Chapter 146: Entering Japanese Addresses

Purpose: This appendix describes the alternate Order Maintenance, Order Inquiry, Customer Maintenance and Catalog Requests screens for entering Japanese addresses. The customer address fields have been rearranged on these new screens to facilitate working with Japanese customers and their orders.

Some users will always work with the alternate Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Order Inquiry, and Customer Maintenance screens, since the alternate screen format is defined in the user profile. You assign a user or user class to these special screens through the Select Address Format screen, which you select from the Work with Users or Work with User Classes screen.

Some screens are not available in the alternate address format; for example, the Change Call Tag Address screen.

In this chapter:

Work with Order Screen

Order Inquiry Screen

Create Customer Sold To Screen

Create Bill to Customer Screen

Create Ship To Screen

Create Catalog Request Screen

Work with Order Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to update an existing order for a Japanese customer. You assign specific users or user classes to these screens through the Work with Users and Work with User Classes functions.

How to display this screen: Enter OEOM in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Enter/Maintain Orders from a menu, then press F7 at the Request Order Batch screen. You can also display this screen by selecting an order from an Order Inquiry Scan Screen and pressing F7. See Entering Japanese Addresses.

OER0846 ENTER Work with Order 9/29/98 14:37:09

Maintain The KL Mail Order Company

Hold reason

Order#: 2421 - 1 Order date: 11498 Calc freight Y

Sold To 3 Recip sts: Open Type P PHONE ORDERS

Attention Mail Y Rent Y Order sts: Open


Postal Code *** Country JPN Pref



Company Apt A/R CR: 30.00

Delivery R (B,R) Day Ext Eve Ext


Source . . . MAW Salesrep# . . 18812 Ship via . . . . 1

Gift . . . . N (Y,N) Priority . . . . . Warehouse . . .

Associate . . N (Y,N) Discount % . . Est frt .

Auto can B/O N (Y,N) Cancel date . Arrival date 11498

Tax code . . T (E,G,...) Rsl/Ex# PO#

Merch Frt Frt+ Tax Hnd Chg Total

100.00 20.00 10.00 130.00

F2=Sold To/Recip F6=Bill To F7=Cust Ship To F8=Work w/detail F9=Accept

F10=Options F11=Reject F14=Order Ship To F15=Payments F24=More keys

Field descriptions: The highlighted fields in the top half of the screen are described below. These fields are for the customer's address.




Last Name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

First Name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Postal code

The postal code for the customer's address. Typically, this field contains *** for foreign orders.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The code for the customer's country.

Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Pref (Prefecture)

The state associated with the customer's address or line 4 of the customer's address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; optional.


The name of the city and the corresponding postal code.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


The primary delivery address for this customer.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; required.


Address lines 2 and 3: two additional fields for the customer's complete address.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions each line; optional.


The name of the company associated with this address.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Apt (Apartment)

The apartment, suite or box number associated with this address.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

For more information: See Chapter 64: Work with Order Screen for more information about the Order Maintenance header screen.

Order Inquiry Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to answer questions about an order taken for a Japanese customer.

How to display this screen: Select an order from an Order Inquiry Scan Screen. See Entering Japanese Addresses.

Each of the highlighted fields on this screen are described under Work with Order Screen.

OER0785 DISPLAY Order Inquiry 3/19/96 10:48:40

Mail Order Company


Order . : 6605 - 001 Date: 3/18/96 | Refunds: N |

Status : Open Type: P Pay Type: 6 | Msgs : N |

Hold Rsn : Ship via: 1 | Recips : 1 |

Sold To : 613 Ship To +--------------+





Phone: Day: Phone: Day:

Eve: Eve:

Merch : 32.00 Freight : .00 Add'l freight : 1.50

Tax . . : .00 Handling: .00 Add'l charges : .00

Total . . . . : 33.50 Total Cash Paid : .00

Balance Open . : 33.50 Total Coupon Paid: .00

Ref/Balance Due: .00 Cash Refunded : .00

F2=Scan lines F3=Exit F6=Detail F7=Maint order F8=Sold to F9=Ship to

F11=Bill to F14=Invoices F15=Payments F16=Charges F24=More keys

For more information: See Chapter 53: Reviewing the Order Inquiry Header Screen.

Create Customer Sold To Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter customer name and address information for a Japanese customer.

Note: Only the Create Customer Sold To screen is displayed here; however, the Change and Display Customer Sold To screens are also available in the alternate format.

How to display this screen:

• select Work with Customers from a menu or entering WCST in the Fast path field at the top of any menu

• press F8 while you are Using Order Inquiry

See Entering Japanese Addresses.

Each of the highlighted fields on this screen are described under Work with Order Screen.

CSR0657 ADD Create Cust Sold To (Page 1 of 2) 5/01/97 10:09:55

The Mail Order Company

Customer 12593 Match code : Entered :

Name . . M/F

Postal code Country Pref

City . . Street

Address .

Company . Apt/Suite PO Box (Y,N)

Delivery R (Business/Residential)


Class . . Type . . . .

Salesrep #

Parent comp Language . .

Mail Code Call Code . . Currency . .

Mail . . Y (Y,N) Rent . . . . . Y (Y,N) Do Not Fax . . . (Y/N)

Inactive (Y,N) Commercial . . (Y,N) Hold/Bypass/Fraud (H,B,F)

Bypass res (Y,N) Auto cancel B/O (Y,N) Track item history 3 (1,2,3)

F2=Letter F3=Exit F7=Ship to's F8=Bill to F9=Subscriptions F10=Individuals

F11=Contr pricing F12=Cancel F14=Cust tax F15=Mail hist F24=More keys

For more information: See Chapter 28: Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST) for more information about this screen.

Create Bill to Customer Screen

Purpose: Use the Create Bill To Customer screen to enter information on Japanese bill to customers. Bill to customers receive invoices for the orders placed by their associated sold to customers; for example, when a business has various branch offices that place orders, but one central business office responsible for order payment.

Note: Only the Create Bill To Customer screen is displayed here; however, the Change and Display Bill To Customer screens are also available in the alternate format.

How to display this screen:

• select Work with Bill To Customers from a menu or entering WCBT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or

• press F11 while you are Using Order Inquiry

See Entering Japanese Addresses.

Each of the highlighted fields on this screen are described under Work with Order Screen.

CSR0665 ENTER Create Bill To Customer 5/01/97 10:17:19

The Mail Order Company

Account # 184 Hold/Bypass/Fraud . Match code :

Name . . .

Postal code Country Pref

City . . .

Street . .

Address .

Company . Apt/Suite

Delivery code . (B=Business, R=Residential) PO Box (Y=Yes, N=No)

Print Statement? (Y=Yes, N=No) Terms

Phone #'s: Day . Ext. D&B Rating . .

Eve . Ext. D&B Date . . .

Fax . Ext. Credit limit .

Fax (Y/N) EDI (Y/N) Language Currency Add'l documents (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

For more information: See Chapter 30: Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT).

Create Ship To Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter information on Japanese ship to customers. The ship to customer function allows you to associate a permanent shipping address with a sold to customer.

Note: Only the Create Ship To screen is displayed here; however, the Change and Display Ship To screens are also available in the alternate format.

How to display this screen:

• press F7 while you are Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST), or

• press F9 while you are Using Order Inquiry

See Entering Japanese Addresses.

Each of the highlighted fields on this screen are described under Work with Order Screen.

CSR0663 ENTER Create Ship To 5/01/97 10:26:36

The Mail Order Company


Name . . .

Postal code Country Pref

City . . .

Street . .

Address .

Company . Apt/Suite

Delivery code R (B=Business, R=Residential) PO Box (Y/N)

Rent Y (Y/N) Mail Code Call Code Language code

Email address

Phone numbers: Day/business . Ext.

Evening/home . Ext.

Fax . . . . . Ext.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

For more information: See Chapter 29: Creating and Updating Ship-to Customers (WCST).

Create Catalog Request Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter customer name and address information for a catalog request by a Japanese customer.

Note: Only the Create Catalog Request screen is displayed here, while the Change screen is also available in the alternate format. The Display Catalog Request screen is not available in the international address format.

How to display this screen:

• select Work with Catalog Request from a menu or enter WCAT in the Fast path field at any menu, or

• press F15 at the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen in Order Entry

See Entering Japanese Addresses.

Each of the highlighted fields on this screen are described under Work with Order Screen.

CSR0655 ENTER Create Catalog Request 9/29/98 14:18:30

The KL Mail Order Company

Name . . M/F

Postal Code Country Pref

City . . Address

Company . Apt/Suite

Phone (Day) ext Delivery code R

(Eve) ext Customer class

(Fax) ext

Mail . . Y Rent Y

Email address

Offer . . .

Item . . . .


Source . . .

# of copies 1

F3=Exit F8=Select Customer F12=Cancel F23=Notes

For more information: See Chapter 109: Entering Catalog Requests (WCAT).

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