Chapter 41: Loading the Prospect Finder File (LPFF)

Purpose: Use the Load Prospect Finder function to load the prospect number and address information from a Experian (Direct Tech) tape to the CWDirect Prospect Finder file. Do not use this menu option if you receive prospect information in another file format.

About the Prospect file: This file contains a list of rented customer address information you can use in Order Entry. The system searches the Prospect Finder file to retrieve address information associated with the prospect finder number you enter in the Customer field on the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen or the Customer Selection Screen in Order Entry. A prospect finder number is a number you use to define each customer in a catalog mailing. For example, a prospect finder number may consist of a source code and customer number, as in a rented mailing list. The address information retrieved from the Prospect file defaults onto the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order/Detail Screen in Order Entry. This feature is helpful if you want to save time on keying in address information. The source code and customer name, phone numbers, and email address also default in Order Entry if they are specified in the file.

Note: The Experian tape format does not include the prospect’s company name, apartment, middle initial, address line 3, address line 4, phone numbers, or email address; so if you load the Prospect file from this format, this type of information will not be available to default in order entry. See Experian (Direct Tech) to Prospect Finder File Field Mapping.

The system searches the Prospect Finder file only if the Use Prospect Finder File (E40) system control value is set to Y and the number you enter in the Customer field begins with an alphabetical character.

Note: The Prospect file is used only for sold-to customer information.

In this chapter:

Load Prospect Finder File Screen

Experian (Direct Tech) to Prospect Finder File Field Mapping

Finder Load Summary Report

Load Prospect Finder File Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to load the prospect number and address information from the tape supplied by Experian to the CWDirect Prospect Finder file.

How to display this screen: Enter LPFF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Load Prospect Finder File from a menu.

CSR0782 ENTER Load Prospect Finder File 7/18/02 11:00:47

Offer . . . . . . . . .

Drop Code . . . . . . .

Input Device . . . . .

Load Name Information . N

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel




The offer associated with the prospect information provided on the tape. The system defaults the offer you define in the Offer field to the records created in the Prospect Finder file.

Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer file; see Chapter 2: Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Drop code

The drop, or catalog mailing to your customers, associated with the prospect information provided on the tape.

The system defaults the drop code you define in the Drop field to the records created in the Prospect Finder file.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Input device

The system name of the tape drive you use to load the Prospect Finder number and address information, for example, TAPE2.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Load name information

Indicates if the system loads the prospect’s first name and last name from the Experian tape.

Y = The system loads the prospect’s first name and last name from the Experian tape.

N (default) or blank = The system does not load the prospect’s first name and last name from the Experian tape.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Insert the tape in the appropriate tape drive.

2. Complete this screen, making sure you specify the tape drive where the tape is loaded.

3. Press F9 to submit the load.

4. A message displays informing you the load has been submitted: Job 202834/Karen_L/LOADPFD submitted to job queue QBATCH in library.

5. Press F14 to advance to the Work with Submitted Jobs screen to review the load you have submitted.

6. On the Work with Submitted Jobs screen, enter 7 next to the LOADPFD job to answer the following message: Load Prospect/Finder tape on tape drive TAPE2 G=Go C=Cancel option (G,C).

7. Enter G to populate the CWDirect Prospect file with the prospect number and address information, or enter C to cancel. The system copies the contents of the prospect finder tape to the Prospect Finder Tape file and parses these contents to the Prospect Finder file. See Experian (Direct Tech) to Prospect Finder File Field Mapping.

The system also generates the Finder Load Summary Report.

Experian (Direct Tech) to Prospect Finder File Field Mapping

This table explains how the prospect finder records on the Experian tape map to the fields in the CWDirect Prospect Finder file.

Experian field positions...

map to Prospect Finder file field...



First name

The first name associated with a prospect number.

The system loads the first name from the Experian tape only if the Load name information field is set to Y.


Last name

The last name associated with a prospect number.

The system loads the last name from the Experian tape only if the Load name information field is set to Y.


Prefix code

The prefix code associated with a prospect number. The system does not load the prefix code from the Experian tape.


Suffix code

The suffix code associated with a prospect number. The system does not load the suffix code from the Experian tape.


Street address

The street address associated with a prospect number.


Address line 2

The second address line associated with a prospect number.



The city associated with a prospect number.



Filler on Experian tape.



The state associated with a prospect number. The system prints a Finder Load Summary Report containing the number of state codes within the load that do not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file.


Postal code

The postal code associated with a prospect number. The system prints a Finder Load Summary Report containing the number of postal codes that do not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file.



Filler on Experian tape.



The source code associated with the prospect number. This source code defaults to the order header when you select the prospect in order entry.



Filler on Experian tape.



Prospect finder number

The number you use to define each customer in a catalog mailing. The two fields are concatenated to produce one 8-position number. The system checks that the first character is an alphabetical character and prints a Finder Load Summary Report containing the number of prospect finder numbers that do not contain an alphabetical character.




Filler on Experian tape.

Does not originate from Experian tape.


The company where you submitted the prospect finder tape load.

Does not originate from Experian tape.


The apartment associated with a prospect number.

Does not originate from Experian tape.


The country code associated with the prospect number.

Does not originate from Experian tape.


The offer code in the Prospect Finder file defaults from the offer code you entered on the Load Prospect Finder File Screen.

Does not originate from Experian tape.

Drop code

The drop code in the Prospect Finder file defaults from the drop code you entered on the Load Prospect Finder File Screen.

Does not originate from Experian tape.

Date loaded

The system date when the prospect finder load occurred.

Does not originate from Experian tape.


The status of the prospect finder record.

blank = The prospect finder does not contain errors.

F = Invalid finder; the first character of the finder code is not an alphanumeric character.

C = Invalid SCF; the zip code does not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file.

S = Invalid state; the state code does not exist in the CWDirect Zip/City/State file.

D = Invalid finder and SCF.

E = Invalid state and SCF.

I = Invalid finder, state, and SCF.

P = Prospect finder has been purged.

T = Invalid finder and state.

MK04_06 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN