Chapter 66: Working with Depiction (WDEP)

Purpose: Use the Depiction file to establish a link between a featured item and each optional item in a depiction.

Depictions are layouts (photograph or illustration) in an offer containing several different items. One item is the focus of the depiction; however, several other items are available in the depiction for sale. The focal item in the depiction is designated as the feature item (and is labeled as such in the Item/Offer file). Every other item advertised in the depiction is labeled as an option in the Item/Offer file.

In this chapter:

Work with Depiction Screen

Copy Depictions to Offer Window

Work with Depiction Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WDEP in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select the Work with Depiction option from a menu..

CPR0028 DISPLAY Work With Depiction 12/07/94 9:23:57



Master Item Subordinate Item


PSG 1000 PSG 2000

PSG 2000 PSG 3000

PSG 2000 PSG 1000

PSG 2000 PSG 1000







F3=Exit F6=Copy to Offer F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel




The offer in which this depiction is presented.

An offer is a code for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders. See Marketing Chapter 2: Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Master item

The primary item featured in the depiction.

Example: If the depiction is of a dining room, the dining room set may be the master item.

In the Item/Offer record, you may identify an item as a feature (by entering an F in the Feature/option field). This indicates that the item is the most important item in a depiction.

Several different subordinate items may point to a single master item in a depiction.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Subordinate item

An item included in the depiction, but not the focus of the depiction.

Example: Continuing the example from above, if the depiction is of a dining room, the place settings, crystal, and centerpiece items may be subordinate items to the master item (dining room set).

In the Item/Offer record, you may identify an item as an option (by entering an O in the Feature/option field). This indicates that the item is a secondary item in the depiction.

The subordinate item must point to a master item; several different subordinate items may point to the same master item in a depiction.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Screen Option


Create the master and subordinate items in a depiction

Press F8, then use the entry fields at the top of this screen to create a link between the featured (master) item and each optional (subordinate) item in a depiction.

Update or delete the master and subordinate items in a depiction

Press F8 to gain access to the records in the bottom portion of the screen. You now can update or delete the information in any field by typing over it.

Duplicate item depiction information for another offer

Press F6 to display the Copy Depictions to Offer Window.

Copy Depictions to Offer Window

To copy: Press F6 on the Work with Depiction Screen to display this window, where you can identify the offer to which you want to copy the current offer's depiction.

Copy Depictions to Offer

Copy all depictions from offer to

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Enter the number of the offer to which you want to copy the current offer's depiction. The system copies all depiction for the current offer to the "target" offer; however, the system does not delete any existing depiction in the "target" offer. See Work with Depiction Screen for a field description.

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