Chapter 4: Entering Counts Using Physical Inventory Worksheets (MPIE)

Purpose: You can use the Physical Inventory Count Entry function to enter first, second, and final counts, and to print the worksheets for the second and final counts. To enter counts using the worksheet entry method, you must set the Entry Method (A01) system control value to SHEET. If the File Generation Output (A09) system control value is set to SHEET, LOCATION, or AISLE, you can enter a first count using system-generated sheets. If this field is set to NONE or blank, you can upload a first count and enter subsequent counts using sheets.

In this chapter:

Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen

Physical Inventory Batch Entry Screen

Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts)

Create Physical Inventory Record Screen

Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet Screen (Generating Sheets for the Second or Final Count)

Accepting a Batch

For more information: See Entering Counts for more background on entering physical inventory counts.

Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the count number associated with the sheets you are entering. You can enter the first count, second count, or final count for each item location or LPN through this screen.

Access to the first, second, and final counts is controlled by secured features. In addition, you must enter the counts in the correct sequence, and you cannot enter first or second counts once you have accepted the count; you must advance to the next count. However, even if you use a second and/or final count, you need not enter counts for every item location more than once. The system uses the most recently entered count for each item location when you process the physical inventory update.

See Physical Inventory Overview.

How to display this screen: Enter MPIE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Enter Physical Inventory Counts from a menu.

Note: You also use this screen to begin entry of physical inventory counts using tickets. See Chapter 3: Entering Counts Using Physical Inventory Tickets (MPIE).

INR0016 ENTER Physical Inventory Entry Selection 3/25/97 15:13:43

EZK Mail Order

Selection option . . 1. Enter 1st Physical Count

2. Enter 2nd Physical Count

3. Enter Final Count

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company

Screen Option


Enter the first physical count

Enter 1 in the Selection Option field to advance to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Enter the second physical count

Enter 2 in the Selection Option to advance to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Enter the final count

Enter 3 in the Selection Option field to advance to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Physical Inventory Batch Entry Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the control number and batch number assigned to the group of item locations for which you are entering counts. The count you have selected for entry is indicated at the top of the screen.

How to display this screen: Complete the Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen.

INR0020 ENTER Physical Inventory Batch Entry 3/25/97 16:40:20

EZK Mail Order

Date . : 3/25/97

Enter Physical 1 counts:

Control/Batch# . . . . . 1 - 1

Total count . . . . . . .

Counted by. . . . . . . . ELISE_K

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Control #

The control number assigned to the physical inventory you are performing.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Batch #

The number assigned to the physical inventory batch for which you are entering count information. Even if you do not use batching (the Assign Batch Numbers (A07) system control value is set to Y), the system assigns batch number 1 to the physical inventory.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Total count

The total number of units counted for all item locations included in the batch. Optionally, you can use this field to provide a check when you accept the batch to confirm that the total of all counts you entered is correct; a pop-up window displays if the batch is out of balance.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Counted by

The user ID of the person who performed the physical count for the item locations in the batch. This must be a valid user name on your system.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Complete the Control number and Batch number fields.

2. Optionally, complete the Total count field if you want to perform this check against the total item location counts you enter.

3. In the Counted by field, enter the user ID of the person entering the counts. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. Correct any fields. If anyone has previously entered counts for this batch and this count, or defined a Total count, the previously entered total count defaults.

4. You advance to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Note: If you have previously been entering counts for a batch, you have the option of completing just the Control number and Batch fields. When you first press Enter, both the Total count and your own system name in the Counted by field default.

Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts)

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the count for each item location or LPN in the batch.

See Entering Counts for background on entering counts and suggestions for coordinating count entry by more than one person at a time.

How to display this screen: Complete the Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen. The count number you selected -- first, second, or final -- is indicated in the middle of the screen just above the item locations.

INR0046 DISPLAY Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry 8/27/99 11:27:37


Control/Batch # . . : 1 - 1 Batch count total . : 0

Location Type . . . . P Primary Current batch total : 0

Count Whs Location Item COLO STYL SIZE LPN

Enter Final Physical count:

60 PA1 ABC 0

60 PA1 BUN01 0

60 PA1 CHERR89 0

60 PA1 DRO8YU 0

60 PA1 EXPR99 0

60 PA1 FIE87X 0

60 PA1 GIZM04 0

60 PA1 HONE8 0

60 PA1 ITE9 0

60 PA1 JUIC34 0

60 PA1 KIW65 0

60 PA1 LINE23 RED 0


F3=Exit F6=Create F9=Accept Pending F14=Next Batch

F15=Print Batch Sheet F21=Print Evaluation Report

You can use fields on the screen to position to the correct warehouse, location, item, or LPN for count entry. These fields, which are highlighted on the sample screen, may be useful if you would like to have more than one person entering counts at the same time; see Entering Counts.



Control/batch #

The control number of the physical inventory, and the batch number for which you are entering counts, separated by a hyphen.

Control number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Batch number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Batch count total

The amount, if any, you entered in the Total count field on the previous screen; you can use this field to perform an optional check against the total count quantity you enter for all item locations in the batch.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Location type

The type of location to display so that you can enter counts. Valid values are:

P (default) = Primary

B = Bulk

S = Secondary

T = Temporary

Enter a valid location to display locations of that type for count entry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Current batch total

The total count quantity you have entered for each item location in the batch. The system updates this number each time you press Enter after entering one or more item location counts.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The number of units of the item found in the location. If you use LPNs, this is the total quantity in the LPN. All items not associated with an LPN appear under LPN 0. (Note: No items are associated with an LPN if they are in a primary location.)

If you have previously entered a count for an item location in this batch but not yet accepted the batch, the previously entered count displays. You can override any previously entered item location counts at this screen or enter new counts.

If you enter a zero count, the system updates the item location count to zero when you process a partial or complete physical inventory update. Unless this is a primary location, the system deletes the item location record at this time as well.

Note: Using Field Exit through the Count field is the same as entering 0. Use Tab to advance through the Count fields for item locations without changing the entries.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code of the warehouse where the physical inventory is being performed.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code of the location where the item is being counted. See

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.


The item code in the location being counted.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 12-position field (full SKU); optional.


The LPN (license plate number) you use to track a case, carton or group of items in your warehouse.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a physical inventory record for an item location or LPN

Press F6 to create a new physical inventory record that was not included in the physical inventory. See the Create Physical Inventory Record Screen.

Accept pending count entries

Press F9 to accept the counts entered for the item locations in the batch. See Accepting a Batch.

Accept pending count entries

Press F14 to accept the counts entered for the item locations in the batch. See Accepting a Batch.

Print batch sheet

Press F15 to print the batch sheets for the second or final count. See Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet Screen (Generating Sheets for the Second or Final Count).

Print evaluation report

Press F21 to print the Physical Inventory Evaluation report. See Printing Physical Inventory Reports (MPIR).

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Scan for the desired item location or LPN, or use the Page down or Shift + Roll keys to scroll through the item locations in the batch.

2. Enter the physical count for the item location in the Count field and press Field Exit. If the count is zero, you can enter 0 if this is the first time you are counting the item location or LPN. If you are changing a previously entered count to zero, you can enter 0 or just Field Exit. When you enter a zero count for an item location or LPN, the system clears the field on the screen; however, the item location is flagged as counted with a quantity of zero in the Physical Inventory file.

3. The quantity in the Current total field increments as you enter each item count and represents the total quantity entered for the batch. If you entered a quantity in the Total Count field on the Physical Inventory Batch Entry screen, that quantity displays in the Batch total field. You can compare the amounts in these two fields to ensure that all counts for the batch have been entered.

4. Continue entering counts for all applicable item locations.

5. Press Enter to update the counts in the Physical Inventory file. If you do not press F9 or F14, the batch will remain open for further entry. Press F9 or F14 to accept the count for the batch. See Accepting a Batch.

Create Physical Inventory Record Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add an item location or LPN to an existing physical inventory. This might be useful if you find the wrong item in a location, or if you want to create a new LPN record or correct an existing one (the new LPN record will replace the existing one when you process the physical inventory update). However, the item code and location you enter must each be valid for the warehouse.

An item location record will be created when you run process the physical inventory update.

Note: You cannot add a new physical inventory record while entering a final count. This option is available only during the first or second count.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

INR0071 ENTER Create Physical Inventory Record 6/10/97 13:30:07

EZK Mail Order

Enter Physical 1 counts:

Control/Batch# . : 1 - 1

Count . . . . . .

Warehouse . . . .

Item number . . .

SKU . .

Location . . . . .

LPN . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Control #

The control number of the physical inventory for which you are creating the record.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Batch #

The batch number for which you are creating the record.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


Enter the actual number of units of the item in the location or LPN, and press Field Exit.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The code of the warehouse where you are creating the record.

Numeric, 3 positions; required or display-only.

Item number

The code for the item for which you are creating the record. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file. You cannot create a physical inventory record for a non-inventory item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (Split SKU), or one 14-position field (full SKU); required if the item has SKUs.


The location for which you are creating the record. The location code is validated against the Location file. Your entry must also be a valid location in the selected warehouse, and there cannot be a pending transaction quantity for the item/location.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


The license plate number to assign to the item count in this location. You cannot assign an LPN to items in a primary location.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: The system adds the record to the physical inventory batch and you return to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts). The Physical freeze flag for the item/location will be set to Y if the Freeze Item During Physical (A10) system control value is set to Y.

Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet Screen (Generating Sheets for the Second or Final Count)

Purpose: Use this screen to produce batch sheets for the batch's second and final counts. You can also use Reprinting Batch Sheets or Tickets (RPIF) to print or reprint batch sheets if desired.

How to display this screen: Press F15 at the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

INR0757 ENTER Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet 3/27/97 13:21:12

EZK Mail Order

Batch# . . . . . : 2 - 7

Selection Option . 1. Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet

for Second Count.

2. Print Physical Inventory Batch Sheet

for Final Count.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Field descriptions: The control number and batch number, which appear on this screen, are described under Physical Inventory Batch Entry Screen.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter 1 in the Selection option field to print batch sheets for the second count, or enter 2 in this field to print batch sheets for the final count.

2. You return to the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

The system submits the job BATCHSHEET, which produces the batch sheets you have requested. See Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet.

Accepting a Batch

Purpose: Once you have completed entry for a count, you can accept the count. Accepting the count closes it off from further entry. For example, when you accept a first count, you can no longer enter or correct item location counts for the first count; you must enter a second or final count instead. However, you can reenter item location counts for the final count even after you accept it.

Authority to accept a first, second, or final count is controlled by secured features. See Physical Inventory Overview.

How to accept a count: Press F9 at the Physical Inventory Batch Detail Entry Screen (Entering Counts). The system compares the total count, if any, you defined for the batch with the actual total count entered. If they are not the same, the following pop-up window displays:

Confirm Out of Balance Count

This batch contains unbalanced counts.

Press ENTER to confirm acceptance of batch


If any of the item locations or LPNs in the batch have zero counts, the following pop-up window displays:

Confirm Zero PI Counts

This batch contains un-entered counts.

Press ENTER to confirm acceptance of batch


This message indicates that you did not enter a count at all for one or more item locations or LPNs in the batch (as opposed to entering a count of 0). Press Enter to confirm acceptance of the batch anyway, or press F12 to cancel and reenter item location counts. If any item location or LPN in the batch has an unentered count when you accept the count, it appears on the No Entry Audit Report.

Note: This window displays if you have not entered counts for each item location or LPN in the current count, even if you have previously entered counts for all records in the batch. You might choose to do this if you use second or final counts only to correct item locations where you found a discrepancy with the first count quantity. Although the pop-up window displays in this case, the No Entry Audit Report that prints will not contain any records.

After you accept the batch, you return to the Physical Inventory Batch Entry Screen, where you can select another batch for entry.

Next batch: You can also press F14 to accept the batch. However, if the total count for the batch is out of balance with the entered count, an error message will display. You will need to bring these two counts back into balance, or use F9 to accept the batch.

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