Order Broker Aging Report

How to print: Press F21 at the Work with Order Broker Screen and complete the Print Aging Report Window.

CWDirect Rel 18.0 Order Broker Aging Report EKAPLAN OER1526 12/16/14 16:29:06 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Open records older than 1 days Selected location: ALL Selected status: A

Fulfilling location 10 Store 10 Worc Massachuset

Date Status Order# Line# Item SKU Request ID Quantity

12/02/14 A Accepted 201036 - 1 1 12345 81929 1

12/02/14 A Accepted 201036 - 1 2 KABNOSKU 81930 1

Total for status A 2

Total for 12/02/14 2

Total for 10 2

CWDirect Rel 18.0 Order Broker Aging Report EKAPLAN OER1526 12/16/14 16:29:06 Page 2

EZK Mail Order

Open records older than 1 days Selected location: ALL Selected status: A

Fulfilling location 2 Direct warehouse.........

Date Status Order# Line# Item SKU Request ID Quantity

10/17/14 A Accepted 200844 - 1 1 CLOVE 80574 2

Total for status A 2

Total for 10/17/14 2

Total for 2 2

Final totals 4


• The number of days old an Order Broker request needed to be in order to be included on the report. The default is 1 day, which means that the report does not include Order Broker records created on the current or previous date.

• The selected fulfilling location for the report; set to ALL if you did not select a fulfilling location at the Print Aging Report Window.

For each separate fulfilling location included on the report:

• The fulfilling location and fulfilling location description for one or more Order Broker requests

• For each Order Broker request:

• date created

• current status code and description; see Order Broker Statuses

• order number and ship-to number

• order line sequence number

• item and SKU

• Order Broker request ID

• requested quantity

• total quantity for the same fulfilling location, status, and date

• total quantity for the same fulfilling location and date

• total quantity for the fulfilling location

• total quantity for the report

ST01_13r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN