Chapter 10: Printing the Carryover Report (PCOR)

Purpose: Use this screen to generate the Carryover Report and Carryover/Billing Pending Report.

The Carryover report displays unconfirmed pick tickets that exist, based on a specified pick print date; all unconfirmed pick tickets that printed on or before the specified date display on the report.

The system considers a pick ticket unconfirmed if the pick ticket header status is blank (open), M (submitted to manifest), O (carryover), P (packed), or R (reprinted). If the pick ticket’s status is some other value, the system does not include the pick ticket on the report.

The Carryover/Billing Pending report displays pick tickets whose billing is pending, based on a specified pick print date. A pick ticket is placed in a billing pending status when it is associated with other pick tickets that are not ready for billing. See Master Pick Slips for more information on placing a pick ticket in a billing pending status.

Print Carryover Report Screen

Use this screen to define the pick print date the system uses to determine which pick tickets are included in the Carryover Report and Carryover/Billing Pending Report.

How to display this screen: Enter PCOR in the Fast path field or select Print Carryover Report from a menu.

FLR0771 ENTER Print Carryover Report 10/02/02 10:28:37


Picks printed on or before . . 100202

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



Pick printed on or before...

The date the system uses to determine which pick tickets are included in the Carryover Report and Carryover/Billing Pending Report. The system includes pick tickets whose date is on or before the date you enter.

The current date defaults, but you can override it.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Screen Option


Submit the CARRYOVER job to generate the Carryover reports

Press F9. The system generates the Carryover Report and Carryover/Billing Pending Report.

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