Defining Vendor Paytype Codes

Purpose: Each authorization service that your company uses may assign its own paytype codes to the various credit card payment methods. These paytype codes may differ from the paytype codes your company uses. For example, DMGT may use paytype code 01 to represent payment by Visa, whereas, your company may use paytype code 05 to identify payment by Visa.

The paytypes function is used to cross reference the paytype codes your company uses with the paytype codes the authorization service uses. By cross referencing the paytype codes:

• you can use your paytype codes when entering orders

• the paytype code the authorization service uses can be included in the Authorization and Deposit files that are transmitted to the authorization service.

In this topic:

Work with Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Create CC Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Change Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Display Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Work with Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Purpose: This screen displays the paytype cross references currently defined for the authorization service. Use this screen to create, change, delete, or display the paytype cross reference information.

The paytype codes your company uses are defined in the Pay Type file; the paytype codes the authorization service uses are provided by the authorization service.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Authorization Services Screen screen, enter 8 next to the authorization service.

AAR0051 DISPLAY Work with Paytype Cross Reference 10/30/95 14:25:13


Auth Service: NAB NABANCO

Opt Pay Type Vendor Pay Code Auth Merchant # Deposit Merchant #

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

2 M

6 S

8 V

11 A

23 V

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Pay type

A code you use to identify a method of payment on an order. Pay type codes are defined in the Pay Type file; see Accounts Payable Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Vendor pay code

The code the authorization service uses to identify a method of payment. Vendor pay type codes are provided by the authorization service.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Auth merchant # (Authorization merchant number)

The merchant number to use when sending authorization requests for this pay type code to the authorization service for approval. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Deposit merchant # (Deposit merchant number)

The merchant number to use when sending deposit requests for this pay type code to the authorization service for settlement. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.



Create a paytype cross reference

Press F6 to advance to the Create CC Paytype Cross Reference Screen for the authorization service.

Change a paytype cross reference

Enter 2 next to the paytype cross reference you want to change to advance to the Change Paytype Cross Reference Screen.

Delete a paytype cross reference

Enter 4 next to the paytype cross reference you want to delete.

Display a paytype cross reference

Enter 5 next to the paytype cross reference you want to display to advance to the Display Paytype Cross Reference Screen.

Create CC Paytype Cross Reference Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to cross reference the pay type codes your company uses with the codes the authorization service uses. For example, your company may use pay type code 5 to identify payment by Visa, whereas the authorization service may use pay type code 7.

The pay type codes your company uses are defined in the Pay Type file; the pay type codes the authorization service uses are provided by the authorization service.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Paytype Cross Reference Screen.

AAR0075 ENTER Create CC Paytype Cross Reference 5/08/12 10:31:53

CMT Companyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Authorization Service: . : ORB ORBITAL GATEWAY

Pay type . . . . . . . . .

Vendor Paytype/Code . . . .

Authorization merchant # .

Deposit merchant # . . . .

Ecommerce merchant # . . .

Non-Ecommerce merchant # .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Pay type

The code you use to identify a method of payment on an order. Pay type codes are defined in the Pay Type file; see Accounts Payable Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Vendor pay code

The code the authorization service uses to identify a method of payment. Vendor pay type codes are provided by the authorization service.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; required.

Auth merchant # (Authorization merchant number)

The merchant number to use when sending authorization requests to the service bureau for this pay type. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

See Merchant ID Hierarchy for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine the merchant ID to use when sending authorization and deposit requests to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Deposit merchant # (Deposit merchant number)

The merchant number to use when sending deposit requests to the service bureau for this pay type. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

See Merchant ID Hierarchy for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine the merchant ID to use when sending authorization and deposit requests to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Ecommerce merchant #

The merchant number to use when sending authorization requests to the service bureau for this pay type on an internet order. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

Note: Use this merchant number for Bill Me Later pay types.

See Merchant ID Hierarchy for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine the merchant ID to use when sending authorization and deposit requests to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Non-Ecommerce merchant #

The merchant number to use when sending authorization requests to the service bureau for this pay type on a non-internet order. The merchant number is assigned to your company by the authorization service.

Note: Use this merchant number for Bill Me Later pay types.

See Merchant ID Hierarchy for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine the merchant ID to use when sending authorization and deposit requests to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


1. Enter the pay type code you company uses to identify the payment method in the Pay type field.

2. Enter the corresponding paytype code the authorization service uses to identify the payment method in the Vendor pay code.

3. Optionally, enter the authorization and deposit merchant numbers assigned to your company by the authorization service in the Auth merchant # (Authorization merchant number) and the Deposit merchant # (Deposit merchant number) fields.

4. If you use Bill Me Later pay types, enter the merchant numbers assigned to your company by the authorization service in the Ecommerce merchant # and Non-Ecommerce merchant # fields.

5. Your entries are cleared from the screen and a message similar to the following displays: CC Vendor Paytype Cross Reference (NAB - 5) created.

Change Paytype Cross Reference Screen

To change: From the Work with Paytype Cross Reference Screen, enter 2 next to the paytype cross reference record you want to change to advance to the Change CC Paytype Cross Reference screen. At this screen you can change any information except the Authorization service and the Pay type code. Refer to Create CC Paytype Cross Reference Screen for field descriptions.

Display Paytype Cross Reference Screen

To display: At the Work with Paytype Cross Reference Screen, enter 5 next to the paytype cross reference you want to display to advance to the Display CC Paytype Cross Reference screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. Refer to Create CC Paytype Cross Reference Screen for field descriptions.

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