Chapter 29: Backing Up the System

Purpose: Backing up data on the iSeries is an important part of the daily operations cycle, with the goal of ensuring that your business can continue to operate in the event of a catastrophe.

While the IBM Backup and Recovery Guide gives the best source of information concerning a backup strategy for your specific type of operation, this chapter provides a basic backup strategy used by many of our clients.

Basic backup process: The basic backup process consists of:

• a weekly non-system save of all user libraries

• a daily backup of all changed objects for user libraries

Two sets of backup tapes are alternated with the tape(s) for each backup removed from the business site at the end of the day.

Daily backups: Below is the recommended schedule for daily backups:

Day of the Week

Backup Process


Daily backup of changed objects


Daily backup of changed objects


Daily backup of changed objects


Daily backup of changed objects


Daily backup of changed objects


Weekly full non-system backup of all user data

The daily backups should be scheduled at the end of each business day. If your organization does not operate on Saturdays, then you should schedule the weekly full non-system backup at the end of the business day on Friday.

It is highly recommended that you use and alternate 2 backup tape sets each week. This ensures that you always have a complete backup set available to restore the system in the event of a catastrophe.

It is also recommended that you store the tapes used for backup off-site and retrieve them on the day that they will next be used. You may have the employee who is responsible for executing the backup take the tape(s) home or you may hire a records management firm to pick up, archive, and deliver your backup tapes.

MICROS also recommends that you use the backup function supplied by IBM. To access this function, enter GO BACKUP on a command line. From the Backup Tasks menu, you may use the options to schedule and execute unattended daily backups.

CWDirect libraries: If you do not use the IBM utility to save all user data (GO BACKUP), then you should back up the following CWDirect libraries on a daily basis:




System save: A system save is a backup of all system libraries. This procedure should be performed and archived after:

• you install a new version or release of the operating system for the IBM iSeries

• you apply any new PTFs received from IBM

Contact your account manager or MICROS's support if you need additional information about implementing a backup strategy for your organization.

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