Setting Up Offer Information

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe how to set up and change offer information:

Introducing Offer and Source Codes provides an overview of the steps you need to follow and the basic information you need to set up an offer.

Working with Offers (WOFR) describes how to create and change offer information, set up free gifts, freight charges, service charges, and discounts for an offer.

Working with Season Codes (WSEA) describes how to create and change season information.

Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) describes how to create and change promotion value information, which is used in Source Code reporting.

Working with Source Categories (WSCT) describes how to create and change source categories, which are used for source code reporting in the Forecast system.

Working with Source Codes (WSRC) describes how to create and change source code information, review source code history, set up free gifts, freight charges, service charges, and discounts for a source code.

Working with Dollar Chart by Offer (WDCO) describes how to establish freight or service charges by offer.

Working with Dollar Chart by Source Code (WDCS) describes how to establish freight or service charges by source code.

Initializing an Offer (MOFI) describes how to save and then delete order and forecast history for an offer, and transfer data from one offer to another.

Working with Special Pricing by Source Code (WSPP) describes how to define special price breaks for multiple items and/or source code quickly.

Working with List Source Codes (WLSR) describes how to create, change, delete and display list source codes.

Working with Recency Codes (WRCC) describes how to create, change, delete and display recency codes.

Generating Source Codes Using the Source Code Work File (WSRW) explains how to create a CWDirect source code using information defined in the Source Code Work file.

Creating and Using Single-Use Promotion Codes describes how to set up and use randomly-generated single-use codes to redeem promotions.

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