Pick Slip Generation Analysis Report

Purpose: This report summarizes the status of each open or held order with reserved items at the time you generate pick slips. You can use this report to identify issues or bottlenecks in the fulfillment process. The sample below is truncated for documentation purposes.

How to print: The system generates this report automatically when you generate pick slips. See Introducing Pick Slip Generation.

CWDirect Rel 4.0 Pick Slip Generation Analysis EKAPLAN FLR0963 4/12/00 11:16:31 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Pick Generation Template: BY ORDER #

Billing batch#: 921

Order# Date Customer# Eval At Action

2226 - 1 2/02/00 4 11:16:20 Order Held or In Use

2299 - 1 2/25/00 302 11:16:24 Order Held or In Use

2361 - 1 3/03/00 217 11:16:24 Selected Order Conflict

2450 - 1 4/02/00 291 11:16:25 Order Line(s) On Hold

2456 - 1 4/02/00 294 11:16:25 Order Line(s) On Hold

2457 - 1 4/03/00 163 11:16:25 Order Held or In Use

2570 - 1 4/05/00 295 11:16:28 Ship Complete Conflict

2571 - 1 4/05/00 298 11:16:28 Order Held or In Use

2578 - 1 4/12/00 317 11:08:59 **** Record Selected ****

2579 - 1 4/12/00 155 11:08:59 **** Record Selected ****

Reserved Order Lines Evaluated: 25

Order Ship To Records Evaluated: 10

Order Ship To Records Selected: 2

Elapsed Time: 0:00:16


• description of the pick slip selection template you used at the Work with Pick Slip Generation Options Screen

• billing batch number for the pick slip run

For each open or held order with any reserved items:

• order number

• ship-to number

• order date

• sold-to customer number

• time when the order was evaluated by the pick slip generation job

• action. Possible actions are:

**** Record Selected **** (a pick slip is being generated for the order; however, if the Preauthorized orders only field at the Pick Slip Generation (1 of 2) Screen is set to Y, it is possible for an order to be excluded during the credit card authorization process later in pick slip generation)

Note: Record selected, but no pick slip generated? This situation can occur if the next available pick control number from the Number Assignment file is already assigned to a pick slip. To correct, reset the PCH Control # number assignment record to start with an unused number. See Setting Up the Number Assignment File (WNUM) for more information.

Beyond Order Cancel Date (the cancel date specified for the order has passed)

Order Held or in Use (there is a header-level hold, or a user is maintaining the order)

Order Line(s) on Hold (any reserved items on the order are on hold)

Future Arrival Date (a future arrival date is specified for the order)

C/G or S/A Conflict (any open, reserved items are coordinate grouped with one or more backordered items; or open, reserved items are part of a set with backordered components)

Ship Complete Conflict (the Ship complete flag for the order is set to Y, and one or more items is backordered; or, Complete orders only was selected at the Pick Slip Generation (2 of 2) Screen, and one of the items on the order was not reserved)

The following actions are based on your selections at the Pick Slip Generation (1 of 2) Screen and Pick Slip Generation (2 of 2) Screen:

Selected Whs Conflict (the order is not being picked from one of the Selected warehouses)

Selected Via Conflict (the order is not shipping with one of the Selected shippers)

Selected Item Conflict (the open, reserved order lines do not include one of the Selected items)

Select Loc Conflict (the order does not include items stored in one of the Selected location classes)

Selected Order Conflict (the order was not one of the Selected orders)

Selected Cust Conflict (the sold-to customer on the order was not one of the Selected sold-to customers)

Selected PO# Conflict (the order does not include one of the Selected purchase orders)

Selected P/T Conflict (the order does not use one of the Selected payment types)

Selected Src Cat Conflict (the order’s source code does not belong to one of the Selected source categories)

Selected LOB Conflict (the order is not associated with one of the Selected lines of business)

Selected Geo Zne Conflict (the order is not shipping to one of the Selected geographic zones)

Selected Ord Cmb Conflict (the items do not belong to a Selected long SKU class; this option is possible only if the Order Combination Pick Selection Type (G47) system control value is set to L/S CLASS)

Selected Itm Cls Conflict (the open, reserved items are not assigned to a Selected item class)

Selected State Conflict (the order is not shipping to a Selected states)

Selected Zip Conflict (the order is not shipping to a zip code in a selected Postal code range)

Selected SCF Conflict (the order is not shipping to a SCF code range, or is to an SCF specified with the Exclude SCF range option)

Selected UPS Zone Conflict (the order is not shipping to one of the Selected UPS zones)

Selected P/P Zne Conflict (the order is not shipping to one of the Selected P/P zones)

Selected Restock Conflict (the order is not one of the Store restock orders)

Special Handling Conflict (the order does not match the specified special handling condition; for example, you set Include special handling to N, and the order requires special handling)

Gift Wrap Order Conflict (the items do not require gift wrap, and Gift wrap orders only was selected)

Single Line Only Conflict (for example, the order has more than one reserved order line, and Single line orders only was specified)

Multi-Line Order Conflict (for example, the order has only one reserved order line, and Multi-line orders only was specified)

Order Priority Conflict (the order does not match one of the Selected priorities for order shipment)

Selected Arv Dte Conflict (the order’s arrival date does not fall into the specified Arrival date range)

Not Pre-Authorized (the Preauthorized orders only pick slip generation option is selected and the order does not meet the pre-authorized requirements)

• total number of reserved order lines evaluated for pick slip generation

• total number of shipping addresses on orders evaluated for pick slip generation

• total number of pick slips generated

• total time elapsed during the pick slip generation job

FU01_04r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN