Chapter 45: President’s Club Memberships

Overview: The President’s Club is a program customers can purchase so they can receive discounted pricing and other benefits.

Benefits of President’s Club membership applied by CWDirect:

Associate pricing: When a customer is identified as a President’s Club member in CWDirect, the Associate flag for the customer is set to Y. As a result, the customer receives any reduced pricing that you have set up for associate customers.

Note: If the associate price is not defined for an item, the system uses the standard price.

President’s Club coupons: You can offer special coupons that only President’s Club members are eligible to use. See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for an overview on applying coupons to orders and required setup.

System control value: The Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value controls whether you can sell President’s Club memberships in your company.

Identifying a President’s Club member: In addition to the setting of the Associate flag, a President’s Club member is identified by the Alternate customer number (Interface cust code), which indicates the President’s Club membership number. The President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) includes further membership information, such as the program and expiration date.

Note: Because it is possible to manually enter an alternate customer number or reset the Associate flag for a customer, there are secured features to restrict access to these fields. See President’s Club Membership Setup.

Selling President’s Club memberships: You can mail or email information on the President’s Club, including pre-assigned account numbers, to prospective customers, and upload this information into the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA). Then, if a customer places an order using this pre-assigned account number, the system automatically creates the membership for the customer when you create the order and flags the President’s Club Pre-Accounts record to indicate that the customer has enrolled.

If the customer is not in the President’s Club or the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), the system displays the President’s Club Membership Window in order entry. You can use this window to enroll the customer in the President’s Club.

Charging for President’s Club memberships: You use the Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) menu option to create a President’s Club program, specifying an item to automatically add to the order when a customer enrolls in the President’s Club, as well as the price to charge for the item based on the length of the membership. This item is normally flagged as a non-inventory item, so that you bill the customer for the specified price at the time you bill the first shipment for the order.

Renewals: Once the expiration date for a customer’s membership is within the time period specified through the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97) system control value, the system automatically displays the President’s Club Membership Window in order entry when the customer places an order. You can use the window to specify a President’s Club renewal program for the customer, which adds the related renewal item to the order. See the discussion under Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership for additional details related to prompting a customer to renew.

Web orders: You can use the Generic Order Interface (Order API) to enroll customers in the President’s Club, to renew their memberships, or to prompt the customer to enroll.

In this chapter:

Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program

Upselling President’s Club Memberships in Order Entry

Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club

Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership

President’s Club Membership Window

Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes

Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships

Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes

Selling President’s Club Memberships through the Order API

Prompting the Customer to Join the President’s Club (Order API)

Prompting the Customer to Renew an Existing President’s Club Membership (Order API)

Processing an Order from a Pre-Assigned Customer (Order API)

Alternate Customer Number Matching through the Order API with President’s Club

Related Errors

President’s Club Membership Setup

System Control Values

Secured Features

Additional Setup

Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK)

Work with PC Program Keys Screen

Create PC Program Key Screen

Change PC Program Key Screen

Display PC Program Key Screen

President’s Club Files

President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA)

President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN)

President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB)

President’s Club Address Changes File (OEPCAC)

President’s Club Troubleshooting

Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program

Customers can join the President’s Club membership program in two ways.

• You can create a President’s Club account for targeted customers or prospective customers, and notify them that they can become President’s Club members. When a customer that has received a President’s Club notification places an order using the pre-assigned account number, the system creates a President’s Club membership for the customer. This process is described below.

• You can also upsell a customer in order entry to become a President’s Club member, and you can upsell an existing President’s Club member to renew the membership; see Upselling President’s Club Memberships in Order Entry.

1. In order entry, the operator enters the President’s Club membership account number provided by the customer.

The order entry operator enters the President’s Club membership number in the Alternate customer number field on the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen. CWDirect first checks the Customer Sold To file to see if a current President’s Club member is using the number; in this case, you advance to order entry for the existing customer. Otherwise, the system checks the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) for a match.

Errors: The screen displays an error message if the alternate customer number is not correct: No President's Club Membership Number Found. This message indicates:

• the number is not in the pre-accounts file, or,

• the matching record in the pre-accounts file does not have a status of O (open), and there is also no match in the Customer Sold To file

2. The system checks for an existing sold to customer with the same name and address as the pre-assigned President’s Club account record.

You advance to the Display Duplicate Sold To Window if the customer name and address from the pre-accounts file matches an existing customer in the Customer Sold To file. Enter 1 to select the existing customer address, or press F9 to accept the new address at the window and create a new sold to customer.

• If you select the existing customer address, and the customer already has an alternate customer number, CWDirect uses the previously-assigned number; in this situation, the status of the President’s Club pre-assigned record is reset to N (not available), indicating that the record is not eligible to use again. If the existing sold to customer does not already have a President’s Club membership, CWDirect assigns the President’s Club number from the pre-assigned President’s Club record to the existing sold to customer.

• If you press F9 to accept the new address at the window, CWDirect creates a new sold to customer using the President’s Club number from the President’s Club pre-account record.

If there is no match, CWDirect creates a new sold to customer using the information from the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA). This information defaults in order entry, but you can correct the name and address information if appropriate.

Note: The Enter Program Key window opens if:

• the customer is not eligible for the program key from the President’s Club pre-account record. For example, if the customer is a joining member, the program must be an enrollment program and not a renewal program.

• the program key specified the President’s Club pre-account record does not exist. You can use the Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) menu option to set up valid President’s Club programs.

Enter Program Key

Invalid Program Key Entered

Enter New Program Key PC11456

F12=Cancel Enter=Update

Enter a valid program key and press Enter to continue; otherwise press F12 to return to the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen.

3. You advance to the order header or header/detail screen, where you can enter the order information.

The Associate field for the customer defaults to Y, indicating the customer is a President’s Club member. The merchandise on the order is priced using the associate SKU/offer price or associate item/offer price rather than the standard item/offer or SKU/offer price. The system:

• Creates a record for the customer in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) using the information from the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) record. At this time, the membership status is set to F (pre-accounts record found).

• Sets the Account status field in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) to X (closed).

• Updates the sold to customer:

• sets the Associate field to Y, indicating the customer is a President’s Club member.

• updates the Alternate customer number to the pre-assigned President’s Club membership account number.

4. The President’s Club Membership window displays the President’s Club information.

After you press F9 to accept your order entries, you advance to the President’s Club Membership Window, which displays the President’s Club information that has defaulted from the President’s Club . You can use this window to override the default Program key, Expiration date, or Auto-renew setting.

President's Club Membership

Order Number 11564 - 1

President's Club Member . : Y (Y/N)

President's Club Number . : 20057

Activity status . . . . . . A Active

Expiration Date . . . . . . 12/04/07

Estimated Savings on Order : $ 10.00

Program Key . PCJOIN2

Description : trial one-month membership

Terms . . . : 1

Price . . . : 5.00 + Any Applicable Tax

Auto-Renew . N (Y or N) Salesrep # : 0

F9=Accept F11=Reject

For more information: See President’s Club Membership Window for field descriptions.

When you are done working with this window, if you would like to:

Accept your entries: Press F9 to create the President’s Club membership using the current settings at the window.

Revert to President’s Club program defaults: Press F11 to create the President’s Club membership using the default settings.

Note: Once you advance to this window, there is no way to create the order without also creating the President’s Club membership. Even if you clear the Program key field or reject out of the window, the system still creates the President’s Club membership when the order is accepted. To avoid creating the President’s Club membership, you can reject the entire order and then enter a new order using the customer’s customer number rather than the President’s Club number. Alternatively, you can set the Activity status to X, set the Expiration date to a date in the past, and then delete the President’s Club item from the order to avoid charging the customer for the membership; however, you will still need to delete the record from the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

5. You accept or reject the order.

If you accept the order, the system:

• adds the item associated with the President’s Club program to the order, using the price specified for the program and the Default Price Override Reason (B35). See Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) for setup.

• changes the status of the President’s Club number in the President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN) to I (in use), so that the number will not be assigned to another customer.

• updates the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) record with the Current member order number and the Current member ship to number, and sets the status to E (existing member).

If you reject the order, the system first displays the Order Reject Delete Warning window, which indicates:

WARNING! Rejecting this order will cause the Presidents Club Membership data to be lost. Confirm the reject only if this is desired.

Press Enter to reject the order or press F12 to return to the order without rejecting. If you confirm rejection of the order, the system:

• deletes the record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

• resets the Account status for the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) record to O (open).

• resets the Account number status for the President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN) record to O (open).

• clears the Alternate customer number for the sold to customer, and resets the Associate field to N, as long as the customer was not already a President’s Club member.

Note: When you use the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) to create customers in order entry, you do not advance automatically to the Enter User Fields Screen.

Pre-assigned memberships process: This flowchart depicts the basic steps that take place when a sold to customer places an order using the pre-assigned President’s Club membership number.

Upselling President’s Club Memberships in Order Entry

In order entry, you can upsell customers to join the President’s Club or renew a President’s Club membership using the President’s Club Membership Window.

Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club

When is a customer eligible to join the President’s Club? Any customer who is not already a member of the President’s Club is eligible to join. If a customer who is not already a member places an order, the system prompts the operator in order entry by displaying the President’s Club Membership Window, as described below.

1. A customer that is not currently a member of the President’s Club places an order.

Because the customer is not a member of the President’s Club, the Alternate customer number field for the customer is normally blank, the Associate flag on the order (from the Customer Sold To file) is set to N and the customer receives the standard pricing for merchandise.

2. You advance to the President’s Club Membership Window.

The system automatically displays the President’s Club Membership Window when you press F9 to advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen. See President’s Club Membership Window for a complete description of how to use this window.

President's Club Membership

Order Number 10880 - 1

President's Club Member . : N (Y/N)

President's Club Number . :

Activity status . . . . . : A Active

Expiration Date . . . . . . 10/16/05

Estimated Savings on Order : $ 2.00

Program Key . PCJOIN2

Description : trial one-month membership

Terms . . . : 1

Price . . . : 5.00 + Any Applicable Tax

Auto-Renew . N (Y or N) Salesrep # : 2

F9=Accept F11=Reject

Projected savings: This window indicates the estimated savings on the order for President’s Club members, calculated by subtracting the extended total of the associate prices of the items on the order from the total of the regular offer prices.

Selecting a program: If the customer is interested in joining, you can select a join (enrollment) program to assign to the customer. Only programs flagged as Active are available for assignment. Once you select the program, the window indicates the projected expiration date of the membership and its price. If you select a renewal membership program (rather than a join program), an error message indicates Must Select ‘Join Program Key’.

Note: If the customer’s Associate flag is set to Y, the President’s Club Membership window does not open automatically, even if there is no Alternate customer number assigned to the customer and no record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

3. The customer accepts or rejects the membership enrollment.

If the customer accepts: If the customer wishes to join the President’s Club, press F9 at the President’s Club Membership window to have the system:

• reprice the merchandise on the order based on associate pricing. Note: Previous orders placed by the customer are not discounted.

• create a record of the customer’s membership in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

• set the customer’s Associate field to Y, indicating the customer is a President’s Club member.

• update the customer’s Alternate customer number to the next available account number from the President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN). The status in the President’s Club Account Number file changes to I (in use), so that the number will not be assigned to another customer.

Note: To automatically assign a President’s Club number to a customer, a record must first exist in the President’s Club Account Number file in an O (open) status; otherwise you cannot create the President’s Club membership for the customer.

• add the item associated with the President’s Club program to the order, using the price specified for the program and the Default Price Override Reason (B35). See Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) for setup.

If the customer rejects: If the customer does not wish to join the President’s Club, press F11 at the President’s Club Membership window. The system does not process the updates described above, and it displays the President’s Club Membership Window the next time the customer places an order.

If you complete the President’s Club Membership window but then reject entry of the order, the system displays the Order Reject Delete Warning window.

Order Reject Delete Warning

W A R N I N G ! ! !

Rejecting this order will cause

the Presidents Club Membership

data to be lost. Confirm the reject

only if this is desired.

If you confirm the rejection of the order, the system cancels each of the updates described above, and it displays the President’s Club Membership Window the next time the customer places an order.

Upselling process overview:

Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership

The process of upselling a customer to renew a President’s Club membership is as follows.

1. A sold to customer that is a member of the President’s Club places an order.

The Associate field for the customer is set to Y, indicating the customer receives associate pricing, and the Alternate customer number field indicates the President’s Club membership account number. Since the customer is currently a member of the President’s Club: A record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) identifies the sold to customer, and indicates:

• the program key for the membership

• the date the membership expires

• the duration (number of months) of the membership

Note: See the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) for complete information on the contents of this file.

2. The system determines if the membership expiration date is within the number of months to prompt the customer for renewal.

Renewal prompting rules: The system displays the President’s Club Membership Window when the customer places an order based on the information in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB), prompting for renewal if all of the following are true:

the membership is due for renewal: If the Expiration date in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) falls within the months to prompt for membership renewal, the system displays President’s Club Membership Window when the customer places an order.

Example: The system control value is set to 3, the Expiration date in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) is set to June 28, and the current date is April 9. Because the current date is later than March 28 (3 months previous to June 28), the system displays the President’s Club Membership Window, prompting the customer to renew the membership.

the previous membership has already been billed: The system checks the setting of the Membership billed? flag in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB). If Membership billed? = Y, the system considers the previous membership billed. If the previous membership has not been billed, the system does not prompt you to upsell a renewal.

the customer is not flagged for auto-renewal: If the customer has requested that you do not prompt for renewal, you can set the Auto-renew option flag to Y; otherwise, if this flag is set to N, the customer is eligible to be prompted for renewal.


Number of months to prompt for President’s Club renewal: 2 months

If the membership expiration date is...

then the system...

less than 2 months before expiration

prompts for renewal

equal to 2 months before expiration

does not prompt for renewal

greater than 2 months before expiration

does not prompt for renewal

past the expiration, but the customer is still assigned the membership number

prompts for renewal

Important: If the customer does not place an order until after the membership expires, the customer can still renew the membership as long as the Alternate customer number field identifies a membership number. If the Alternate customer number field is blank, the customer must join the President’s Club instead of renewing. When the customer joins, the systems assigns a new President’s Club number to the customer. If the customer tries to use the old account number, an error message indicates: Account Number Not Found.

Display window on-demand: Even if the system does not display the President’s Club Membership Window based on the renewal date calculation, if the customer is eligible to renew the membership you can still display the window and enter a renewal program in order entry by selecting the President’s Club Membership option at the Display More Options Screen. (Note: Although you can also display the window through the Display More Options Screen in order maintenance and order inquiry, you cannot renew the membership.)

3. The President’s Club Membership Window opens.

With this window open, you can ask whether the customer wishes to renew the President’s Club membership. If so, you can select a renewal membership program. You also have the option of overriding the expiration date or the auto-renewal option.

If you select a membership program that is not a renewal program, an error message indicates Must Select Renewal Program.

4. The customer accepts or rejects the membership renewal.

If the customer accepts the renewal: Press F9 to process the renewal. The system:

• Updates the record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) associated with the sold to customer:

• sets the Program key to the code for the selected renewal program.

• sets the Expiration date to the date the renewal program expires. If the expiration date for the existing membership is later than the current date, the system determines the new expiration date by adding the terms to the current expiration date; otherwise, if the current membership has expired, the system determines the new expiration date by adding the terms to the current date. See the Expiration date for a discussion.

• sets the Program price to the price of the renewal President’s Club membership item.

• sets the Terms field to the number of months for the renewal program.

• sets the Current membership order number to the order on which the customer purchased the renewal.

• sets the Current membership ship to number to the ship to on the order on which the customer purchased the renewal.

• sets the Membership billed? to N, indicating the customer has not yet been billed for the membership renewal.

• sets the President’s club membership last change date to the order date.

• Adds the item associated with the renewal program to the order, using the specified price and the Default Price Override Reason (B35).

If the customer does not want the membership renewal, the system does not update the record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) associated with the sold to customer. The customer continues to use the current membership until it expires. Each time the customer places an order, the President’s Club Membership Window continues to prompt for membership renewal.

During order entry, the system uses the President’s Club Work file to keep track of the customer’s previous President’s Club membership information. If you reject your entries rather than completing the order, or return to the President’s Club Membership Window to reject the renewal, the system resets the information in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) to its previous settings.


• Even when the membership expires, the customer can only select a renewal program and not an enrollment program if there is a record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

• There is no way to reject the renewal during order entry once you have accepted your entry of a renewal membership. See Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships for other options.

Upselling memberships renewal process: This flowchart depicts the steps that occur when a sold to customer places an order.

President’s Club Membership Window

Purpose: Use this window to upsell a customer to join the President’s Club or renew the membership. If the customer is a current member, the window displays the customer’s membership information.

You can also use this window to:

• change the activity status or expiration date for the membership program

• indicate whether to prompt the customer for a renewal

How to display this window: This window opens in order entry when you press F9 to advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen and:

• the customer is eligible to join the President’s Club membership; see Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club, or

• the customer is eligible to renew the President’s Club membership; see Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership

You can also display this window by selecting the President’s Club Membership option on the Display More Options Screen in order entry, order maintenance or order inquiry. In order inquiry, this option is available only if the customer is currently a President’s Club member.

The fields on this screen are display-only:

• in order inquiry

• in order maintenance, if you are not currently working with the order where the customer joined or renewed the membership

• in order entry, if the customer has previously ordered a President’s Club membership that has not yet been billed

Note: If the customer’s Associate flag is set to Y, the President’s Club Membership window does not open automatically, even if there is no Alternate customer number assigned to the customer and no record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

President's Club Membership

Order Number 10880 - 1

President's Club Member . : N (Y/N)

President's Club Number . :

Activity status . . . . . : A Active

Expiration Date . . . . . . 10/16/08

Estimated Savings on Order : $ 2.00

Program Key . PCJOIN2

Description : trial one-month membership

Terms . . . : 1

Price . . . : 5.00 + Any Applicable Tax

Auto-Renew . N (Y or N) Salesrep # : 2

F9=Accept F11=Reject



Order #

The order number and ship to number associated with the President’s Club membership; this is:

• if the fields on the window are display-only: the order number where the customer joined or renewed the membership

• if the window is prompting for a membership enrollment or renewal: the current order

Order number: Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship to number: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

President’s Club member

Indicates if the sold to customer is currently a member of the President’s Club. The system looks at the Associate flag for the sold to customer to determine if the customer is currently a member.

Valid values:

Y = The sold to customer is currently a member of the President’s Club and is eligible for membership renewal. See Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

N = The sold to customer is not a member of the President’s Club and is eligible to join. See Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

President’s Club number

The President’s Club membership number assigned to the sold to customer, and stored in the Alternate customer number field. This field is blank if the customer is not currently a member of the President’s Club.

Pre-assignment: If you selected the customer using the process described under Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program, this is the number from the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA).

Number assignment (join): The system uses the next unassigned number (status = O) from the President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN), if any; otherwise, you cannot create the President’s Club membership.

Renewal: If the membership assigned to the customer has expired, this is the membership number associated with the expired membership. If the sold to customer decides to renew the membership, the customer continues to use this number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.

Activity status

A status you can assign to an existing President’s Club membership. Possible statuses are:

A = Active

C = Canceled

D = Duplicate

E = Expired

M = Missing in action

R = Refunded

U = Undeliverable

X = Deleted

I = Inactive

Effect of changing status: To reset the Associate flag for the customer, change the status as follows:

• If you change the status to A, U, M, or R, the system sets the customer’s Associate flag to Y if it is not already

• If you change the status to C, D, E, X, or I, the system resets the customer’s Associate flag to N


Expiration date requirements:

• You cannot change the status to E or X unless the Expiration date is on or earlier than the current date.

• You cannot change the status to A, U, M, or R unless the Expiration date is on or after the current date.

Note: Setting a different status is not supported when you create a membership; the system always sets the status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) to A.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional or display-only.

Expiration date

The date the President’s Club membership expires.

Joining members: The system calculates the expiration date based on the current date and the terms defined for the membership program. For example, if the current date is 6/27 and the terms = 3 (3 months), the expiration date is 9/27.

Overriding the default expiration date (joining): When you first assign a customer to a President’s Club membership program, you can enter an expiration date override either before specifying the membership program, or after you have specified the program and the system has calculated the default date. The system retains your date override; however, if you subsequently enter a different membership program, the system calculates the default expiration date for this new program. Again, you can override the default for the newly specified program.


Renewing members: The system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of months specified for the renewal program to the current Expiration date field in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) file. If the current program’s expiration date has already occurred, the system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of months specified for the renewal program to the current date.

Overriding the default expiration date (renewing): When you enroll a customer in a renewal program, you should first enter the Program key and allow the system to calculate the new expiration date before attempting to override the default. The system retains your date override; however, if you subsequently enter a different renewal program, the system calculates the default expiration date for this new program. Again, you can override the default for the newly specified program.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); required or display-only.

Estimated savings on order

The merchandise dollar amount the sold to customer saves on the order by belonging to the President’s Club. You can indicate the savings to the customer as an incentive to join the President’s Club or renew membership. The savings are the difference between the extended price of all items on the order using the standard offer prices, vs. the extended price of all items on the order using the associate pricing.

Example: The customer orders a board game and blanket. The standard offer price for the board game is $12.00, and the associate offer price is $8.00. 12.00 - 8.00 = 4.00. The standard offer price for the blanket is $30.00, and the associate price is $27.00. The customer orders two blankets, so the extended standard price is $60.00 and the extended associate price is $54.00. 60.00 - 54.00 = 6.00. The estimated savings on the order is $10.00.


• The estimated savings on the order will not reflect the actual savings if the price of one or more of the items on the order is not the standard offer price, such as when the price is manually entered or a discount has been applied.

• Not displayed in order inquiry for an existing member.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Program key

The code identifying the President’s Club membership program. The program determines the price of the membership and the duration (number of months) of the membership.

Error messages:

Must Select ‘Join Program Key’. = Indicates that the customer is currently not a member of the President’s Club and you entered a renewal program.

Must Select ‘Renew Program Key’. = Indicates that the customer is currently a member of the President’s Club and you entered an enrollment program.

Invalid Program Key Entered. = Indicates that the program key you entered does not exist, or it is not flagged as active.

Order contains lines in a Printed or Closed status. Indicates that you tried to change the program key for an order that includes printed or closed order lines. In order to change the program, you can delete the membership program for the customer and then enter a new one. See Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships for more information.

You use the Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) menu option to set up and work with program keys.


Note: This field is display-only in:

• order inquiry for an existing member

• order maintenance for all orders other than the order where the customer joined or renewed the membership

• order entry, if the customer would ordinarily be prompted for renewal but the Membership billed? flag is set to N; see Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.


A description of the President’s Club membership program, as set up through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK).

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The number of months the membership lasts before it expires, as set up through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The price of the membership, as set up through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK). The item associated with the President’s Club program is to the order at this price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Auto-renew option

Indicates whether to prompt the customer to renew the membership. Valid values are:

N = Prompt the customer to renew the membership when its expiration date approaches, as described under Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

Y = Do not prompt the customer to renew the membership.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional or display-only.

Salesrep #

The number identifying the salesrep associated with the order that generated the membership enrollment or renewal.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Accept the membership enrollment or renewal (order entry and order maintenance only)

Press F9. See Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club or Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

Reject the membership enrollment or renewal (order entry and order maintenance only)

Press F11. See Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club or Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

Charging Customers for the President’s Club Membership

Overview: As a means to charge a customer for President’s Club membership, you specify an item and membership price for each President’s Club program through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK). When a customer joins or renews a President’s Club membership, the system automatically adds the associated item to the order using the price indicated.

Setup requirements: First, you need to set up the item through Work with Item/SKUs (MITM). The President’s Club program item must be:

• a non-SKU’d item

• not flagged as a set, kit, finished good, or continuity item (the Kit type field for the item should be blank)

Typically, the item is also flagged as non-inventory and non-discountable.

Adding the item to the order: When you process a President’s Club initial enrollment or renewal for a customer in order entry, the system automatically adds the associated item to the order. It is not necessary to add the item to the order manually, and in fact doing so would not updates the customer’s President’s Club membership status.

Printing and billing the item: When you generate the first pick slip for the order originating the membership enrollment or renewal, the President’s Club program item prints on the pick slip along with the other items, and the item’s status changes to P (printed). When you confirm shipment of this pick slip, the customer pays for the President’s Club membership, and the system updates the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB):

• resets the Membership billed? flag to Y

• sets the Membership bill date to the current date

Note: When you enroll or renew a customer’s membership on an order consisting solely of drop ship items, the President’s Club item is not eligible to be printed on a pick slip until after shipment has been confirmed for all the drop ship items. In this situation, the President’s Club item is the only item listed on the pick slip, and you must confirm shipment of the President’s Club item in order to bill the customer.

Canceling the item: If you cancel the President’s Club membership item in order maintenance, the system removes the associated President’s Club membership for the customer. If the item represented a President’s Club enrollment, the enrollment is deleted; if the item represented a renewal, the customer’s enrollment information in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) is changed to the information from the previous enrollment. See Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships for more information.

Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships

The recommended procedures for canceling a President’s Club membership after accepting the order originating the membership are described in the following table.

Type of Cancellation



Enrollment membership, not yet billed

1. Select the order originating the enrollment or renewal for maintenance.

2. Enter 4 next to the President’s Club enrollment or renewal item. If the Default Cancel Reason Code for PC Memberships (J23) system control value is not set, you will also need to specify a cancel reason code at the Enter Cancel Reason Window.

3. Enter 2 next to each remaining item on the order to remove the President’s Club discount.

4. Accept your maintenance changes.

• Customer’s Associate flag reset to N

• Customer’s Alternate customer number is cleared

• Alternate Customer Number Cross Reference file record is cleared

Status of alternate customer number in President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN) reset to O (open)

President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) record deleted

Account status in President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) reset to O (open)

Renewal membership, not yet billed

Resets the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) record to enrollment membership information

Enrollment or renewal membership, already billed

1. Select the order originating the enrollment or renewal for maintenance.

2. Advance to the President’s Club window by pressing F10, and then selecting President’s Club Membership

3. Change the Activity status to C=Canceled, D=Duplicate, I=Inactive, or X=Deleted

4. Depending on the selected Activity status, change the Expiration date as appropriate

5. Press F9 at the President’s Club window

6. Enter 2 next to each remaining item on the order to remove the President’s Club discount, and then press Enter

7. Accept your maintenance changes

• Customer’s Associate flag reset to N

Activity status and Expiration date in President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) reset as indicated

Important: The system does not automatically generate a refund in this situation.

Note: During an order entry or order maintenance session, you can also reject your entries by pressing F11. The system reinstates the previous President’s Club membership information for the customer as it stood before you entered the changes in the current session.

Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes

Address changes: If you update a customer’s address in CWDirect, you can send the address update to the President’s Club database so that the membership information remains in sync. To send address changes, execute the President’s Club Address Changes periodic function (program name PFR0070). This periodic function creates a record in the President’s Club Address Changes File (OEPCAC) for each customer who is a President’s Club member and whose address information has changed.

To determine the date of the last address change, the program looks at the Last change date name/address field in the Customer Sold To file.

Note: If there is already a record in this file for the customer, CWDirect does not create a new one.

Customer merge/purge: If you perform a customer sold to merge/purge, the system uses the following logic:

• if the source customer has a membership and the target does not, the system creates a membership for the target customer, using the source membership.

• if the target has a membership and the source does not, the target membership remains.

• if both the source and target have memberships, the system looks at the Last change date field in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) for both the source and target and keeps the membership record (source or target) that has the more recent last change date.

If you save the source customer as a ghost, the system does not save the President’s Club membership record associated with the ghost; the membership is either merged into the target customer or deleted.

Note: If a President’s Club membership number is no longer used because the customer has been merged, the system does not update the status of the President’s Club account number from I (in use) to O (open).

For more information: See Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS) for more information on using merge/purge.

Selling President’s Club Memberships through the Order API

Using the Generic Order Interface (Order API), you can:

• prompt a customer to join the President’s Club, or renew an existing membership

• create a new President’s Club membership, either through a request in the inbound message, or because the customer has a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA)

• process a President’s Club renewal

Upselling the customer through the CWOrderOut message: If the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y, CWDirect determines the customer’s President’s Club status when it receives the initial order message. Based on the customer’s status, the detailed CWOrderOut response message to the web storefront indicates whether to:

• prompt the customer to join the President’s Club for the first time

• prompt the customer to renew a President’s Club membership

• do not prompt for President’s Club membership, because:

• the customer’s membership is current, and it is not yet time to prompt for renewal based on the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97), or

• the Auto renew flag for the customer is set to Y, indicating that you should not prompt the customer for a renewal, or

• the customer provided the Alternate customer # from the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), indicating that the order should create a President’s Club membership

Using the order API for President’s Club memberships: In order to use the order API to prompt a customer to join or renew the President’s Club, you need to:

• send the payment information in a separate CWOrderIn message from the preliminary order information. Sending the information separately enables you to revise the order, adding the President’s Club item, before accepting creation of the order.

• set the response_type in the CWOrderIn message to D (details) or E (errors). Either of these settings produce the detailed CWOrderOut response message, which includes the pc_type information (such as J to prompt for a join, or R to prompt for a renewal), as well as the customer’s current President’s Club expiration date.

• typically, use the Downloading E-Commerce Static Files (ESTF) option to download the President’s Club program key information to the web storefront, so that you can present information on appropriate join or renewal programs to the customer.

Prompting the Customer to Join the President’s Club (Order API)

Prompting the customer to join: When a customer who is not a member of the President’s Club places an order, the initial response message includes a pc_type of J, for Join. The web storefront can use this information to prompt the customer to join the President’s Club, and present a variety of enrollment options.

Sending President’s Club enrollment information: If the customer is interested in purchasing a President’s Club membership, the web storefront should send a subsequent CWOrderIn message indicating:

auto_renew = if this attribute is set to Y, it indicates not to prompt the customer when it is time to renew the membership. If the attribute is not sent, or if the setting is N, then the system should use its standard calculation to determine when to start prompting customer for renewal based on the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97) system control value.

pc_program_key = the President’s Club program that the customer would like to join, as set up through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK). This attribute is in the Header element.

order_number = the original order_number sent in the first message.

rdc_order_nbr = the order_id from the CWOrderOut message.

The system sends an order response indicating the President’s Club item, its price, and the discounted pricing of the remaining order lines. The customer can then accept and complete entry of payment information.

Alternatively, if the customer selects the President’s Club membership with the initial order message and without prompting, then the first CWOrderIn message would include the President’s Club program that the customer is interested in joining. In this situation, the system needs to send just a single CWOrderOut response message, indicating the President’s Club item and resulting pricing on the order.

Membership status: Once the system has received the CWOrderIn message that specifies a President’s Club program, but before the order is accepted, it updates the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) but leaves the Membership status set to W (web). Once the system receives payment information for the order, the Membership status changes to E.

The message flow for this situation resembles the interactive process flow described under Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club.

A sample message flow:

1. Initial order message: The initial message includes information about the customer and the items ordered.

<Message source="CWINTEGRATE" target="CWDIRECT" type="CWORDERIN" resp_qmgr="CWIAS400" resp_q="CWORDERIN.TO.CWIAS400.95Q">

<Header company_code="027" order_number="CPW1028A" payment_only="N" source_code="SOURCE" response_type="E" sold_to_prefix="Mr." sold_to_fname="Peter" sold_to_lname="Van Voorhis" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="257 Main Street" sold_to_city="Worcester" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_zip="01602" sold_to_country="USA" pay_incl="N" order_type="I" >


<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" item_count="1">


<Item quantity="2" item_id="PEN23" sku="BLUE">


<Item quantity="1" item_id="PEN23" sku="BLK">







2. Initial order response: The response from CWDirect indicates that the customer is eligible to join the President’s Club (pc_type="J").

If the response_type is E, the response indicates that the order is in error because there is not yet any payment information. There might also be additional errors.

<Message source="RDC" target="IDC" type="CWORDEROUT">

<Header company_code="27" order_id="11479" reference_order_number="CPW1028A" customer_number="1623" order_date="10282005" order_channel="I" bill_me_later_ind="N" order_status="E" order_type="I" order_type_description="E-COMMERCE ORDERS" b2b_order="N" store_restock_order="N" entered_date="10282005" entered_time="155929" source_code="SOURCE" offer_id="OFR" sold_to_prefix="MR." sold_to_fname="PETER" sold_to_lname="VAN VOORHIS" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="257 MAIN STREET" sold_to_city="WORCESTER" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" sold_to_zip="01602" sold_to_country="USA" allow_rent="Y" allow_mail="Y" sold_to_opt_in="O1" pc_type="J" >




<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" sub_total="1300" discount_total="1200" shipping="130" additional_shipping="123" tax="65" order_total="1618" ship_to_status="S" gift_order="N" ship_via_code="1" ship_via_description="A SHIP VIA" shipping_override="N" ship_to_prefix="MR." ship_to_fname="PETER" ship_to_lname="VAN VOORHIS" ship_to_busres="B" ship_to_address1="257 MAIN STREET" ship_to_city="WORCESTER" ship_to_state="MA" ship_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" ship_to_zip="01602" ship_to_country="USA" >


<Detail line_seq_number="1" short_sku_number="1928" item_id="PEN23" item_description="COMFORT GEL PEN" sku="BLUE" sku_description="a blue pen" actual_price="400" offer_price="1000" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="2" tax="40000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="2">


<Detail line_seq_number="2" short_sku_number="1927" item_id="PEN23" item_description="COMFORT GEL PEN" sku="BLK" sku_description="black pen" actual_price="500" offer_price="500" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="1" tax="25000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="1">




<Error error_type="HDR" error_code="Z2" error_text="No Paytypes for Order">







3. Order message with President’s Club program: The customer agrees to purchase the President’s Club membership, and selects the PCJOIN1 program (pc_program_key="PCJOIN1"). Notice that this information is included in the Header element, rather than as an order detail Item.

<Message source="CWINTEGRATE" target="CWDIRECT" type="CWORDERIN" resp_qmgr="CWIAS400" resp_q="CWORDERIN.TO.CWIAS400.95Q">

<Header company_code="027" order_number="CPW1028A" rdc_order_number="11479" payment_only="N" source_code="SOURCE" response_type="E" sold_to_prefix="Mr." sold_to_fname="Peter" sold_to_lname="Van Voorhis" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="257 Main Street" sold_to_city="Worcester" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_zip="01602" sold_to_country="USA" pay_incl="N" order_type="I" pc_program_key="PCJOIN1" >


<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" item_count="1">


<Item quantity="2" item_id="PEN23" sku="BLUE">


<Item quantity="1" item_id="PEN23" sku="BLK">







4. Response with President’s Club item: The response from CWDirect includes the program’s pc_expiration_date and an order detail line with the President’s Club item. The discounted pricing on the order items is indicated.

<Message source="RDC" target="IDC" type="CWORDEROUT">

<Header company_code="27" order_id="11480" reference_order_number="CPW1028A" customer_number="1623" alternate_sold_to_id="20037" order_date="10282005" order_channel="I" bill_me_later_ind="N" order_status="E" order_type="I" order_type_description="E-COMMERCE ORDERS" b2b_order="N" store_restock_order="N" entered_date="10282005" entered_time="161139" source_code="SOURCE" offer_id="OFR" sold_to_prefix="MR." sold_to_fname="PETER" sold_to_lname="VAN VOORHIS" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="257 MAIN STREET" sold_to_city="WORCESTER" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" sold_to_zip="01602" sold_to_country="USA" allow_rent="Y" allow_mail="Y" sold_to_opt_in="O1" pc_expiration_date="20061028" pc_program_key="PCJOIN1" >




<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" sub_total="3340" discount_total="660" shipping="334" additional_shipping="123" tax="167" order_total="3964" ship_to_status="S" gift_order="N" ship_via_code="1" ship_via_description="A SHIP VIA" shipping_override="N" ship_to_prefix="MR." ship_to_fname="PETER" ship_to_lname="VAN VOORHIS" ship_to_busres="B" ship_to_address1="257 MAIN STREET" ship_to_city="WORCESTER" ship_to_state="MA" ship_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" ship_to_zip="01602" ship_to_country="USA" >


<Detail line_seq_number="1" short_sku_number="1928" item_id="PEN23" item_description="COMFORT GEL PEN" sku="BLUE" sku_description="a blue pen" actual_price="720" offer_price="1000" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="2" tax="72000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="2">


<Detail line_seq_number="2" short_sku_number="1927" item_id="PEN23" item_description="COMFORT GEL PEN" sku="BLK" sku_description="black pen" actual_price="400" offer_price="500" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="1" tax="20000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="1">


<Detail line_seq_number="3" short_sku_number="2075" item_id="PRESCLUB" item_description="PRESIDENT&apos;S CLUB" actual_price="1500" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="1" tax="75000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="1">




<Error error_type="HDR" error_code="Z2" error_text="No Paytypes for Order">







5. Payment message: If the order information is acceptable, the customer sends payment information. When CWDirect receives the payment information, the Membership status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) is set to E and the order is eligible for processing.

<Message source="CWINTEGRATE" target="CWDIRECT" type="CWORDERIN" resp_qmgr="CWIAS400" resp_q="CWORDERIN.TO.CWIAS400.95Q">

<Header company_code="027" rdc_order_nbr="11480" payment_only="Y" source_code="SOURCE" response_type="N" pay_incl="Y">


<Payment payment_type="05" cc_name="VISA" cc_number="*************" cc_exp_month="12" cc_exp_year="2005" />




Prompting the Customer to Renew an Existing President’s Club Membership (Order API)

When a customer who is currently a member of the President’s Club, and whose Expiration date is within the date ranged specified by the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97) system control value places an order, the initial response message includes a pc_type of R, for Renew. The web storefront can use this information to prompt the customer to renew the President’s Club membership, and present any renewal options. The response message also indicates the customer’s current pc_expiration_date.

The order API uses the same criteria as interactive order entry to determine whether to prompt the customer to renew. See Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership for more information.

The CWOrderIn and CWOrderOut messages will be similar to those generated for a new President’s Club membership, except that they indicate the expiration date on the current President’s Club program, the renewal program, and the renewal item. See above for sample messages.

Processing an Order from a Pre-Assigned Customer (Order API)

When the CWOrderIn message indicates an alternate customer number from the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), the system uses a process similar to the one described under Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program:

1. The system receives a CWOrderIn message with an alternate_sold_to_id that matches an alternate customer number for a prospect in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA).

2. The system returns the CWOrderOut message:

• the pc_program_key indicates the President’s Club program specified in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA)

• the pc_expiration_date is calculated based on the terms specified for the President’s Club program

• the President’s Club item associated with this program is included as an item, and the pricing for additional items on the order is based on the President’s Club membership

At this time:

• the Account status in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) is set to N (not available)

• the Account number status in the President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN) is set to I (in use)

• the Membership status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) is set to W (web)

3. The system receives payment information for the order. At this time:

• the Account status in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) is set to X (closed)

• the Membership status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) is set to E (existing member)

The order is now ready for regular processing. If the customer places subsequent orders, they qualify for President’s Club pricing and other benefits.

Name and address information: The system uses the name and address information from the inbound order message when creating the new customer. It does not use the name and address from the Pre-Accounts file.

President’s Club program: The system uses the President’s Club program specified in the Pre-Accounts file when creating the customer’s President’s Club membership. It does not use the President’s Club information from the inbound order message.

Sample messages:

A sample of the initial inbound order message for a customer from the Pre-Accounts file is presented below.

<Message source="CWINTEGRATE" target="CWDIRECT" type="CWORDERIN" resp_qmgr="CWIAS400" resp_q="CWORDERIN.TO.CWIAS400.95Q">

<Header company_code="027" order_number="110705C" source_code="SOURCE" response_type="E" alternate_sold_to_id="20059" sold_to_prefix="Mr." sold_to_fname="Blake" sold_to_lname="Hopwell" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="24 Prime Park Way" sold_to_city="Natick" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_zip="01760" sold_to_country="USA" pay_incl="N" order_type="I" >


<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" item_count="2" >


<Item quantity="2" item_id="RACK" >


<Item quantity="2" item_id="PEN23" sku="BLUE" >







A sample of the outbound response message is presented below:

<Message source="RDC" target="IDC" type="CWORDEROUT">

<Header company_code="27" order_id="11593" reference_order_number="110705C" customer_number="1670" alternate_sold_to_id="20059" order_date="11072005" order_channel="I" bill_me_later_ind="N" order_status="E" order_type="I" order_type_description="E-COMMERCE ORDERS" b2b_order="N" store_restock_order="N" entered_date="11072005" entered_time="130020" source_code="SOURCE" offer_id="OFR" sold_to_prefix="MR." sold_to_fname="BLAKE" sold_to_lname="HOPWELL" sold_to_busres="B" sold_to_address1="24 PRIME PARK WAY" sold_to_city="NATICK" sold_to_state="MA" sold_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" sold_to_zip="01760" sold_to_country="USA" allow_rent="Y" allow_mail="Y" sold_to_opt_in="O1" pc_expiration_date="20051207" pc_program_key="PCJOIN2" >


<Payment payment_seq_number="1"/>



<ShipTo ship_to_number="1" sub_total="6100" discount_total="400" shipping="610" additional_shipping="123" tax="478" order_total="7311" ship_to_status="S" gift_order="N" ship_via_code="1" ship_via_description="A SHIP VIA" shipping_override="N" ship_to_prefix="MR." ship_to_fname="BLAKE" ship_to_lname="HOPWELL" ship_to_busres="B" ship_to_address1="24 PRIME PARK WAY" ship_to_city="NATICK" ship_to_state="MA" ship_to_state_description="MASSACHUSETTS" ship_to_zip="01760" ship_to_country="USA" >


<Detail line_seq_number="1" short_sku_number="2162" item_id="RACK" item_description="OVER-THE-DOOR SHOE RACK" actual_price="2000" offer_price="2000" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="2" tax="280000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="2">


<Detail line_seq_number="2" short_sku_number="1928" item_id="PEN23" item_description="COMFORT GEL PEN" sku="BLUE" sku_description="a blue pen" actual_price="800" offer_price="1000" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="2" tax="112000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="2">


<Detail line_seq_number="3" short_sku_number="2077" item_id="PCJOIN2" item_description="TRIAL ONE-MONTH MEMBERSHIP" actual_price="500" drop_ship="N" order_quantity="1" tax="35000" reserved_warehouse="2" reserve_quantity="1">




<Error error_type="HDR" error_code="Z6" error_text="Invalid Pay Type"></Error>






To complete order creation, the web storefront should send the payment-only message, assuming there are no additional errors for the order. See Prompting the Customer to Join the President’s Club (Order API) for sample messages.

Alternate Customer Number Matching through the Order API with President’s Club

If the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y, the system does not use the standard customer matching logic described under Customer Creation, Matching and Update Logic when selecting a customer; instead, the alternate customer number is used to identify an existing or prospective President’s Club membership. The system checks the Customer Sold To file and the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) for the alternate customer number, and if the results are not consistent, the system puts the order in error status and does not update the customer.

If the customer is already a member of the President’s Club: If the customer already has a President’s Club membership, and there is a President’s Club number specified in the Alternate customer number field in the Customer Sold To file, then the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) should specify the customer number and, optionally, the alternate customer number; or the message should specify the alternate customer number and the customer’s name and address. If the inbound message specifies just the alternate customer number and not the customer number or an identifying name and address, and this alternate customer number is already assigned to a customer, then the order will be in error.

If the customer is not yet a member of the President’s Club, but is in the Pre-Accounts file: If an existing customer is responding to an offer to join the President’s Club and so has a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), and is not already a member (the Alternate customer number in the Customer Sold To file is blank), then the inbound message should include both the customer number and the alternate customer number to prevent creating a duplicate customer.

If this is a new customer who is in the Pre-Accounts file: If a new customer is responding to an offer to join the President’s Club and so has a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) but is not yet in the Customer Sold To file, then the inbound message should include the alternate customer number.

Related Errors

The following table lists errors related to President’s Club information in the inbound order message. These errors are included in the Order Error Listing, and are provided in the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT) only if the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) has the response_type set to E. See Order Creation and Maintenance Errors for a list of additional errors that might occur when using the generic order API.





Invalid Mbrshp Type

The Join/Renew flag for the President’s Club program that the customer is interested in purchasing is not set to either J or R. See Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) for more information.

This error can also occur if the inbound order message specifies a membership renewal, but the previous join membership has not yet billed.


Invalid Slsman on Mbrship

The customer is purchasing a President’s Club membership, and the sales rep number indicated in the message or in the Default Salesrep for E-Commerce Interface (H24) system control value is not valid.


Invalid PC#

Indicates that there is an alternate customer number indicated in the inbound message; this alternate customer number is not assigned to a customer in the Customer Sold To file; and this alternate customer is also not found in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA).

Note: This error occurs even if the alternate customer number is assigned to a customer in the Customer Sold To Cross Reference file but not the Customer Sold To file.


Mismatched PC#

Indicates that there is an alternate customer number indicated in the inbound message and:

• the alternate customer number matches a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) that is in X or N status, and the inbound message also includes a valid or invalid customer number; or,

• the alternate customer number matches a record in the Customer Sold To file, and the inbound message does not include a valid customer number that matches the alternate customer number


Pgm Key Not Active

The Active flag for the President’s Club program specified in the inbound message or in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) is not set to Y.


Pgm Key Not Found

The President’s Club program specified in the inbound message or in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) does not exist.

Deactivating Expired President’s Club Memberships

Purpose: If a customer’s President’s Club membership expires and is not renewed, you can use the OER1421 periodic function to discontinue the customer’s President’s Club benefits.

What does the periodic function do? The periodic function searches the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) for customers who:

• have an Expiration date earlier than the current date, and

• have an Activity status of:

A (Active)

M (Missing in action)

R (Refunded)

U (Undeliverable)

For each customer who matches the above criteria, the function:

• updates the Activity status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) to E (Expired)

• resets the customer’s Associate flag in the Customer Sold To file to N

For more information: See President’s Club Membership Setup for more information on setting up periodic processing to reset expired President’s Club memberships.

President’s Club Membership Setup

Purpose: The setup required before you can sell President’s Club memberships is described below.

System Control Values

Secured Features

Additional Setup

System Control Values

System Control Value


Use President’s Club Membership (H94)

Enter Y in this field to be able to assign customers to the President’s Club, and have the President’s Club Membership Window automatically open in order entry to prompt for President’s Club enrollment or renewal.

Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95)

Enter a name such as PC MEMBER# in this field to indicate the screen label of the Alternate customer number (Interface cust code). A value in the Alternate customer number field flags the customer as a member of the President’s Club.

Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97)

Enter the number of months before a President’s Club membership expires to start having the President’s Club Membership Window automatically start prompting for renewal.

The system subtracts this number of months from the Expiration date in the President’s Club Membership file to determine when to start prompting a customer.

Price Codes (D93)

Enter N or leave this field blank to indicate you are not using price codes.

Default Associate Code (D09)

This system control value should be set to N so that the Associate field for all new customers defaults to N unless they purchase a President’s Club membership.

Default Price Override Reason (B35)

The system uses this price override reason code when it adds the President’s Club item to an order.

Assign Alternate Customer # (I88)

Typically, this value is set to N, so that the system updates the Alternate customer number (Interface cust code) only when a customer joins the President’s Club.

Default Cancel Reason Code for PC Memberships (J23)

The cancel reason code to use when deleting a President’s Club membership and canceling the President’s Club item.

Secured Features

Define whether your users have authority to these secured features.

Secured Feature


Change Associate Customer Flag (B10)

Controls the ability to change the setting of the Associate field on the Second Create Customer Sold To Screen, Second Change Customer Sold To screen, Work with Order Screen, and Work with Order/Detail Screen.

If you do not have access to this secured feature, the system displays an error message if you try to enter or change the setting of the Associate field: Not authorized to change Associate Customer

Default authority is *EXCLUDE.

Change Alternate Customer Number (B11)

Controls the ability to change the Alternate customer number on the Second Create Customer Sold To Screen and Second Change Customer Sold To screen. The Alternate customer number field indicates the President’s Club membership number assigned to the customer.

If you do not have access to this secured feature, the system displays an error message if you try to enter or change the Alternate customer number: Not authorized to add/change Alt Customer #

Default authority is *EXCLUDE.

Maintenance of PC Membership (B16)

Controls the ability to change the Activity status and Expiration date at the President’s Club Membership Window. If this value is set to *EXCLUDE or *DISPLAY, these fields are display-only.

Additional Setup

Source code pricing: For President’s Club members to receive associate pricing correctly, the source code price method for the source code at the order header must be set to D (regular plus reprice).

Source code: Set up a source code to apply to the order detail line that adds the President’s Club membership to the order. Typically, this is a restricted source code. You specify the source code in the Source field at the Create PC Program Key Screen.

Periodic functions:

• Use Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) to create the President’s Club expiration periodic function, using program OER1421. This periodic function resets the customer’s Associate flag when the expiration date has passed; see Deactivating Expired President’s Club Memberships for more information.

• Use Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) to create the President’s Club Address Change periodic function periodic function, using program PFR0070. This periodic function allows you to download membership changes to the President’s Club database; see Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes for more information.

• Use Working with Periodic Processes (WPPR) to assign the periodic functions to a periodic process.

President’s Club enrollment and renewal items: Set up one or more items for the system to add to the order as a means to charge the customer for the President’s Club Membership. You might choose to set up separate items for join (enrollment) and renewal programs. You might also use separate items to differentiate between programs based on their duration.

Each President’s Club enrollment or renewal item should be:

• a non-SKU’d item

• not flagged as a set, continuity item, or finished good (the Kit type field for the item should be blank)

• typically, flagged as a non-inventory item

• typically, flagged as a non-discountable item

You use the Item field at the Create PC Program Key Screen to identify the President’s Club item.

Program keys: Use the Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) menu option to set up each enrollment and renewal program.

Additional files: Set up data in the following files that the system does not populate:

President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA): Creating records in this file enables you to use the process described under Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program.

President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN): The system uses this file to assign President’s Club account numbers when a customer purchases a membership. You cannot create new President’s Club memberships if there are no open account numbers available in this file.

Download President’s Club keys to web storefront: To support selling President’s Club membership from the web storefront, use Downloading E-Commerce Static Files (ESTF) to extract information on President’s Club keys.

Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK)

Purpose: Use this menu option to work with President’s Club enrollment or renewal programs that you are offering to your customers.

Work with PC Program Keys Screen

How to display this screen: Select Work with PC Program Keys from a menu, or enter WPCK in the Fast path field at the top of a menu.

OER1389 DISPLAY Work with PC Program Keys 4/06/05 16:53:30

EZK Mail Order

Opt Program Key Description Source J/R Price Terms

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

PCJOIN1 PC join one year SOURCE J 19.95 12

PCJOIN2 PC join two year SOURCE J 34.95 24

PCJOIN3 PC join three years SOURCE J 49.95 36

PGMRENEW Renew President's Club Me SOURCE R 50.00 6

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select Company



Program key

A code identifying the enrollment or renewal program. The program also determines the duration (number of months) of the membership and its price.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.


The description of the program to display on the President’s Club Membership Window when you select a program for the customer.

Note: This window displays only the first 25 positions of a 40-position field.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The source code to apply to the order detail line used to add the President’s Club item to an order so that you can charge the customer for the membership. Typically, this is a restricted source code that you cannot use on an order header when entering orders.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.


Indicates whether the program represents a President’s Club enrollment or renewal. Valid values are:

J = Join: President’s Club enrollment for a new member

R = Renewal: Renew President’s Club membership for an existing member

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The price to charge the customer for the President’s Club membership. The system adds the President’s Club item to the order using this price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a two-place decimal; display-only.


The number of months that the President’s Club membership lasts. The system uses this number to calculate the Expiration date when a customer enrolls in the President’s Club or renews a membership.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.



Create a new PC program

Press F6 to advance to the Create PC Program Key Screen.

Change an existing PC program

Enter 2 next to a program to advance to the Change PC Program Key Screen.

Display a PC program

Enter 5 next to a program to advance to the Display PC Program Key Screen.

Delete a PC program

Enter 4 next to a program to delete it. The system does not prevent you from deleting a program, regardless of whether it is active.

Create PC Program Key Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new President’s Club program.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with PC Program Keys Screen.

OER1386 ENTER Create PC Program Key 4/06/05 16:58:29

EZK Mail Order

Program Key . . . . . . .

Description . . . . . . .

Source . . . . . . . . .

Join/Renew . . . . . . . (J/R)

Price . . . . . . . . . .

Terms . . . . . . . . . .

Item . . . . . . . . . .

Active . . . . . . . . . (Y/N)

Incentive code . . . . .

Type . . . . . . . . . .

User Fields . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Program key

A code identifying the enrollment or renewal program.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.


The description of the program to display on the President’s Club Membership Window when you select a program for the customer.

Note: This window displays only the first 25 positions of a 40-position field.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.


The source code to apply to the order detail line used to add the President’s Club item to an order so that you can charge the customer for the membership. Typically, this is a restricted source code that you cannot use on an order header when entering orders.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.


Indicates whether the program represents a President’s Club enrollment or renewal. Valid values are:

J = Join: President’s Club enrollment for a new member

R = Renewal: Renew President’s Club membership for an existing member

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The price to charge the customer for the President’s Club membership. The system adds the President’s Club item to the order at this price, and using the Default Price Override Reason (B35).

Note: If you do not specify a price here, the item is added to the order at no charge.

Numeric, 7 positions with a two-place decimal; optional.


The number of months that the membership should be effective:

Join: For a membership enrollment, the system sets the Expiration date to the current date plus the number of months indicated. For example, if the current date is 4/10/05, and the Terms is set to 6, the Expiration date for the customer’s membership is 10/10/05.

Renew: For a membership renewal, the system resets to the Expiration date to the current Expiration date for the customer’s membership plus the number of months indicated. For example, if the current Expiration date for the customer’s membership is 6/1/05, and the Terms is set to 6, the Expiration date is reset to 12/1/05. If the current membership has expired, then the new Expiration date is calculated by adding the terms to the current date.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The item to add to an order on which the customer is joining or renewing a membership. The item should be:

• a non-SKU’d item

• typically, flagged as Non-discountable

• typically, flagged as Non-inventory

• not a continuity item, set, or finished good (the Kit type should be blank)

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


Indicates whether you can currently sell memberships in the program. Possible statuses are;

Y = The program is active

N = The program is not active

Only active programs are listed when you prompt on the Program key field at the President’s Club Membership Window. If you try to enter an inactive program at the window, the system displays an error message: Invalid Program Key Entered.

Alphanumeric, one position; required.

Incentive code

An informational field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


An informational field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

User fields

Four informational fields.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions each; optional.

Change PC Program Key Screen

Enter 2 next to a President’s Club program key at the Work with PC Program Keys Screen in order to change it. You can change any information except the Program key. See Create PC Program Key Screen for field descriptions.

Display PC Program Key Screen

Enter 5 next to a President’s Club program key at the Work with PC Program Keys Screen in order to display it. You cannot change any information at this screen. See Create PC Program Key Screen for field descriptions.

President’s Club Files

The following files are not displayed on any screens, but play a part in how President’s Club memberships work in CWDirect and might require updates outside of normal CWDirect processing:

President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA)

President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN)

President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB)

President’s Club Address Changes File (OEPCAC)

Note: The President’s Club Extract file (OEPCEX) is no longer used.

President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA)

This file contains President’s Club membership accounts that are pre-assigned to customers as an incentive to purchase the President’s Club membership. The system looks at this file to match a customer to a President’s Club membership account when the customer places an order; see Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program and Processing an Order from a Pre-Assigned Customer (Order API).

You need to populate this file directly.

Note: A customer who has a President’s Club pre-account record may or may not exist as a sold to customer in CWDirect. If the sold to customer exists in CWDirect, you have the option of assigning the membership to the existing customer or creating a new customer; if the sold to customer does not exist in CWDirect, the system creates a sold to customer using the pre-account information.




A code for the company where the President’s Club membership is valid.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Alternate customer #

The pre-assigned President’s Club membership number assigned to the customer.

Once the customer joins the President’s Club, this number updates the Alternate customer number field in the Customer Sold To file.

Numeric, 15 positions.

About the name and address information in this file:

When you use the process described under Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program in order entry, the customer name and address information from this file defaults to the order, although you can override it.

When you use the process described under Processing an Order from a Pre-Assigned Customer (Order API), the system uses the customer name and address information from the inbound order message to create or select the customer; it does not use the name and address information from this file.


A title (such as Mr. or Dr.) that precedes the customer’s name.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

First name

The sold to customer’s first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions.


The initial of the customer’s middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Last name

The customer’s last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.


An addition to the customer’s full name (such as Jr. or III).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Company name

The name of the company associated with the customer placing the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Street address

The customer’s street address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.


The apartment number or suite number associated with the customer’s delivery address.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Address line 2

Address line 2 of the customer’s delivery address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.

Address line 3

Address line 3 of the customer’s delivery address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.

Address line 4

Address line 4 of the customer’s delivery address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.


The city where the customer receives mail or shipments.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.


The state where the customer receives mail or shipments.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.


The code for the country where the customer receives mail or shipments.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Delivery code

Identifies a business or residential address. This value is used to calculate shipping charges for shippers that use rate tables (such as U.P.S.).

Valid values:

B = Business rate table determines shipping charges.

R = Residential rate table determines shipping charges.

N = No distinction between business and residence (this is not a valid code when shipping by U.P.S.).

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

PO box

A flag that identifies the customer’s delivery address as a Post Office box. Whenever an address contains a PO box, orders must ship by Parcel Post.

Valid values:

Y = The address is a Post Office box.

N or blank = The address is not a Post Office box.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Postal code

The postal or zip code for this customer. This code represents a delivery area.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Program key

The program assigned to the customer’s membership. The program determines the duration (number of months) of the President’s Club membership and the price of becoming a member; see Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK).

For new customers joining the President’s Club, this value updates the Program key field in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.

Applied date

The date this pre-assigned record was uploaded into CWDirect.

When the sold to customer places an order using this pre-assigned membership number, CWDirect updates this field with the system date.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

Account status

The status of the President’s Club pre-assigned membership account.

Valid values:

O (Open) = Default. The pre-assigned account has not been activated; the sold to customer has not placed an order using this account number.

N (Not Available) = The pre-assigned account is no longer valid and is not used by a customer.

Example: The customer is assigned a pre-account membership number. When the customer provides this number in order entry, the Display Duplicate Sold To window indicates that there is a duplicate customer. The user selects the existing sold to customer. If the existing customer is already a president’s club member, the pre-accounts record is set to N.

X (Closed) = The pre-assigned account has been activated and used; the sold to customer has placed an order using this account number.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

President’s Club Account Number File (OEPCAN)

This file contains a record for each President’s Club membership account number, and indicates if the number is available to assign to a customer or is already assigned.

You need to populate this file directly.

To sell President’s Club memberships, you need to ensure that this file contains sufficient unassigned President’s Club account numbers (status = O).

Note: CWDirect does not validate President’s Club account number records that are in an O (open) status to determine if they are already assigned to any customers.




The company where the President’s Club membership number is valid.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Alternate customer #

The President’s Club membership number. When a customer purchases a membership, the system updates the Alternate customer number field in the Customer Sold To file with this number.

Numeric, 15 positions.

Account number status

Indicates if the President’s Club membership number is available to assign to a customer.

Valid values:

I = In use. The President’s Club membership number is already assigned to a customer.

O = Open. The President’s Club membership number is available to assign to a customer.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB)

This file contains information on President’s Club memberships.

The system creates a record in this file when a customer becomes a President’s Club member, whether it is through the process described Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program or Upselling Customers to Join the President’s Club.

The system updates this file when:

• a customer renews an existing membership; see Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

• you change membership information, such as the customer’s address; see Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes.

• you confirm shipment of a President’s Club membership item on an order.

The system deletes a record in this file when:

• you remove a customer from the President’s Club; see Canceling or Deleting President’s Club Memberships.




A code for the company where the President’s Club membership is valid.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Customer #

The number identifying the sold to customer who is a President’s Club member.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Program key

The program the customer has joined. The program indicates the duration (number of months) of the membership and its price.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.

Salesrep #

The number identifying the salesrep who entered the order associated with the president’s club membership enrollment.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Expiration date

The date the President’s Club membership expires.

Joining members: The system calculates the expiration date based on the current date and the terms defined for the membership program. For example, if the current date is 6/27 and the terms = 3 (3 months), the expiration date is 9/27.

Overriding the default expiration date (joining): When you first assign a customer to a President’s Club membership program, you can enter an expiration date override either before specifying the membership program, or after you have specified the program and the system has calculated the default date. The system retains your date override; however, if you subsequently enter a different membership program, the system calculates the default expiration date for this new program. Again, you can override the default for the newly specified program.


Renewing members: The system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of months specified for the renewal program to the current Expiration date field in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) file. If the current program’s expiration date has already occurred, the system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of months specified for the renewal program to the current date.

Overriding the default expiration date (renewing): When you enroll a customer in a renewal program, you should first enter the Program key and allow the system to calculate the new expiration date before attempting to override the default. The system retains your date override; however, if you subsequently enter a different renewal program, the system calculates the default expiration date for this new program. Again, you can override the default for the newly specified program.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).


Indicates whether to prompt the customer to renew the membership. Valid values are:

N = Prompt the customer to renew the membership when it approaches its expiration date, as described under Upselling Customers to Renew the President’s Club Membership.

Y = Do not prompt the customer to renew the membership.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Auto-renew salesrep #

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Program price

The price the customer is charged for the President’s Club membership, as indicated by the Price specified through Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.


The number of months a customer’s membership is valid. The system uses the terms defined for the President’s Club program to determine the expiration date.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Current membership order #

The most recent order number used to join or renew the President’s Club.

Numeric, 8 positions.

Current membership ship to #

The ship-to number of the Current membership order #.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Membership status

Indicates the status of the membership.

Valid value:

E = Existing member.

F = From President’s Club Pre-Accounts file. Indicates that the order is in suspended status, and you are using the process described under Pre-Assigning Customers to the President’s Club Membership Program. Once the order is accepted, the status updates to E.

N = New member. Indicates that the order is in suspended status and you are entering it in regular order entry, using the process described under Upselling President’s Club Memberships in Order Entry. Once the order is accepted, the status updates to E.

W = Web new. Indicates that the order is in suspended status, and you are using the process described under Selling President’s Club Memberships through the Order API. Once the order is accepted, the status updates to E.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Membership billed?

Indicates whether the PC membership item used to charge the customer for the membership has been billed.

Valid values:

Y = The PC membership item has been billed.

N = Default. The PC membership item has not yet been billed.

Renewals: Once the customer orders a PC membership renewal, the system resets this flag to N and then changes it to Y after billing the PC renewal item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Membership bill date

The date the PC membership item or renewal item was billed.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

PC membership last change date

The date of the most recent President’s Club membership update. Updated whenever you make any change to a President’s Club membership, including any changes you make while entering the order that creates the membership.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

Activity status

A status you can assign to an existing President’s Club membership. Possible statuses are:

A = Active

C = Canceled

D = Duplicate

E = Expired

M = Missing in action

R = Refunded

U = Undeliverable

X = Deleted

I = Inactive

Effect of changing status: To reset the Associate flag for the customer, change the status as follows:

• If you change the status to A, U, M, or R, the system sets the customer’s Associate flag to Y if it is not already

If you change the status to C, D, E, X, or I, the system resets the customer’s Associate flag to NAlphanumeric, 1 position.

Create date

The date when the membership was first created.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format).

Updated by user

The user ID of the person who made the most recent update.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Creation user

The user ID of the person who created the President’s Club membership.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

President’s Club Address Changes File (OEPCAC)

CWDirect creates records in this file when you execute the President’s Club Address Changes periodic function (program name PFR0070). See Tracking President’s Club Membership Changes.




A code for the company where the President’s Club member is valid.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Customer #

The unique number to identify the customer who is a member of the President’s Club.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Alt customer #

The President’s Club number assigned to the sold to customer.

From the Alternate customer number field in the Customer Sold To file.

Numeric, 15 positions.

PC membership change date

The date of the most recent address change.

From the Last change date name/address field in the Customer Sold To file.

Numeric, 8 positions; (YYYYMMDD format).


A title (such as Mr. or Dr.) that precedes the customer’s name. From the Prefix from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

First name

The sold to customer’s first name. From the First name from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions.


The customer’s middle initial. From the Initial from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Last name

The customer’s last name. From the Last name from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.


An addition to the customer’s full name (such as Jr. or III). From the Suffix from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Company name

The name of the company associated with the customer placing the order. From the Company from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Street address

The customer’s street address. From the Street address from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.


The apartment number or suite number associated with the customer’s delivery address. From the Apartment from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Address line 2

Address line 2 of the customer’s delivery address. From the Address line 2 from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.

Address line 3

Address line 3 of the customer’s delivery address. From the Address line 3 from the Customer Sold To Extended file.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions.

Address line 4

Address line 4 of the customer’s address. From the Address line 4 from the Customer Sold To Extended file.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.


The city where the customer receives mail and shipments. From the City from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.


The state where the customer receives mail and shipments. From the State from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.


The country where the customer receives mail and shipments. From the Country from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Delivery code

Indicates whether the address is a business or is residential. Valid values:

B = Business

R = Residential

N = No distinction

From the Delivery code from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

PO box?

Indicates if the customer’s address is a Post Office box.

Y = The address is a Post Office box.

N = The address is not a Post Office box.

From the PO box from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Postal code scan

The zip code where the customer receives mail or shipments.From the Zip from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Mail name?

Indicates whether the customer should receive catalogs.

Y = Mail catalogs to the customer.

N = Do not mail catalogs to the customer.

From the Mail name from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Rent name?

Indicates whether the customer’s name should be rented to other companies.

Y = Rent this customer’s name to other companies.

N = Do not rent this customer’s name to other companies.

From the Rent name from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.


The customer’s primary e-mail address. From the E-mail address from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

E-mail status

Indicates the preferred method of correspondence for an online shopper.

Valid values:

O1 (Email) = Email is the preferred method of correspondence.

O2 (Order-only email) = Email may be used for order-related correspondence only; generate a spool file for other correspondence.

O3 (No email) = Email should not be used for any correspondence; generate a spool file for all correspondence.

O4 (Do not ask) = Do not ask the customer for an email address.

From the Opt in/Opt out field from the Customer Sold To file.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Phone # type

Indicates whether you can use the phone number during the day or the evening.

D = Day

E = Evening

From the Phone type from the Customer Sold To Phone Number file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.


The customer’s phone number. From the Phone from the Customer Sold To Phone Number file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

President’s Club Troubleshooting

Some possible questions related to the President’s Club, and their explanations, are described below



Selling new President’s Club memberships

The President’s Club Membership Window does not open automatically in order entry to prompt a customer to join the President’s Club.

Possible reasons:

• The Use President’s Club Membership (H94) is set to N

• The customer’s Associate flag is set to Y, regardless of whether the customer has a President’s Club membership recorded in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB). You can reset the Associate flag at the Work with Order Screen or the Work with Order/Detail Screen, and then display the President’s Club Membership Window by selecting it from the Display More Options Screen in order to sell the customer a President’s Club membership.

Note: The President’s Club Membership Window does not open automatically after you reset the Associate flag in order entry, but it does open as usual the next time you place an order for the customer if the customer is not yet a member.

Selling President’s Club renewals

You cannot apply a membership renewal to a customer whose membership is within the renewal date range or has expired.

If the system does not automatically display the President’s Club Membership Window: check the setting of the Auto-renew flag in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB). This flag must be set to N.

If the system displays the President’s Club Membership Window, but you cannot enter a renewal program: check the setting of the Membership billed? in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB). If this status is not Y, you cannot enter a membership renewal program.

The customer requests that you not prompt her for renewal.

Change the setting of the Auto-renew flag in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) to Y. You can use the President’s Club Membership Window to change the setting of this flag.

The customer would like to renew her President’s Club membership, but the current date is not yet within the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97).

When entering a new order for the customer, advance to the Display More Options Screen and then select Pres Club Membership in order to display the President’s Club Membership Window. At this window, enter the name of a renewal program for the customer. The system calculates the Expiration date for the renewal program by adding to the current Expiration date, and performs all the normal updates related to selling a President’s Club membership renewal.

The President’s Club Membership Window does not open automatically in order entry to prompt a customer to renew the President’s Club membership.

In order to prompt a customer for President’s Club membership renewal in order entry, the system requires that the customer have a record in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB) with the Auto-renew field set to N (indicating the membership does not automatically renew once it expires) and with the Membership billed? set to Y.

The customer’s membership has expired and he would like to purchase a renewal, but does not want to order any additional items.

You can display the President’s Club Membership Window from the Display More Options screen in order maintenance, and then select a renewal program.

Canceling, changing, or deleting President’s Club memberships

The customer would like to cancel a membership renewal, but continue to take advantage of the original membership enrollment until the Expiration date for that membership has passed.

To cancel a new membership renewal and restore the information on the original membership enrollment, maintain the order with which the customer ordered the renewal, and cancel the renewal membership item. The system restores the information on the original membership enrollment to the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB). Once the Expiration date for the original membership enrollment has passed, the membership is eligible to be expired through the periodic function; see Deactivating Expired President’s Club Memberships.

Note: If you cancel a renewal and the previous President’s Club membership was created before version 9.5 of CWDirect, the system does not automatically restore the previous membership information.

The customer would like to cancel the President’s Club membership before you have shipped the originating order.

Cancel the President’s Club item from the order, and then enter 2 next to each remaining item on the order to remove the President’s Club discount.

You are creating a new customer based on a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), but the customer does not want a President’s Club membership at this time.

At the President’s Club Membership Window, you can set the Activity status to X, set the Expiration date to a date in the past, and then delete the President’s Club item from the order to avoid charging the customer for the membership; however, you will still need to delete the record from the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

Selling President’s Club memberships through the order API

You would like to sell a President’s Club membership on an express-billed order.

It is not possible to add a President’s Club membership to an express-billed order. The President’s Club item will not be added to the order if the ship via is flagged to express-bill.

There is no program key specified in the Pre-Accounts file.

Specifying a program key in the Pre-Accounts file is required. If there is no program key specified, the pc_type in the CWOrderOut message is set to X, and there is an error: Pgm Key Not Found.

The order originating a President’s Club membership is rejected or abandoned.

When the EC_CLEANUP job rejects the originating order, the President’s Club information is cleared from the related files. However, if the customer places additional orders before the originating order is rejected, they receive the Associate pricing.

The customer would like to order a different President’s Club program than the one specified in the Pre-Accounts file.

The customer cannot select a different program. The system always uses the program key specified in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA), regardless of whether another program key is specified in the inbound order message.

The name and address information from the Pre-Accounts file was not used to create the customer.

The system always uses the name and address information from the inbound order message when creating a new customer, regardless of whether the Pre-Accounts file specifies different information.

The customer has multiple alternate customer numbers.

This situation might occur if the customer places two orders from the web storefront, each providing a different alternate customer number that is found in the Pre-Accounts file for a different name and address. When the customer places the second order using the same name and address as before but the new alternate customer number, the system selects the existing customer sold to record, but begins to perform the standard file updates related to a President’s Club join. As a result, the second Pre-Accounts record has a status of N, the Associate flag for the customer is set to P, and the alternate customer number in the Customer Sold To file is set to the second number. The first alternate customer number remains in the Customer Sold To Cross Reference file.

Note: The alternate customer number matching works only with the number in the Customer Sold To file. It doesn’t look at the Customer Sold To Cross Reference file.

The inbound order message specifies a President’s Club program to join, but the customer name and address matches an existing customer who is already a member.

The system selects that customer. If that customer is already a President’s Club member, even if a program key is specified in the inbound order message, then the system just passes current President’s Club membership information in the CWOrderOut response message.

The CWOrderOut message prompts for a renewal before the original join membership has billed.

The logic regarding whether to prompt for a renewal through the order API is based on the Number of Months to Prompt for President’s Club Renewal (H97), so it is possible to prompt for a renewal if, for example, the customer purchases a short-term trial President’s Club membership.

You would like to reject an order batch that includes an order creating a President’s Club membership.

If possible, accept these orders before rejecting the remaining orders in the batch. If you need to reject these orders, make a note of all of the information in the files related to President’s Club memberships so that you can confirm it is correct after rejecting the batch.


You cannot change the customer’s Associate flag.

The Change Associate Customer Flag (B10) secured feature controls the ability to reset this flag.

You cannot change the customer’s alternate customer number.

The Change Alternate Customer Number (B11) secured feature controls access to this field.

A customer is receiving associate pricing, but is not a President’s Club member.

If you manually change the Associate flag to Y for a customer that is not a member of the President’s Club, the customer receives associate pricing without an actual membership.

The customer’s membership has expired, but associate pricing is still applying to the customer’s orders.

The system does not automatically reset the Associate flag when a membership expires unless you use the PCEXP periodic function. See Deactivating Expired President’s Club Memberships for a discussion.

The same President’s Club number is assigned to multiple customers.

Possibly, someone manually entered this number in the Alternate customer number field for a customer.

The customer has a different President’s Club number than was originally assigned, or the President’s Club number he originally had is now assigned to a different customer.

If the customer was going to cancel a President’s Club membership and then changed his mind, the original President’s Club number may have been flagged as “open” and then reassigned to another customer. When the first customer decided to retain his President’s Club membership after all, he was then assigned a different President’s Club number, as the original number was no longer available.

The President’s Club enrollment or renewal membership item is not billing.

If the only items on the order are drop ship items, the President’s Club membership item is not included on a pick slip until shipment of all drop ship items is confirmed. In this situation, the membership item might be the only item on a printed pick slip. You must confirm shipment of this pick slip in order to bill the customer and update the Membership billed? and Membership bill date in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

Also, if you changed the Activity status of the customer’s President’s Club membership before confirming shipment of the pick slip that included the President’s Club item, this could prevent the system from changing the Membership billed? status in the President’s Club Membership File (OEPCMB).

CS03_20 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN