Entering A/P-PO Invoices

Purpose: This chapter describes how to enter an A/P invoice that you are matching against a purchase order.

Screen differences to note: The appearance of the Work with A/P Invoices screen differs based on the setting of the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value. If this system control value is set to Y:

• You will be able to enter a gross merchandise amount and any percentage discounts to apply toward that merchandise total.

• If you specified any percentage discount(s) on the purchase order header, these discounts default onto the A/P invoice header.

• The system applies the discount(s) to the gross merchandise total to determine the net merchandise total for the invoice. You will not be able to enter the net total.

If the system control value is set to N or left blank, the gross merchandise and discount fields will not display; instead, you must enter the net merchandise total. If you applied discounts to the matching purchase order, net merchandise amount you enter should reflect these discounts.

See About Discounts for more information on how discounts apply in A/P invoice entry.

Drop ship purchase order: The screens you use to create an A/P invoice for a drop ship purchase order are the same ones as when you match the A/P invoice to any other purchase order. You generate drop ship purchase orders for vendors whose Drop ship pick flags are set to N. You must specify a purchase order number at the A/P Invoice Entry screen or subsequent scan screen.

See Entering Drop Ship Invoices, for information on the screens you use to enter an A/P invoice that is matched to a drop ship pick slip.

A/P invoice upload: You can also create A/P invoices through an upload. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

In this topic:

Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information)

Work with Invoice Details Screen

Display A/P Transaction Screen

Display Receipt Details Screen

More Display Options

Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details

Variances and Invoice Charge Backs

Work with Invoice Detail Discounts Screen

Work with Invoice Discounts Screen

Create Unmatched Transactions Screen

Change Merch/Other Amount Window

Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice

About Discounts

If the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y, you enter gross invoice totals for an A/P invoice and the system calculates the merchandise total based on any discounts. The discount percentages from the purchase order default onto the A/P invoice header, but you can override them and the system recalculates based on your entries.

If the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to N or left blank, you enter the net merchandise totals for each invoice.

Item discounts: Adding or changing discount percentages for the invoice totals does not automatically apply these discounts to the items on the invoice. Instead, you can press F17 at the Work with Invoice Details Screen to apply discount percentages to the items on the invoice, or enter 14 next to specific items to apply discounts individually.

Matching totals: To accept and process an A/P invoice, the invoice total and the total cost of all included items and other charges must match. This matching may be difficult to do when you enter the gross invoice amount and have the system calculate discount amounts.

Override discounts at the item level: If the discount(s) that apply to all of the items on the invoice are not the same, it may be difficult to match the invoice and item totals. For example, if you enter an invoice total of $100.00 with a 10% discount, the system calculates a merchandise total of $90.00. Unless each item on the invoice is also using a 10% discount, the total cost of included items may not match the $90.00 total.

Unit discounts: You cannot have the system calculate unit discounts at the invoice level.

Price overrides: If you override the item cost on a purchase order or an invoice, you will not be able to apply a discount to that item when entering the A/P invoice.

Foreign currency: Using A/P invoice discounts is not currently implemented for foreign currencies.

When you are entering an A/P invoice whose totals do not match “easily,” you can simply enter the merchandise total in the Gross merchandise field and clear each of the discount percentage fields; in this way, you force the totals to match. However, if you often process invoices that present these exceptions, it may be easier for you to set the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value to N.

Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information)

Purpose: Use this screen to enter header information for an A/P invoice that you are matching to a purchase order. See also Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) for information on entering drop ship invoices, and Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) for information on entering unmatched invoices.

Creating the invoice header: The information you enter on this screen becomes the “header” information for the invoice. Header information includes the general information that applies to the entire invoice, such as vendor number, invoice status, and merchandise and other total dollars.

How to display this screen: Enter a purchase order number at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor) or select a purchase order from a subsequent scan screen.

ACR0099 ENTER Work with A/P Invoices 12/29/97 9:22:06

EZK Mail Order

Vendor . : 12 Period: 12/97

Remit to name . . . JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Address . . . . . . 10 SPEEN STREET

City/St/Zip/Cntry . FRAMINGHAM MA 01701 USA

Telephone #. . . . . Ext: Hold Vendor Checks: N


Invoice # . . . . Invoice Status . : S Suspended

Gross merch amount DISCOUNT 2 % . . .

DISCOUNT 1 % . . . 10.00 DISCOUNT 3 % . . .

Merch amount . . : Other amount . . . .

Invoice date . . . Paid Amount . . :

G/L Account # . . 20011

Terms . . . . . . 5 1.75% EOM

Discount % . . . . 1.75 Gross due days 30 Net due days 30

Gross due date Net due date

F3=Exit F7=A/P Inquiry F8=Vnd Chg Bck Inquiry F12=Cancel




A user-defined code to identify the supplier of an item or service.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor name (Unlabeled field to the right of the Vendor field)

The name of the vendor who supplied the item or service. The vendor name displays next to the vendor number only if you have specified a separate “remit-to” name (and, optionally, address) for the vendor; otherwise, the vendor name appears below, at the Remit to name position.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

If you enter any information in the vendor's remit-to name and address fields in Working with Vendors (WVEN), the remit-to information replaces the default vendor information on this screen. Even if you enter a remit-to name only, the vendor's default address does not display; instead, the address fields will be blank.


The month and year when the purchase was posted to the Accounts Payable system.

Accounting periods are defined in and validated against the Accounting Periods file; see Working with Accounting Periods (WACP).

Numeric, 2 positions (MM/YY format); display-only.

Remit to name

The name of the person or company to whom you should remit payment. The vendor name displays if you have not entered any separate remit-to information for the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only


The vendor's address or the address where you should send your payment. If you have entered any information in the vendor's remit-to name or address fields, the remit-to address displays here.

Alphanumeric, 2 lines, 32 positions each line; display-only.


The city, state, postal code, and country code of the vendor's address. If you have entered any information for the vendor's remit-to name or address, the remit-to city, state, postal code, and country appear here.

Alphanumeric, 44 positions; display-only.

Telephone #

The vendor's telephone number, defined in the Vendor file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Hold vendor checks

This value indicates whether any checks generated for this vendor will be put on hold status automatically. An authorized user must remove the hold status to release the checks to the vendor. Authority to release checks is controlled by the A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) secured feature.

Y = Checks will be generated in a hold status.

N = Checks will be not held; they will be available for issue immediately.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Purchase order #

The purchase order on which these items were purchased from this vendor. The purchase order number is carried forward from your entry to the PO # field on the A/P Select PO by Vendor Screen or a subsequent scan screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for merchandise you have received and must remit payment. This number might also represent a credit if, for example, the invoice originated from a vendor charge back. Each invoice number must be unique.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; required.

Invoice status

The status of the invoice, which indicates whether it can be paid.

Valid values are:

H = Hold: invoice is on hold. This field defaults to H if the Hold vendor checks field for the vendor is set to Y.

O = Open: invoice is eligible to be paid. This field defaults to O if the Hold vendor checks field for the vendor is set to N.

Only users with proper authority can change the status of the invoice. The A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) secured feature controls whether you can change the status.

S = Suspended: The invoice is in suspended status if you are using batch invoice entry. In this case, the status field is display-only. When you accept the batch, the invoice status changes to H or O, depending on the setting of Hold vendor checks field for the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

The next four fields display only if the Enter gross A/P invoice amount system control value is set to Y:

Gross merch amount (Gross merchandise amount)

The total dollar amount of the invoice, before applying any discounts. This field displays only if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y; in this case, the three discount fields display also, and the Merch amount (Merchandise amount) field will be calculated by the system, and display-only.

See About Discounts.

Note: If you have not defined a Discount calculation method in the Vendor Extended file, the system will not prevent you from entering discount percentages on this screen, but will not apply them to the gross merchandise total or display an error message; the net merchandise total will simply be the same as the gross total. See Working with Vendors (WVEN) of the Merchandising manual for more information on working with vendors.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Second discount

The second discount percentage of three to apply toward the gross merchandise total. This field displays only if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y.

The second discount percentage from the purchase order header, if any defaults here (a unit discount will not default). The field label appears here only if you have specified a name in the Discount label 2 field in the System Control file; this field is available by selecting Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen when working with the System Control file.

Numeric, 3 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

First discount

The first discount percentage of three to apply toward the gross merchandise total. This field displays only if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y.

The first discount percentage from the purchase order header, if any defaults here (a unit discount will not default). The field label appears here only if you have specified a name in the Discount label 1 field in the System Control file; this field is available by selecting Vendor/PO Discount Values (E18) when working with the System Control file.

Numeric, 3 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Third discount

The third discount percentage of three to apply toward the gross merchandise total. This field displays only if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) amount system control value is set to Y.

The third discount percentage from the purchase order header, if any defaults here (a unit discount will not default). The field label appears here only if you have specified a name in the Discount label 3 field in the System Control file; this field is available by selecting Vendor/PO Discount Values (E18) when working with the System Control file.

Numeric, 3 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Merch amount (Merchandise amount)

The dollar total for merchandise on this A/P invoice. This value represents the purchase price of the items and does not include any other additional charges, such as freight, duty, import fees, etc. In the case of a vendor charge back, the merchandise total from the charge back defaults.

• If the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y: this field will be display-only, and calculated by the system based on your entries in the previous four fields.

• If the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to N or left blank: this field will be required unless you enter an amount in the Other amount field.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Other amount

The dollar total for additional charges on the A/P invoice, such as sales tax, freight, etc. In the case of a vendor charge back, the additional charge total from the charge back defaults.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Invoice date

The date of the A/P invoice. The invoice date is used to calculate the payment due date based on the terms code. For example, if the terms code indicates net 30 days, the due date would be calculated by adding 30 days to the invoice date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Paid amount

The total amount of any checks you have printed against this A/P invoice. This total is available in A/P invoice maintenance only.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

General ledger

The General account # Ledger account number to which this A/P purchase will post. The A/P General ledger account number defined for the division specified at the Enter A/P Invoices screen defaults here, but you can override it.

General Ledger numbers are defined and validated against the General Ledger file.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.


A code that represents the type of payment terms under which you owe the vendor.

The terms default from the Vendor file, but can be overridden. Terms codes are defined in and validated against the Terms Code file; see Working with Terms (WAPT).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Discount %

The discount that will be applied to each detail line on the A/P invoice if the invoice is paid within the discount period. This value may default from the Terms file, but you can override it. Unlike the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd discounts, this discount will not be reflected on the invoice total in A/P invoice entry; however, if you choose or are able to apply the discount when you generate the Accounts Payable Due List, the discount will be reflected on the due list and on the check(s) when you print checks.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Gross due days

The number of days used to calculate the due date for the invoice. This field defaults from the terms code, but you can override it.

When the terms type is “days,” this value is added to the invoice date to determine the gross due date; when the terms type is EOM (end-of-month), this value is added to the end of the month to determine the gross due date.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Net due days

The number of days after the invoice date, but before the due date that the customer is eligible to take the discount, if one is defined. This field defaults from the terms code, but may be overridden.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Gross due date

The date when the invoice is due. The system calculates this date based on the terms code and invoice date.

If the terms type is days, then the invoice date plus the gross due days equals the gross due date.

If the terms code is end of month, then the end of month invoice date plus the gross due days equals the gross due date. For example, if the invoice date is 4/21/98 and the gross days is 15, then the due date is 4/30/98 (end of month) + 15 = 5/15/98.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, calculated by the system.

Net due date

The last date when the discount can be taken on the A/P invoice if it is paid before the due date.

If terms code type is days, the invoice date plus the net due days equals the net due date.

If the terms code type is end of month, then the end of the month plus the net due days equals the net due date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, calculated by the system.

Screen Option


Review existing A/P invoices for this vendor

Press F7; see A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Review vendor charge back information

Press F8; see A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Work with Invoice Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to identify which items on the purchase order will be included in this A/P disbursement or credit.

This screen identifies the items and quantities for which the vendor is eligible to receive payment when you are matching an A/P invoice against a purchase order, including all received items on the purchase order for which the vendor is due payment, or all items included on a vendor charge back. You have the option of selecting only specific items or a partial quantity of the receipt for payment. If you do not pay or close out any of the lines from the purchase order, they will remain available for you to match against a subsequent A/P invoice.

Additionally, use the options on this screen to review:

• all items available for payment on the invoice, or just the unposted (unselected) items

• purchase order receipt information

• vendor discounts

or to change:

• unit costs

• unit quantities

• invoice header totals

• the payment status of individual items

• discounts, either for individual items or for all items at once

• general ledger account number, or make the G/L numbers display-only

You can also select items for payment:

• individually

• all at once

• by purchase order receipt control number

Finally, you can add:

• an unmatched item for payment

• A/P invoice notes

Separate lines for the same item: If you received partial quantities of an item on different occasions, at different prices, using different receipt control numbers, or into different locations, there will be a separate detail line available for matching for each partial quantity. For the sake of brevity, each invoice detail line including the receipt information for an item is referred to as an item.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information) when you are creating a matched invoice.

ACR0106 DISPLAY Work with Invoice Details 3/29/98 11:58:07

Unposted Only EZK Mail Order

Vendor . : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP Qty Applied : 0

Invoice # : 923 Amount : 720.00 Amt applied : .00

? S T D Item CLR SIZE WDTH Qty Cost Extension

G/L #

Type options, press Enter.

5=Display detail 8=Include/exclude payment 14=Discount 15=Close/Open

O M Y BE123 100 2.7000 270.00

G/L # 10080100 INVENTORY Ap #/$: 0 .00

O M Y DA456 100 4.5000 450.00

G/L # 10080100 INVENTORY Ap #/$: 0 .00

F6=Add unmatched F7=A/P Inquiry F8=Update amount F9=Accept

F11=Reject F14=Display G/L# F15=Enter Qty F16=Pay All F24=More keys



Qty applied

The running total of the quantity of items currently paid for on this A/P invoice. The system increases this total each time you include an item for payment and decreases this total each time you exclude an item from payment.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Amt applied

The running total of the amount currently applied on this A/P invoice towards items on the purchase order. The system increases this total each time you include an item for payment and decreases this total each time you exclude an item from payment.

The values in the Amount and Amt applied fields must be equal for you to accept the A/P invoice; otherwise, a message displays:

Amount applied must be equal to the invoice amount.

You can, however, adjust the invoice amount by pressing F8. See Change Merch/Other Amount Window.

See About Discounts for information on why this error message might display if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

S (Status)

The status of the A/P transaction. Valid values are:

O (default) = Open: all or part of the quantity of this item received on the purchase order is available for matching.

P = Fully posted: you have included the entire quantity in the current invoice for payment or closed it out without payment.

S = Partially posted (batch only): you have included a partial quantity of the item in the current invoice for payment, but the remaining quantity will be open for payment or to be closed out once you have accepted the batch containing the suspended invoice.

U = Unposted (batch only): the entire quantity has been included in the suspended invoice for payment or closed out without payment on the suspended invoice.

See Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details for more information on how your selections on this screen affect the status of each item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

T (Transaction type)

The type of Accounts Payable transaction associated with this purchase order detail line.

Valid values are:

M = Merchandise

O = Other (i.e., an additional charge on the purchase order for sales tax, freight, etc.)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

D (Discount)

This value indicates whether the system will apply any eligible discounts for this A/P transaction.

Valid values are:

Y (default) = Apply any applicable discount to this detail line.

N = Do not apply the discount to this detail line; you might change the value in this field to N for other charges, such as sales tax, freight, etc.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The unit of your inventory that you received on the matched purchase order.

Note: If you received partial quantities of an item on different occasions, at different prices, using different receipt control numbers, or into different locations, there will be a separate detail line available for matching for each partial quantity.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code to further identify the specific style of an item, such as its color, size, etc.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

G/L #

The General Ledger account number against which this A/P transaction will post. The general ledger number from the purchase order defaults. If you had previously entered an A/P invoice to match this item and rejected the batch containing the A/P invoice, the general ledger number you entered on the rejected invoice defaults.

General Ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Accounts file.

You can press F14 to “hide” the General ledger # fields; this changes the field to display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.


The number of units of the item to include on the A/P invoice. This field defaults to the quantity you received and have not yet included on an A/P invoice. You can press F15 to change the value in the Qty field, if necessary.

Partial payment

You can decrease the quantity if you want to pay for a portion of the receipt. Your options are:

• including the desired quantity for payment on the current invoice and closing out the remaining quantity at this time

• including the desired quantity for payment on the current invoice and leaving the remaining quantity open; you can then include some or all of the remaining quantity for payment on a subsequent invoice, or close out the remainder at any time


Changing the quantity here does not affect the on-hand quantity of the item or reduce the received M-T-D total for the item. If you pay for a partial quantity received of the item, the balance remains unpaid.

You have the option of posting the difference between the cost at receiving time and the final cost in A/P Entry to the Purchase Price Variance general ledger account. See Change Quantity or Cost.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The per unit price of the item from the purchase order.

See Change Quantity or Cost for more information on how the system handles changes you make to the item cost.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; updated by the system.


The cost of the item multiplied by the quantity. This total represents the total dollar value available to include in the A/P invoice.

The system updates this field if you press F15 and change the value in the Qty field or if you override the value in the Cost field.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Ap # (Accounts payable quantity)

The total quantity of the item included for payment on this A/P invoice or a on previously entered A/P invoice.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Ap $ (Accounts payable dollars)

The dollar total of the item included for payment on this A/P invoice or a on previously entered A/P invoice.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Screen Option


Review an individual A/P transaction

Enter 5 next to an item to advance to the Display A/P Transaction Screen.

Include or exclude an item for payment on the A/P invoice

Enter 8 next to an item. See Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

Enter or change invoice detail discounts

Enter 14 next to an item to advance to the Work with Invoice Detail Discounts Screen.

Open or close an item

Enter 15 next to an item. Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

Add an unmatched item for payment

Press F6.

Review existing A/P invoices for this vendor

Press F7; see A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Change A/P invoice totals that you entered on the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information)

Press F8.

Accept the A/P invoice

Press F9; see Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice.

Reject the A/P invoice

Press F11; see Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice.

Display or “hide” the G/L # fields

Press F14; see More Display Options.

Change the quantity of an item to include for payment on the invoice

Press F15; see Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

Include all items for payment

Press F16; see Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

Work with discount percentages for all items

Press F17; see Work with Invoice Discounts Screen.

Display purchase order receipt details

Press F18; see Display Receipt Details Screen.

Select all items with the same receipt control number for payment

Press F19; see Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

Display just the “unpaid” (unposted) lines or redisplay all of the detail lines available for matching

Press F20; see More Display Options.

Add, review, or delete notes about this A/P invoice

Press F23; see Maintaining A/P Invoices.

Display A/P Transaction Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review information about an item that you received on a purchase order and that is available for A/P invoice matching.

Note: If you use batch entry, the information on this screen will not reflect the entries you have made in the current batch until you accept the batch.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to an item at the Work with Invoice Details Screen.

ACR0107 DISPLAY Display A/P Transaction 1/02/98 12:24:15

EZK Mail Order

Vendor . . . . . . : 12 JACK'S NOVELTY DISTRIBUTORS

Transaction # . . . : 70

Status . . . . . . : O Open

Transaction type . : M (M=Merchandise, O=Other)

Units . . . . . . . : 2

Original Rcpt Cst . : 10.0000

Receipt cost . . . : 10.0000

G/L Receipt Cost. . : 8.8000

Discount % 1, 2, 3 .: 2.00 .00 .00

Unit Disc 1, 2, 3. .: .2000 1.0000 .0000

Terms Discount . . .: 1.75

A/P Cost . . . . . : .0000

Transaction date . : 1/02/98

Date posted to A/P :

Drop ship or PO? . : P (D=Drop ship, P=PO)

PO Line . . . . . . : 918 - 1

Receipt line . . . : 9999999 - 4

Drop ship invoice # : 0 - 0

G/L # . . . . . . . : 0

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Transaction #

A number to identify the receipt of this item in the Accounts Payable Transaction file (APTRAN), which the system uses for matching purchase order receipts to A/P invoices.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, assigned by the system during PO Receipts.

Original rcpt cst (Original receipt cost)

The per unit purchase price of the item from purchase order receiving, minus any primary discount from the purchase order.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Receipt cost

The per unit purchase price of the item from the A/P invoice, including any changes to the Gross cost you may have made at the Work with Invoice Detail Discounts Screen.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

General ledger (General ledger receipt cost)

The per unit receipt cost purchase price of the item as it was posted to the Inventory Transaction History file and the General Ledger Interface file at receiving. This value is determined by the costing method defined in the Costing Method (A25) system control value.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Discount % 1, 2, 3

The percentage discount(s), if any, applied to the item on the purchase order. You can set up default percentage discounts through the Work with Vendors menu option, and enter or override discount percentages in purchase order entry, maintenance, or receipts, as well as A/P invoice entry. The resulting unit dollar discount amount of any percentage discount is presented in the corresponding Unit discount field.

If you had previously entered an A/P invoice to match this item and rejected the batch containing the A/P invoice, the discounts you entered on the rejected invoice default.

See About Discounts.

Numeric, three 11-position fields with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Unit disc 1, 2, 3 (Discount 1, 2 and 3 unit amounts)

The dollar amount of any discount applied to the item. You can set up default discount amounts through the Work with Vendors menu option, and enter or override discount amounts in purchase order entry, maintenance, or receipts. If a percentage discount applies to the item, the unit discount presented on this screen represents the applicable unit discount resulting from applying the percentage.

If you had previously entered an A/P invoice to match this item and rejected the batch containing the A/P invoice, the discounts you entered on the rejected invoice default.

Numeric, three 11-position fields with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Terms discount

The discount percentage defined for the payment terms assigned to this invoice. You can select to apply this invoice at the time you generate the A/P check.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

A/P cost

The per unit cost of the item when it was included on an A/P invoice.

Note: This field is also updated when you apply a different discount to an item, even if you do not include the line for payment.) This value will be the same as the receipt cost unless you have applied additional discounts or changed the unit price for the A/P invoice.

If you had previously entered an A/P invoice to match this item and rejected the batch containing the A/P invoice, the A/P cost from the rejected invoice defaults.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Transaction date

The date when you received the purchase order.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Date posted to A/P

The date when the item was included on an A/P invoice.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Drop ship or PO?

This value indicates whether this A/P transaction was created from a purchase order receipt or by drop ship billing.

Valid values are:

D = Drop ship

P = Purchase order receipt

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only, updated by the system.

PO line

The purchase order number and purchase order line number on which this item was ordered from the vendor.

Note: These fields contain zeros if the A/P transaction is associated with a drop ship invoice.

Purchase order number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Purchase order line number: numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Receipt line

The control number and line number under which this purchase order detail line was received.

Note: These fields contain zeros if the A/P transaction is associated with a drop ship invoice.

The system assigns a control number of 9999999 if the P/O Receipt Control # Entered (A56) field in the System Control file contains an N. This setting indicates that the system will not assign a receipt control number to a shipment of goods to distribute charges across each purchase order received in the receipt control batch.

Control number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Line number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Drop ship invoice #

The invoice number and line number generated by the system to bill the customer for the drop ship item.

Note: These fields contain zeros if the A/P transaction is associated with a purchase order.

Invoice number: numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Line number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

G/L #

The General Ledger account number against which this A/P transaction will post.

If you had previously entered an A/P invoice to match this item and rejected the batch containing the A/P invoice, the discounts you entered on the rejected invoice default.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Display Receipt Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the dates and quantities associated with your receipt of the items on the matching purchase order, and the current discounts.

This screen displays each item received on the matching purchase order, the control number used to receive each item, the current status of the item's A/P transaction, and receipt and the current discounts that apply to the item. Items with a receipt control number of 0 do not display.

How to display this screen: Press F18 at the Work with Invoice Details Screen or press F19 to match by receipt control number, then press F4 at the control # field at the pop-up window.

ACR0412 DISPLAY Display Receipt Details 3/31/98 11:37:53

EZK Mail Order

Vendor: 12 Invoice #: INV 950 Purchase Order #: 950


Cntl# S Item/SKU Date Qty %/Amt %/Amt %/Amt

Type options, press Enter.


0 O 3/31/98 1 .00 % .00 % .00 %

.0000 .0000 .0000

9999999 U BU001 3/31/98 10 .00 % .00 % .00 %

CHOC LRGE .0000 .0000 .0000

9999999 U BU001 3/31/98 10 .00 % .00 % .00 %

WHIT LRGE .0000 .0000 .0000

9999999 U BU001 3/31/98 10 .00 % .00 % .00 %

CHOC MEDM .0000 .0000 .00 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

If you advanced to this screen by pressing F18: Use this screen to review the receipt information. Each field will be display-only.

If you advanced to this screen by pressing F19 to match by receipt control number, then pressing F4 at the pop-up window: Use this screen to indicate which receipt control numbers to include for payment. Enter 1 next to each item whose receipt control number you want to include for payment.

Note: It is not necessary to select each item separately, as all items with the selected receipt control number will be included. The items will be included for payment using the current quantity, unit cost, and general ledger number. See Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details.

More Display Options

Purpose: These additional display options are available at the Work with Invoice Details Screen:

F14: toggle the G/L # field between enterable and display-only

F20: toggle between displaying all items regardless of status and displaying only open items

Enter/Display General Ledger Accounts

Press F14 to switch between having the G/L # field for each item be enterable (default), or having the fields be display-only.

Making the fields display-only may be helpful if you are working with individual items, and want to make sure that you do not clear a general ledger account number inadvertently.

Display All/Unposted

Press F20 to switch between displaying only items that have not yet been included in the A/P invoice or closed (default), or displaying all items regardless of status.

The words UNPOSTED ONLY display in the upper left corner of the screen if you are currently reviewing only open items.

Viewing all items may be useful if you want to make sure you have selected items correctly for inclusion on the invoice, or if you want to exclude or reopen an item.

Including, Excluding or Closing Invoice Details

Purpose: At the Work with Invoice Details Screen, you can select items you have received on a purchase order and indicate whether to include them on an A/P invoice for payment (post to A/P). Your options in doing so include:

include/exclude items separately: select items individually; this may be easier if there are many exceptions or overrides

pay all: paying for all items at their current prices, discounts, and quantities

match by control number: selecting items for payment based on the receipt control number assigned when you received them

change quantity: pay for a greater or smaller quantity than the default from the purchase order

change price: specify a different unit price for an item

close line: indicating that you are not paying for the item that has not yet been fully included on an A/P invoice.

You can also use each of these options to reverse a selection you had made previously (for example, reopening a line that you had closed).


Include: Enter 8 next to an item to include the item for payment on the A/P invoice.

Validation: The system validates that the item is in an open (O) status and has a valid general ledger account number, and displays an error message if the item is not available for inclusion. Correct the item and enter 8 next to it again to include it.

Change Status: The item's status changes from O (open) to:

P if you are not using batching

U if you are using batching and you are including the entire quantity

S if you are using batching and you are including a partial quantity to indicate that the item is posted to the A/P invoice.

Once you have included, or partially included, an item on a suspended invoice, that item is not available to be included on another invoice until you process or close the original one.

A/P Totals: The total quantity and dollars applied to A/P for the item (A/ #/$) increase to reflect the posting; these totals appear on the second line for the item. Also, the Qty applied and Amt applied totals at the top of the screen increase to reflect payment of the item.

Note: If your transaction changed the entire quantity of the item to a posted status, the item disappears from the screen. You can press F20 to display all items eligible to be included on the invoice, regardless of status.

Exclude: Enter 8 next to an item that is currently included for payment on the invoice to exclude it from payment.

Validation: The system validates that:

• the item is in a fully posted status (U status if you are using batching, or P status if you are not using batching)

• that you have not closed the line by entering 15 next to it

An error message displays if you can not currently exclude the item from payment. Correct the item and enter 8 next to it again to exclude it.

Change Status: The item's status changes from U (if you are using batching) or P (if you are not using batching) to O (open).

A/P Totals: the total quantity and dollars applied to A/P for the item changes back to zero. Also, the Qty applied and Amt applied totals at the top of the screen decrease to reflect excluding the item.

Exclude a Partially Included Item: If you have included a partial quantity of an item, you must enter 8 next to the item twice to exclude it. The first time you enter 8 the entire quantity of the item will be included; and the second time you enter 8 the entire quantity will be excluded.

Pay All

To include all items on the Work with Invoice Details Screen for payment using the default quantities, press F16. The Confirm Accept pop-up window displays:

Confirm Accept

Confirm F16=Pay all


Press ENTER to confirm Accept.


Change Cost: Optionally, you can change the unit cost of any items before pressing F16. See Change Quantity or Cost.

Validation: The system validates that each open item has a valid general ledger account number. If there is an open item without a valid G/L number, an error message displays and no items from that point further are included for payment. Once you have corrected the item, you can press F16 again to continue processing open items on the screen.

Change status: The items' status changes from O (open) to U, if you are using batching, or P, if you are not using batching, to indicate that the item is posted to an A/P invoice.

A/P totals: The total quantity and dollars applied to A/P for each line (A/ #/$) increase to reflect the posting. Also, the Qty applied and Amt applied totals at the top of the screen increase to reflect all lines included on the current invoice.

Note: Each item fully posted as a result of your entry disappears from the screen. You can press F20 to display all items eligible to be included on the invoice, regardless of status.

Exceptions: When you use F16 to pay all lines, the default quantity from the purchase order receipt is included on the A/P invoice. To use a different quantity for an item, you can:

• use F15 to make the Qty field enterable

• change the quantity

• enter 8 next to the line to include it

• enter 15 next to the line to close it

• press F16 to pay the remaining items

Alternatively, you can use F16 to pay all items first and then reopen an item and change the quantity.

Depending on the number of items available for payment and the number of exceptions, it may be easier to include each line individually by entering 8 next to it. See Include/Exclude.

Enter Receipt Control Number for Payment Window (Match by Control Number)

Press F19 to select all items received under the same purchase order receipt control number for payment using the default quantities. The Enter Receipt Control Number for Payment pop-up window displays:

Enter Receipt Control Number for Payment

Control # . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

At this pop-up window, you can:

• press F4 to advance to the Display Receipt Details Screen.

• enter the receipt control number associated with the A/P invoice and press Enter to include each open item received with that control number for payment.

Change Cost: Optionally, you can change the unit cost of any items before pressing F19. See Change Quantity or Cost.

Validation: The system validates that each open item with this receipt control number has a valid general ledger account number. If there is an open item without a valid G/L number, an error message displays and no items from that point further are included for payment. Once you have corrected the item, you can press F19 again to continue processing open items for the receipt control number.

Change status: The items' status changes from O (open) to U, if you are using batching, or P, if you are not using batching, to indicate that the item is posted to an A/P invoice.

A/P totals: The total quantity and dollars applied to A/P for each line (A/P #/$) increase to reflect the posting. Also, the Qty applied and Amt applied totals at the top of the screen increase to reflect all lines included on the current invoice.

Note: Each item fully posted to A/P as a result of your entry disappears from the screen. You can press F20 to display all items eligible to be included on the invoice, regardless of status.

Exceptions: When you use F19 to pay all items associated with a receipt control number, the default quantity from the purchase order receipt is included on the A/P invoice. To use a different quantity for an item, you can:

• use F15 to make the Qty field enterable

• change the quantity

• enter 8 next to the line to include it

• enter 15 next to the line to close it

• press F19 to pay all of the remaining items for the receipt control number

Alternatively, you can use F19 to pay all items for the receipt control number first and then reopen an item and change the quantity.

Depending on the number of items available for payment and the number of exceptions, it may be easier to include each line individually by entering 8 next to it. See Include/Exclude.

Change Quantity or Cost

Press F15 to change the Qty field from display-only to enterable. You can then advance to this field for a particular item and enter a new quantity to change the quantity. When you do so, the Extension next to the item changes to reflect the new result of the item quantity times the price. You then need to include the item for payment by entering 8 next to the item.

Decrease quantity and leave open: To pay for a lower quantity than what you received on the purchase order and leave the line open:

• enter a lower quantity in the Qty field

• enter 8 next to the item and press Enter.

By doing so, you retain the option of paying for the remaining quantity on a subsequent A/P invoice you might receive from the vendor, or closing the remainder off at a later time. The item's status remains open (O) if you are not using batching, but changes to S if you are using batching.

Decrease quantity and close: To pay for a lower quantity than what you received on the purchase order and close the line:

• enter a lower quantity in the Qty field

• enter 8 next to the item and press Enter

• enter 15 next to the item to close it

By doing so, you make the remaining quantity of the item unavailable to include for payment on a subsequent A/P invoice. The item's status changes to P if you are not using batching, or U if you are using batching.

Once you accept the A/P invoice (or accept the batch, if you are using batching) the difference between the original dollar total for the item and the total that you actually included on the A/P invoice is credited to the Purchase unit variance G/L number set up for the division. This posting takes place only when you close the item, whether you do it on the first A/P invoice for the purchase order or later.

Note: When you close the item, it disappears from the screen. You can press F20 to display all items eligible to be included on the invoice, regardless of status.

Decrease cost: To pay for the item at a lower cost than cost that defaulted from the purchase order:

• enter a lower cost in the Cost field

• enter 8 next to the item and press Enter

Unless you decrease the unit quantity as well, the line will close at this time and the difference in extended price will post to the Purchase price variance G/L number from the Division file.

Note: If your transaction closes the item, it disappears from the screen. You can press F20 to display all items eligible to be included on the invoice, regardless of status.

Increase quantity and/or cost: To pay for a higher quantity of an item than what you received on the purchase order, to pay for it at a higher cost, or to do both, and to close the line:

• optionally, enter a higher quantity in the Qty field

• optionally, enter a higher cost in the Cost field

• enter 8 next to the item and press Enter

When you do so, the A/P Invoice Charge Back pop-up window displays for each item with a higher quantity or cost, or both:

A/P Invoice Charge Back Window

This window provides the option of creating a credit invoice to offset the difference between the amount you will actually pay the vendor and the amount of the invoice you received from the vendor. See Variances and Invoice Charge Backs.

A/P Invoice Charge Back

Item: BU001 CHOC LRGE Line: 1

Orig qty 10 Chg qty 10

Orig cost 10.0000 Chg cost 12.0000

Charge back amt 20.00-

Create invoice charge back? Y (Y/N)

Press enter to continue...

Change Merch/Other Amount

Current New

Gross merch amount : .00

% . . . : 10.00

% . . . : .00

% . . . : .00

Merchandise amount : 100.00 100.00

Other amount . . . : .00 .00

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Note: If you change the cost of an item on this screen, you will not be able to apply any discounts to it by entering 14 next to an item or by pressing F17. Instead, an error message will display.

Closing/Opening a Detail Line

Use this option to close an open item so that it will not be eligible to include in an A/P invoice.

You can close any item that you have not yet posted to an invoice, or for which you have posted only a partial quantity. If you include the entire quantity of an item on an A/P invoice, the line closes automatically when you accept the invoice (or batch, if you use batching).

To close: To close an open item on the Work with Invoice Details screen, enter 15 next to the item and press Enter. The status of the item changes to P (if you do not use batching) or U (if you are using batching).

Note: The status must be open (O) or suspended (S; this status is available only if you use batching) for the item to be eligible for closing.

To open: To open a closed line on the Work with Invoice Details Screen, enter 15 next to the item and press Enter. The status of the item changes back to O (or S, if the line was partially posted and you are using batching). If you then want to exclude the entire quantity of a partially posted item, you must enter 8 next to the item twice: the first time includes the remaining quantity, and the second time excludes the full quantity.

You cannot close a line that would be fully posted when you accept the current invoice or batch, as a fully posted line closes automatically upon acceptance. If you enter 15 next to an item that has been fully posted to an A/P invoice, this error message displays:

The A/P Transaction has not been closed.

Variances and Invoice Charge Backs

Purpose: If you press Enter at the A/P Invoice Charge Back Window, you create a credit invoice to offset the difference between the original amount you owe the vendor based on the purchase order receipt, and the amount you are including in the A/P invoice for payment. Creating an invoice charge back has the effect of creating a payment that matches the vendor's invoice to you, so that he can match the payment easily, but still allowing you to pay him the lesser amount.


• You receive 10 units of AB100 at $10.00 each: $100.00

• You receive an invoice for 12 units of AB100 at $10.00 each: $120.00

• When you enter the A/P invoice, you change the quantity from 10 to 12 and indicate to create an invoice charge back

• When you accept the A/P invoice (or the batch, if you are using batching), the system creates both the A/P invoice you entered (for $120.00) and a credit invoice (for $20.00)

When does window display? The pop-up window displays only if the extended cost of the item is higher than the default from the purchase order receipt. For example, if you increase the unit quantity but decrease the unit price, the pop-up window will display only if the result of the new price and quantity is larger than your original extended price from receiving. Similarly, if you increase only the unit cost, the pop-up window will display.

If you increase more than one item: If you increase the extended cost of more than one item on an A/P invoice, the pop-up window displays one time for each item you increase. If you press Enter at more than one pop-up window, the invoices will be consolidated onto a single credit invoice when you accept the invoice or batch.

When you create the invoice charge back: When you choose to create the invoice charge back and accept the invoice:

• You advance to the Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen, where you can enter additional information about the reason for the invoice charge back.

• The system uses the next available number from the Vendor charge back # field in the Number Assignment file (A35) to create the credit invoice, appending the letters CI to indicate it was produced by an invoice charge back; for example, 000000011CI. See Setting Up the Number Assignment File (WNUM) of the Installation guide for more information on number assignments.

Note: If you are using batching, the credit invoice is not created until you accept the batch.

If you do not create an invoice charge back: If you enter N at the pop-up window, or if your changes represent a decrease from the extended receipt cost, the difference between receipt cost and the A/P cost post to a variance account.

Quantity/price change results: The effects of the different changes you can make to an item's cost and unit quantity, and the way these differences post to purchase variance accounts, are summarized in the transaction table.



Increase units

debit Purchase unit variance

Decrease units

credit Purchase unit variance

Increase unit cost

debit Purchase price variance

Decrease unit cost

credit Purchase price variance

Note: The A/P Invoice Charge Back Window displays whenever you increase the extended price of an item; if you enter Y at the window, the system creates the invoice charge back and does not post to a variance account.

If you perform two changes at once -- for example, increase the unit quantity but unit cost -- both of the variance accounts will be affected:

Unit Quantity

Unit Cost

Extended Cost

Original (receipt):




Changed to at A/P:




Debit to unit variance:

($37.50 (15 @ $2.50) - $25.00 (10 $ $2.50))

Credit to price variance:


($22.50 (15 @ $1.50) - $37.50 (15 @ $2.50))

Net credit to variance accounts:


A/P invoice upload: You cannot create an invoice charge back when you create invoices through the A/P invoice upload; instead, the Generate credit invoice? field is set to N, and the cost difference is posted to the variance accounts as described above. See Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU) for an overview.

Work with Invoice Detail Discounts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter or change the three discounts that apply to the item and/or to change the gross unit cost of the item.

You can work with item discounts even if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y. See About Discounts.

Note: These discounts do not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

How to display this screen: Enter 14 next to an item at the Work with Invoice Details Screen.

ACR0360 ENTER Work with Invoice Detail Discounts 1/10/98 12:27:40

The Mail Order Company

Vendor : 1012

Gross Cost . . : 90.0000 Net Cost: 37.0000

Discount Percent Unit Discount

TRADE 20.00 18.0000

COOP 10.0000

SPECIAL 25.0000

F3=Exit F7=Change Gross Cost F8=Change Unit Discount F9=Accept




Gross cost

The unit receipt cost of the item before applying any discounts. Press F7 to change this cost.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

Net cost

The unit receipt cost of the item after applying discounts. The system recalculates this field when you change the discounts or gross cost and press F9 to accept the changes.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; display-only.

The label for each discount is defined in the Vendor/PO Discount Values (E18) field in the System Control file.

Percent (Discount percentage)

The percentage discount to apply against the unit cost of this item. You can enter either a percentage discount or a unit discount for each of the discount levels on this screen, but not both. Press F8 to clear the percentage discount field where your cursor is currently located and enter a unit discount instead.

Percentage discounts are calculated based on the method defined in the Discount calculation method field in the Vendor Extended file. See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each discount calculation.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Unit discount

The dollar amount to subtract from the unit cost of an item on the A/P invoice. You can enter either a percentage discount or a unit discount for each of the discount levels on this screen, but not both. Press F8 to clear the unit discount field where the cursor is currently located and enter a percentage discount instead.

If you have entered a percentage discount, the system calculates the resulting unit discount, which displays here.

Percentage discounts are calculated based on the method defined in the Discount calculation method field in the Vendor Extended file. See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each discount calculation.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Important: If you have not defined a Discount calculation method in the Vendor Extended file, the system will not prevent you from entering discounts on this screen, but will not apply them to the gross merchandise total or display an error message; the net merchandise total will simply be the same as the gross total. See Working with Vendors (WVEN) of the Merchandising manual for more information on working with vendors.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Complete the Percent (Discount percentage) or Unit discount field for each discount field label. Press F8 to clear the discount field where the cursor is currently located and toggle between the Percent (Discount percentage) and Unit discount fields. If you leave both the Percent and Unit discount fields blank, no discount will apply.

2. Optionally, press F7 to change the amount in the Gross cost field.

3. Press F9 to accept.

4. The system recalculates the net cost based on the value in the Discount calculation method field in the Vendor Extended file. The new Net cost displays. If you entered a percentage discount, the resulting unit discount calculated by the system also displays.

See Combined Discount Calculation and Tiered Discount Calculation for examples of each discount calculation method.

Note: Calculating discounts in a foreign currency is not currently implemented.

Screen Option


Change the gross cost

Press F7 to make the Gross cost field enterable.

Clear current discount field and toggle between percentage and unit discount fields

Press F8. The system clears the discount field where the cursor is currently located and toggles between the Percent (Discount percentage) and Unit discount fields for the discount you are currently working with.

Accept the discount amounts

Press F9. The Confirm Accept pop-up window displays.

Combined Discount Calculation

The combined discount calculation method combines the values of all 3 discounts to determine the net cost. Any discount percentages defined for the discounts are calculated before the unit discounts are applied.

Note: The Combined Discount Calculation does not apply to drop ship purchase orders.


Cost of item = $100.00

Primary discount (defined in Vendor file) = 10%

Discount 1 = $10.00 (unit discount)

Discount 2 = 20% (percentage discount)

Discount 3 = 10% (percentage discount)

Step 1: Calculate the primary discount percentage

primary discount (10%) x cost ($100.00) = unit discount amount for primary discount ($10.00)

Step 2: Subtract the primary discount amount from the cost primary discount

($10.00) - cost ($100.00) = cost after primary discount ($90.00)

Step 3: Calculate discount 2 percentage

discount 2 (20%) x cost ($90.00) / 100 = unit discount amount for discount 2 ($18.00)

Step 4: Calculate discount 3 percentage

discount 3 (10%) x cost ($90.00) / 100 = unit discount amount for discount 3 ($9.00)

Step 5: Add discount amounts 1, 2 and 3 together

discount 2 ($18.00) + discount 3 ($9.00) + discount 1 ($10.00) = combined discount ($37.00)

Step 6: Subtract the total combined discount amount from the cost

total combined discount ($37.00) - cost (90.00) = net cost ($53.00)

Tiered Discount Calculation

The tiered discount calculation method calculates:

• the largest discount against the item's gross cost, then

• the second largest discount is calculated against the net result of the first discount, then

• the third largest discount is calculated against the net result of the second discount

Any discount percentages defined for the discount fields are calculated before the unit discounts are applied.

Note: The Tiered Discount Calculation does not apply to drop ship purchase orders.


Cost of item = $100.00

Primary discount (defined in Vendor file) = 10%

Discount 1 = $10.00 (unit discount)

Discount 2 = 20% (percentage discount)

Discount 3 = 10% (percentage discount)

Step 1: Calculate the primary discount percentage

primary discount (10%) x cost ($100.00) = unit discount amount for primary discount ($10.00)

Step 2: Subtract the primary discount amount from the cost

primary discount ($10.00) - cost ($100.00) = cost after primary discount ($90.00)

Step 3: Calculate the largest discount percentage

discount 2 (20%) x cost (90.00) / 100 = largest discount amount ($18.00)

Step 4: Subtract the largest discount amount from cost

gross cost ($90.00) - largest discount ($18.00) = net of first calculation ($72.00)

Step 5: Calculate the 2nd largest discount amount from cost

discount 3 (10%) x net of first calculation ($72.00) / 100 = second largest discount amount ($7.20)

Step 6: Subtract the 2nd largest discount amount from cost

net of first calculation ($72.00) - second largest discount amount ($7.20) = net of second calculation ($64.80)

Step 7: Subtract the 3rd largest discount amount from cost

net of second calculation ($64.80) - third largest unit amount ($10.00) = net of third calculation ($54.80)

Work with Invoice Discounts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to apply the same discount percentages to all items on the A/P invoice and update the discount percentages at the A/P invoice header level. Although you can change the discount percentage(s) that apply to the invoice total at the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information) (if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y) or by pressing F8 to change the totals at the Work with Invoice Details screen, you cannot update the items on the invoice this way; you must either enter 14 next to an item to change its discounts, or use this screen.

When available? This option is available only if the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value is set to Y; if this system control value is set to N or left blank, you must enter 14 next to an item and advance to the Work with Invoice Detail Discounts Screen to change the discount for each item individually.

Additionally, the discount(s) you enter at this screen will not be applied to any items whose costs you entered manually or changed on a purchase order or on the A/P invoice; the discount percentage will appear on the Display Receipt Details Screen and Display A/P Transaction Screen, but the unit discount applied will be zero.

How to display this screen: Press F17 at the Work with Invoice Details Screen.

ACR0411 ENTER Work with Invoice Discounts 1/09/98 10:28:58

EZK Mail Order

Vendor: 12

Discount Percent




F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel


1. Optionally, change the discounts to apply to the items. The discount(s) that currently apply to the invoice totals default.

2. Press F9. You return to the Work with Invoice Details Screen. The new discount(s) have been applied to each item.

Create Unmatched Transactions Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add an item or extra charge that did not appear on the matching purchase order to an A/P invoice.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Invoice Details Screen.

CPR0063 ENTER Create Unmatched Transactions 1/212/98 11:22:12

The Mail Order Company

Vendor 1012 ALEX NEWBOLD

Cost . . . . . .

Units . . . . . . .

Transaction type . . . . . O (M=Merchandise)


Take Discount . . . . . . N (Y/N)

G/L Account # . . .

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Note: If you use batch invoice entry and later delete this invoice before you accept the batch, the transaction record will remain on the system. If you enter a new A/P invoice to match against the same purchase order, this transaction record will display.

Screen Option


Accept and add the transaction to the invoice

Press F9.

Change Merch/Other Amount Window

Purpose: Use this window to change the totals on the A/P invoice from your entries on the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information).

This window provides you with an opportunity to adjust the amount of the A/P invoice from the detail screen after you have had a chance to review the individual A/P transactions. The merchandise and the other (sales tax, freight, etc.) amounts represent the entire payment to the vendor for the purchase.

Sample windows: This pop-up window displays differently depending upon the setting of the Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03) system control value. If this system control value is set to N or left blank, you cannot enter a gross merchandise amount or discounts. If this system control value is set to Y, you can enter a gross merchandise amount or discounts, but the merchandise total will be calculated by the system.

How to display this screen: Press F8 on the Work with Invoice Details Screen.

Change Merch/Other Amount

Current New

Gross merch amount : 100.00 100.00

DISCOUNT 1 % . . . : 15.00 15.00

DISCOUNT 2 % . . . : .00 .00

DISCOUNT 3 % . . . : .00 .00

Merchandise amount : 85.00 85.00

Other amount . . . : .00 .00

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Completing this window: Enter the new values for any of the fields on this window. The total amount for the invoice changes to reflect your entries.

Like your entries on the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information), your entries in this pop-up window update invoice totals only and not the items on the invoice.

Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice

Purpose: Use the accept or reject functions on the Work with Invoice Details Screen to process or reject the A/P invoice.

To accept: Press F9 to accept the A/P invoice. The system:

• Verifies that the values in the Amount and Amt applied fields match. You cannot accept the A/P invoice if they do not.

• Returns you to a selection screen.

• If you use batching, the system:

• creates the invoice in a suspended status.

• puts each item that is fully included for payment on the invoice in a U status, and partially included items in an S status. These items will be suspended from any further A/P activity until you accept or reject the batch containing the invoice, or delete the invoice from the batch. Items that were not included on the invoice remain open for additional activity.

• If you do not use batching, the system:

• adds a record to the A/P Check file and includes this posting on the Accounts Payable Due List. The invoice status will be either O (open) or H (held).

• closes any items on the purchase order that were fully included on the invoice for payment.

• makes the appropriate postings to the general ledger related to A/P purchases. The system uses the Division, if any, specified for the warehouse for these postings; otherwise, it uses the Division you specified at the Enter A/P Invoices Screen (When Not Using Batching).

• increases the vendor's A/P total.

Also, if you selected to create an invoice charge back through this invoice:

• You advance to the Work with A/P Invoice Notes Screen, where you can enter additional information about the reason for the invoice charge back.

• The system creates the credit invoice.

To reject: Press F11 to reject the A/P invoice and then press Enter at the reject-confirmation pop-up window. You return to a initial selection screen. The purchase order will be available for matching against another invoice.

AP02_02 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN