Entering A/P Invoices

Purpose: This chapter describes how to enter an A/P invoice that you are not matching to a purchase order or a drop ship invoice. The screens you use for A/P entry in this case differ from those you when you are using A/P-P/O matching, or when you enter an invoice for shipment made on a drop ship pick slip.

In this topic:

Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information)

Enter Invoice Details Screen

Change Merch/Other Amount Window

Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice

Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information)

Purpose: The information you enter on this screen becomes the “header” information for the invoice, identifying the vendor, invoice number, merchandise and other amounts on the invoice, invoice date, G/L account number, terms, and discount that apply to the invoice as a whole. See also Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering A/P Invoice Header Information) for information on entering an invoice matched to a PO, and Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) for entering a drop ship invoice.

How to display this screen: Select a vendor at the A/P Invoice Entry Screen (Selecting an A/P Vendor) or another selection screen.

ACR0099 ENTER Work with A/P Invoices 1/09/98 13:48:54

EZK Mail Order

Vendor . : 12 Period: 1/98

Remit to name . . . JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Address . . . . . . 10 SPEEN STREET

City/St/Zip/Cntry . FRAMINGHAM MA 01701 USA

Telephone #. . . . . Ext: Hold Vendor Checks: N

Invoice # . . . . Invoice Status . : S Suspended

Merch amount . . . Other amount . . . .

Invoice date . . . Paid Amount . . :

G/L Account # . . 20011

Terms . . . . . . 5 1.75% EOM

Discount % . . . . 1.75 Gross due days 30 Net due days 30

Gross due date Net due date

F3=Exit F7=A/P Inquiry F8=Vnd Chg Bck Inquiry F12=Cancel



Vendor (Vendor number)

A user-defined code to identify the supplier of an item or service.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor name (Unlabeled field to the right of the Vendor field)

The name of the vendor who supplied the item or service. The vendor name displays next to the vendor number only if you have specified a separate “remit-to” name (and, optionally, address) for the vendor; otherwise, the vendor name appears below, at the Remit to name position.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

If you enter any information in the vendor's remit-to name and address fields in Working with Vendors (WVEN), the remit-to information replaces the default vendor information on this screen. Even if you enter a remit-to name only, the vendor's default address does not display; instead, the address fields will be blank.


The month and year when the purchase was posted to the Accounts Payable system.

Accounting periods are defined in and validated against the Accounting Periods file. See Working with Accounting Periods (WACP).

Numeric, 2 positions (MM/YY format); display- only.

Remit to name

The name of the person or company to whom you should remit payment. The vendor name displays if you have not entered any separate remit-to information for the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The vendor's address or the address where you should send your payment. If you have entered any information in the vendor's remit-to name or address fields, the remit-to address displays here.

Alphanumeric, 2 lines, 32 positions each line; display-only.


The city, state, postal code, and country code of the vendor's address. If you have entered any information for the vendor's remit-to name or address, the remit-to city, state, postal code, and country appear here.

Alphanumeric, 44 positions; display-only.

Telephone #

The vendor's telephone number, defined in the Vendor file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Hold vendor checks

This value indicates whether any checks generated for this vendor will be put on hold status automatically. An authorized user must remove the hold status to release the checks to the vendor. Authority to release checks is controlled by the A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) secured feature:

Y = Checks will be generated in a hold status.

N = Checks will be not held; they will be available for issue immediately.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for merchandise you have received and must remit payment. This number might also represent a credit if, for example, the invoice originated from a vendor charge back. Each invoice number must be unique.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; required.

Invoice status

The status of the invoice, which indicates whether it can be paid.

Valid values are:

H = Hold: invoice is on hold. This field defaults to H if the Hold vendor checks field for the vendor is set to Y.

O = Open: invoice is eligible to be paid. This field defaults to O if the Hold vendor checks field for the vendor is set to N.

S = Suspended: The invoice is in suspended status if you are using batch invoice entry. In this case, the status field is display-only. When you accept the batch, the invoice status changes to H or O, depending on the setting of Hold vendor checks field for the vendor.

Only users with proper authority can change the status of the invoice. The A/P Vendor Hold Status (A37) secured feature controls whether you can change the status.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Merch amount (Merchandise amount)

The dollar total for merchandise on this A/P invoice. This value represents the purchase price of the items and does not include any other additional charges, such as freight, duty, import fees, etc. In the case of a vendor charge back, the merchandise total from the charge back defaults.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Other amount

The dollar total for additional charges on the A/P invoice, such as sales tax, freight, etc. In the case of a vendor charge back, the additional charge total from the charge back defaults.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Invoice date

The date of the A/P invoice. The invoice date is used to calculate the payment due date based on the terms code. For example, if the terms code indicates net 30 days, the due date would be calculated by adding 30 days to the invoice date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Paid amount

The total amount of any checks you have printed against this A/P invoice. This total is available in A/P invoice maintenance only.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

G/L account #

The General Ledger account number to which this A/P purchase will post. The A/P General ledger account number defined for the division specified at the Enter A/P Invoices screen defaults here, but you can override it.

General Ledger numbers are defined and validated against the General Ledger file.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.


A code that represents the type of payment terms under which you owe the vendor. The terms default from the Vendor file, but can be overridden. Terms codes are defined in and validated against the Terms Code file; see Working with Terms (WAPT).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Discount % (Discount percentage)

The discount that will be applied to each detail line on the A/P invoice if the invoice is paid within the discount period. This value may default from the Terms file, but you can override it. This discount will not be reflected on the invoice total in A/P invoice entry; however, if you choose or are able to apply the discount when you generate the Accounts Payable Due List, the discount will be reflected on the due list and on the check(s) when you print checks.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Gross due days

The number of days used to calculate the due date for the invoice. This field defaults from the terms code, but you can override it.

When the terms type is “days,” this value is added to the invoice date to determine the gross due date; when the terms type is EOM (end-of-month), this value is added to the end of the month to determine the gross due date.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Net due days

The number of days after the invoice date, but before the due date that the customer is eligible to take the discount. This field defaults from the terms code, but may be overridden.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Gross due date

The date on which the invoice is due. The system calculates this date based on the terms code and the invoice date.

If the terms code type is days, then the invoice date plus the gross due days equals the gross due date.

If the terms code type is end of month, then the end of invoice date month plus the gross due days equals the gross due date. For example, if the invoice date is 4/21/93 and the gross due days is 15, then the due date is 4/30/93 + 15 = 5/15/93.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, calculated by the system.

Net due date

The last date when the discount can be taken on the A/P invoice if it is paid before the due date.

If terms code type is days, the invoice date plus the net due days equals the net due date.

If the terms code type is end of month, then the end of the month plus the net due days equals the net due date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, calculated by the system.

Screen Option


Review an existing A/P invoice

Press F7; see A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Review a vendor charge back

Press F8. See A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Enter Invoice Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter each item or charge to include on an A/P invoice that is not matched to a purchase order or drop ship invoice.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) after you selected a vendor for A/P entry.

ACR0119 ADD Enter Invoice Details 1/10/98 10:17:17

EZK Mail Order

Vendor . : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Invoice # : ABCDE Amount : 100.00 Amt applied : .00

Type G/L # Amount Units Disc G/L Description













Y +

F6=Change F7=A/P Inquiry F8=Update Amount F9=Accept F11=Reject




Vendor (Vendor number)

A user-defined code to identify the supplier of an item or service.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Merchandising Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Vendor description

The name of the vendor from whom you made the purchase.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Invoice #

The number of the vendor's invoice for merchandise you have received and must remit payment.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; display-only.


The total merchandise and other charges you entered on the Work with A/P Invoices screen.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

Amt applied (Amount applied)

The running total of the amount currently applied on this A/P invoice. The system increases this total for each entry you make on this screen.

The values in the Amount and Amt applied fields must be equal for you to accept the A/P invoice; otherwise, a message displays:

Amount applied must be equal to the invoice amount.

You can, however, adjust the invoice amount by pressing F8 to advance to the Change Merch/Other Amount Window.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.


A code that identifies the type of Accounts Payable transaction.

Valid values are:

M = Merchandise

O = Other

The O (other) type of transaction an additional charge for sales tax, freight, etc.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

G/L #

The G/L account number against which this A/P transaction will post.

General Ledger numbers are defined in and validated against the G/L Accounts file.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.


The per unit purchase price of the item or service.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 4-place decimal; required.


The quantity of the item associated with this A/P transaction.

This field defaults to 1 if you leave it blank.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Disc (Discount?)

This value indicates whether to apply any eligible discounts for this A/P transaction.

Valid values are:

Y (default) = Apply any applicable discount to this detail line

N = Do not apply the discount to this detail line, for example, if you are being charged for sales tax, freight, etc.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

G/L description

The description associated with the General Ledger account, as defined in the General Ledger Accounts file.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Enter M in the Type field to enter an A/P transaction for merchandise charges, or O to enter an A/P transaction for other charges, such as sales tax or freight.

2. Enter the G/L account number to which this A/P transaction will post in the G/L # field.

3. In the Amount field, enter the dollar value of the merchandise purchased or charge incurred.

4. In the Units field, enter the quantity associated with this A/P transaction if you are entering an A/P transaction for merchandise; otherwise, leave this field blank and the system will use a default quantity of 1.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each A/P transaction you want to enter for this A/P invoice.

6. At any point, press F8 to change the merchandise or other amount on the A/P invoice.

7. Press Enter to post these A/P transactions. The system clears the screen and displays additional blank entry fields.

8. Continue entering A/P transactions or press F6 to display or change the previously entered A/P transactions.

9. Press F9 to accept the A/P postings and add the A/P invoice to the system. The system validates that the values in the Amount and Amt applied (Amount applied) fields match, and you return to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) to enter another invoice for this vendor; or

10. Press F11 to reject the A/P invoice and press Enter at the Reject Confirmation pop-up window. You return to the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information) to enter another invoice for the vendor.

Screen Option


Change or add an A/P transaction to the A/P invoice you are entering

Press F6 to display additional entry fields or to update existing A/P transactions.

Review an existing A/P invoice

Press F7; see A/P Invoice Inquiry (DAPI).

Change the value of merchandise or other charges on the A/P invoice that you initially entered on the Work with A/P Invoices screen

Press F8 to display the Change Merch/Other Amount Window.

Accept the A/P invoice

Press F9; see Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice.

Reject the A/P invoice

Press F11; see Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice.

Add, review, or delete notes about this A/P invoice.

Press F23; see Maintaining A/P Invoices.

Change Merch/Other Amount Window

Purpose: Use this window to change the merchandise and/or other payment amounts on the A/P invoice from the values you entered on the Work with A/P Invoices Screen (Entering Invoice Header Information).

How to display this screen: Press F8 at the Enter Invoice Details Screen.

Change Merch/Other Amount

Current New

Gross merch amount : .00

DISCOUNT 1 % . . . : .00

DISCOUNT 2 % . . . : .00

DISCOUNT 3 % . . . : .00

Merchandise amount : 10.00 10.00

Other amount . . . : .00 .00

F3=Exit F12=Cancel


Completing this window: Enter the new values for either of the fields on this window and press Enter. The total amount for the invoice changes to reflect your entries.

Accepting or Rejecting the Invoice

Purpose: Use the accept or reject functions on the Work with Invoice Details screen to process or reject the A/P invoice.

To accept: Press F9 to accept the A/P invoice. The system:

• Verifies that the values in the Amount and Amt applied (Amount applied) fields match. You cannot accept the A/P invoice if they do not.

• Returns you to a selection screen.

• If you use batching, the system creates the invoice in a suspended status.

• If you do not use batching, the system:

• adds a record to the A/P Check file and includes this posting on the Accounts Payable Due List. The invoice status will be either O (open) or H (held).

• makes the appropriate postings to the general ledger.

• increases the vendor's A/P total.

To reject: Press F11 to reject the A/P invoice and then press Enter at the reject-confirmation pop-up window. You return to a initial selection screen.

See Working with and Processing A/P Batches for more information on accepting and rejecting a batch of invoices.

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