Chapter 42: Order Creation and Maintenance Errors

Purpose: The following table describes errors that can occur when you create, cancel, or maintain orders through the order API or batch order edit. These errors might be listed on an error report such as the Order Error Listing, displayed in Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM), or be included in the CWOrderOut response message if the CWOrderIn message has a response_type of E.

For more information: See:

Generic Order Interface (Order API)

E-Commerce Order Creation

Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM)





% Discount Not Allowed

The customer has tried to apply a detail-level percentage discount to an item that is restricted from percentage discounts, as specified through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen; or, the customer tried to apply a percentage discount to an order, and all of the items on the order are restricted.


A/R and COD Not Allowed

The order includes both an accounts receivable and a C.O.D. payment method.


A/R,COD Amount must be 0

There is an accounts receivable or C.O.D. payment method with an amount to charge specified. If an order uses either of these payment types, it must be the “catch-all.”


Base item does not exist

The system cannot identify the item/SKU for an order detail line based on the information provided in the message.


Bill Me Later trans limit

The customer is applying for a Bill Me Later account, and the total order value exceeds the BML trans limit.


Cannot Update Membership

Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.


CC Expiration/Start Date

If an expiration date is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require expiration date flag), the credit card payment method did not include a valid expiration date, or the expiration date is passed; or, if a start date is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require start date flag), the credit card payment method did not include a start date. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY) for more information.


Invalid EUDD Country

The bill to country (or sold to country if a bill to is not defined) is not a valid country for the European Direct Debit pay type on the order. You define the valid countries for a European Direct Debit pay type on the Work with Pay Type Countries Screen in Working with Pay Types (WPAY). See Processing European Direct Debit Payments.


Missing EUDD Bank Sort

A bank_sort was not defined for the European Direct Debit pay type on the order. You can indicate whether a bank sort number is required for a European Direct Debit pay type on the Work with Pay Type Countries Screen in Working with Pay Types (WPAY). See Processing European Direct Debit Payments.


Missing EUDD RIB Code

A rib_code was not defined for the European Direct Debit pay type on the order. You can indicate whether a RIB code is required for a European Direct Debit pay type on the Work with Pay Type Countries Screen in Working with Pay Types (WPAY). See Processing European Direct Debit Payments.


CC Pmt Req w/Store Ship

There is no credit card payment method specified for a store shipment request. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment API through .NET for more information.


City Blank

No city is specified for the shipping address.


Code previously redeemed

The single_use_promo_code specified to apply a promotion to the order has already been redeemed on another order. See Creating and Using Single-Use Promotion Codes for more information.


Country Not Found

The country code is invalid.


Cpn Item Required

The coupon has an item requirement (indicated by the Item requirement? field), and the item on the order detail line does not match an item specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen; or, if this is an order-level coupon with an item requirement, all of the required items are not on the order.

• For detail-level coupons: the customer cannot apply the coupon to this item.

For order-level coupons: the customer cannot apply the coupon to this order without adding all required items.

See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Cpn Not Active

The current date is earlier than the Start date or later than the End date for the coupon. The customer cannot apply this coupon at this time. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Cpn Not Allowed-Item S/O

The customer has tried to enter a detail-level coupon against an item that is sold out.


Cpn Restricted

The coupon has a restriction against use with another coupon that is on the order (the Coupon restriction? field is set to Y, and there is another coupon on the order that has a coupon restriction for this coupon as specified through the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen). The customer cannot apply both of these coupons on the same order. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Detail $ < Required

The coupon has an order detail line total requirement (indicated by the Minimum detail $ amount field), and the regular offer price of the item is less than this minimum. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this item. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Direct Disbursement N/A

The order includes a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type; you cannot enter a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type on an e-commerce order. See Processing Direct Bank Disbursements/Electronic Checks for more information.


Discount limit exceeded

The discount on the order ship to exceeds the limit defined in the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value.


Dtl Cpn Passed at Ord Lvl

The message includes a detail coupon (Type = D) in the coupon_code attribute of the Coupon element, which should be used for header coupons (Type = O). To apply a detail coupon, the message should use the coupon_detail_code attribute of the CouponDetail element. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Dtl Errs Prevent Hdr Edit

Occurs when there is an additional error related to an order detail line.


Duplicate item for cust

The Duplicate Item Check (C09) system control value is set to Y and an item appears in more than one order for the customer within the specified number of days. See the Hold Reason for Duplicate Items Found in Processing Remote Orders (J51) system control value for a discussion.


Duplicate PO#

The ship_to_po_number or the po_number is a duplicate (the system checks for duplicate PO numbers only if the Verify Duplicate PO Numbers for A/R Orders (D80) system control value is set to Y.


Email invalid

The email address is not properly formatted. See Email Address Validation for more information.


Entered Price Exceeds Lim

The requested price of a new or existing item is below the maximum discount percentage, as specified in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value. For example, if this system control value specifies a limit of 10%, and the requested price of an item was 15% below the regular price, this would produce an error.


Exceeds maximum char

The personalization text exceeds the maximum specified for the custom special handling format. See the personalization_line element in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) for more information.


Gift wrap not allowed

The gift_wrap field is selected and gift wrapping is not allowed for the offer.


Input not valid response

The personalization text is not a valid entry for the custom special handling format. See the personalization_line element in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) for more information.


Invalid Bill To Address

Some part or all of the bill-to (A/R) information in the message is invalid. See Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT) for more information.


Invalid Cancel Date

The cancel date specified is not later than the order date.


Invalid Cancel Quantity

The quantity specified in the cancel request exceeds the quantity eligible for cancellation for the order detail line. See E-Commerce Maintenance and Cancel Process Overview for more information.


Invalid Cancel Reason

The cancel reason is not valid, as defined through Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR). See E-Commerce Maintenance and Cancel Process Overview for more information.


Invalid Card Issue#

An issue number is required for the credit card pay type (based on the Require issue # flag), but an issue number was not provided. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY) for more information.


Invalid City(VERTEX)

The city/state/zip code is invalid for Vertex. See CWDirect/Vertex Interface for more information.


Invalid Coupon

The gift certificate number indicated does not match a record in the Coupon Redemption file, and the Dynamic Creation of Coupons (B21) system control value is set to N.


Invalid Cpn Code

The coupon code you entered is not a valid coupon in your company. The customer cannot apply this coupon to an order.

When an order receives this error, it also receives errors 56 (Cpn Not Active) and 57 (Invalid Cpn Type). See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Invalid Cpn Type

The Coupon type for the coupon is not set to O (order) or D (detail). The customer cannot apply the coupon to an order until this field is set to one of the valid values. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Invalid Credit Card

• No credit card number was provided for a credit card pay type.

• The credit card number failed validation against the credit card length, leading digits, or bin number defined for the credit card pay type.

• The Require Credit Card Token (L40) system control value is set to Y and the credit card number was not replaced with a token.


Invalid date of birth

The customer is using a Bill Me Later pay type for the first time, and there is no date of birth provided. See Bill Me Later Processing for more information.


Invalid email/opt in-SVC

There is a virtual stored value card on the order and a valid email address was not provided. The system requires an email address in order to send a Stored Value Card Notification email to the recipient of the stored value card. See Stored Value Card Email Hierarchy for more information.


Invalid line frt override

A line freight override is indicated, but the freight method on the order is not a line-level freight method.


Invalid Mbrshp Type

The Join/Renew flag for the President’s Club program that the customer is interested in purchasing is not set to either J or R.This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y. See Working with PC Program Keys (WPCK) for more information.


Invalid New Order Qty

The new quantity specified in a maintenance request for an existing line is lower than the current quantity. To reduce the quantity of an existing order line, you must use a cancel request rather than a maintenance request.


Invalid offer

The item specified is associated with an invalid offer.


Invalid Order Detail

The order line number specified in the maintenance or cancel request does not exist on the order. You might receive this error if you specify an order detail line when attempting to add an item to an order.


Invalid Order Hold Reason

The order hold reason code indicated does not exist in the Order Hold Reason file. See Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR) for more information.


Invalid Order Type

The order type indicated does not exist in the Order Type file, or matches the retail pickup or delivery order types specified in the Order Type for Orders Brokered for Delivery (K91) or Order Type for Orders Brokered for Retail Pickup (K92) system control values. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY) for more information.


Invalid Pay Type

The payment method was missing essential information; for example, you would see this message if the order included a gift_certificate_number and gift_certificate_amount, but there was no gc_type in the message and the Default Pay Type for Gift Certificates/Coupons (G48) system control value is blank. This error also occurs if the payment method matches the retail pickup and delivery pay type specified in the Payment Type for Orders Brokered for Fulfillment (K98) system control value.


Invalid PC#

Indicates that there is an alternate customer number indicated in the inbound message; this alternate customer number is not assigned to a customer in the Customer Sold To file; and this alternate customer is also not found in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA).

This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y.

Note: This error occurs even if the alternate customer number is assigned to a customer in the Customer Sold To Cross Reference file but not the Customer Sold To file.


Invalid Prefix Code

The Validate Prefix (I27) system control value is set to Y, and the prefix does not exist in the Prefix file. See Working with Prefix Codes (WPFX) for more information.


Invalid price ovr reason

The item has an invalid price override reason code, as defined through Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).


Invalid Promotion Code

The promotion code specified in the message does not actually exist. See the Promotion Code Entry Required for Discount (I63) system control value for more information.


Invalid Salesman Number

The order does not have a valid sales rep, if the Require Salesrep Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) system control value is set to Y.


Invalid Slsman on Mbrship

The customer is purchasing a President’s Club membership, and the sales rep number indicated in the message or in the Default Salesrep for E-Commerce Interface (H24) system control value is not valid. This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y. See President’s Club Memberships for more information on selling President’s Club memberships.

This error occurs with the Invalid Salesman Number error.


Invalid Ship to Address

Any of the entries for the shipping address are invalid. This error appears with one or more other error messages describing the fields that are invalid.


Invalid Ship Via

There is not a valid ship via code on the order.


Invalid Ship Via for FEDX

There is a Federal Express tracking number indicated, but the ship via on the order does not have a Type of FX.


Invalid Ship Via for POB

The ship via for the order does not deliver to P.O. boxes, as specified by the PO box delivery field for the ship via.


Invalid Ship Via for SCF

Either the ship via, the SCF, or the ship via/SCF combination is not valid.


Invalid Single Use Promo

The single_use_promo_code specified to apply a promotion to the order is not valid, or the related promotion is not currently active. See Creating and Using Single-Use Promotion Codes for more information.


Invalid social security #

The customer is applying for a Bill Me Later account, but the soc_sec_nbr was blank. See Bill Me Later Processing for more information.


Invalid Sold to Address

There is a problem with the sold-to customer’s address. This error accompanies the error message indicating the specific problem.


Invalid Source Code

The source code specified is not valid, or no source code is specified.


Invalid Src Requirement

The coupon has a source code restriction (the Source requirement? field is set to Y), and the source code on the order is not specified through the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Invalid State for Zip

The state is not valid for the postal code, as defined through Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP).


Invalid Tax Code

There is a resale/exempt number specified, but the customer is not tax exempt. See Customer Tax Overview for more information.


Invalid/Missing Cust Cls

There is no valid customer class indicated in the message, the Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63) system control value is blank, and the Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value is set to Y.


Item not valid for whs

There is no record of the item/SKU in the warehouse indicated for a return or express bill.


Item Ctry/St Restriction

The item is restricted from shipment to that country or state, as defined through the Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.


Item/Cust cls restriction

The customer’s class is restricted from shipment of items of this item class, as defined through the Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions).


Item/SpclH restriction

The maintenance request includes special handling for an item that is restricted from special handling, as defined through the Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen.


Last Name & Comp Blank

Both the last name and the company field are blank; at least one is required.


Line $value > max allowed

The extended price of the order detail line exceeds the limit specified in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98).


Line is not Open

The order line has a status of X (closed) for a maintenance or cancel request.


Mismatched PC#

Indicates that there is an alternate customer number indicated in the inbound message and:

• the alternate customer number matches a record in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) that is in X or N status, and the inbound message also includes a valid or invalid customer number; or,

the alternate customer number matches a record in the Customer Sold To file, and the inbound message does not include a valid customer number that matches the alternate customer number

This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y.


Missing Membership

The item is a membership item, but there is not a membership program with the same name as the item, as defined through Working with Membership Programs (WWMP).


Missing PO#-Req for A/R

The PO Required for A/R Orders (D79) system control value is set to Y and no purchase order number is specified.


Missing price ovr reasonn

The Price_override field in the maintenance request was 1, and no price override reason code is specified in the Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (G73) system control value.


Missing Whse/Loc-No IT Ln

The warehouse location indicated for a return or express bill does not exist.


Multiple CC with pay plan

There is more than one credit card on an order that includes a flexible payment option. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for more information.


Multiple CCs with $0

There is more than one “catch-all” payment method. See Enter Payment Method Screen for more information.


Multiples error

The order line quantity is not evenly divisible by the Sell quantity for the item/SKU.


No catch all pay method

There is no payment method on the order with the amt_to_charge field blank.


No Cpn Maint - Pick

Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.


No Cpn Maint<>Open

Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.


No Detail lines

No items were specified for the order.


No Discountable Items

All items on the order have the Discountable field in the Item file set to N. The customer cannot apply a coupon against this order. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


No Order I/T Line for Item

You attempted to send an express-billed order without specifying the warehouse and location where the item(s) were taken.


No Paytypes for Order

No payment methods have been provided. The system returns this error if the response_type in the CWOrderIn message is set to E, and the payment information has not yet been received.


Non-CC OPM for Prebill

The order includes a pre-billable item and a non-credit card payment method. You also receive this error if you attempt to cancel or maintain an order that includes a pre-billable item, because canceling or maintaining a pre-billable item is not supported. See Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for a discussion of pre-billing.


Non-Disc Item

The item that the customer selected has the Discountable field in the Item file set to N. The customer cannot apply a coupon against this item. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Offer Restricted

The coupon has an offer restriction (the Offer requirement? field is set to Y), and the offer associated with the source code on the order header is not specified through the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Order Has Picks Open

One or more detail lines on the order have pick slips printed (maintenance or cancel request).


Order In Use

The order is locked from update because a user is maintaining it, or another process on the system is updating it. Use Unlocking a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) to unlock the order.


Order Not Open or Held

The order status is not open (blank) or held (H) (maintenance or cancel request).


Order qty > max allowed

The item quantity exceeds the maximum specified in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.


Order Tot < Cpn Requires

The coupon has an order total requirement (indicated by the Minimum order $ amount field), and the merchandise total on the order is less than this minimum. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order without adding more merchandise.

Non-discountable items (the Discountable field in the Item file is set to N) are not included in the merchandise dollar total for the purposes of meeting this minimum. See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon.


Originator Invalid

The order does not have a valid originator. Occurs if the Individuals Required in Order Entry (E01) system control value is set to Y and the Originator unknown field is set to N.


PC Mbrs Only

The PC member only? field for the coupon is set to Y. The customer must be a member of the President’s Club to use the coupon. The system checks the setting of the Associate field and the Alt cust (Alternate customer number) to determine if a customer is a President’s Club member. See Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order for more information.


Pgm Key Not Active

The Active flag for the President’s Club program specified in the inbound message or in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) is not set to Y. This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y.


Pgm Key Not Found

The President’s Club program specified in the inbound message or in the President’s Club Pre-Accounts File (OEPCPA) does not exist. This error occurs only if the Use President’s Club Membership (H94) system control value is set to Y.


Pick Exists for Line

There is currently a printed pick slip for the order line specified in a maintenance or cancel request.


Price can not be negative

The item has a price that is negative and the Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value is not selected.


Placer Invalid

The order does not have a valid placer, and the Individuals Required in Order Entry (E01) system control value is set to Y.


Price is zero

No price was found for the item/offer, but the item is not eligible for a price override to zero.


Required Input missing

Required information is missing from the custom special handling instructions.


S/H code is invalid

The S/H code (Special handling code) specified for the item is invalid.


S/H code not allowed

Special handling is not allowed for the item, as defined at the Create Item Offer Screen or the Create SKU Offer Screen.


SCF not Found

The SCF is not valid for the country, as defined through Working with SCF Codes (WSCF).


Ship Via invalid for Item

The shipper is not eligible to ship the item to its destination, based on the Item Ship Via Override file. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.


SKU does not exist

The short SKU specified in the message is not associated with a valid SKU.


State Blank

No state is specified.


State not found

The state is not valid for the country, as defined through Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).


Store Fulfillment Con Mas

You cannot generate a store fulfillment request for a continuity master item, although you can generate a request for the continuity components. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment for Different Types of Items (.NET) for more information.


Store Fulfillment Loc Msg

Either the pickup_system_location or the pickup_location, or both, were not specified for a store fulfillment request. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment for Different Types of Items (.NET) for more information.


Store Fulfillment Mbrship

You cannot generate a store fulfillment request for a membership item. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment for Different Types of Items (.NET) for more information.


Store Fulfillment Neg Qty

You cannot generate a store fulfillment request for a negative quantity. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment for Different Types of Items (.NET) for more information.


Store Pickup Set Compon

Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.


Store Fulfillment Subscrp

You cannot generate a store fulfillment request for a subscription item. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment for Different Types of Items (.NET) for more information.


Street Address Blank

No street address is specified.


Zip Code Blank

No postal code is specified


No multi paymnt w SCV K16

The order contains an online cash pay type (the pay type defined in the Pay Type for Payment Processing (K16) system control value) and another form of payment.

PHERRS CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN