iSeries Interface Setup (ISUP)

Purpose: Use this menu option to complete the standard required setup in CWDirect for Locate or CWStore integration via the respective CWIntegrate site.

What does the setup program do? When you use the setup program to install interface components, the setup program creates:

• the WebSphereMQ channels required to communicate with the CWIntegrate server

• the WebSphereMQ queues required for each component of the integration

• the integration layer processes, if they do not already exist

• the process queue for the integration layer process, as described in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT). The setup program also specifies the correct inbound and/or outbound queue for each process queue, and sets the Enabled flag to Y

The setup program also sets the Configuration Options for the ITEM_OUT process unless they already contain values.

Note: This option does not create queues for the Order Broker Integration.

See Integration Component Updates for more information.

What additional setup steps are required? Before you can begin using the integration, the steps you need to complete include:

• setting any required system control values; see Merchandise Locator Setup (.NET), Setup for the Amazon Order Feed, or Point of Sale Integration Setup

• starting the WebSphereMQ sender channels on the iSeries and the CWIntegrate server

• starting the integration layer processes

If the ITEM_OUT process already exists, but the Configuration Options are not already completed correctly, you might need to specify this information.

Test options: When you run the setup for the CWStore integration, you have the option of creating either production or test components. Your test cw_store site must be on a different server than your production cw_store site. This option is currently available for the CWStore integration only.

Before you install: You will need the following information:

• IP address of the CWIntegrate server

• WebSphereMQ queue manager on the CWIntegrate server

• WebSphereMQ queue manager on the iSeries

• Valid login ID and password on the iSeries

Use the Required Information Checklist from the Locate Reference or the CWStore/CWDirect Integration manual to assemble this information, or see the field descriptions below.

Note: Before using this menu option, make sure that the channels, if they already exist, are inactive; also, stop any of the related integration layer jobs if they are active.

Important: The integration setup requires that you use the same CWIntegrate server for both the Locate and the CWStore production integrations. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like to use multiple CWIntegrate servers for these integrations.

In this topic:

iSeries Setup Screen

To Install Components for an Integration

To Uninstall Components for an Integration

Uninstall Warning Window

Integration Component Updates

Updates Made for Locate Integration

Updates Made for CWStore Production Integration

Updates Made for CWStore Test Integration

iSeries Setup Screen

Use this screen to install or uninstall components for integration with Locate or CWStore.

How to display this screen: Enter ISUP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Interface Setup from a menu.

INR1825 ENTER iSeries Setup 7/06/04 17:19:44

EZK Mail Order

Product .

Install or Uninstall (I,U)

CWIntegrate IP Address .

CWIntegrate MQ Manager .

iSeries MQ Manager . . .

iSeries User ID. . . . .

iSeries Password . . . .

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel




Indicates the integration whose components you would like to install or uninstall. Valid values are:

L = Locate: See Updates Made for Locate Integration for information on related updates.

Note: This option does not create queues for the Order Broker Integration.

S = CWStore Integration: Installs components required for integration with CWStore. When you select this option, you need to specify whether to install either test or production components. See the Queue type, below.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Install or uninstall

Indicates whether you are installing or uninstalling the integration. Valid values are:

I = Install: Install integration to the selected product. All remaining fields on this screen are required.

U = Uninstall: Uninstall integration to the selected product. No additional fields on this screen are required or used unless you are uninstalling the CWStore integration.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Queue type

Indicates whether you are installing production components or test components. This option is available for the CWStore integration only, and is displayed only after you select installation of the CWStore integration components. Valid values are:

P = Production or blank: Default value. Install production queues, channels, and process queues. See Updates Made for CWStore Production Integration.

T = Test: Install test queues, channels, and process queues. See Updates Made for CWStore Test Integration.1

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

CWIntegrate IP address

The IP address of the server where the CWIntegrate site is running. To determine the IP address on the server, enter IPCONFIG at a DOS prompt at the root folder (for example, C:).

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required if you are installing an integration.

CWIntegrate MQ manager

The name of the WebSphereMQ queue manager on the CWIntegrate server. To determine the name, on the server:

• Select Start > Programs > IBM MQSeries > MQSeries Explorer

• Expand the Queue Managers tab in the left-hand pane

Note: The queue manager name is case-sensitive.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required if you are installing an integration.

iSeries MQ manager

The name of the WebSphereMQ queue manager on the iSeries. To determine the name, enter WRKMQM at a command line.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required if you are installing an integration.

iSeries user ID

A valid user ID on the iSeries with authority to CWDirect.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if you are installing an integration.

iSeries password

The password for the iSeries user ID.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if you are installing an integration.

To Install Components for an Integration

Instructions: All fields at the iSeries Setup Screen are required.

1. Enter the correct value in the Product field.

2. Enter I in the Install or Uninstall field to indicate that you are installing.

3. Press Enter to confirm your entries and display any additional required fields for your selection.

4. Complete each of the remaining fields on this screen as described above.

5. Press F9 to submit the installation job.

To Uninstall Components for an Integration

Before you uninstall: Before uninstalling the components for an integration, change the status of each of the related WebSphereMQ channels. In order to stop a receiver channel, you need to stop the related sender channel. To do so:

• Stop the sender channel on the iSeries by entering WRKMQMCHL at a command line and selecting to end the channel. Doing so should stop the receiver channel on the CWIntegrate server.

• Stop the sender channel on the CWIntegrate server by advancing to the MQSeries Explorer and selecting to stop the channel. Doing so should stop the receiver channel on the iSeries.

Also, stop each related integration layer process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT). If any of the related processes or queues are in use when you run the uninstall, they will not be deleted.

See the Integration Component Updates for the names of the sender and receiver channels for each installed integration.

Important: Uninstalling these components on the iSeries does not update any other components installed on other servers. See the reference manual for the related integration for more information on uninstalling components installed in other locations.

Instructions: Only the first two fields at the iSeries Setup Screen are required.

1. Enter the correct integration in the Product field.

2. Enter U in the Install or Uninstall field to indicate that you are uninstalling.

3. Press F9. The system displays the Uninstall Warning window.

Uninstall Warning Window


Uninstall Warning

During the uninstall of CWLocate

the following components will be uninstalled. These components may be

in use by another integration. Please indicate if each component should

be uninstalled?

Component Uninstall?


MQ Channels communicating with CWIntegrate N

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

The information in this window varies depending on the product you are uninstalling. Use the Uninstall Warning window to indicate whether to uninstall the following components:

ITEM_OUT IJCT process: Displayed when you are uninstalling any of the integrations. Set this field to Y in order to delete the process queue for the ITEM_OUT process, and the queue related to the particular installation option. For example, if you select this option when uninstalling Locate, it deletes the CWLOCATE_AUTOINSTALL process queue for the ITEM_OUT process and the CWINTEGRATE.TO.CWLOCATE.DIRECTITEMDOWNLOAD queue.

MQ Channels communicating with CWIntegrate: Set this field to Y in order to delete the transmission queue and the two channels (sender and receiver) on the iSeries related to the integration you are uninstalling.

Note: The Locate integration and the CWStore (retail) integration (production Queue type) use the same channels, so uninstalling the channels for one integration deletes the channels for the other.

Press F9 to submit the job.

Integration Component Updates

Available options are:

Updates Made for Locate Integration

Updates Made for CWStore Production Integration

Updates Made for CWStore Test Integration

Note: This option does not create queues for the Order Broker Integration.

Updates Made for Locate Integration

If installing: If you select to install Locate components at the iSeries Setup Screen, the submitted job creates the components listed in the following table.



IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) channels:


receiver channel; matches the sender channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server


sender channel; matches the receiver channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server

IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queues:




remote queue to send merchandise locator requests from CWDirect to Locate




local queue to receive merchandise locator responses from Locate to CWDirect




remote queue to send item information from CWDirect to Locate




remote queue to send inventory information CWDirect to Locate




local queue to receive inventory inquiry requests from Locate to CWDirect




remote queue to send inventory inquiry responses from CWDirect to Locate



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWItemOut message



local transmission queue

process queues in Work with Integration Layer Job Control (IJCT):

Note: If any of the process queues described below already exist, the job updates them with the current information.

ITEM_OUT process

• Creates the ITEM_OUT process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.ITEM_OUT.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password

• Does not update the Java helper information at the process level (such as user ID and password) if it is already exists

• Creates a process queue with a description of CWLOCATE_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.TO.CWLOCATE.DIRECTITEMDOWNLOAD queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

INV_DOWNLD process

• Creates the INV_DOWNLD process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of CWLOCATE_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.TO.CWLOCATE.DIRECTINVDOWNLOAD queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

INV_INQURY process

• Creates the INV_INQURY process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of CWLOCATE_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.FROM.CWLOCATE.INVENTORYINQUIRY inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.TO.CWLOCATE.INVENTORYINQUIRY outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

MERCH_LOC process

• Creates the MERCH_LOC process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of CWLOCATE_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.FROM.CWLOCATE.DIRECTREQUEST inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.TO.CWLOCATE.DIRECTREQUEST outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

Updates Made for CWStore Production Integration

If installing: If you select to install production components for the CWStore integration at the iSeries Setup Screen, the submitted job creates the components listed in the following table.



IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) channels:


receiver channel; matches the sender channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server


sender channel; matches the receiver channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server

IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queues:


local queue to receive closed orders (sales transactions) from CWStore into CWDirect



remote queue to send order responses from CWDirect to CWStore (Not implemented)



remote queue to send item information from CWDirect to CWStore



remote queue to send vendor information from CWDirect to CWStore




remote queue to send invoice information from CWDirect to CWStore



remote queue to send store pickup order information from CWDirect to CWStore



local queue to receive customer history requests from CWStore



remote queue to send customer history information from CWDirect to CWStore



local transmission queue



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWItemOut message



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWStorePickUpRequest message



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWInvoiceOut message


remote queue to send store shipment requests to CWStore


local queue to receive inbound open orders (ship from CWDirect) from CWStore


remote queue to send order response messages to CWStore



local queue to upload receive inventory transaction messages from CWStore

process queues in Work with Integration Layer Job Control (IJCT):

Note: If any of the process queues described below already exist, the job updates them with the current information.

ITEM_OUT process

• Creates the ITEM_OUT process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.ITEM_OUT.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password

• Does not update the Java helper information at the process level (such as user ID and password) if it is already exists

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ITEM.FROM.DIRECT queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

INVTRAN_IN process

• Creates the INVTRAN_IN process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.INVENTORY.TO.DIRECT inbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

CUST_HIST process

• Creates the CUST_HIST process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.CUSTHIST.REQUEST.TO.DIRECT inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.CUSTHIST.RESPONSE.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.


• Creates the INVOICE_OUT process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.INVOICE_OUT.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.REPLENISHMENT.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Yes.

ORDER_IN process

• Creates the ORDER_IN process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ORDER.TO.DIRECT inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ORDER.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SS_AUTOINSTALL, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STORESHIP.TO.DIRECT inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.SHIPMENT.RESPONSE.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

STORE_PKUP process

Creates the STORE_PKUP process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.STORE_PKUP.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STOREPICKUP.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SS_AUTOINSTALL and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STORESHIP.FROM.STORE outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

VENDOR_OUT process

• Creates the VENDOR_OUT process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.VENDOR.FROM.DIRECT outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

Updates Made for CWStore Test Integration

If installing: If you select to install test components for the CWStore integration at the iSeries Setup Screen, the submitted job creates the components listed in the following table.



IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) channels:


receiver channel; matches the sender channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server


sender channel; matches the receiver channel of the same name on the CWIntegrate server

IBM WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queues:



local queue to receive closed orders (sales transactions) from CWStore into CWDirect



remote queue to send order responses from CWDirect to CWStore (Not implemented)



remote queue to send item information from CWDirect to CWStore



local queue to receive inventory transaction messages from CWStore



remote queue to send vendor information from CWDirect to CWStore




remote queue to send invoice information from CWDirect to CWStore




remote queue to send store pickup order information from CWDirect to CWStore



local queue to receive customer history requests from CWStore



remote queue to send customer history information from CWDirect to CWStore



local transmission queue



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWItemOut message



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWStorePickUpRequest message



local queue to help relay the item trigger records so that the Java component can build the CWInvoiceOut message


remote queue to send store shipment requests to CWStore


local queue to receive inbound open orders (ship from CWDirect) from CWStore


remote queue to send order response messages to CWStore

process queues in Work with Integration Layer Job Control (IJCT):

Note: If any of the process queues described below already exist, the job does not update them with the current information.

ITEM_OUT process

• Creates the ITEM_OUT process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.ITEM_OUT.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password

• Does not update the Java helper information at the process level (such as user ID and password) if it is already exists

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ITEM.FROM.DIRECT.T queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

INVTRAN_IN process

• Creates the INVTRAN_IN process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.INVENTORY.TO.DIRECT.T inbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

CUST_HIST process

• Creates the CUST_HIST process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.CUSTHIST.REQUEST.TO.DIRECT.T inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.CUSTHIST.RESPONSE.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.


• Creates the INVOICE_OUT process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.INVOICE_OUT.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.REPLENISHMENT.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Yes.

ORDER_IN process

• Creates the ORDER_IN process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ORDER.TO.DIRECT.T inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.ORDER.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SS_AUTOINSTALL_TEST, and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STORESHIP.TO.DIRECT.T inbound queue, the CWINTEGRATE.SI.SHIPMENT.RESPONSE.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue, and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

STORE_PKUP process

• Creates the STORE_PKUP process if it does not already exist and assigns the CWDIRECT.IJCT.STORE_PKUP.HELPER queue, the outbound queue manager, the User ID and the password.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STOREPICKUP.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SS_AUTOINSTALL_TEST and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.STORESHIP.FROM.STORE.T outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

VENDOR_OUT process

• Creates the VENDOR_OUT process if it does not already exist.

• Creates a process queue with a description of SI_AUTOINSTALL_TEST and assigns the CWINTEGRATE.SI.VENDOR.FROM.DIRECT.T outbound queue and the correct queue manager. The process queue’s Enabled flag is set to Y.

SO01_12 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN