Defining Line Descriptions

Purpose: The Define Line Descriptions function is used to define the iSeries communications configurations that you will be using to connect to the service bureau. Line descriptions must be defined for every service bureau to which you electronically transmit credit card authorization, deposit, shipping, purchase order, or item information.

It is in this file that you identify any shared resources -- a communications line that is used for other purposes. This ensures that there is no contention between jobs when you use this line to transmit/receive authorizations.

The iSeries operating system (OS/400) uses the objects defined in the Line Description record to create the communications link that enables you to electronically transmit files to and from the service bureau. For more information regarding communications refer to the IBM Application Systems/400 Communications User's Guide.

In this topic:

Create Line Description Screen

Viewing the Status of a Line

Create Line Description Screen

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to an authorization service listed on the Work with Authorization Services Screen.

AAR0037 ENTER Create Line Description 4/01/94 15:54:47



Authorization Service : DMG


Application Code . . : AUTH


Line Desc .

Control Unit

Device Desc


Lines sharing the same resource:


Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8

Line 9 Line 10



F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Note: The Create Line Description screen appears when you initially set up an authorization service or if you have not defined a line description, control unit, and device description for an existing authorization service. Otherwise, the Change Line Description screen appears.



Authorization service

The code to identify the service bureau for which you are creating or changing line information.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display only.

Application code

The type of activity performed by the service bureau.

Valid values are:

ATDP = Authorization/Deposit: the service bureau authorizes credit card charges and deposits dollar amounts billed to credit cards

AUTH = Authorization: the service bureau only authorizes credit card charges.

DEP = Deposit: the service bureau only deposits dollar amounts billed to credit cards.

EDI = Electronic Data Interchange: the service bureau transmits purchase order information to your vendors or invoice information to your A/R customers.

IPCS = International Package Consignment Service: the service bureau transmits a file to IPCS for foreign shipments being delivered by this service. This option is not currently implemented.

WIC = WATS Inventory Count: the service bureau transmits an inventory file to another system to keep the item pricing and availability information in both systems in sync.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Line desc (Line description)

The iSeries object that contains information describing the communications line that is used to transmit authorization and deposit files to and from the authorization service.

You can create more than one line description for a communications line on the iSeries; however, only one line description for a communications resource can be active at any one time. Any line descriptions that use the same port/resource as the line description defined here must be entered in the Line 1 - Line 10 fields at the bottom of the screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Control unit

The iSeries object that contains the description of the characteristics of the controller that is used to auto-dial to this authorization service.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Device desc (Device description)

The object that contains information describing the device or logical unit that is attached to the system.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

You can create more than one line description for a communications line on the iSeries; however, only one line description for a communications resource can be active at any one time.

The ten line description fields below are used to identify any line descriptions that use the same port or resource as the line being used to transmit data to and from the authorization service. The auto-dial procedure will check to make sure that these lines are not in use and are varied off before transmitting.

If a line is in use and cannot be varied off, a system message displays. You can retry the transmission when the line is no longer being used, or you can cancel the transmission and resubmit it at a later time.

Line 1 - Line 10

Lines that use the same port/resource as the line description being used to transmit and receive authorization and deposit information from this authorization service (defined in the Line description field above).

The auto-dial procedure will check to make sure that these lines are not being used and are varied off before transmitting data to the authorization service. A maximum of ten line descriptions can be entered.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions each; optional.

Viewing the Status of a Line

Purpose: Use the instructions below to determine the status of the line and to view other resources sharing the line. This may be necessary if there was an error during transmission (sending or receiving a file).

1. Enter dsplind at a command line and select F4.

2. Enter the name of the communications line in the Line desc (Line description) field. The Display Line Description screen appears.

3. Write down the information in the Resource name field. This resource contains the line descriptions that share the physical communications line. You may have to check these lines to diagnose the transmission error.

4. Select F3 to return to the command line.

5. Enter wrkhdwrsc *cmn (work hardware resource -- communications line) at a command line. The Work with Communication Resources screen appears.

6. Enter 5 next to the communications resource identified in Step #3. The Work with Configuration Descriptions screen appears.

7. Enter 8 next to each line description to view the configuration status.

8. Check to see if a line description sharing this resource is allocated to another job. If so, wait until the job is through before proceeding. At this point, you may take a V to receive or an R to resend the transmission.

SO04_03 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN