Order Hold Detail Report

How to print: Complete the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen. The system generates this report only if the Hold related coordinate group lines field is set to Y.

CWDirect Rel 16.0 Order Hold Detail Report JNAVONI OER0826 6/20/13 9:30:22 Page 1

Batch Date Item SKU Order Order Sts CG Item Description Qty Unit First Name Last Name Home Phone City St

Number Line Order Price

23 6/20/13 BALLOON GREN LRGE 7639 1 S 100 LATEX BALLOON 1 10.00 BRIDGET NATHAN 508-225-2153 BOSTON MA

JMN005 7639 2 H 100 FLORAL PLANTER 1 90.00 BRIDGET NATHAN 508-225-2153 BOSTON MA


• batch number

• date you process auto soldouts

• item code

• SKU information, if any

• order number

• order line number

• status (S = soldout item; H = held item)

• coordinate group code

• item description

• quantity ordered

• unit price

• customer sold to first name

• customer sold to last name

• home phone number of customer sold to

• customer sold to city

• customer sold to state

CS12_02r CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN