Printing the Open AP/PO Receipt Reports (PAPO)

Purpose: Use these reports to review purchase orders which you have received, but which you have not yet matched to an A/P invoice. You can produce a summary or detail report sorted by G/L number or vendor.

You would use this report only if you use A/P-PO matching; see Entering A/P-PO Invoices.

In this topic:

Print Open AP/PO Receipts Report Screen

Open AP/PO Report by G/L

Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/PO

Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/Date

Open AP/PO Summary Report by G/L

Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/PO

Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/Date

Print Open AP/PO Receipts Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PAPO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Open AP/PO Receipts from a menu.

APR0106 ENTER Print Open AP/PO Receipts Report 4/21/00 15:27:01

EZK Mail Order

By Vendor . . . . . (Y/N) N

By G/L # . . . (Y/N) N

Transaction Date Range: to

Secondary sort:

Sort within Vendor by Date or PO: P (D/P)

Summary Only: N

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel



By vendor

Indicates whether to generate the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/PO or the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/Date. Valid values are:

Y = Generate the report

N or blank = Do not generate the report

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if By G/L # is not selected.

Vendor number (Unlabeled field to the right of the By vendor field)

Enter a vendor number if you want to restrict the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/PO or the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/Date to a specific vendor. Leave this field blank to include all vendors.

The system ignores your entry in this field if By vendor is not selected.

Vendor numbers are defined in and validated against the Vendor file. See Merchandising Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

By G/L #

Indicates whether to generate the Open AP/PO Report by G/L. Valid values are:

Y = Generate the report

N or blank = Do not generate the report

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if By vendor is not selected.

General ledger number (Unlabeled field to the right of the By G/L # field)

Enter a general ledger number if you want to restrict the Open AP/PO Report by G/L and the Open AP/PO Summary Report by G/L to a specific general ledger number. This is the general ledger that you enter on the purchase order header or detail line, which is credited when you receive a purchase order, and debited when you enter an A/P invoice. Leave this field blank to include all general ledger numbers.

The system ignores your entry in this field if By G/L # is not selected.

General ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account file. See General Ledger Overview for background on the general ledger interface.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Transaction date range

The date the purchase order line was received. Enter the first transaction date to include on the report(s), the last date to include, or both dates to specify the range. For example, if you enter the first transaction date only, the report will include all transactions from that date forward.

Start and end date fields: numeric, 6 positions each (MMYYDD format); optional.

Sort within vendor by date or PO

Use this field to indicate whether to sort the detail and summary vendor reports by the date of the receipt transaction or by the purchase order number. Valid values are:

D = Sort by receipt date: produces the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/Date and the Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/Date. If you sort by date, a purchase order will be included under each date when an item was received; for example, if you received items separately on 3/1, 3/15 and 3/21, each receipt appears separately on the detail report, and the purchase order increases the # of PO total for each separate date on the summary report.

P = Sort by purchase order number: produces the Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/PO and the Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/PO

The system retains your last entry in this field in the Default Options file; for instance, if you set this field to D and generate the report(s), the default will be D the next time you advance to this screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if By vendor is selected.

Summary only

Use this field to indicate whether to produce the summary version of the report(s) only, or to generate both the detail and summary reports. Valid values are:

Y = Print the Open AP/PO Summary Report by G/L, Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/PO, and/or the Open AP/PO Summary Report--Vendor/Date, depending on your other selections

N (default) = Print both the detail and summary versions of each selected report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Completing this screen: Indicate your report selections using the fields described above and press F9 to submit the OPENAPPO job, which generates the reports.

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