Chapter 46: Entering Set Information (WSET)

Purpose: Use the Work with Sets function to indicate which component items make up a set. A set is a group of two or more items that you sell together as a unit, usually at a reduced price. The items that make up a set are often referred to as components. You can also offer these components individually.

The system identifies a set item by the setting of S in the Kit type field. When the Order Entry operator enters the set item, a line is added to the order for each component of the set. The set item itself can be flagged as a non-inventory item, since all inventory is kept at the component level; however, you can flag the set item as an inventory item if you prefer to update demand at the set item level.

Subject to the setting of the Demand Update for Non-Inventoried Items (E59) system control value and the item’s Non-inv flag, the system tracks Unit Demand (Units Order) at both the component item level and set level, and Dollar Demand at the set level only. For example, a set is made up of 3 combs and 2 brushes. Someone orders the comb/brush set for $15.00. Units ordered for the comb/brush set increases by 1, units ordered for brushes increase by 2, and units ordered for combs increase by 3. Dollars ordered for the set item only increases by $15.00. Dollars orders for the component items increase only when you sell them as separate items.

Making sure the set ships together: You must make sure to coordinate group the components of the set; otherwise, it is possible for the main set item to print and bill even if there is not a sufficient quantity of the component items. Also, if any of the components or the set master are assigned to a location class that differs from the others, this will cause each item in a different location class to print on a separate pick slip. For example, if the component items are assigned to location class B and the set master item is not, the set master item prints on a separate pick slip from the components.


Component items(s):

• If the Sell Out Set if Component is Sold Out (I05) system control value is set to Y: When any of the component items on a set are sold out based on the assigned soldout control code and the current inventory situation, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S). For example, if the set includes five items, and one of the items is assigned a soldout control code indicating to sell the item out immediately, the main set item and all of the component items will be added to the order in a soldout status.

• If this system control value is set to N: In the example described above, just the sold out component item is added to the order in a soldout status.

Main set item: If the main set item itself is assigned any soldout control code, the main set item and each of the component items are added to the order in a soldout status (S).

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for a discussion on how soldout controls indicate when an item is sold out.

E-commerce interface: You can sell set items on orders for web customers if your web storefront supports it. CWDirect passes availability information for sets to the web storefront, based on availability of components (available or backordered). See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing. If you set the Pass Reserved Warehouse Code to E-Commerce (H25) system control value to Y, CWDirect will pass the warehouse assigned to the master set item; it will not pass warehouse information for set components.

In this chapter:

Assigning a Coordinate Group Number to Sets

Component Pricing Calculation for Sets

Setting Up Special Handing for Sets

Defining Sets as Drop Ship

Work with Sets Screen

Create Set Screen

Work with Set Component Items Screen

Change Set Component Item Screen

Display Set Component Item Screen

Assigning a Coordinate Group Number to Sets

You must make sure to coordinate group the components of the set; otherwise, it is possible for the main set item to print and bill even if there is not a sufficient quantity of the component items.

When one or more of the set’s components are backordered (that is, they are unavailable, but no soldout control code has been assigned to them) the system will not generate a pick slip for the set item if the components are coordinate grouped.

Coordinate group 999: Do not use coordinate group number 999 when coordinate grouping sets. This number is reserved for the accessory coordinate group. Coordinate group 999:

• Does not coordinate group items that are assigned to coordinate group number 999 on the same order together. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, an out of stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and another in stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will print a pick slip for the two items that are in stock instead of holding the item assigned to coordinate group 999 until the other item assigned to coordinate group 999 is available.

• Prints a pick slip for items assigned to coordinate group 999 only if there are other shippable items on the order. However, if the items assigned to coordinate group 999 are the only items on the order remaining to ship, the system will print a pick slip for the items. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, another in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and an out of stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will not print a pick slip for the in stock items until the out of stock item is available.

Process substitute items: In Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB), you can select items for substitution based on whether a coordinate group number, or a particular coordinate group number, is defined for the item to cancel. However, the system does not assign the coordinate group number that was defined for the cancelled item to the new order line created for the substitute item.

Component Pricing Calculation for Sets

When you add a set item to an order, the system adds a line for the set master item, and a line for each component item. You can apply the price of the set item one of two different ways:

Master item: If the Pricing type is set to 1 (Price at set master), the set price applies to the master item, and each of the components are added at “no charge.”

Components: If the Pricing type is set to 2 (Price at component), the system calculates the percentage of the set price to apply to each component, and the master item is added at “no charge.” You might choose this setting in order to better handle processing returns of set components, so that the system automatically creates a refund for the return of a component.

Important: Pricing set items at the component level is not supported through the e-commerce interface, but it is supported through the order API.

Calculating the price percentage: When a set uses component pricing, the system calculates the price to charge for each component based on the Price % (Price percentage) specified at the Work with Set Component Items Screen or Change Set Component Item Screen.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components and their price percentages are:

CP100 (pillowcases): 25%

CP200 (flat sheet): 37.5%

CP300 (fitted sheet): 37.5%

The regular offer price for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP100: $20.00 (25% of $80.00)

CP200 and CP300: $30.00 each (37.5% of $80.00)

If the set includes multiple units of a component: If you sell a set item that includes multiple units of one or more components, the system applies the total price percentage to the extended price of the order line. To do so, once the system determines the total price percentage to charge for that component, it divides the total component price by the number of units.


Item CD101 is a storage box set. The components and their price percentages are:

CP101 (2 small boxes): 25%

CP201 (medium box): 35%

CP301 (large box): 40%

The regular offer price for CD101 is $50.00. When you add CD101 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP101: 2 @ $6.25 for a total of $12.50 (25% of $50.00)

CP201: 1 @ $17.50 (35% of $50.00)

CP301: 1 @ $20.00 (40% of $50.00)

Rounding logic: If the set configuration is more complex, the results of rounding component prices might result in the total of component pricing to be a few pennies higher or lower than the regular offer price for the set master item.


Item EF202 is a set of cups in two different colors. The components and their price percentages are:

CP102 (3 blue cups): 50%

CP202 (3 red cups): 50%

The regular offer price for EF202 is $50.00. When you add EF202 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP102: 3 @ $8.33 for a total of $24.99

CP202: 3 @ $8.34 for a total of $25.02

As a result, the merchandise total for the set is $50.01 rather than $50.00

Note: The rounding does not result in a discrepancy if there is any set component that has a quantity of 1. In this situation, the system adjusts the price of the first single-unit set component up or down by the few pennies necessary to correct the rounding discrepancy.

Applying discounts: When a set that uses component pricing is subject to a dollar discount, the discount amount is prorated across the set components, applying the price percentage for each component to determine its prorated discount amount.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components and their price percentages are:

CP100 (pillowcases): 25%

CP200 (flat sheet): 37.5%

CP300 (fitted sheet): 37.5%

The regular offer price for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP100: $20.00 (25% of $80.00)

CP200 and CP300: $30.00 each (37.5% of $80.00)

Discounting: The order is subject to a dollar discount of $2.00. After applying repricing. the components are priced as follows:

CP100: $19.50 (discounted by 25% of the total $2.00 discount, or $0.50)

CP200 and CP300: $29.25 each (each discounted by 37.5% of the total $2.00 discount, or $0.75 each)

Note: Prorated discounts apply only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is set to Y.

Rounding logic for discounting sets: Applying a discount to the set components might also result in the total discounted price of the component items differing from the result of simply applying the discount at the set master level. Again, this calculation can result in a discrepancy of a few pennies.


Item GH203 is a set of bowls in two different colors. The components and their price percentages are:

CP103 (3 green bowls): 50%

CP203 (3 orange bowls): 50%

The regular offer price for GH203 is $45.99. When you add GH203 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP103: 3 @ $7.67 for a total of $23.01

CP202: 3 @ $7.66 for a total of $22.98

The resulting merchandise total for the set is $45.99. However, when you accept the order, a 5% discount applies, repricing each component as follows:

CP103: 3 @ $7.29 for a total of $21.87

CP202: 3 @ $7.28 for a total of $21.84

The resulting merchandise total for the set components after applying the discount is $43.71. If a 5% discount had applied directly to a price of $45.99 for the set master, the resulting merchandise total for the set would have been $43.69.

Screen difference when you set up component-level pricing: When you work with set components for a set that has pricing at the component level, the Work with Set Component Items Screen confirms that the total of the Price % (Price percentage) field for each component adds up to 100%.

If the set has pricing at the master item level, the system does not use the Price % (Price percentage) field. Even if you enter price percentages, there is no requirement that the percentages equal 100%.

Sum price of components in CWOrderOut message: The Sum Price of Components for Set Master in Order Response Message (J40) system control value controls whether to add up the price of each component item and pass it as the actual_price of the set master item in the Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT) when you use the order API, or to include the price of each component separately. This system control value applies only when the Pricing type for the set is set to 2 (Price at component). If the Pricing type for the set is set to 2 (Price at component), the set price is always passed as the actual_price for the set master item.

Note: This system control value affects only the order API response message. Pick slips will display pricing at the component level. As mentioned above, component-level pricing for sets is not supported through the regular e-commerce interface (XML or name value pair messages).

Including set components in the CWorderStatusResponse message: The Include Set Components in Order Status Response Message (J83) system control value controls whether to include both the set master item and the component items in the E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse), or to just include the set master item. Including the set components makes sense if pricing is at the component level, so that the response message provides pricing information for the set. If you always price sets at the set master item level, then you can keep the response message simpler by not including the components. See the Include Set Components in Order Status Response Message (J83) for a discussion and examples, and see E-Commerce Order Status Processing for an overview on this area of the e-commerce interface.

Setting Up Special Handing for Sets

The way you set up special handling for set items controls the screen flow in order entry and the way that special handling charges and instructions are added to the order.

Copying special handling instructions to the set components: If the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to Y, then the system copies special handling instructions entered for the set master item to each component item that is eligible for the same type of special handling, so there is no need to enter special handling instructions for these components. If this system control value is set to N, then you need to enter and apply special handling separately for each component item. See that system control value for a complete discussion.

To set up special handling for sets:

Standard S/H:

Custom S/H:

Order Entry Screen Flow:

If the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to Y

Master item Item or SKU Offer:

Special handling flag is set to Y

• an additional charge code flagged for standard special handling is specified in the S/H code field

Component items Item or SKU Offer: Same as the master item, but a S/H price is also specified

Master item’s Item or SKU Offer:

Special handling flag is set to Y

• an additional charge code associated with the custom special handling format is specified in the S/H code field

If the special handling charge varies by component:

Component items’ Item or SKU Offers: Same as the master item, but a S/H price is also specified

Custom special handling format: No Default price is specified

If the special handling charge does not vary by component:

Component items’ Item or SKU Offers: Same as the master item

Custom special handling format: The Default price is specified

When you enter the set master item, you advance to a special handling screen. If you enter special handling instructions here and accept your entry, the system:

• does not display the special handling screen again for each component

• copies the instructions to each component that has the same additional charge code specified for its Item Offer or SKU Offer

• deletes the special handling information for the set master item

• adds the special handling charges to the order (see below)

If the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to N:

Note: This setting is not recommended if you sell any set items through the order API or the e-commerce interface.

Master item Item or SKU Offer: No special handling setup at the set master item level.

Component items Item or SKU Offers:

Special handling flag is set to Y

• an additional charge code flagged for standard special handling is specified in the S/H code field

• the S/H price is specified

Master item’s Item or SKU Offer: No special handling setup at the set master item level.

If the special handling charge varies by component:

Component items’ Item or SKU Offers:

Special handling flag is set to Y

• an additional charge code associated with the custom special handling format is specified in the S/H code field

• the S/H price is specified

Custom special handling format: No Default price is specified.

If the special handling charge does not vary by component:

Component items’ Item or SKU Offers:

Special handling flag is set to Y

• an additional charge code associated with the custom special handling format is specified in the S/H code field

• no S/H price is specified

Custom special handling format: The Default price is specified.

When you enter the set master item, you advance to a separate special handling screen for each component item. You must enter special handling instructions and accept your entries at each screen to add the special handling instructions and charges to the order.

Important: You need to specify a Default price to have the price copied from the master item to the components. Using a Default price % when you copy special handing from the set master item is not currently implemented.

Calculating charges when you copy special handling information: The system adds handling charges to the order for each eligible component item when you copy special handling information from the set master. The calculation varies depending on whether you use the Default price for the special handling format, specify a price for the Item or SKU Offer, or use special handling charge breaks:

If using default price for the special handling format: The Default price is added to the handling total on the order for each component that is eligible for the special handling. If there are multiple feature/items with default prices specified for the special handing format, the Default price of each is added for each component item with special handling.


Single feature/option: The Default price for the special handling format is $5.00. There are three components in the set that are eligible for this special handling format. You accept the default special handling pricing in order entry for the set master. The system adds $15.00 (3 * 5.00) to the handling charges on the order.

Multiple feature/options: The Default price for the first feature/option is $5.00, and the Default price for the second feature/option is $2.99. There are three components in the set that are eligible for this special handling format. You accept the default special handling pricing in order entry for the set master. The system adds $23.97 ((5.00 + 2.99) * 3) to the handling charges on the order.

If using the S/H price for the component item’s Item or SKU Offer: The S/H price for each component item is added to the handling total on the order.


The set includes two components that are eligible for special handling:

• one has a S/H price of $5.00 and just a single unit is included

• the other has a S/H price of $12.00 and two units are included

Calculated based on order lines: if the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to Y, the system adds $17.00 (5.00 + 12.00) to the handling charges for the order.

Calculation includes unit quantity: if the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to Y, the system adds $29.00 (5.00 + (12.00 * 2)) to the handling charges for the order.

If using special handling charge breaks: The system checks the special handling charge breaks set up for the special handling code, and selects the Charge amount based on the total number of units on the order (not necessarily restricted to the set or its components) that use the same special handling code. The same total charge amount applies to the order regardless of the setting of the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value with the exception of a possible minor rounding discrepancy, although the charge amount displayed at certain screens might differ. If one or more feature options for a custom special handling format specify a Default price, these prices are also applied to the order. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for more information.

Copying special handling information through the order API and e-commerce: In order to have the system copy special handling information to eligible components of a set item, the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) or the E-Commerce New Order Message (CWCreateOrder) should specify the personalization_id that identifies the special handling type or format, and the personalization_lines element should include the special handling instructions. If the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to Y, the system copies the special handling instructions to each eligible component and calculates the special handling charges as described above.


• If you set up both a Default price for a special handling format and a S/H price for one or more of the Item or SKU Offer records for the component items, then the Default price defaults to the special handling screen in order entry; however, the system uses the S/H price from the component item’s Item Offer or SKU Offer to calculate the handling charges for the order.

• Even if the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to Y, the special handling information defaults to components only if they have the same S/H code specified in the Item or SKU Offer. If a component has a different S/H code specified, then you need to specify the instructions for that component separately. If the component does not have a S/H code specified, then no special handling instructions apply automatically.

• Copying the Default price % defined for the custom special handling format from the set master to the components is not currently implemented.

• Using the Default text option for a special handling format is not supported through the order API or e-commerce interface.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview for background information. Also, see:

• setting up custom special handling formats: Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF)

• setting special handling options for items and SKU’s: Create Item Offer Screen and the Create SKU Offer Screen

Generic Order Interface (Order API)

E-Commerce Order Creation

Using Special Handling Charge Breaks

Defining Sets as Drop Ship

Purpose: You can flag a set as drop ship at the set master level and/or the component level. Typically, if you flag the set master item as drop ship, all of the component items would be flagged as drop ship as well; however, the system does not prevent you from flagging the set master item as drop ship and having a combination of drop ship and non-drop ship components. In addition, a non-drop ship set master item can have one or more drop ship component items.

Example: An example of a drop ship set is displayed below.


Drop ship flag


Vendor lead days


DININGSET (master item)





TABLE (component)





CHAIRS (component)





Why define a set master item as drop ship? You might wish to define the set master item as drop ship if all of the component items are drop ship. This way, when the vendor confirms shipment, he can confirm the component items and the set master item together. If you price at the set master level, once the vendor confirms the components and set master item, the customer can be billed. If the set master item was not flagged as drop ship (and not sent to the vendor), and you price at the set master level, once the vendor confirms the components, you will still need to generate a pick slip for the set master item before you can bill the customer. Even if you do not price at the set master level, you would still need to generate a pick slip for the set master item in order to close the order.

When you flag a set master item as drop ship, the vendor will see the set master item on the vendor’s output (drop ship pick slip, drop ship purchase order, or in CWCollaborate or Locate).

Creating a Drop Ship Set

Adding Drop Ship Sets to an Order

Pricing Drop Ship Sets

Tracking Demand for Drop Ship Sets

Soldout Processing of Drop Ship Sets

Returning Drop Ship Sets

Sending Drop Ship Sets to Collaborate or Locate

Drop Ship Sets Shipment Report (PDSS)

Creating a Drop Ship Set

When you create a drop ship set, take note of the following settings:

• If all of the components of the set are drop ship, you should flag the set master item as drop ship as well so that it remains with the component items. If all of the components are drop ship and the set master item is not also flagged as drop ship, you will need to generate a pick slip for the set master item after all of the drop ship components are shipped and confirmed. If you do not generate a pick slip for the set master item, the order will remain open. In addition, if you price at the set master item, the system will not bill the customer for the set item until a pick slip has been generated for the set master item.

• If all of the components of the set are non-drop ship, you should not flag the set master item as drop ship.

• Because the vendor associated with an item controls the output generated for a drop ship item (drop ship pick slip, drop ship purchase order, or CWCollaborate or Locate), the set master item and each component item should be associated with the same vendor; however, it is not required.

• If the components are drop ship items, the vendor assigned to each component will determine if the system generates a drop ship pick slip or drop ship purchase order for the drop ship component, or if the system sends the drop ship component to CWCollaborate or Locate for processing.

• If the set master item is flagged as drop ship, the system will include the set master item on the drop ship pick slip, drop ship purchase order, or send the set master item to CWCollaborate or Locate for processing.

• When you create a vendor item for the set master item and its components, the vendor lead days defined for the set master item and all of the component items should match so that the expected ship date is the same for all of the component items.

• You can assign a coordinate group number to the components of a set in order to ensure that the components of the set ship together, provided you do not assign the set master or components to a Locate vendor. However, if a drop ship component is assigned the same coordinate group number as a non-drop ship component, you will not be able to generate a pick slip for the non-drop ship component until the drop ship component has been shipped and confirmed. In addition, you will not be able to generate a pick slip for the non-drop ship component until all other non-drop ship components with the same coordinate group number are available to ship.

Example: The set BEDDING consists of the following components:


Drop Ship?

Coordinate #





In this situation, you will not be able to generate a pick slip for the FLATSHEET, FITTEDSHEET or PILLOWCASE until the vendor ships and confirms the SHAM and DUVET. In addition, you will not be able to generate a pick slip until the FLATSHEET, FITTEDSHEET and PILLOWCASE are all available to ship.













Adding Drop Ship Sets to an Order

When you add a drop ship set item to an order, the system:

• Adds the set master item to the order and “explodes” the component items to the order, assigning a separate order line to the set master item and each component.

• For the set master item:

• If the set master item is a non-drop ship item, the system updates the Affect inventory flag for the order line to N and increases the Reserved quantity to the order quantity. In addition, if a coordinate group number has been assigned to the coordinate items, the system assigns this coordinate group number to the set master item as well.

• If the set master item is a drop ship item, the system updates the Affect inventory flag for the order line to N and the Drop ship flag to D. The Reserved quantity remains zero.

• For the component items:

• If the component is a non-drop ship item, the system updates the Affect inventory flag to Y and increases the Reserved quantity if the item is not on backorder.

• If the component is a drop ship item, the system updates the Affect inventory flag to Y and the Drop ship flag to D. The Reserved quantity remains zero. In addition, you receive an error message if you try to change the Affect inventory flag from Y to N: Affect Inventory flag must be Y for Drop Ship Items.

• If the component is a drop ship item, but you are able to reserve the item on the order, the system treats the drop ship component as a non-drop ship item: the system updates the Affect inventory flag to Y and increases the Reserved quantity. The Drop ship flag for the order line remains blank. Drop ship items that are in stock will print on a pick slip after all of the drop ship components are shipped and confirmed.

• If the set master item is flagged as drop ship, but all of the component items are in stock or on backorder, the system updates the Drop ship flag for the set master item from D to blank so that the set master item will remain with its components and print on the pick slip.

• If the set master item is flagged as non-drop ship, but all of the component items are drop ship, the set master item remains as a non-drop ship item. If all of the components are drop ship and the set master item is not also flagged as drop ship, you will need to generate a pick slip for the set master item after all of the drop ship components are shipped and confirmed. If you do not generate a pick slip for the set master item, the order will remain open. In addition, if you price at the set master item, the system will not bill the customer for the set item until a pick slip has been generated for the set master item.

• If the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is set to Y, the system displays an expected ship date for the components of the drop ship set. An expected ship date does not display for the set master item. The system calculates the expected ship date based on the vendor’s drop ship output:

• For drop ship items sent to CWCollaborate or Locate (the vendor’s drop ship output is C (CWCollaborate) or L (Locate drop ship), the expected ship date = the current date + Drop Ship Lead Days (H36) + the Lead days for the vendor.

• For drop ship pick slips and drop ship purchase orders (the vendor’s drop ship output is P (Picks) or O (POs), the expected ship date = the current date + FTC -- # of Days to Add for Drop Ships (C68) + the Lead days for the vendor.

• See Determining the Expected Ship Date for more information on how the system calculates the expected ship date for non-drop ship items.

• If the Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship Picks (C82) system control value is set to Y, and the vendor’s drop ship output is P (Drop ship pick slips), the system creates a separate drop ship pick slip for the set master item and each component item; if this system control value is set to N, the system prints one drop ship pick slip for the set.

Pricing Drop Ship Sets

When you add a set item to an order, the system adds a line for the set master item, and a line for each component item. You can apply the price of the set item one of two different ways:

Master item: If the Pricing type is set to 1 (Price at set master), the set price applies to the master item, and each of the components are added at “no charge.”

Components: If the Pricing type is set to 2 (Price at component), the system calculates the percentage of the set price to apply to each component, and the master item is added at “no charge.”

When you ship and confirm the drop ship set, the system creates an invoice, based on the drop ship output defined for the vendor:

Drop ship pick: If the drop ship output for the vendor is drop ship pick, the system creates one invoice for the set master item and its component items. Regardless if you price the drop ship set at the set master level or component level, the set price applies to the one invoice that is created. You can view the invoice details to determine how the system applied the set price to the set master item and each component item.

Drop Ship Pick Examples:

Pricing at the master level: When a set uses master pricing, the system applies the set price to the master item, and each of the components are added at “no charge”.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components are:

CP100 (pillowcases)

CP200 (flat sheet)

CP300 (fitted sheet)

The offer price defined for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is $80.00, and the components are priced at $0.00.

When you ship and confirm the drop ship set, the system creates one invoice for the set master item and each component item:

Invoice for set: $80.00

If you look at the invoice details, you can see how the price is applied to the set:

AB100: $80.00

CP100: $0.00

CP200: $0.00

CP300: $0.00

Pricing at the component level: When a set uses component pricing, the system calculates the price to charge for each component based on the Price % (Price percentage) specified at the Work with Set Component Items Screen or Change Set Component Item Screen.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components and their price percentages are:

CP100 (pillowcases): 25%

CP200 (flat sheet): 37.5%

CP300 (fitted sheet): 37.5%

The regular offer price for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP100: $20.00 (25% of $80.00)

CP200 and CP300: $30.00 each (37.5% of $80.00)

When you ship and confirm the drop ship set, the system creates one invoice for the set master item and each component item:

Invoice for set: $80.00

If you look at the invoice details, you can see how the price is applied to the set:

AB100: $0.00

CP100: $20.00

CP200: $30.00

CP300: $30.00

Drop ship purchase order or Collaborate: If the drop ship output for the vendor is drop ship purchase order or CWCollaborate, the system creates a separate invoice for the set master item and each component item.

• If you price the drop ship set at the set master level, the set price applies to the invoice for the master item and each invoice for the component items has a price of zero.

• If you price the drop ship set at the component level, the system calculates the percentage of the set price to apply to each invoice for the component items, and the invoice for the master item has a price of zero.

Drop Ship Purchase Order and Collaborate Examples:

Pricing at the master level: When a set uses master pricing, the system applies the set price to the master item, and each of the components are added at “no charge”.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components are:

CP100 (pillowcases)

CP200 (flat sheet)

CP300 (fitted sheet)

The offer price defined for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is $80.00, and the components are priced at $0.00.

When you ship and confirm the drop ship set, the system creates a separate invoice for the set master item and each component item:

Invoice for AB100: $80.00

Invoice for CP100: $0.00

Invoice for CP200: $0.00

Invoice for CP300: $0.00

Pricing at the component level: When a set uses component pricing, the system calculates the price to charge for each component based on the Price % (Price percentage) specified at the Work with Set Component Items Screen or Change Set Component Item Screen.


Item AB100 is a sheet set. The components and their price percentages are:

CP100 (pillowcases): 25%

CP200 (flat sheet): 37.5%

CP300 (fitted sheet): 37.5%

The regular offer price for AB100 is $80.00. When you add AB100 to an order, its price is zero, and the components are priced as follows:

CP100: $20.00 (25% of $80.00)

CP200 and CP300: $30.00 each (37.5% of $80.00)

When you ship and confirm the drop ship set, the system creates a separate invoice for the set master item and each component item:

Invoice for AB100: $0.00

Invoice for CP100: $20.00

Invoice for CP200: $30.00

Invoice for CP300: $30.00

Drop ship sets and Pre-Bill processing: See Pre-Billing Set Items for more information on the setup and processing that occurs if you wish to fully or partially pre-bill a set before shipment. You might wish to pre-bill a set item if the items in the set require custom assembly.

Tracking Demand for Drop Ship Sets

Units and dollars ordered: When you order a set item:

• The system updates the total number of units ordered for the set master item by the quantity ordered for the set and the quantity included for each component of the set.

• The system updates the total dollars ordered by the set price for the number of sets ordered, regardless if the set is priced at the set master level or component level.

Total number of units ordered

Total dollars ordered

Set master: Increases by the number of sets ordered. For example, if you ordered the set for a quantity of 2, the system increases the units by 2.

Components: Increases by the number of units of the component included in the set and by the number of sets ordered. For example, if the component quantity is 2 and you order the set for a quantity of 2, the system increases the units by 4.

Increases by the selling price of the set for the number of sets ordered. For example, if the selling price of the set is $50.00 and you order 2 sets, the system increases the total dollars by $100.00.

Example: You order a set consisting of the following:

SETDS (set master item)

SETDSCOMP1 (component item) for a quantity of 2

SETDSCOMP2 (component item) for a quantity of 1

SETDSCOMP3 (component item) for a quantity of 1

The selling price for the set is $50.00. You order the set for a quantity of 2. In this situation, the system performs the following demand updates:

Units ordered: Increases by 10:

• 2 units for SETDS

• 4 units for SETDSCOMP1

• 2 units for SETDSCOMP2

• 2 units for SETDSCOMP3

Dollars ordered: Increases by $100.00

Units and dollars shipped: When you ship a set item:

• The system updates the total number of units shipped for the set master item by the quantity shipped for the set and the quantity included for each component of the set that has shipped.

• The system updates the total dollars shipped by the set price for the number of sets shipped, regardless if the set is priced at the set master level or component level.

Total number of units shipped

Total dollars shipped

Set master: Increases by the number of sets shipped. For example, if you order the set for a quantity of 2 and ship the set, the system increases the units by 2.

Components: Increases by the number of units of the component included in the set and by the number of sets shipped. For example, if the component quantity is 2 and you order the set for a quantity of 2 and ship the set, the system increases the units by 4.

Increases by the selling price of the set for the number of sets shipped. For example, if the selling price of the set is $50.00 and you ship 2 sets, the system increases the total dollars by $100.00.

Example: You ship a set consisting of the following:

SETDS (set master item)

SETDSCOMP1 (component item) for a quantity of 2

SETDSCOMP2 (component item) for a quantity of 1

SETDSCOMP3 (component item) for a quantity of 1

The selling price for the set is $50.00. You order the set for a quantity of 2 and ship the set. In this situation, the system performs the following demand updates:

Units shipped: Increases by 10:

• 2 units for SETDS

• 4 units for SETDSCOMP1

• 2 units for SETDSCOMP2

• 2 units for SETDSCOMP3

Dollars shipped: Increases by $100.00

Soldout Processing of Drop Ship Sets

If the master item is soldout: if the set master item is soldout, the system adds the set to the order with the set master item and its component items added to the order in a soldout status.

If a component item is soldout: If one or more of the component items of a drop ship set is sold out:

• If the Sell Out Set if Component is Soldout (I05) system control value is set to N, the system adds the set to the order, with only those specified components updated to a soldout status. The set master item and remaining component items will continue through drop ship processing and ship to the customer unless you manually sell out or cancel the remaining portions of the set.

• If the Sell Out Set if Component is Soldout (I05) system control value is set to Y, the system adds the set to the order with the set master item and its components added to the order in a soldout status.

Cancelling Drop Ship Sets

Cancel master item: When you cancel the set master item, the system cancels the set master item and all of its component items. The system generates one refund for the amount of the set that was cancelled, regardless if you price at the set master level or component level.

Cancel component item: When you cancel a component item, the system cancels the component item only. No other part of the set is cancelled unless you specify to cancel other parts of the set.

• If you price at the master level, the system does not generate a refund for the cancelled component.

• If you price at the component level, the system generates a refund for the amount of the set associated with the cancelled component.

Returning Drop Ship Sets

Return master item:

• When you return against the set master item in order maintenance, the system displays a pop-up window for the set master item and each component where you can specify the quantity of the set master item you wish to return and the quantity of each component item you wish to return. The system generates one refund for the amount of the set that was returned, regardless if you price at the set master level or component level.

• When you return against the set master item in Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA), the system allows you to specify the quantity of the set master item you wish to return. No other part of the set is returned unless you return against other parts of the set. If you price at the set master level, the system generates a refund for the amount of the set, even if you have not returned the components of the set. If you price at the set component level, the system does not generate a refund unless you return a component of the set.

Return component item: When you return against a component item, the system allows you to specify the quantity of the component you wish to return. No other part of the set is returned unless you return against other parts of the set.

• If you price at the master level, the system does not generate a refund for the returned component.

• If you price at the component level, the system generates a refund for the amount of the set associated with the returned component.

Sending Drop Ship Sets to Collaborate or Locate

If a drop ship component is associated with a vendor that uses CWCollaborate or Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, the system sends the drop ship component to the vendor through the integrated system. In addition, if the set master item is flagged as drop ship and is associated with a vendor that uses CWCollaborate or Locate, the system sends the set master item to the integrated system as well.

CWCollaborate and Locate do not identify the set master item or its component items. Each item in the set is sent to the integrated system as an individual item. In order to identify the set in CWCollaborate or Locate, you must use the item number and item description to determine which items are part of a set.

Pull by PO feature: In order to ship the drop ship set using CWCollaborate or Locate correctly, the vendor should pull the drop ship set using the pull by PO feature in CWCollaborate or print the entire purchase order in Locate’s Vendor Portal. This step ensures that the set master item and its components are pulled at the same time.

Confirming shipment: If the vendor does not confirm shipment by purchase order, and instead ships selected components of the set, the set remain open on the originating order until shipment of the set master item and all of its components is confirmed. In addition, if you price at the set master level and ship the components but do not ship the set master item, the system does not bill the set until the set master item is shipped.

Vendor lead days: If you use CWCollaborate and price sets at the set master level, the lead days defined for the set master item and its components affect how the system creates invoices for the order. When you ship from CWCollaborate, the system sorts the PO lines on the CWCollaborate shipping screen by expected ship date and then by PO line number. If the set master item has a later expected ship date than the component items, the set master item displays last on the shipping screen. When the vendor ships the PO, the PO line ship message for the set master item will come into CWDirect last. When CWCollaborate PO lines are shipped, CWDirect creates a separate invoice for each PO line and puts the freight on the first PO line it encounters. If the set master item is not the first PO line shipped, the system adds freight to the invoice created for a component PO line instead of the set master item’s PO line.

In order to ensure that the first invoice for the drop ship set is for the set master item, the vendor lead days defined for the set master item and all of the component items must match so that the expected ship date is the same for the set master item and all of the component items. If the lead days defined for the set master item is greater than the lead days defined for one or more of the components, the set master item will display after those components.

Example: The following drop ship set exists with pricing defined at the set master level. The vendor defined for the set master item and its components is set up to send the items to CWCollaborate for processing.


Master or Component

Vendor Lead Days


set master








You enter an order for the set. The merchandise total for the order is $150.00 and the freight for the order is $6.66.

Order Line


Order Line Price

Expected Ship Date

Order line 1




Order line 2




Order line 3




When you process drop ships, the system sends the set master item and its components to CWCollaborate for processing. When you view the set master item and its components on the CWCollaborate pull screens and packing slip, the PO lines display as:

PO Line


Expected Ship Date

PO line 1



PO line 2



PO line 3



However, when you view the set master item and its components on the CWCollaborate shipping - ship confirm po detail screen, the PO lines display as:

PO Line


Expected Ship Date

PO line 1



PO line 2



PO line 3



The set master item displays last because it has a later due date than the components.

CWCollaborate sends the PO ship messages to CWDirect in the order in which they display on the shipping screen. Because of this order (where the components display before the set master item), the system creates the following invoices:





Invoice 1



The system adds freight to the first invoice, even though the first invoice is for a component item and not the set master item.

Invoice 2




Invoice 3



Because the set is priced at the set master level, the system assigns the order amount to the invoice containing the set master item.

Using the example above, if the set master item and its components all have the same expected ship date (because the vendor lead days for the set master item and its components match), the system creates the following invoices:





Invoice 1



The system adds the freight amount to the first invoice; in this example, the first invoice contains the set master item, so the system adds the freight amount to the order amount.

Invoice 2




Invoice 3




Note: Drop ship processing does not prorate freight for any kind of drop ship output (drop ship pick slip, drop ship purchase order, or CWCollaborate); see Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

Drop Ship Sets Shipment Report (PDSS)

Use this menu option to generate the Drop Ship Set Shipments Report, which lists any orders that contain a set item where:

• The set master item has been ship confirmed and its component items have not been completely shipped.

• The set master item has not been ship confirmed, but its components have been partially, or completely, shipped.

The system includes sets on this report where:

• the order containing the drop ship set is open, and

• the set master item is flagged as drop ship, and

• some part of the set (the set master item or a component item) is closed while some part of the set (the set master item or a component item) remains open

Note: While the set master item must be flagged as drop ship to include the set on this report, the component items do not have to be flagged as drop ship.

You can use this report to determine if a set exists that has not shipped together or if a set exists where all of the component items have shipped, but the set master item still remains open; this may occur if all of the component items are drop ship, but the set master item is not drop ship - in this situation you need to generate a pick slip for the set master item before the system closes the set.

How to print: When you select the Print Drop Ship Set Shipments report (PDSS) menu option, the system does not advance you to a screen and instead, immediately submits the report: Job 226258/KBOTTGER/DS_SET_RPT submitted to job queue.

For more information: See Drop Ship Set Shipments Report for a sample of the report and a description of the contents on this report.

Drop ship set shipment examples: The following chart explains when the system includes a drop ship set on the Drop Ship Set Shipments report.


Master or Component

Drop ship?

Line status

Qty Shipped


Example 1:


set master




The system prints the set and its component items on the report because the set master item is open while its components have closed.











Example 2:


set master




The system prints the set and its component items on the report because the set master item and one of its components is open while another component has closed.











Example 3:


set master




The system prints the set and its component items on the report because the set master item is closed while its components remain open.











Example 4:


set master




The system does not print the set and its component items on the report because none of the order lines for the set item is in an open status. Once the set master item is release from hold, the system will include the set on the report.











Example 5:


set master




The system does not print the set and its component items on the report because all of the lines for the set item are open and have not yet shipped.











Example 6:


set master




The system does not print the set and its component items on the report because all of the lines for the set item are closed and have shipped.











Work with Sets Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WSET in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Sets from a menu.

INR0483 DISPLAY Work with Sets 2/13/98 16:10:22

The KL Mail Order Company

Opt Item COLR SIZE OTHR Description

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 5=Work with







F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list

F24=Select company




The set item code.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Clr Size Wdth

The SKU elements. Scanning on these fields is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.


The description of the set item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional

Screen Option


Create a set

Press F6 to advance to the Create Set Screen.

Delete a set

Enter 4 next to a set item to delete it. Deleting a set does not delete the set item or components, just the association (link) between the two.

Work with set component items

Enter 5 next to a set item to advance to the Work with Set Component Items Screen.

Create Set Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a set item.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Sets Screen, press F6.

INR0484 ENTER Create Set 2/13/98 15:24:50

Mail Order

Set item . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Set item

A set item/SKU. The set item/SKU is made up of two separate fields. The first part is the item code, which represents a unit of inventory. The second part is the SKU code, which represents the special characteristics of an item, such as color, size, width, etc.

The item code you enter must have an S in the Kit type field.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions (item), one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required.

Completing this screen: Enter the item number to advance to the Work with Set Component Items Screen.

Work with Set Component Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add, change, delete, or display component items that make up a set (as defined by an S in the Kit Type field in the Item file).

How to display this screen:

• Enter an item at the Create Set Screen.

• Enter 5 next to a set item at the Work with Sets Screen.

• Enter 15 next to a set item at the Work with Items Screen or Work with SKUs Screen.

• Press F19 for a set item at the Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen

INR0225 DISPLAY Work with Set Component Items 3/01/06 17:21:52

EZK Mail Order


Pricing type . 2 1=Price at set master 2=Price at component

Opt Item COLR SIZE WDTH Qty Price % CG Avail (All Whs)

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

FITTED EGG FULL 1 40.00 45


FLAT EGG FULL 1 45.00 40




F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel





A component item of the set. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file. You can define finished goods as component items; however, you cannot define other sets, variable sets, or continuity items as components.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Color Size Wdth

The SKU elements that define the item.

Note: If the item has SKUs, you must specify the specific SKU elements here. You do not have an opportunity in Order Entry to specify a component item's SKU.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required if item has SKUs.

Pricing type

Indicates whether to charge the customer separately for each set component or apply the full pricing to the set master. Valid values are:

1 = Price at set master: Add the set item to orders with the price at the set master level, and add the components at “no charge.”

2 = Price at component: Add the set item to orders with the set master at “no charge” and with prices for each component, using the Price % indicated. You might choose this setting in order to better handle processing returns of set components, so that the system automatically creates a refund for the returned component using the same price percentage that it used to add the component to the order.

For more information: See Component Pricing Calculation for Sets for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; required.


The number of units of this item to include in one set.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Price % (Price percentage)

The percentage of the total set price to charge for this item if the set has pricing at the component level (see the Pricing type field, above). If the set uses component pricing, the total percentage specified for all components must equal 100%.

For more information: See Component Pricing Calculation for Sets for more information and component pricing examples.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if pricing is at the component level.

CG (Coordinate group)

A number that you can assign to components in a set to ensure that they will ship together. You should assign the same coordinate group number to all components of a set to ensure that they ship together. This coordinate group number will display in the order detail line in Order Entry.

Note: You must make sure to coordinate group the components of the set; otherwise, it is possible for the main set item to print and bill even if there is not a sufficient quantity of the component items.

Important: Do not use coordinate group # 999 when coordinate grouping sets. This number is reserved for the accessory coordinate group. Items with this coordinate group assignment will not print on a pick slip unless another item on the order (including another item with the same coordinate group assignment) has also been selected for printing. An item assigned coordinate group # 999 will not print if it is the only item eligible for printing on an order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The total quantity available for the component item.

Note: If you advanced to this screen from the Display Item/Warehouse Information Screen, the available quantity reflects the selected warehouse only; otherwise, the quantity reflects all allocatable warehouses.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

To add components:

1. Complete each required field for a component item and, optionally, the Coordinate group field.

2. Press Enter to add the new component item information and display it in the middle area of the screen.

3. Continue with the above steps until you have defined all components of the set.

4. Press F9 to accept the components. The system validates that the total cost percentage for all component items equals 100%. Correct any item's cost percentage, if necessary, by entering 2 next to it; see Change Set Component Item Screen. Press F9 again when you are done.

Screen Option


Accept a set

Press F9 to accept the set information.

Change a component item

Enter 2 next to a component item to advance to the Change Set Component Item Screen.

Delete a component item

Enter 4 next to an item to delete it as a component of the set.

Display a component item

Enter 5 next to an item to advance to the Display Set Component Item Screen.

Change Set Component Item Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an item at the Work with Set Component Items Screen to advance to this screen. At this screen you can change any information except about the component item. See Work with Set Component Items Screen for field descriptions.

INR0236 CHANGE Change Set Component Item 4/28/06 16:42:50

EZK Mail Order

Set: Item . . . : LIN687 FINE TABLE LINENS


Component Item . . . . NA6867 4 LINEN TABLE NAPKINS


Quantity . . . . . . . 1

Price percent . . . . . 50.00

Coordinate group . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Display Set Component Item Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an item to advance to the Display Set Component Item screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Work with Set Component Items Screen for field descriptions.

ME05_02 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN