Print HL Drop, Segment and Detail Report

Purpose: This sample includes the segment selection detail, which appears when you enter D at the Print House List Drop, Segment and Details Screen. If you enter S for summary, the segment selection detail does not appear.

How to print: Use the Print House List Drop, Segment and Details Screen.

CWDirect Technical Class Print HL Drop, Segment and Detail ELISE_K HLR0045 9/13/96 10:30:59 Page 1

Drop Id . . . : TEST Date Created : 9/12/96 Date Modified : 9/12/96

Description . : A TEST DROP

Universe of customers/prospects: Output Options:

Sold-to's . . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No, A=And) Test or final run . . . . : T (T=Test, F=Final)

Ship-to's . . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No, A=And) Clear new add/change . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Update circulation . . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No)

Update last mail date . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No)

Input file to use : Mail History Y (Y=Yes, N=No)

Customer Action? . . . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No)

Customer Action Note . . : HELLO THERE

Max # of records to process : 0 Nth select . : 0

Generic list . . . : Y (Y=Yes, N=No) No of copies : 1

Tape . . . . . . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No) Device name :

1-up labels . . . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No) No of copies : 0

4-up labels . . . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No) No of copies : 0

Disk file . . . . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No)

OPU file . . . . . : N (Y=Yes, N=No) OPU file name

Segment Id Description Source Code Filename

SEG1 ZIP = 01701 WINTER6

Group Seq # AND/OR Include/omit Criteria Description

1 1 OR I Include SC SCF Codes 017,

SCF Code State 1 Name State 2 Name

017 MA Massachusetts MA Massachusetts

SEG2 ZIP = 01609 WINTER6

Group Seq # AND/OR Include/omit Criteria Description

1 1 OR I Include SC SCF Codes 016,

SCF Code State 1 Name State 2 Name

016 MA Massachusetts *Blank

About this report: See Create House List Drop Universe Screen for information relating to the drop itself; see Run House List Drop Screen for information relating to the segment detail.

MK04_01r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN