A/R Control Report

How to print: Complete the A/R Control Report Screen.

CWDirect Rel3.0 A/R Control Report JCES ACR0402 10/20/98 10:29:17 Page 1

The KL Mail Order Company

From: 9/20/98 to 10/20/98

A/R Starting Balance : 5,507.00

A/R Ending Balance . : 4,006.00


A/R Net Change . . . : 1,501.00-

A/R Sales . . . . . : 69.60

A/R Credits . . . . : .00

A/R Cash . . . . . . : 1,295.60

A/R Sundry . . . . . : .00

A/R Adjustments . . : 200.00-

A/R Refunds . . . . : .00 (created today - not processed today)

A/R Refunds . . . . : 219.00 (processed today - not created today)

A/R Refunds . . . . : .00 (processed today - orig categ NON A/R)

A/R Refunds . . . . : .00 (converted A/R credits)


Transaction Total . : 1,645.00-

Out of Balance . . . : 144.00

Final totals


• date range included on the report

• A/R starting balance (The total A/R balance at the first date on the report; calculated as:


Open balance of A/R Open Item records (prior to the start date) + paid amount of A/R Payment Detail (after the start date)).


• A/R ending balance (The total A/R balance at the last date on the report; calculated as:


Open balance of A/R Open Item records (prior to the end date) + paid amount of A/R Payment Detail (after the end date)).


• A/R Net Change (The total difference between the A/R starting and ending balances; calculated as:

A/R ending balance - A/R stating balance).


• A/R Sales (The total of positive Invoice Payment records with a pay category of A/R or COD within the selected date range).

• A/R Credits ( The total of negative Invoice Payment records with a pay category of A/R or COD within the selected date range).

• A/R Adjustments (Any adjustments made to update the customer's A/R account; calculated as:


The Open Item - Debit total of A/R Cash Receipts).


• A/R Refunds (created today/not processed today) (A/R refund credits processed on a different date than the invoice date).

• A/R Refunds (processed today/not created today) (The total of refund records with an original and current category of A/R or COD that were processed on a different date than the created date).

• A/R Refunds (processed today/original category NON A/R) (The total of refund records with a current category of A/R or COD and an original category of Cash, Credit card, or Coupon/credit).

• A/R Refunds (converted A/R credits) (A/R refunds converted to checks in Processing A/R Refunds (MARC)).

• transaction total: (Total dollar value of all A/R transactions; calculated as:


(A/R Sales + A/R Credits + A/R Adjustments + A/R Refunds converted A/R credits) - (A/R Cash - A/R Refund created today/not processed today - A/R Refund processed today/not created today - A/R Refund processed today/original category NON A/R)).


• out of balance: (Total dollar value out of balance; calculated as:


A/R Net Change - the Transaction Total).


• See Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR) for more information on and a sample of the Detail Aging report.

AR04_04r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN