Inventory Transaction Analysis Report

Purpose: Use this report to review a summary of inventory transactions by date, warehouse, transaction code and reason code. Totals are provided at the end of the report for each warehouse, date, and across all warehouses and dates.

For each date/warehouse/transaction code/reason code combination, the system provides unit and dollar totals. See Positive or Negative Effect on Inventory Levels for more information on how the system determines which inventory transactions in the Item Transaction History file update the (+) Units and (+) Cost buckets and which inventory transactions update the (-) Units and (-) Cost buckets.

This report sorts in date/warehouse/transaction code/transaction reason sequence.

How to print: Complete the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen with the Print detail flag set to N.

CWDirect Rel 8.5 Inventory Transaction Analysis KBOTTGER INR1501 6/11/04 13:38:20 Page 1


Transaction Dates . . . : 6/08/04 to 6/10/04

Excluded Item Classes . : CPG CSH GC

Alloc/Non-Alloc/Store . :

Warehouse . . . . . . . : 000

Transaction Code . . . :

Reason Code . . . . . . : 00

Date Whse T RC Total Trns (+) Units (+) Cost (-) Units (-) Cost


6/08/04 30 A 0 1 8 64.0000 0 .0000

Total for Whse 30 : 1 8 64.0000 0 .0000

6/08/04 204 A 0 3 33 566.5000 1- 1.5000-

Total for Whse 204 : 3 33 566.5000 1- 1.5000-

Total for 6/08/04 : 4 41 630.5000 1- 1.5000-

6/09/04 30 A 0 1 9 81.0000 0 .0000

6/09/04 30 A 6 1 4 17.7600 0 .0000

6/09/04 30 A 7 1 12 119.8800 0 .0000

Total for Whse 30 : 3 25 218.6400 0 .0000

6/09/04 204 A 0 3 42 1,075.5000 1- 1.5000-

6/09/04 204 C 0 1 5 27.5000 0 .0000

6/09/04 204 O 0 1 4 18.0000 0 .0000

Total for Whse 204 : 5 51 1,121.0000 1- 1.5000-

Total for 6/09/04 : 8 76 1,339.6400 1- 1.5000-

6/10/04 204 A 0 2 43 1,720.0000 1- 1.5000-

Total for Whse 204 : 2 43 1,720.0000 1- 1.5000-

Total for 6/10/04 : 2 43 1,720.0000 1- 1.5000-

Grand Total : 14 160 3,690.1400 3- 4.5000-


Transaction dates: The date range you entered at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen, limiting the report to inventory transactions that occurred on or within this date range.

Excluded item classes: Code(s) for the item class(es) you excluded at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen. If you excluded an item class, the system does not include inventory transactions associated with the item class on the report.

Alloc/Non-alloc/Store: A code for the warehouse type you selected at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen. If you defined a warehouse type, the system limits the data on this report to those inventory transactions associated with the specified warehouse type.

Warehouse: A code for the warehouse you selected at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen. If you defined a warehouse, the system limits the data on this report to those inventory transactions associated with the specified warehouse.

Transaction code: A code for the inventory transaction you selected at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen. If you defined a transaction code, the system limits the data on this report to those inventory transactions associated with the specified transaction code.

Reason code: A code for the inventory transaction reason you selected at the Print Inventory Transaction Analysis Screen. If you defined a reason code, the system limits the data on this report to those inventory transactions associated with the specified reason code.

Date: The date on which the inventory transaction occurred. This is the Date field from the Item Transaction History file.

Whse (warehouse): A code for the warehouse where the inventory transaction occurred. This is the Warehouse field from the Item Transaction History file.

T (transaction code): A code for the inventory transaction code associated with the inventory transaction. This is the Transaction code field from the Item Transaction History file.

Note: The system does not create a * transaction history record when you update the standard or average cost of an item. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost.

RC (reason code): A code for the inventory transaction reason code associated with the inventory transaction. This is the Transaction reason field from the Item Transaction History file. 0 displays if the inventory transaction is not associated with a reason code.

For each date/warehouse/transaction code/reason code combination, the system provides unit and dollar totals. See Positive or Negative Effect on Inventory Levels for more information on how the system determines which inventory transactions in the Item Transaction History file update the (+) Units and (+) Cost buckets and which inventory transactions update the (-) Units and (-) Cost buckets.

Total trns (total transactions): The number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, transaction code and reason code. The system totals the number of records in the Item Transaction History file for the specified Date, Warehouse, Transaction code, and Transaction reason.

(+) Units: The number of units added to the specified warehouse, for the specified date, transaction code, and reason code. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date, Warehouse, Transaction code, and Transaction reason.

(+) Cost: The dollar value increase for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, transaction code and reason code. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date, Warehouse, Transaction code, and Transaction reason: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

(-) Units: The number of units subtracted from the specified warehouse, for the specified date, transaction code and reason code. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date, Warehouse, Transaction code, and Transaction reason.

(-) Cost: The dollar value decrease for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, transaction code and reason code. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date, Warehouse, Transaction code, and Transaction reason: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.


Total for warehouse: Totals by warehouse for:

Total transactions: The number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, across all transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the number of records in the Item Transaction History file for the specified Date and Warehouse.

(+) Units: The number of units added to the specified warehouse for the specified date, across all transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date and Warehouse.

(+) Cost: The dollar value increase for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, across all transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date and Warehouse: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

(-) Units: The number of units subtracted from the specified warehouse for the specified date, across all transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date and Warehouse.

(-) Cost: The dollar value decrease for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date for the specified warehouse, across all transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date and Warehouse: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

Total for date: Totals by date for:

Total transactions: The number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the number of records in the Item Transaction History file for the specified Date.

(+) Units: The number of units added on the specified date, across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date.

(+) Cost: The dollar value increase for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Positive effect on inventory for the specified Date: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

(-) Units: The number of units subtracted from the specified date, across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date.

(-) Cost: The dollar value decrease for the number of inventory transactions that occurred on the specified date across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Negative effect on inventory for the specified Date: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

Grand total: Final totals across all warehouses and dates for:

Total transactions: The number of inventory transactions that occurred within the date range across warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the number of records in the Item Transaction History file whose Date falls within the report’s Transaction dates.

(+) Units: The number of units added within the date range across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Positive effect on inventory whose Date falls within the report’s Transaction dates.

(+) Cost: The dollar value increase for the number of inventory transactions that occurred within the date range specified, across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Positive effect on inventory whose Date falls within the report’s Transaction dates: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

(-) Units: The number of units subtracted within the date range across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system totals the Qty field in the Item Transaction History file for each record with a Negative effect on inventory whose Date falls within the report’s Transaction dates.

(-) Cost: The dollar value decrease for the number of inventory transactions that occurred within the date range specified, across all warehouses, transaction codes and reason codes. The system uses this calculation for records in the Item Transaction History file with a Negative effect on inventory whose Date falls within the report’s Transaction dates: Cost x Qty = (+) Cost.

WH03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN