Printing Additional Pick Labels (PAPL)

Purpose: Use Print Additional Pick Labels to print extra pick control labels for a specific pick control number. The system uses the print program name defined in the Pick Label Print Program (F28) system control value to determine the format of the pick control labels. The base pick label print program name is FLR0683.

In order to print extra pick control labels, the following conditions must be met:

• The Pick Label Print Program (F28) system control value must contain a print program name. An error message similar to the following displays if a print program name has not been defined:

Valid value required in SCV F28.


• The Use PC Manifesting (B80) system control value must be set to Y.

• The Use Pick Label Tracking in Manifest Interface? (D48) system control value must be set to Y. An error message similar to the following displays if this system control value is set to N: SCV D48 must be set to Y in order to use this feature.

• The Number of Pick Control Labels (D47) system control value must contain a value greater than or equal to 1.

• The pick control number that you wish to generate additional pick labels for must be in an M (manifest submission) status.

• You must be using a PC manifesting station that supports multiple label tracking.

For more information:

• an overview of PC manifesting: PC Manifest Socket Interface

• reviewing pick control labels: Displaying PC Manifest Batches (DPCM)

Print Additional Pick Labels Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the pick control number and specify the amount of extra labels to print.

How to display this screen: Enter PAPL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Additional Pick Labels from a menu.

FLR0677 ENTER Print Additional Pick Labels 3/27/98 10:31:50

The KL Mail Order Company

Pick Control # . . . . . .

Number of Additional Labels

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Pick control #

The control number assigned to the pick slip for which you wish to print extra labels.

An error message similar to the following displays if you enter an invalid number:

Pick control # 1495 is invalid.

An error message similar to the following displays if you enter a pick control number that is not in an M (manifest submission) status:

Invalid Pick Status for Pick Control # 1469.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Number of addl labels (Number of additional labels)

The number of extra labels you wish to print.

An error message similar to the following displays is you do not enter a number in this field:

# of Labels must be GE 1.

The maximum number of pick control labels that you can print for a specific pick control number is 99. The system adds the amount of pick control labels already printed to the number you enter in this field. An error message similar to the following displays if you enter an amount that will exceed 99 labels:

Existing labels 48 with Add'l Labels 56 exceeds 99.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

When you complete this screen to print additional pick control labels, the system updates the Labels field in the Pick Control Header file and creates a PC Manifest Download record in the PC Manifest Download New file (FLMNDL).

You can review the pick control labels in Displaying PC Manifest Batches (DPCM).

You can also purge unused pick control label records from your system in Purging Unused Pick Control Label Records (PLBS).

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