Chapter 2: Setting Up Companies (WCMP)

Purpose: Use Work with Companies to create a company on your system.

You must define at least one company in order to use CWDirect. Information throughout CWDirect is segregated by company.

Companies are single, isolated set of files and data: an organization of financial information, inventory, and customers. Essentially a company has a completely separate database from other companies.

In this chapter:

Work with Companies Screen

Create Company Screen

Change Company Screen

Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen

Create Company Phone Number Screen

Change Company Phone Number Screen

Display Company Phone Number Screen

Work with Company Return Address Screen

Work with Shared Companies Screen

Work with Companies Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete, and display a company.

How to display this screen: Enter WCMP in the Fast Path field or select Work with Companies from a menu.

MSR0003 DISPLAY Work with Companies 6/06/05 8:46:42

Opt Cmp Description

2=Chg 4=Dlt 5=Dsp 9=Phone #s 10=Return Address 11=Shared Companies

98=User Field

4 CDC 30 Test Company (Jeanne)

5 Country Creations (Kristen QA)

8 Brians Speed Shop

9 Patricia QA Company

10 CDC 20 Company 10 (JMN 2)

11 Shared Inventory Company# 1

12 Shared Inventory Company# 2

13 Shared Inventory Company# 3

18 Denise QA Company

24 Linda Company


F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print List



Cmp (Company code)

A code representing a company.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Options


Create a company

Press F6 to advance to the Create Company Screen.

Change a company

Enter 2 next to a company to advance to the Change Company Screen.

Delete a company

Enter 4 next to a company to delete it.

Display a company

Enter 5 next to a company to advance to the Display Company Screen.

Work with phone numbers for computer telephony integration

Enter 9 next to a company to advance to the Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen.

Enter or change the return address for printing on customer return labels from the web storefront

Enter 10 next to a company to advance to the Work with Company Return Address Screen.

Define other companies that share inventory with the parent company

Enter 11 next to a company to advance to the Work with Shared Companies Screen.

Work with user defined field

Enter 98 next to a company to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Create Company Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a company on the system.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Companies Screen.

MSR0007 ENTER Create Company 4/04/96 15:30:42

Company . . .

Description .

Address . . .

City . . . . St Zip Ctry

Phone . . . .

FAX . . . . .

Cross company scan . . . . . . .

Active company . . . . . . . . .

Cross Company Maintenance Group .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The company code (001 - 999).

Information throughout the system is segregated by company. You can assign or prohibit access to companies to users and user classes.

See Chapter 4: Working with User Records (WUSR), and Chapter 3: Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The company's name or description, which appears on many screens and reports.

Note: The system does not validate the company’s address in the same way it validates a customer’s address, as in order entry. For example, it does not validate that the state is associated with the SCF for the postal code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The company's address.

Alphanumeric, two 32-position fields; optional.


The company's city.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The code representing the company's state or province.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The company's zip or postal code.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Ctry (Country)

The company's country. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file. See Customer Service Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The company's phone number.

Numeric; one 3-position field (area code) and one 8-position field (phone number).


The company's fax number.

Numeric; one 3-position field (area code) and one 8-position field (phone number).

Cross company scan

This value indicates whether you can scan for customers across companies in Order Entry, Order Inquiry and Order Maintenance. Valid values are:

Y = You can scan for customers across companies, if both the “home” and “target” companies:

• have a Y in the Cross company scan field

• have the same value in the Active company field (that is, active companies can scan into other active companies; inactive companies can scan into other inactive companies)

Order Inquiry and Order Maintenance

You can use cross-company scanning with the match code, postal code, postal code with company name, and postal code with customer name fields. See Customer Service Chapter 19: Setting Up Match Codes (MMCH) and Customer Service Chapter 15: Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP).

Order Entry

The source code field displays on the Select Customer Sold To Screen, enabling cross-company scanning by source code.

N = You cannot scan for customers across companies. The source code field does not display on the Select Customer Sold To for Order screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Active company

Indicates whether this company is currently active. This field works with the Cross company scan field to select or restrict the companies eligible for cross company scan. You might use this field to distinguish training or testing vs. “live” companies, to prevent users from inadvertently scanning into the wrong type of company.

Valid values are:

Y = This company is active; you can scan across other active companies.

N = This company is inactive; you can scan across other inactive companies.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Cross company maintenance group

You assign a common cross company maintenance group code to a group of companies that share a portion of their customer base. By entering any value in this field, you enable the system to store information on the name or address of each customer you update in this company. You can then identify and update matching customer records within the maintenance group. This code can be any value that you define.

Example: If you enter 5 in this field for companies 27, 123, and 495, you will be able to update customer records in companies 123 and 495 based on a change of address you process for the customer in company 27. If you enter B in this field for companies 44 and 66, you will be able to update customer records only across these two companies; the system will not update a record in company 44 based on an address change you process in company 27.

See Customer Service Chapter 36: Updating Customer Addresses Across Companies for more information on how to process customer address updates within a cross company maintenance group.


In order for cross company maintenance to work between companies, both companies must use the same logic for composing match codes. See Customer Service Chapter 19: Setting Up Match Codes (MMCH) for more information on working with match codes.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Change Company Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a company at the Work with Companies Screen to advance to the Change Company screen. See Create Company Screen for a description of the fields on this screen. You can change all the fields on this screen except the company code.

Display Company Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a company at the Work with Companies Screen to advance to the Display Company screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Company Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with DNIS (dialed number identification service) phone numbers for computer telephony integration (CTI). The system uses the DNIS number for an incoming call to identify the company related to the call and to route the call appropriately. See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for more information on using CTI.

Note: The DNIS number is ordinarily the last four positions of the phone number that the customer calls; however, it is possible that the DNIS number is not the same as the actual phone number dialed. In this situation, you can create a company phone number that does not actually exist, but whose last four positions match the DNIS number that you will receive through your CTI application.

Determining the DNIS Number on Monitored Calls

When you are in a monitored CTI session, the first 23 positions of the Company phone number description displays at the top of the CTI screens, allowing you to identify the DNIS number the customer called and indicating which call center script the customer service rep should use when answering the call.

Scan Customer by CTI Phone Number Screen

Customer Selection Screen

Call Options Window

If you are in an unmonitored CTI session, the word UNMONITORED displays at the top of the CTI screens.


Company Phone Number


508 652 2600

DNIS: 2600


When you are in a monitored CTI session:

• If the customer calls DNIS number 2600, KAB CLOTHIERS displays at the top of the CTI screens.

• If the customer calls DNIS number 9489, KAB HOME GOODS displays at the top of the CTI screens.

When you are in an unmonitored CTI session, UNMONITORED displays at the top of the CTI screens.

508 652 9489

DNIS: 9489


508 653 9489

DNIS: 9489


What if I want MONITORED to display for monitored sessions? If you wish to display the word MONITORED at the top of the CTI screens for a monitored CTI session, enter MONITORED in the Company phone number description field.

What if I have more than one company phone number defined? If more than one company phone number exists for the same DNIS phone number, the system displays the Company phone number description associated with the first phone number in alphabetical sequence. For example, if 123 456 7890 and 321 654 7890 exist for a company, the system displays the Company phone number description associated with phone number 123 456 7890. Typically, you would make sure that each DNIS number is unique so that the description that identifies the DNIS is meaningful.

What if more than one company has the same DNIS number? If more then one company has the same DNIS phone number, the system displays the Company phone number description associated with the first company number in alphabetical sequence. For example, if company 554 and company 555 both have DNIS number 2600 defined, the system displays the Company phone number description associated with company 554. Typically, you would not use the same DNIS number for more than one company so that calls are routed to the correct company.

How to display this screen: Enter 9 next to a company at the Work with Companies Screen.

MSR0959 DISPLAY Work with Company Phone Numbers 10/01/98 15:17:13

EZK Mail Order

Opt Phone# Description

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

(508) 555-1212 TEST PHONE NUMBER

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print List



Phone #

A phone number to identify the company for CTI incoming calls.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.


The description of the phone number.

When you are in a monitored CTI session, the first 23 positions of the Description of the company phone number displays at the top of the CTI screens, allowing you to identify the DNIS number the customer called and indicating which call center script the customer service rep should use when answering the call. If you are in an unmonitored CTI session, the word UNMONITORED displays at the top of the CTI screens.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new company phone number

Press F6 to advance to the Create Company Phone Number Screen.

Change a company phone number

Enter 2 next to a phone number to advance to the Change Company Phone Number Screen.

Delete a company phone number

Enter 4 next to a phone number to delete it.

Display a company phone number

Enter 5 next to a phone number to advance to the Display Company Phone Number Screen.

Create Company Phone Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a DNIS phone number for computer telephony integration (CTI). See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for more information on using CTI.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen.

MSR0960 ENTER Create Company Phone Number 10/01/98 15:34:51

EZK Mail Order

Phone # . . . . . . .

Description . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Phone #

The phone number customers will call to be connected with an order entry or customer service operator. The phone number that the customer dials indicates which company for the system to search to find a record of the customer.

Identifying the correct company: The system uses the last four positions of the company phone number to identify the DNIS number for an incoming call; for this reason, it is important that you not repeat the last four numbers when setting up phone numbers for multiple companies, or the CTI interface will not be able to route incoming calls correctly. For example, if you set up phone numbers that end in 8000 for both company 001 and company 002, even if the rest of the phone numbers are different, then the CTI interface will always route incoming calls to company 001.

Telephone number format: If the phone number you enter is the same length as a telephone number format defined for the country where the company is located, the system adds any characters specified for the format.

Example: If you enter the phone number 5085551212, which is 10 positions, and a telephone number format of 10 positions is defined for the country where the company is located, the system adds the additional characters specified for the format (for example, (508) 555-1212). See Customer Service Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on setting up telephone number formats for a country.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; required.


The description of the phone number.

When you are in a monitored CTI session, the first 23 positions of the Description of the company phone number displays at the top of the CTI screens, allowing you to identify the DNIS number the customer called and indicating which call center script the customer service rep should use when answering the call. If you are in an unmonitored CTI session, the word UNMONITORED displays at the top of the CTI screens.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Change Company Phone Number Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a phone number at the Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen to advance to the Change Company Phone Number screen. You can change either field on this screen. See Create Company Phone Number Screen for field descriptions.

Display Company Phone Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review a phone number for a company.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a phone number at the Work with Company Phone Numbers Screen.

MSR0961 DISPLAY Display Company Phone Number 11/26/02 17:26:47

EZK Mail Order

Phone # (formatted) . . . : (508) 555-1212

Phone # (unformatted) . . : 5085551212

CTI DNIS# match number . : 1212

Description . . . . . . . : CUSTOMER SERVICE

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Phone # (formatted)

The company phone number with any formatting specified for the country. See Customer Service Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on setting up telephone number formats for a country.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Phone # (unformatted)

The company phone number without any formatting.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

CTI DNIS# match number

The last four positions of the phone number. These numbers are used as part of computer telephony integration to route incoming calls to the correct company based on the phone number that the customer dialed; for this reason, it is important that you not repeat the last four numbers when setting up phone numbers for multiple companies, or the CTI interface will not be able to route incoming calls correctly. For example, if you set up phone numbers that end in 8000 for both company 001 and company 002, even if the rest of the phone numbers are different, then the CTI interface will always route incoming calls to company 001.

See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for more information on using CTI.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The description of the phone number that you entered at the Create Company Phone Number Screen.

When you are in a monitored CTI session, the first 23 positions of the Description of the company phone number displays at the top of the CTI screens, allowing you to identify the DNIS number the customer called and indicating which call center script the customer service rep should use when answering the call. If you are in an unmonitored CTI session, the word UNMONITORED displays at the top of the CTI screens.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Work with Company Return Address Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create or edit the company address to print on return labels. The system uses this address only if your web storefront supports printing these labels for return authorizations when customers enter returns on the storefront. See the E-Commerce Interface for more information.

Entity return address overrides company address: If you define an return address for the entity associated with an order at the Work with Entity Return Address Screen, the system uses the entity return address instead.

If no entity or company return address: If a return address is not specified for the entity associated with the order or for the company, the system uses the address for the Default Warehouse (A04).

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to a company at the Work with Companies Screen.

MSR1239 CHANGE Work with Company Return Address 7/17/00 17:14:49

Company . . . . . : 27 EZK Mail Order

Name . . . . . . . . EZK Mail Order

Address . . . . . . 24 PRIME PARK WAY


City/St/Postal . . . NATICK MA 01760

Country . . . . . . USA

Phone # . . . . . .

F3=Exit F11=Delete F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Enter the address to appear on return labels for use when customers enter returns through your web storefront. See the Create Company Screen for field descriptions. To delete the return address, press F11.

Work with Shared Companies Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define other companies that share inventory with the parent company. Companies display on this screen in shared company sequence.

Example: If company 555 is the company where the inventory is located, company 555 represents the parent company and any other company that shares inventory with this company is considered a shared company.

Note: You do not need to define shared companies if you are using inventory sharing; see Inventory Sharing (A69) for an overview.

Copying items in the parent company to the shared companies: If you wish to add, update, or delete items in shared companies, based on an item copied in the parent company, you must define shared companies using this screen. See Copying Items for an overview.

To create: Enter a company code and press Enter to create a shared company. The company code must be a valid company. You cannot select the company code that represents the parent company or an error message displays: Shared company must not be the same as the parent company.

Note: The system allows you to define a company as a shared company for more than one parent company. For example, you can define company 554 as a shared company for both company 555 and company 25. You can also define a shared company for a company that is also a shared company for another company. For example, you can define company 123 as a shared company for company 456, even if company 456 is a shared company for company 789.

To scan: Enter a company code and press Enter to position to the shared company. If the company code does not exist as a shared company, the system creates it. The company code must be a valid company.

How to display this screen: Enter 11 next to a company on the Work with Companies Screen.

MSR1472 DISPLAY Work with Shared Companies 6/06/05 8:58:17

Company : 555 KAB Co

Opt Cmp Description

Type options, press Enter.



554 KAB Download Company

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code and name of the parent company.

Code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code representing a company that shares inventory with the parent company.

If you prompt on this field, the system displays all valid CWDirect companies, not just the companies to which the user has authority.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The name of the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a shared company

Enter 4 next to a shared company to delete it.

Note: Deleting a shared company does not delete the company; just the association between the company and the parent company.

IN01_02 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN