SKU pop-up window displays:

Enter new SKU


You can enter a new SKU at this window, or prompt for all valid SKUs by pressing F4. You then advance to the Select SKU pop-up window; when you select a SKU from this window, the system defaults the first SKU element from your selection to the Enter New SKU pop-up window.

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