Working with Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Errors (WSRF)

Purpose: Use this menu option to correct and reprocess a Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn) received from the gift card fulfillment system that cannot be processed by CWDirect because it contains errors.

In this topic:

Correcting Remote Fulfillment Confirmation Errors

Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Error Details Screen

Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

Display SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

For more information: See Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment for more information on how to activate and fulfill a stored value card using a gift card fulfillment system.

Correcting Remote Fulfillment Confirmation Errors

If the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn) contains errors, the system creates a record in the Working with Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Errors (WSRF) menu option. You will need to correct the errors and reprocess the Remote Fulfillment Confirmation in order to bill and activate the stored value card.

To correct remote fulfillment errors: Use the Working with Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Errors (WSRF) menu option to review the errors associated with the remote fulfillment confirmation.

• If the record is in error because the card number is missing or invalid, you can use the Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen to correct the card # and reprocess the remote fulfillment confirmation.

• For any other error, you must delete the error and resend the remote fulfillment confirmation to the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment integration layer job. You can do this by either asking the gift card fulfillment system to correct the error and resend the confirmation or correcting the error in the CWIntegrate site and resending the confirmation to CWDirect.

Remote Fulfillment Errors

A list of remote fulfillment errors that can occur when the SVC_REMOTE job processes a Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn) is displayed below.

Error Code

Error Description

Cause of Error


Invalid Company Number

The company_code is blank or invalid.


Invalid Order Number

The order_number is blank or invalid. The order number is invalid if:

• The order number does not exist in the specified company.

• The order number exists in the specified company, but the specified stored value card item has already been billed and the order line for the stored value card item is closed.

• The order number exists in the specified company, but is not valid for the specified pick control number.


Invalid Order Ship To

The order_ship_to is blank or invalid for the specified order number.


Invalid Pick Control Nbr

The pick_number is blank or invalid.


Invalid SVC Card Number

The card_number is blank.


Duplicate SVC Card Number

The card_number already exists as a card number in the specified company.


Invalid Fulfillment Amt

The amount does not match the amount specified in the associated Pick Control Detail record. The fulfillment amount returned by the gift card system must match the amount specified for the stored value card item on the order.


Invalid Quantity

The quantity does not match the quantity specified in the associated pick control detail record.


Invalid Pick Line Number

The pick_line_number is blank or invalid for the specified pick control number.


Invalid Item/SKU

The item_id and sku does not match the item and SKU specified on the associated order detail line.


# Out of # SVC Cards Missing

(for example, 1 Out of 2 SVC Cards Missing)


Pick/Order is already closed

The quantity does not match the quantity specified on the associated order detail line.


The order_number, order_ship_to, pick_number combination specified is not a valid combination or is in a closed status.


Error on Other Pick Line

An error not related to remote fulfillment processing occurred.

Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the stored value card remote fulfillment confirmations that could not be processed by CWDirect because they contain errors.

The errors display on this screen in order number, ship to number, pick control number sequence.

How to display this screen: Enter WSRF in the Fast path field or select Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors from a menu.

FLR1179 DISPLAY W/W SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors 2/18/09 16:01:11


Opt Order Ship Pick

# To # Control #

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 7=Details

13093 1 4572

13095 2 4576

F3=Exit F9=Process File F12=Cancel F15=Print Error Report

F24=Select Company



Order #

The order number where the stored value card was purchased. This is the order_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Enter a number and press Enter to display order numbers in ascending numeric order, beginning with your entry.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Ship to #

The order ship to number associated with the stored value card. This is the order_ship_to from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Enter an order number and ship to number and press Enter to display order numbers in ascending numeric order, beginning with your entry.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Pick control #

The pick control number associated with the stored value card. This is the pick_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Enter a number and press Enter to display pick control numbers in ascending numeric order, beginning with your entry.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Delete a stored value card remote fulfillment error record

Enter 4 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error to advance to the Confirm Delete window. At this window, press Enter to confirm the delete; otherwise, press F12 to cancel the delete.

Review the details of the stored value card remote fulfillment error record

Enter 7 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error to advance to the Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Error Details Screen.

Reprocess the stored value card remote fulfillment error records

Press F9.

Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Error Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the errors associated with a stored value card remote fulfillment record.

Errors display on this screen in error date and pick line number sequence. See Remote Fulfillment Errors for a description of the errors that may occur for a stored value card remote fulfillment confirmation.

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error record on the Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen.

FLR1173 DISPLAY Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors 2/18/09 16:18:20


Order #: 13093 - 1 Pick control #: 4572

Opt Error Pick Seq Error Error

Date Line # # Code Message

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 5=Display

2/11/09 0 2 4 Invalid Pick Control Nbr

2/11/09 1 1 B 1 out of 2 SVC Cards missing

2/11/09 2 3 4 Invalid Pick Control Nbr

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Order #

The order number and order ship to number where the stored value card was purchased. This is the order_number and order_ship_to from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Order #: Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Order Ship To #: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Pick control #

The pick control number associated with the stored value card item. This is the pick_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Error date

The date the SVC_REMOTE job processed the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn) and determined that the message contained errors.

Enter a valid date and press Enter to display errors that match your entry.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); optional.

Pick line #

The pick control line number associated with the stored value card item that is in error. This is the pick_line_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Enter a number and press Enter to display errors in ascending numeric order, starting with your entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Seq #

The order line sequence number associated with the stored value card item that is in error.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Error code

The error code indicating why the SVC_REMOTE job could not process the stored value card remote fulfillment response.

Enter a valid code and press Enter to display errors that match your entry.

Valid error codes:

1 = Invalid Company Number

2 = Invalid Order Number

3 = Invalid Order Ship To

4 = Invalid Pick Control Nbr

5 = Invalid SVC Card Number

6 = Duplicate SVC Card Number

7 = Invalid Fulfillment Amt

8 = Invalid Quantity

9 = Invalid Pick Line Number

A = Invalid Item/SKU

B = # Out # SVC Cards Missing

N = Error on Other Pick Line

See Correcting Remote Fulfillment Confirmation Errors for more information on each error.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Error message

A description of the error.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Correct the error

Enter 2 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error to advance to the Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen.

You can advance to the Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen only if the record is in error because the card number is missing or invalid; otherwise, you receive an error message: Record not allowed to be changed.

Review the details of a stored value card remote fulfillment error

Enter 5 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error to advance to the Display SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen.

Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to correct errors that system has identified for a stored value card remote fulfillment record. Only the stored value card number can be changed on this screen; all other fields are display-only. After you change the Credit card # field you can press Enter to have the system validate the change that you have made.

Access to this screen: You can advance to the Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen only if the record is in error because the card number is missing or invalid; otherwise, you receive an error message: Record not allowed to be changed.

Note: Depending on the user’s authority to credit card information, the system writes a record to the Credit Card Audit file when this screen is displayed. See Logging Credit Card Data Access for more information.

Secured feature: If you do not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, you receive an error message when you advance to this screen: You are not authorized to change/view SVC Card #.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error at the Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Error Details Screen.

FLR1224 CHANGE Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors 3/02/09 14:41:51

KAB Co2 Karen Bottger Company

Order #: 1056 - 1 Pick control #: 529

Error date/Time . . . . . . : 3/02/09 13:43:39

Error Seq # . . . . . . . . : 1

Pick Line # . . . . . . . . : 1

ITM Number . . . . . . . . . : SCVR

SKU Code . . . . . . . . . . :

Qty fulfilled . . . . . . . : 1

Amount . . . . . . . . . . . : 100.00

SVC Card # . . . . . . . . . . 2009022710385041

Tracking # . . . . . . . . . : TRACK1056591

Ship Date . . . . . . . . . : 03022009

Error code 6 Duplicate SVC Card Number

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Order #

The order number and ship to number where the stored value card item was purchased. This is the order_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Pick control #

The pick control number associated with the stored value card item. This is the pick_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Error date/time

The date the stored value card remote fulfillment response was processed by the SVC_REMOTE job and was placed in an error status.

Error date: Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Error time: Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Error seq #

The error sequence number associated with the error.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Pick line #

The pick line number associated with the stored value card item. This is the pick_line_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

ITM number

The stored value card item number. This is the item_id from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU code

The SKU for the stored value card item. This is the sku from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Qty fulfilled

The quantity of the stored value card item that was fulfilled by the gift card fulfillment system. This is the quantity from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The dollar amount activated for the stored value card. This is the amount from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

SVC Card #

The stored value card number assigned to the card by the gift card fulfillment system. This is the card_number from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

If you do not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, you receive an error message when you advance to this screen: You are not authorized to change/view SVC Card #.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions.

Change screen: required.

Display screen: display-only.

Tracking #

The shipment tracking number assigned to the stored value card shipment. This is the tracking_nbr from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Ship date

The date the stored value card was shipped to the customer. This is the ship_date from the Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment Confirmation (CWSVCRemoteIn).

Numeric, 8 positions (MM/DD/YYYY format); display-only.

Error code

The error code and description of why the stored value card remote fulfillment could not be processed by the SVC_REMOTE job.

Valid error codes:

1 = Invalid Company Number

2 = Invalid Order Number

3 = Invalid Order Ship To

4 = Invalid Pick Control Nbr

5 = Invalid SVC Card Number

6 = Duplicate SVC Card Number

7 = Invalid Fulfillment Amt

8 = Invalid Quantity

9 = Invalid Pick Line Number

A = Invalid Item/SKU

B = # Out # SVC Cards Missing

N = Error on Other Pick Line

See Correcting Remote Fulfillment Confirmation Errors for more information on each error.

Error code: Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Error description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Display SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a stored value card remote fulfillment error at the Work with SVC Remote Fulfillment Error Details Screen to advance to the Display SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors screen. At this screen you cannot change any information; each field is display-only. See the Change SVC Remote Fulfillment Errors Screen for a description of each field on this screen.

SO14_09 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN