Order Billing History Consolidation Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the criteria you selected at the Consolidate Order Billing History screen and the total number of records consolidate.

How to print: The system generates this report when you press F9 at the Consolidate Order Billing History Screen to submit the Consolidate Order Billing History batch job, and then release the job from hold. .

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Order Billing History Consolidation EKAPLAN CSR1015 5/10/99 10:16:10 Page 1

EZK Mail Order


Consolidate transactions up to : 6/01/98

Consolidate by Customer . . . : Y

Ship To . . . . : Y

Item . . . . . : Y

SKU . . . . . . : N

Ship Via . . . : N

Source . . . . : N

Offer . . . . . : Y

Salesman . . . : N

Item Class . . : Y

Long SKU Dept . : N

Long SKU Class : N

Order # . . . . : N

Trans Code . . : Y

Placer . . . . : N

Originator . . : N

Entity . . . . : Y

# Detail records consolidated/purged . : 9,745

# New consolidated records . . . . . . : 3,376


• your selection criteria from the Consolidate Order Billing History screen

• the total number of order billing history records that were consolidated and purged

• the resulting number of new consolidated records

SO03_08r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN