Daily Business Status Report

How to print: Enter DBST in the Fast path field at the top of a menu, select Printing the Daily Business Status Report (DBST) from a menu, or run the Daily Business Status Report periodic function (program name ACR0178).

CWDirect Rel 5.0 Daily Business Status KBOTTGER CSR0507 7/10/01 13:02:03 Page 1


----------- Sales ----------- ----------- Cash ----------- ---------- Inventory ---------- ---- A/R ---- ---- A/P ----

Today MTD Today MTD Primary Whs All Others

10.50 131.25 73.50 509.25 100000.00 2308882.15 5726.92 .00

------------------ Entered ------------------ Current 3498.13- .00

Today Month To Date 1 - 30 .00 .00

Orders 2509 585712.47 2530 587662.47 31 - 60 .00 .00

Average Per Order 233.44 232.27 61 - 90 .00 .00

Number of Units 2 13 91 - 120 .00 .00

Over 120 9225.05 .00

------------------ Shipped ------------------

Today Month To Date

Packages 4 10.50 10 131.25

Average per Package 2.62 13.12

Number of Units 0 2


Warehouse Value Units

3 TAN CATALOG WAREHOUSE 256612.91 19165

4 WAREHOUSE 4 102.00 51

10 THE MAIN WAREHOUSE 59634.94 2018

25 KERI'S WAREHOUSE 110294.70 5609




40 WAREHOUSE 40 1733975.33 67829


60 PHYSICAL INVENTORY 30230.60 2346


100 WAREHOUSE 100 67367.15 146

104 104 WAREHOUSE 05/17/01 413.00 47

110 WAREHOUSE 110 3589.19 97

555 RETAIL WAREHOUSE 555 4065.00 812

Contents: Each field below indicates if the value is based on the Processing date you defined at the Daily Business Status Screen or the date you generated the report (job date). If the field indicates the value can be from either: the value is based on the Processing date if one exists; otherwise the job date is used to determine the value.

Sales today: The merchandise dollar amount of sales today, based on the processing date or job date. This dollar amount includes shipments confirmed and gift certificates processed at pick slip generation. From the $ orders shipped from the Order Control Summary file.

Sales MTD: The merchandise dollar amount of sales month to date, based on the processing date or job date. From the $ orders shipped from the Order Control Summary file, based on the accounting period start and stop date.

Cash today: The dollar amount of cash, based on the processing date or job date. From the Deposit amount in the Cash Receipts Header file. The Cash Receipts Header file is updated with the Async date if you automatically post to cash receipts (the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) system control value is set to ORDER); if you enter cash through Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) (the Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48) system control value is set to CASH RCPT), the Cash Receipts Header file is updated with the batch date. This dollar amount should equal the Total for deposit amount on the Daily Cash Receipts Journal.

Cash MTD: The dollar amount of cash month to date, based on the processing date or job date. From the Deposit amount field in the Cash Receipts Header file based on the accounting period start and stop date from Working with Accounting Periods (WACP). This dollar amount should equal the Total for deposit amount on the Monthly Cash Receipts Journal.

Inventory primary warehouse: The system uses this calculation, based on the job date, to determine the inventory for the Default Warehouse (A04): on hand quantity for primary warehouse x item cost = inventory for primary warehouse.

Inventory all others: The system uses this calculation, based on the job date, to determine the inventory for all other warehouses besides the default warehouse: on hand quantity for all non-primary warehouses x item cost = inventory for all other warehouses.

A/R: The total dollar value of the open accounts receivable balance, based on the job date. This includes all open, allocated, or disputed open items across all bill to accounts. This total is negative if the dollar total of credits is greater than the dollar total of open invoices. From the Open A/R balance in the Order Control Summary file.

A/P: The total dollar value of the accounts payable balance, based on the job date. This includes all outstanding (unpaid) A/P invoices, across all vendors. This total is negative if the dollar total of credits is greater than the dollar total of unpaid invoices. From the Open A/P balance in the Order Control Summary file.

A/R aging amounts: The A/R open item dollar amount for each aging bucket, based on the job date.

• current: dollar amount of A/R for the current date

• 1 - 30: dollar amount of A/R 1-30 days old

• 31 - 60: dollar amount of A/R 31-60 days old

• 61 - 90: dollar amount of A/R 61-90 days old

• 91 - 120: dollar amount of A/R 91-120 days old

• over 120: dollar amount of A/R over 120 days old

A/P aging amounts: The dollar amount from the A/P Invoice Header file for each aging bucket, based on the job date.

• current: dollar amount of A/P for the current date

• 1 - 30: dollar amount of A/P 1-30 days old

• 31 - 60: dollar amount of A/P 31-60 days old

• 61 - 90: dollar amount of A/P 61-90 days old

• 91 - 120: dollar amount of A/P 91-120 days old

• over 120: dollar amount of A/P over 120 days old

Orders entered today #: The number of orders entered, based on the processing date or job date. This includes the total number of ship-to addresses, orders which include only sold out items or non-inventory items, returns processed by negative quantities in order entry. This total does not include batch orders that have not yet been accepted. This total is not based on the date, but from the last time you cleared the daily totals (Daily Clear Process periodic function, program name MSR0574). From the Orders entered number in the Order Control Summary file.

Orders entered today $: The merchandise dollar total of orders entered, based on the processing date or job date. This includes merchandise dollar total of sold out items and non-inventory items. This total does not include merchandise dollars for items returned during order entry or merchandise dollars for batch orders that have not yet been accepted. This total is not based on the date, but from the last time you cleared the daily totals (Daily Clear Process periodic function, program name MSR0574). From the Orders entered dollars in the Order Control Summary file.

Orders entered month to date #: The number of orders entered for the month, based on the processing date or job date. This total is not based on the date, but from the last time you cleared the monthly totals (Monthly Clear Process periodic function, program name MSR0576). The system totals the Orders entered number value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the number of orders entered for the accounting period.

Orders entered month to date $: The merchandise dollar total of orders entered for the month, based on the processing date or job date. This total is not based on the date, but from the last time you cleared the monthly totals (Monthly Clear Process periodic function, program name MSR0576). The system totals the Orders entered dollars value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the merchandise dollar total of orders entered for the accounting period.

Average per order entered today $: The average merchandise dollar amount for the orders entered, based on the processing date or job date. The system uses this calculation to determine the average per order: orders entered today dollars / order entered today number = average per order entered today dollars

Average per order entered month to date $: The average merchandise dollar amount for the orders entered for the month, based on the processing date or job date. The system uses this calculation to determine the average per order: orders entered month to date dollars / order entered month to date number = average per order entered month to date dollars

Number of units entered today: The number of units ordered for the day, based on the processing date or job date. This includes the main set item as well as each component item, units of sold out items or non-inventory items. This does not include units returned in order entry, units on batch orders that have not yet been accepted. From the Quantity ordered in the Order Control Summary file.

Number of units entered month to date: The number of units ordered for the month to date, based on the processing date or job date. The system totals the Quantity ordered value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the number of units ordered for the accounting period.

Packages shipped today #: The total number of shipped orders, based on the processing date or job date. From the Orders shipped number in the Order Control Summary file. The setting of the Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method (I55) system control value determines how the system updates this field.

Packages shipped today $: The merchandise dollar total of shipped items, based on the processing date or job date. This includes shipments confirmed, gift certificates processed at pick slip generation. This total does not include dollars for returns processed in order entry. From the Orders shipped dollars in the Order Control Summary file.

Packages shipped month to date #: The total number of shipped orders for the month to date, based on processing date or job date. The system totals the Orders shipped number value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the total number of shipped orders for the accounting period.

Packages shipped month to date $: The merchandise dollar total of shipped items for the month to date, based on processing date or job date. The system totals the Orders shipped dollars value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the merchandise dollar total of shipped items for the accounting period.

Average per package shipped today $: The average merchandise dollar amount for the orders shipped, based on processing date or job date. The system uses this calculation to determine the average per package shipped: packages shipped today dollars / packages shipped today number = average per package shipped today dollars

Average per package shipped month to date $: The average merchandise dollar amount for the orders shipped for the month, based on processing date or job date. The system uses this calculation to determine the average per package shipped: packages shipped month to date dollars / packages shipped month to date number = average per package shipped month to date dollars

Number of units shipped today: The total number of shipped units, based on processing date or job date. This includes shipped units confirmed, gift certificates processed at pick slip generation. This total does not include units for returns processed in order entry. From the Quantity shipped in the Order Control Summary file.

Number of units shipped month to date: The total number of shipped units for the month to date, based on processing date or job date. The system totals the Quantity shipped value in the Order Control Summary file for each transaction date in the accounting period to determine the total number of shipped units for the accounting period.

Warehouse value: The merchandise dollar amount of the inventory located in the specified warehouse, based on job date. The system uses this calculation to determine the dollar amount: units x item cost = item inventory value.

Warehouse units: The number of units of the inventory located in the specified warehouse, based on job date. PRIMARY displays to the right of the primary warehouse (based on the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value).

CS06_01r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN