Menu Components

Purpose: You can use any menu in the system to display a menu or menu option, display a scan of menus and menu options, and set a default menu for a user.

Some important features of Menu Driver include:

• Fast Path feature

• Non-numbered menus

• Standard function keys

In this topic:

Menu Driver Screen

Select Menu Options Window

Select Menu Screen

Menu Driver Screen

Purpose: Each menu displays the Fast Path and Menu fields, which allow you to quickly display a menu option or menu without selecting it from a menu tree.

How to display this screen: Sign on to the system or exit out of a menu option.

Note: When you sign on to the system, your default menu displays. To display the HOME menu, enter HOME in the Fast Path field.

MUR0036 DISPLAY Menu Driver 10/26/93 11:44:52

Company #1

Menu: HOME Home Menu Menu Level: 1

Select option or Fast Path ______ or Menu _________



__ Order Entry Menu

__ Customer Service Menu

__ Warehouse Menu

__ Shipping Menu

__ Merchandising Menu

__ Marketing Menu

__ Accounting Menu

__ System Administrators Menu

__ Operations Menu



F3=Exit F6=Messages F8=Toggle Fast Path/Menu F12=Cancel

F14=Submitted Jobs F16=Top Menu F17=Default Menu F24=Select Company




The short name of the menu.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Menu Level

The number of menus you have advanced through to reach the current menu.

When you sign on the system, you will be at menu level 1. As you advance through each menu, the number in the Menu Level field increases.

This feature is helpful in letting you know how many levels you must advance through to reach the menu you need to work with. For example, if you must advance through four menu levels to reach the menu you require, you may want to set that menu as your default menu. (You can do this by pressing F17 on the menu you wish to set as the default.) When you sign on again to the system, the default menu you set will appear.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Fast Path

This field enables you to enter a unique code for a menu option, allowing you to access an option directly without selecting the option from a menu tree. Each option on the system has a Fast Path name.

For example, if you enter MITM in the Fast Path field, you advance to the Work With Inventory option.

If you do not know the option name, you can place your cursor on the Fast Path field and press F4. A pop-up window appears, showing the Fast Path option names and descriptions that are currently on the system. From this pop-up window, you can scroll through the list and select the desired option.

When accessible to the user, the Fast Path and Menu fields can be displayed or hidden by pressing F8.

A Y in the Fast Path field in the user's record controls whether the Fast Path field appears on the screen for a user. See Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


This field enables you to enter a unique menu name, allowing you to access a menu directly without selecting the menu from a menu tree.

For example, if you enter INVENTORY in the Menu field, you will access the Inventory Menu.

If you do not know the menu name, you can place your cursor on the Menu field and press F4. A pop-up window appears, showing the menus and descriptions that are currently on the system. From this pop-up window, you can scroll through the list and select the desired menu.

When accessible to the user, the Fast Path and Menu fields can be displayed/hidden by pressing F8.

A Y in the Fast Path field in the user's record controls whether the Menu field appears on the screen for a user. See Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Each menu in the system allows you to perform the following options:



Display a screen that will list any user messages you may have received.

Press F6. Work with Menu Details Screen (Creating a Menu and Menu Details)

Alternately display or suppress the Fast Path and Menu fields.

Press F8.

Display a screen that will list the status of any jobs you have submitted (for example, a report request submitted for processing).

Press F14.

Return to Menu Level 1. If you have advanced through several menus, (the number is reflected in the Menu Level field), pressing this key returns you to menu level 1, where you originated.

Press F16.

Sets the currently displayed menu as the default menu.

Press F17.

Select Menu Options Window

Purpose: Use this window to select the fast path code associated with the menu option you wish to work with.

How to display this window: Press F4 in the Fast Path field.

Select Menu Options


Opt Option Description

Type options, press Enter.


DINI Inventory Inquiry

DITH Display Inventory Transaction History

DITS Display Inventory Transaction Summary

ESKG Generate SKUs

MCIW Copy Item Warehouse Information

MCSO Copy SKU Offer Information

F6=Create F12=Cancel


Enter 1 next to the menu option you wish to work with and press Enter.

Select Menu Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select a menu associated with a menu option you wish to work with.

How to display this screen: Press F4 in the Menu field at the Menu Driver Screen.

MUR0021 SELECT Select Menu 1/24/00 17:04:06

Menu Description

1=Select request

Opt Menu Description

A/RSETUP A/R Setup Menu

ACCOUNTING Accounting Menu

ACCTGSETUP Accounting Setup Menu

ACCTPAY Accounts Payable

ACCTRECEIV Accounts Receivable

AUTHMENU Authorization Services Menu

BACKGROUND Background Jobs

BOB Bob Menu

BUYER Buyer's Menu

BUYER1 Buyer's Menu

CATLOGPLAN Catalog Planning

CATREQ Catalog Request Menu

CONFIRM Confirmation Menu +

F3=Exit F6=Create

Selecting a menu: The Select Menu screen allows you to select a menu by:

• Scrolling through the list to find the desired menu

• Entering the 10-character menu name in the Menu field

• Entering a full or partial menu description (up to 20 characters) in the Description field. The system displays menus that contain the characters you entered. For example, if you enter Accounts, all menus that contain Accounts in the description will appear.


IN02_01 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN