Chapter 43: Working with Customer Warranty Information (WCST)

Warranty items are items you can add to an order at no charge. For example, if a customer previously ordered a grill that came with a 2-year warranty and the burner on the grill was defective, you could add the replacement burner to the customer's order free of charge.

Customer warranty information is a way to track which unit of a product the customer has purchased and the date the purchase took place. You can define warranty information, such as model number, serial number, and the date of purchase, for the products that a customer has purchased at no charge. This is helpful to track specific units of a product in case of a recall.

Where can I view customer warranty information? You can create or work with customer warranty information in order entry, order maintenance, order inquiry, and customer maintenance. The system automatically displays the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen in order entry and order maintenance if an operator enters a source code on the order header whose Warranty required field is set to Y.

How can I set up a warranty item? You can define an item or SKU as a warranty item by setting the Warranty field on the item offer or SKU offer to Y. When the item or SKU for the offer defined on an order detail line is set up as a warranty item, the system adds the item to the order at no charge.

Adding a warranty item to an order: When an operator adds a warranty item to an order in order entry or order maintenance:

• the system updates the Warranty field on the order detail line to Y.

• the system updates the No charge field on the order detail line to Y.

• if the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value contains a price override reason code, the system defaults the price override reason code to the Price override code field on the order detail line. If this system control value is blank, the operator must manually enter a price override code. If a price override code already exists for the order detail line, the system uses this reason.

• if you want to track the reason why the warranty item was added to the order, you can require the operator to enter an add reason code for the item, by setting the Require reason field on the item offer or SKU offer to Y. When this field is set to Y, the system displays the Enter Add Reason pop-up window where the operator is required to enter the reason why the item was added to the order. See Order Entry Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format or Chapter 5: Entering Orders Using Header/Detail Format.

• if an operator enters a price for the warranty item, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Warranty item - price not allowed.

Warranty holds: The system tracks the amount of warranty items a customer is ordering and automatically places orders on hold if the warranty dollar amount exceeds one or two thresholds. You can define a maximum warranty order amount or a maximum life to date warranty amount for a customer using the following system control values.

System Control Value


Maximum Warranty Order Amount (F97)

Defines the maximum dollar amount allowed for warranty items on an order in order entry and order maintenance before the order is placed on warranty order hold (WO).


Maximum warranty order amount = 30.00

Warranty item 1 = 20.00

Warranty item 2 = 15.00

If an operator entered warranty item 1 and warranty item 2 to an order, the total cost for the warranty items would equal 35.00 (20.00 + 15.00 = 35.00). Since 35.00 dollars exceeds the maximum warranty order amount, the system would place this order on warranty order hold.

Maximum Life to Date Warranty Amount for Customer (F98)

Defines the maximum life to date warranty dollar amount allowed for a customer before orders for this customer containing warranty items are placed on warranty customer hold (WC).


Maximum life to date warranty for a customer = 100.00

Current life to date warranty dollar amount = 60.00

Dollar amount for warranty items on the order = 50.00

If the current life to date warranty amount for this customer is 60.00 and an operator entered an order for this customer that contained warranty items whose dollar amount equaled 50.00, the system would place the order on warranty customer hold since the life to date warranty amount now equaled 110.00 (60.00 + 50.00 = 110.00).

Costing: Since warranty items are added to an order at no charge, the system uses the cost defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value to determine the dollar amount of a warranty item on an order. If you are using FIFO costing, the system uses the weighted average cost. If the cost was overridden on the order detail line, the system uses the cost override.

Credit checking: The system places an order on hold during the credit checking process. You can bypass warranty credit checking by setting the Bypass credit check field in the Source Code file to Y. When this field is set to Y, the system does not perform credit checking or warranty checking against any orders entered with this source code defined on the order header. The system writes a message similar to the following to Order Transaction History: CREDIT CHECKING WAS BYPASSED.

Billing updates: When a warranty item is shipped or returned, the system updates:

• the Warranty dollars shipped field in the Customer Sold To Order History file with the dollar amount of the warranty items on the order. The system uses the cost defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value to determine the dollar amount of a warranty item on an order since a warranty item is added to an order at no charge. If you are using FIFO costing, the system uses the weighted average cost. If the cost was overridden on the order detail line, the system uses the cost override.

• the Warranty dollars returned field in the Customer Sold To Order History file with the dollar amount of the warranty items that have been returned or exchanged on an order. The system uses the cost defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value to determine the dollar amount of a warranty item since a warranty item is added to an order at no charge. If you are using FIFO costing, the system uses the weighted average cost. If the cost was overridden on the order detail line when the item was added to the order, the system uses the cost override.

• the Life to date warranty dollars amount field using the following calculation: warranty dollars shipped - warranty dollars returned = life to date warranty dollars amount. The life to date warranty dollars amount field is calculated by the system when an order is processed through the Billing Async and is used to determine if an order is put on warranty customer hold. This field displays on the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen.

For more information:

• reviewing customer sold to order history: Display Customer Order History Screen

• warranty holds the system can place on an order: Chapter 79: Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes

In this chapter:

Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen

Create Customer Warranty Information Screen

Change Customer Warranty Information Screen

Display Customer Warranty Information Screen

Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen

How to display this screen: Enter 25 next to a customer at a scan screen in customer maintenance. See Chapter 27: Selecting Customers.

You advance automatically to this screen in order entry or order maintenance if you enter a source code on the order header that is set up to require warranty information (the Warranty required field for the source code is set to Y) and there is already warranty information for this customer.

You can also advance to this screen in order entry, order maintenance, and order inquiry from the Display More Options Screen.

CSR0925 DISPLAY Work with Customer Warranty Information 2/05/99 16:26:07


LTD Warranty $

Customer 26 MIRANDA, BERNADETTE T 10.0000

Opt Model # Type Serial Number Date of Purchase

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

4968674 PAR 38640194847 2/05/99

382648 WAR 9585737262 1/23/99

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



LTD warranty $ (Life to date warranty dollar amount)

A system calculated field that is updated when an order is processed through the Billing Async that indicates the life to date warranty dollar amount for this sold to customer. The system uses the life to date warranty dollar amount to determine if an order should be put on warranty customer hold.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the life to date warranty dollar amount: warranty dollars shipped - warranty dollars returned = life to date warranty dollar amount

Numeric, 13 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.


The number and last name, first name, and middle initial of the sold to customer for whom you are creating customer warranty information.

Customer number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Customer sold to name: Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Model #

A number used to represent a product. The model number is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


A code used to define the type of product. The product type is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Serial number

A number used to define a specific unit of your product. The serial number is informational only and is not used in serial number tracking.

Numeric, 15 positions; optional.

Date of purchase

The date the product was purchased.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Screen Option


Change a customer warranty

Enter 2 next to a customer warranty to advance to the Change Customer Warranty Information Screen.

Delete a customer warranty

Enter 4 next to a customer warranty to delete it.

Display a customer warranty

Enter 5 next to a customer warranty to advance to the Display Customer Warranty Information Screen.

Create a customer warranty

Press F6 to advance to the Create Customer Warranty Information Screen.

Create Customer Warranty Information Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a customer warranty.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen. You also advance to this screen in order entry and order maintenance if you enter a source code whose Warranty required field is set to Y and warranty information does not exist for the sold to customer.

CSR0923 ENTER Create Customer Warranty Information 2/05/99 16:49:33


Customer . . . . : 26 MIRANDA, BERNADETTE T

Model Number . . . LTD Warranty $ 10.0000

Type . . . . . . .

Serial number . . .

Date of purchase .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The number and sold to last name, first name, and middle initial of the customer for whom you are creating warranty information.

Customer number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Customer sold to name: Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Model #

A number used to represent a product. The model number is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

LTD warranty $ (Life to date warranty dollar amount)

A system calculated field that is updated when an order is processed through the Billing Async that indicates the life to date warranty dollar amount for this sold to customer. The system uses the life to date warranty dollar amount to determine if an order should be put on warranty customer hold.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the life to date warranty dollar amount: warranty dollars shipped - warranty dollars returned = life to date warranty dollar amount

Numeric, 13 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.


A code used to define the type of product. The type code is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Serial number

A number used to define a specific unit of your product. The serial number is informational only.

Numeric, 15 positions; optional.

Date of purchase

the date the product was purchased.

An error message displays if you enter a date that is later than today's date: Date entered must not be greater than today's date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Change Customer Warranty Information Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a customer warranty at the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen to advance to the Change Customer Warranty Information screen. You can change anything on this screen except the Customer number, Customer name and the Life to date warranty dollars fields. See Create Customer Warranty Information Screen for field descriptions.

Display Customer Warranty Information Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a customer warranty at the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen to advance to the Display Customer Warranty Information screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Customer Warranty Information Screen for field descriptions.

CS03_18 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN