STS Request Error Report

How to print: Use Load STS Request File (LSRF).

CWDirect Rel 4.0 STS Request Error Report EKAPLAN FLR0884 10/05/99 11:34:04 Page 1

Date Store PO Short SKU Requested Error

# # Qty

10/05/99 0 1234 26 5 ST Invalid Store/Whse

10/05/99 4 1234 9999 5 SK Invalid SKU

10/05/99 10 1234 1549 0 QT Invalid Quantity

10/05/99 300 1234 1485 5 ST Invalid Store/Whse

Total Records in Error (unprocessed) 4

Total Records Successfully Processed: 96


• the warehouse number that represents the outlet store requesting replenishment, as specified in the STS Request file

• the purchase order number specified in the STS Request file

• the short SKU number specified in the STS Request file; the system determines the item and SKU to include in the replenishment request by checking the Short SKU from the SKU file

• the quantity requested to replenish the outlet, as specified in the STS Request file

• the error code and description for each record in error (Note: If there is more than one error, only the first error is listed on the report):

SK = Invalid SKU: the short SKU does not point to a valid item/SKU in CWDirect

WH = Invalid Item/Warehouse: there is no existing item warehouse record for the item/SKU

ST = Invalid Store/Warehouse: the store number does not represent a valid warehouse number in CWDirect

PO = Missing PO #: no purchase order number is specified

QT = Invalid Quantity: the requested replenishment quantity is not a whole, positive number

• the total number of records in error. All of these records will not be processed, and have been deleted from the STS Request file. You will need to reenter them.

• the total number of records written to the Autostock Replenishment Work file. When you use Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS) these records will be available for processing (although the Process Outlet Transfers menu option performs a further edit before processing each record).

WH10_03r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN