Working with Vendor Charge Backs (WVCB)

Purpose: Use Working with Vendor Charge Backs to process merchandise returns to your vendors. You can also use this function to reverse a vendor charge back credit, if necessary.

See Vendor Charge Back Overview, for more information on how you can use vendor charge backs to manage the return of defective or unwanted stock to your vendors for credit.

In this topic:

Vendor Charge Back Prompt Screen

Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back)

Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back)

Accept a Vendor Charge Back

Change Vendor Charge Back Screen

Display Vendor Charge Back Screen

Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Create Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Change Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Display Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Vendor Charge Back Messages Screen

Create Vendor Charge Back Address Screen

Reverse Vendor Charge Back Window

Vendor Charge Back Prompt Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WVCB in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Vendor Charge Backs from a menu.

APR0042 ENTER Vendor Chg Back Prompt 10/15/97 13:29:23

EZK Mail Order

Enter one of the following:

Charge Back Number . . .


Vendor Number . . . . . .


Purchase Order Number . .

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F24=Select Company

Note: You do not need to enter information in more than one field. If you complete the Charge back number field and any other field on this screen, the system will use the Charge back number and ignore the other information. Similarly, if you complete the Vendor number and Purchase order number fields, the system will use the Purchase order number and ignore the Vendor number. You can also simply press Enter at this screen to advance to the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).



Charge back number

The number assigned to a vendor charge back.

Enter a vendor charge back number. If this is an existing vendor charge back number, you will advance directly to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back); some or all fields may not be enterable depending on the status of the vendor charge back. For example, if the vendor charge back has been reversed, no fields will be enterable; if the vendor charge back has been shipped but not reversed, only the Ship date and RA No. fields will be enterable.

If the number you enter is not an existing vendor charge back, you advance to the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Vendor number

The number associated with the vendor who shipped you the merchandise (the Invoice vendor). The invoice vendor may be different from the vendor to process the A/P credit (the Charge back vendor). Vendor numbers are defined in an validated against the Vendor file.

Enter a vendor number to advance to the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Purchase order number

The number assigned to the purchase order associated with the charge back items.

Enter a purchase order number. If this purchase order is associated with just one existing vendor charge back, you will advance directly to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back). If the number you enter is not an existing vendor charge back, you advance to the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Review vendor charge backs

Complete one of the fields or simply press Enter to advance to the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).

Create a vendor charge back

Press F6 to advance to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back)

Purpose: Use this screen to review the charge backs on your system or to select a charge back to work with.

How to display this screen: Complete a field at the Vendor Charge Back Prompt Screen or press Enter at that screen.

APR0059 DISPLAY Work with Vendor Charge Backs 10/15/97 14:37:24

EZK Mail Order

Opt Charge Sts Date P.O. Vendor Vendor

No. Entered No. No. Name

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 5=Display

2 R 9/28/97 859 20 DISCOUNT APPLIANCE

3 S 9/28/97 859 20 DISCOUNT APPLIANCE

13 O 9/28/97 880 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

14 O 9/28/97 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel

If you had completed one of the fields at the Vendor Charge Back Prompt Screen, your entry will appear in the corresponding field at the Work with Vendor Charge Backs screen.

Vendor charge back number: If your entry did not match an existing record, charge backs whose numbers are greater than or equal to your entry display. (If your entry had matched an existing number, you would have advanced to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back)).

Vendor number: If you entered an existing vendor in your company, that vendor's charge backs would display. If you entered a vendor number that did not exist in your company, or if that vendor was not associated with any vendor charge backs as the Invoice vendor (see the description of the Vendor no. field), then no charge backs would display.

Purchase order number: If you entered an existing purchase order in your company, charge backs associated with that purchase order would display. If you entered a purchase order number that did not exist in your company, or if that purchase order was not associated with any vendor charge backs, then no charge backs would display.



Charge no. (Vendor charge back number)

The system-assigned number of a vendor charge back.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Sts (Status)

The status of the vendor charge back. Valid values are:

O = Open: The inventory transfer or A/P credit, or both, have yet to be completed.

P = Processed: Both the inventory transfer and A/P credit are complete, but you have not yet entered a ship date.

S = Shipped: The stock has been shipped back to the vendor.

R = Reversed: The vendor charge back has been reversed, resulting in adjusting the inventory back in the vendor charge back location and creating a charge to back out the A/P credit.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Date entered

The date the vendor charge back was entered on your system.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.

P.O. no.

The number of the purchase order associated with the vendor charge back.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Vendor no.

The number associated with the vendor who shipped you the merchandise (the Invoice vendor). This vendor may be different from the one against whom you are processing the credit (the Charge vendor) if, for example, the original vendor has been acquired by another.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Vendor name

The description associated with the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change or work with an existing vendor charge back

Enter 2 next to a charge back to advance to the Change Vendor Charge Back Screen.

Display a vendor charge back

Enter 5 next to a charge back to advance to the Display Vendor Charge Back Screen.

Create a vendor charge back

Press F6 to advance to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a vendor charge back.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Vendor Charge Back Prompt Screen or the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back).

You can also display this screen by entering 5 next to an open vendor charge back at the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back). See Change Vendor Charge Back Screen.

APR0088 CHANGE Vendor Charge Back - Detail 10/15/97 11:09:06

EZK Mail Order

Charge Back No 17 P/O # Status . . : Open

Inv Vendor Create Date : 10/15/97

Chg Vendor Last Update :

Reason Code User Id . . :

Ship Date . Merch total :

RA No. . . . Add Chg Tot :

Total . . . :

Opt Item CLR SIZE WDTH Qty Cost Fr To

Wh/Loc Wh/Loc

Type options, press Enter.






F7=Add Chrgs F9=Accept F11=Reject F14=Print F17=Messages

F19=Override Address F21=Reverse F23=Delete



Charge back no.

The number assigned to the vendor charge back. The system uses the next available number from the Vendor Charge Back Number field in the Number Assignment file. See Setting Up the Number Assignment File (WNUM) of the Installation guide for more information.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

P/O #

The purchase order against which you received the merchandise to be charged back. The system validates that any purchase order number you enter is associated with the Inv vendor (invoice vendor). If you enter a purchase order number without entering an Invoice vendor, the system defaults the number of the vendor associated with the purchase order; if you left the Chg vendor field blank, the system defaults the purchase order vendor number to this field as well.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The status of the vendor charge back. Valid values are:

Open = Inventory transactions may already have occurred, but no A/P credit has yet been created as a result of the charge back.

Processed = The inventory has been transferred or adjusted and the A/P credit has been created; however, no Ship date has been specified.

Shipped = The inventory has been transferred or adjusted, the A/P credit has been created, and a Ship date has been specified.

Reversed = The processed or shipped vendor charge back has been reversed.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Inv vendor (invoice vendor)

The vendor who shipped you the merchandise that is now being charged back. The invoice vendor may differ from the Chg vendor. The invoice vendor is the "primary" vendor for the charge back; that is, it is the invoice vendor's name and/or number that appears on screens.

Vendor numbers are defined in and validated against the Vendor file.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Create date

The date you enter the vendor charge back.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Chg vendor

The vendor against whom you are creating the A/P credit as a result of processing the charge back. You might select a charge vendor who is different from the Inv vendor (invoice vendor) if, for instance, the Invoice vendor has been acquired by a different company. It is the Charge vendor whose name and address appear on the charge back notification.

Unless you override it, the Invoice vendor defaults.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Last update

The date of the last change you made to the charge back.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Reason code

The code representing the reason for the charge back. Reason codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor Charge Back Reason file; see Working with Vendor Charge Back Reason Codes (WCBC).

Once you enter a valid reason code, the description associated with the code displays to the right.

Code: numeric, 3 positions; required.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

User ID (user identification)

The system user name of the person who entered the charge back.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Ship date

The date that you return the inventory to the vendor. The status of the charge back changes to shipped when you enter a valid date in this field and accept (F9) the charge back.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.

Merch total

The total cost of all items being charged back.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

RA No.

The return authorization number to identify the return to the vendor.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Add chg tot (additional charge total)

The total amount of additional charges included in the charge back credit. See Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


The total amount of the charge back credit, including all merchandise and additional charges.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The item being returned to the vendor and/or charged back. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's additional characteristics, such as its color and size. The SKU descriptions and format are defined in the System Control file.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required if the item has SKUs.

Process Inventory A/P Transaction Window

Process Inv/A/P Tran

Process Inventory . . . . Y (Y/N)

Process A/P . . . . . . . N (Y/N)

A/P Invoice # . 000000014CR



Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item to be charged back.

Numeric, 9 positions; required.


The unit cost of the item to be charged back. The item unit cost from the last purchase order on which you received the item (from any vendor) defaults, but you can override it.

Access to this field is controlled by the VCB Cost Maintenance (A42) secured feature.

If you use FIFO costing

This field is display-only if the Costing Method (A25) field in the System Control file is set to FIFO. The system determines the cost for an item by selecting one or more FIFO cost layers. See About FIFO Costing.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; required.

Fr wh (From warehouse)

The warehouse from which you are transferring or adjusting the item for the charge back. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Fr loc (From location)

The location from which you are transferring or adjusting the item for charge back. The system validates that there is a record of the item in this warehouse and location; however, the system does not validate the quantity or availability of the item in the location, whether the location is frozen, etc. You will create an inventory transaction error if there is not a sufficient quantity of the item in the location to fulfill the charge back.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location file.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

To wh (To warehouse)

The warehouse where the item is to move when you process the inventory transaction for the charge back. The VCB Default "To" Warehouse (D86) from the System Control file defaults here, but you can override it.

If you do not specify a "To" warehouse and location, the system performs a return to vendor inventory transaction (as opposed to a transfer) when you process the charge back. See Vendor Charge Back Overview, for information on how the VCB Perform Inventory Write Off During A/P Posting (E36) system control value affects how the system handles inventory transactions, depending on whether you specify a "to" warehouse and location.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

To loc

The location where the item is to move when you process the inventory transaction for the charge back. The value in the VCB Default "To" Location (D87) field in the System Control file defaults here, but you can override it. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location file.

See the description of the To wh (To warehouse) field.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required if you specify a To warehouse.


1. Complete the Inv vendor (invoice vendor) and Reason code fields. Optionally, complete the Purchase order number, Chg vendor, Ship date, or RA No. fields.

2. Enter each item/SKU you are charging back, completing the Qty (Quantity), Fr wh (From warehouse), and Fr loc (From location) fields. Optionally, complete the Cost field; also, override the To wh (To warehouse) and To loc fields.

3. Press F9 to accept. See Accept a Vendor Charge Back.

About FIFO Costing

If the Costing Method (A25) field in the System Control file is set to FIFO, you cannot enter a cost for an item on a vendor charge back. Instead, the system uses the standard FIFO costing hierarchy to determine the cost of each item you enter. The standard FIFO hierarchy allows you to determine the cost of each unit of an item separately, based on its original cost at receipt; a quantity of an item with the same unit cost is called a FIFO layer. The FIFO hierarchy is described in detail in Warehousing FIFO Costing Overview.

If more than one cost layer: If you are charging back a quantity of an item that is greater than that of the next available FIFO layer in the hierarchy, the system "explodes" the item onto separate vendor charge back detail lines, each with the cost and quantity from a FIFO cost layer.

For example, item AB100 has the following FIFO cost layers in warehouse 1:













You enter a vendor charge back for 10 units of the item from warehouse 1. The system "explodes" the item on the charge back into the three following lines:




@ $10.00


@ $8.00


@ $5.00

If you process the vendor charge back, this transaction will exhaust the first two FIFO cost layers, and leave a quantity of 7 in the third.

Additional considerations for FIFO costing: You should be aware of these considerations related to vendor charge backs if you use FIFO costing:

Item activity during charge back entry: Activity related to the item, such as sales or purchase order receipts, will change the cost structure on the charge back if this activity takes place during charge back entry.

For example, if an operator processes a customer return while you are creating a vendor charge back for item AB100, this return can change the cost of the item on the charge back. If the return was for 5 units at a cost of $9.00, with a FIFO layer date of 1/15 (based on the FIFO cost layer used when the order was originally shipped), the item on the vendor charge back would now "explode" as follows:




@ $10.00


@ $9.00

The layer dated 1/15 would come before the 2/1 and 3/1 layers in the FIFO hierarchy.

To view current cost layers: The system refreshes the vendor charge back detail lines each time you press Enter. The actual cost and FIFO layer update takes place when you process the inventory update for the vendor charge back.

If you specify a purchase order number: The system selects FIFO layers for the item and warehouse that are associated with the purchase order number you enter for the charge back.

Warehouse vs. location: The system validates that you have sufficient inventory on-hand in the "from" location when you add an item to a charge back. However, FIFO cost layers are associated with the item and warehouse, not the specific location.

For example, on 1/1 you receive 10 units of item CD100 at a unit cost of $10.00, and store them in location A010101. This is the first receipt of the item into warehouse 1. On 2/1, you receive 10 units of the item at a unit cost of $12.00, and store these units in BULK. On 3/1, you enter a vendor charge back for 10 units of the item. The system uses the cost from the first FIFO layer, even if you enter a "from" location of BULK.

Changing item quantity after entry: To avoid confusion, it is recommended that you do not change the quantity of a vendor charge back detail line if you use FIFO costing. Instead, you should reject the charge back and re-enter it.

If insufficient quantity: The system displays an error message if there is not a sufficient quantity on-hand in open FIFO layers to match the item quantity you entered (or if there is not a sufficient quantity in FIFO layers associated with the purchase order number you entered):

Not enough on hand in the FIFO Layer.

This message indicates that there is an insufficient quantity on-hand for all eligible FIFO layers. The item and the warehouse are highlighted as well. The system will not attempt to "explode" the item into separate lines until you reduce the quantity appropriately.

Reversals: Vendor charge back reversals do not use the standard FIFO hierarchy to determine cost. Instead, reversals use the original cost(s) from the charge back. The new FIFO layers created through the reversal will use the original costs.

More information: See FIFO Costing Overview of the Warehousing manual for more information on FIFO costing.

Screen Option


Delete an item

Enter 4 next to the item to delete it.

Note: You can delete an item only if you have not already processed the inventory transaction; see Accept a Vendor Charge Back.

Work with additional charges

Press F7 to advance to the Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Accept the vendor charge back

Press F9. See Accept a Vendor Charge Back.

Reject the vendor charge back

Press F11.

Print a vendor charge back notification

Press F14. See Printing Vendor Charge Back Notifications (PVCN), for a notification sample.

Work with messages

Press F17 to advance to the Vendor Charge Back Messages Screen.

Override the "ship to" address for the charge back notification

Press F19 to advance to the Create Vendor Charge Back Address Screen.

Reverse the vendor charge back

Press F21 to advance to the Reverse Vendor Charge Back Window.

Delete the vendor charge back

Press F23. A confirmation pop-up window displays; press Enter to confirm the delete or F12 to cancel.

Note: You can delete a vendor charge back only if you have not yet processed the inventory or A/P transactions. Additionally, access to the delete function is controlled by the VCB Delete Authority (A43) secured feature.

Accept a Vendor Charge Back

Purpose: Press F9 after you have entered a vendor charge back to accept it.

Similarly, you press F9 after you have made any change to the charge back, or if you have not yet processed the inventory or A/P transactions and would now like to do so.

Confirm Process A/P Window

Confirm Process A/P

Press ENTER to confirm Process A/P




Process inventory

This field indicates whether to process a transfer (if you specified a "to" warehouse and location) or a return to vendor (if you did not specify a "to" warehouse and location) for each item on the charge back when you press Enter. The system performs the inventory transactions only once, the first time you accept the charge back with this field set to Y. Valid values are:

Y (default) = Perform the inventory transaction for each item.

N = Do not perform the inventory transaction for each item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Process A/P

This field indicates whether to create an A/P credit invoice at this time. Valid values are:

Y = Process the A/P credit.

N (default) = Do not process the A/P credit.

You can not process the A/P credit before processing the inventory transactions.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

A/P Invoice #

This field indicates the number or code to assign to the A/P invoice. If the VCB A/P Invoice Number Default Method (E34) field in the System Control file is set to VCBNUM, the vendor charge back number defaults into this field with the characters "CR" appended. For example, if you are processing vendor charge back #333, then 000000333CR defaults here. You can override the default.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; required if the Process A/P field is set to Y.

Inventory transactions and A/P credits take place interactively. The status of the charge back may also update at this time as well. See the Status field.

Change Vendor Charge Back Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a vendor charge back at the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back) to advance to the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

The changes you will be able to make depend upon the status of the charge back.

• If the charge back is open (O), you will be able to change any of the fields that were enterable when you created the charge back. The exception is that you will not be able to change or delete an item if you have already processed the related inventory transaction. Additionally, all of the function keys at the bottom of the screen will be accessible (except for F21 to reverse, which is never accessible for an open vendor charge back).

• If the charge back is processed (P) or shipped (S), you will be able to enter or change only the Ship date and RA number fields. Additionally, you will be able to use F7 only to review additional charges, not to change them, and F23 to delete the charge back will not be accessible; however, each of the other function keys will be accessible.

• If the charge back is reversed (R), you will not be able to change any of the information that displays on the screen. Additionally, only these function keys will display on the bottom of the screen:

Function Key



Exit the screen


Review additional charges


Print the notification


Work with messages


Override address

See Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) for field descriptions.

Display Vendor Charge Back Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a vendor charge back at the Work with Vendor Charge Backs Screen (Select a Vendor Charge Back) to advance to the Display Vendor Charge Back screen.

You cannot change any information that displays on the screen.

See Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) for field descriptions.

Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with additional charges for the charge back.

How to display this screen: Press F7 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

APR0053 DISPLAY Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges 10/15/97 15:21:01

EZK Mail Order

Charge Back No. . . . . . : 47 Status Open

Vendor No./Name . . . . . : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Chrg Back Vendor No./Name : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Purchase Order No. . . . :

Opt Code Description Amount

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel




The code representing the additional charge. Vendor charge back additional charge codes are defined in and validated against the PO Additional Charge Code file; see Working With PO Additional Charges (WPAC) of the Merchandising manual for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The description associated with the additional charge code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The amount of the additional charge.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Add an additional charge to the vendor charge back

Press F6 to advance to the Create Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Change an additional charge

Enter 2 next to the charge to advance to the Change Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Delete an additional charge

Enter 4 next to the charge to delete it.

Display an additional charge

Enter 5 next to the charge to advance to the Display Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Note: You can add, change, or delete additional charges only for on open vendor charge back.

Create Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add an additional charge to the vendor charge back.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen.

Note: You can create additional charges only for on open vendor charge back through Working with Vendor Charge Backs (WVCB). You can also work with additional charges when Entering A/P Invoices.

APR0051 ENTER Create Vendor Charge Back Add'l Charges 10/15/97 15:39:38

EZK Mail Order

Charge Back No. . . . . . : 47 Status Open

Vendor No./Name . . . . . : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Chrg Back Vendor No./Name : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Purchase Order No. . . . :

Charge Back Additional Charge Code

Amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Charge back additional charge code

The code representing the additional charge to add to the vendor charge back. Vendor charge back additional charge codes are defined in and validated against the PO Additional Charge Code file. See Working With PO Additional Charges (WPAC) of the Merchandising manual for more information on working with PO additional charges.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The dollar amount of the additional charge to add to the vendor charge back.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Change Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an additional charge at the Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen to advance to the Change Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges screen. You can change only the amount; to change the code, you must delete the additional charge and reenter it. See Create Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen for field descriptions.

Note: You can change or delete additional charges only for on open vendor charge back.

Display Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an additional charge at the Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen to advance to the Display Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges screen. You cannot change any of the information on this screen. See Create Vendor Charge Back Additional Charges Screen for field descriptions.

Note: You can change or delete additional charges only for on open vendor charge back.

Vendor Charge Back Messages Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with messages. The messages can be for your information only, or you can print them on the charge back notification.

How to display this screen: Press F17 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

APR0057 CHANGE Vendor Charge Back Messages 10/15/97 16:02:45

EZK Mail Order

Charge Back No. . . . . . : 13 Status Open

Vendor No./Name . . . . . : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Chrg Back Vendor No./Name : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Purchase Order No. . . . : 880

Message P User Date

This carton arrived broken and the contents damaged. Y ELISE_K 10/06/97

F3=Exit F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel




Use these fields to enter any messages associated with the vendor change back.

Alphanumeric, 56 positions; optional.

P (Print?)

This field indicates whether to print the message line on the vendor charge back notification. Valid values are:

Y = Print the message line.

N or blank = Do not print the message line.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The user name of the person who entered the message.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The date the message was originally entered.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.


1. Enter a message in the space provided.

2. If you would like the line to print on the vendor charge back notification enter Y in the P (Print?) field; otherwise, enter N or leave this field blank.

3. Enter additional message lines as needed.

4. Press Enter when the messages are complete.

5. To switch between ADD and CHANGE mode, press F8. In CHANGE mode, you have the option of revising or deleting message lines entered earlier. In ADD mode, previously entered message lines are display-only.

Create Vendor Charge Back Address Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with a different shipping address for the vendor charge back.

How to display this screen: Press F19 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back).

APR0055 ENTER Create Vendor Charge Back Address 10/15/97 16:36:52

EZK Mail Order

Charge Back No. . . . . . : 2 Status Reversed

Vendor No./Name . . . . . : 20 DISCOUNT APPLIANCE

Chrg Back Vendor No./Name : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

Purchase Order No. . . . : 859




Override Address

Override City/St

Override Zip/Cty

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Override address

The "ship to" company name and street address to use for the vendor charge back notification.

Alphanumeric, four 32-position fields; optional.

Override city

The city associated with the override address.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.

Override st (Override state)

The state or province associated with the override address. Your entry is validated against the state and province codes defined for the country; see Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) of the Customer Service manual for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required if the Require state? field for the country is set to Y.

Override zip

The zip or postal code associated with the override address.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Override cty (Override country)

The country code associated with the override address. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Important information: With the exception of the state or province code, the system does not validate any of the information you enter for an override address. Also, if you enter any portion of the override address, such as the zip code, the system uses this information as the entire override address and does not use the Charge vendor address. For this reason, be sure that you enter the override address completely and accurately if you use one.

To change: Once you have entered an override address, you can change it at any time by pressing F19 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back). You advance to the Change Vendor Charge Back Address screen.

Reverse Vendor Charge Back Window

Purpose: If it is necessary to reverse a processed or shipped vendor charge back, you can do so if you have proper authority. Reversing a vendor charge back results in backing out inventory transactions and creating an A/P invoice to back out the A/P credit.

How to display this screen: The Reverse Vendor Charge Back pop-up window displays when you press F21 at the Vendor Charge Back Detail Screen (Create A Vendor Charge Back) for a processed or shipped charge back.

Note: You must have authority to reverse a vendor charge back to display this pop-up window, as controlled by the VCB Reverse Authority (A44) secured feature.

Reversal invoice: The Reversal invoice field allows you to specify the A/P invoice code or number to create as a result of the reversal. If the VCB Reverse A/P Invoice Number Default Method (E35) field in the System Control file is set to VCBNUM, the system defaults the vendor charge back number with a "DR" appended; for example, for vendor charge back number 333, invoice number 000000333DR would default. You can override any default. This is an 11-position, alphanumeric field, and it is required.

To complete: Press Enter at this pop-up window to process the reverse and display the Confirm Reverse VCB pop-up window:

Confirm Reverse VCB Window

Confirm Reverse VCB

Press ENTER to confirm the reverse of VCB


Press Enter to confirm.

See Vendor Charge Back Overview, for information on how the system handles the inventory transaction for a reverse, depending on whether you used a "to" warehouse and location.

If you use FIFO costing: Vendor charge back reversals do not use the standard FIFO hierarchy to determine cost. Instead, reversals use the original cost(s) from the charge back. See About FIFO Costing.

AP09_02 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN